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America under enemy rule and the world as it is
Society is analogous to the whole body, the individual cell is analogous to a person, and the rule of law coordinates the survival of the society, while minimally interfering with the self-regulation at the cell and other levels. The government is analogous to the self-consiousness tiny spot in the left frontal lobe of the brain which is aware of only tiny faction (like 0.00000001%) of the total self-regulated processes, going on in the body at any given time, but it is very arrogant and overconfident, just like Obama is. Remember French king who declared "I am the state!"? Majority of our body is regulated by the old mechanisms, build-in in each cell, in the organ/tissue self-regulation, in the hormonal and autonomous nervous system, in the subcortilal structures of the brain and in the subconcious centers of the cortex. Our conscious ego, "I", a sentinel in the middle of the brain camp on the watch tower, is like a tiny spot of light that glides on the surface of the brain cortex from a watch tower light projector. It can focus only on a one spot in the time, while the rest of the developments are in the dark even in the most superficial cortex, not mentioning deeped sub-cortex structures, autonomous nervous system, organ/tissue self-regulation and cellular metabolism. When the brain gets mad, affected by psychiatric disiease (like todays Washington, DC, is affected by the "progressive" totalitarian mental disorder), then it interferes with everything it can reach, hurts and ruins anything it can, and it can push the whole body of the cliff in the national suicide. That's today's course of action of American enemies in Washington, DC. Obama and his leftist "progressives" in the Congress push really hard the whole nation to the path of national suicide, on the railroad to serfdom, where the next station is Eurosocialism like in Greece, and the final destination is Islamofascism like in Sudan. Ideally there is a check and balance system that mainly leaves the cells (Americans) alone with some tissue/organ (municipalities, communities associations, churches, ) self-regulation, autonomous nervous system self-regulation (state level) and minimal interference, just general coordination at the cortex level (the feds). The problem in all the countries, even in America, that mental illness ot totalitarianism is spreading to the head of the nation, to the government, and we must take care of that in November,2010 reducing size, budget and powers of the feds to about 1% of what it is it now. Can you imagine when the head is half-size of the body? But it is exactly the case with the feds now– feds expanded to the more than 50% of the country, forming huge-headed squid with its tenticles everywhere, in every pocket. We must remove the federal squid from Washington, DC and restore the humane essence of the government, chained to its place by the American Constitution. Normal head surface area in humans, as anyone in the burn center will tell you, is about 9%, which means that all levels of government (municipal, state and the feds) must not exceed that 9% size in their total combined budget and decision making powers. 91% of the power to the people – that's the goal in November !
We tend to have an antropocentric view on the nature, which frequently fails us. A female canguroo being chased by the dogs throws them her cub in order to escape while they are chewing on her cub. The nature's rationale is that the canguroo cubs are born just 1 cm long, and for a very long time they cannot survive on their own. If she will sucrifice herself then both will die. Meanwhile the mom can have another cub to assure the species survival. Female spiders and scorpios eat their male mates in the end of the honey moon, and the males actively provoke this outcome because well fed female is more likely to nurture successfully their offspring. If the food is scarce, then female spider might let her offspring to eat her. Whatever it takes to survive– that's the mother nature's moral code. That's how self-regulated processes with the feed back loop work in the natural selection.
III. The biological paradigm of humaniti
For those of my readers who don't believe in the evolution I suggest skeeping this chapter.
We are the end-product of 4.5 billion year of evolution, of the natural selection, and we must accept ourlseves for what we are and deal with that. No crap like "We should be.. we ought to be.. we will be" doesn't change a thing: we are what we are. Deal with this, all kinds of totalitarian "sheppards", "social engineers", "behavior modificators", "new humans builders" and all kinds of crooks, that want us to be and to do what they want. No way.
Human evolution is a puzzle that is not complete yet although we do know already the key points of the evolution with reasonable probability. As I mentioned, our single cell ancestors formed a very successful symbiosis with mitochondria life form that still give us the energy source. Our eyes gene is almost identical copy of the seaworm eye gene that "invented" eyes about 200 million year ago. Asteroid catastrophe gave the spines structure to the descendant life forms. From the remote lemur-like ancestors we have left the dreams about falling from the hights. 8 million years ago our ancestor apes in East Africa had a tooth for the nuts that had realtively high calories content, which allowed more free time allocation for the thinking and inventions such as tools. About 1.6 million year ago drier climate forced our ancestors from the woods into savannahs with consequent evolutional pressure for longer limbs. Bipedal locomotion increased horizon, improved energy efficiency and speed, although caused low back pain (just like saber-tooth tigers suffered from low back pain) as we started having bigger impact on our spines ; accelerated osteoarthritis and chronic sinus problem: the sinus draining opening is in the middle of the anterior wall, which in the quadripod face-down position is the lowest point that drains the whole sinus, while in the vertical position it drains only upper half of the sinus. If you have maxillar sinusitis, you can lie face down, which allows the whole sinus to be drained, but if it is not enough then ENT surgeon might make a hole in the lower wall because in the vertical position it is the lowest point. Again, the nature doesn't takes us apart and re-builds a new man– no, it is very conservative, it finds compromise and builds new floors on top of the existing ones.
First they used stone tools to break bones of the carcasses of the stronger predator's kill in order to obtain the bone marrow. which, again, due to its nigh nutritional value allowed to have much more for the creative purposes.
Gradually about 1.6 million years ago pro-humans started hunting big game themselves although they had to do so under the scorching sun when respected predators had a nap since the humans were no match against serious predators: number 15 amongst predators as runners, lousy smell sense, week nails and jaws, bad night vision. Noon hunting under scorching African sun exerted natural selection pressure towards several adjustments: 1) Longer limbs to run faster and longer; 2) curly hair to protect the brain against over-heat; 3) larger brain that had a lot of spare neurons to function when the rate of neuronal loss increased (normally we lose a thousand neurons a second out of 5 billion of them in the cortex, but in the heat the loss rate is much higher). Larger brain meant more axon-dendrite synapses, more elaborated neuronal information net, which resulted in a smarter brain. So, our mental capabilities are accidental byproduct of hunting during the hot time.
4) loss of body fur that eased the cooling during the hunt by removing excessive insulation; 5) increse in the amount of eccrine sweating glands to cool down the body during motion.
Unintended conseqences were: 1) decreased tolerance to cold (which later was compensated by using the clothing and by discovery of fire); 2) minimized opportunities for previous communication ways such as rising fur, which exerted selection pressure to develop other means of communication, such as facial mimic musculature development, speech and skin coloring/tatooing; 3) risk of skin cancer due to the loss of protection by fur, which was compensated about 1.2 mln y.a. by dark skin MC1R mutation. 4) loss of camouflage function of the fur => skin painting/cloth use.
Originally the skin under the fur was gray and pink, after the skin mutation it became dark, when some humans migrated to Asia it got lighter, when some migrated to Europe it became white to absorb UV ray to produce vitamin D. The problem in Africa was too much sun, so the pigment melanin in upper layers of the skin shielded deeper skin. The problem in cold Europe was the lack of sun: cloudy days, warm clothing, long time in a shelter. Children during growth spurt need vitamin D for the bone and skin growth, so the selection pressure was to have very fair skin during 1st 2 years of life (unless drinking vitamin D fortified milk, Europeans need 10 minutes a day sunbathing to produce enough vit. D while blacks need 2 hours. If there would be no vit. D in milk, Afro-Americans in some time would become fair skinned too). When Arian tribes migrated to India from Europe, the natural selection started working in reverse– Hindus have darker skin because those from offspring with darker skin due to natural variability were more likely to avoid skin cancer. Right now Australians have highest in the world skin cancer rate because Europeans came to the tropics. In several generations Australians will have darker skin.
Of course, we retained the hair where it was beneficial for survival to protect large blood vessels: neck, armpits, groin, and possibly to produce pheramons during fertile period and for sexual arousal.
Discovery of fire played huge role in our history because it in significant degree protected humans from the regulation by mother nature. If any other species multiply too much, then ecological self-regulation with feed-back kicks in, resulting in growth of enemies of that species: germs, viruses, parasites. Sterilization of the food on the fire prevented many epidemics that would decimate humans otherwise. That's why majority of us like the thermically processed foods better than the raw ones. Other mechanism of self-regulating the population overgrowth is increased agression and violence which has 2 results: the over-populated species whether kill each other or run away, populating new areas. This mechanism still works alright. Suicide tendency plays insignificant in humans, unlike lemmings and "progressive" liberalism.
Another important period was 195,000 y.a. Our ancestors evolved after the Neandertal men, about 270,000 y.a., and due to the climate change (possible after huge Indonesian volcuno eruption) had to migrate to the shores. During that period selection pressure produced several features: 1) We are the only apes that can hold breath and dive; 2) we are the only apes that are born with swimming skills although if the infant doesn't swim during 1st 6 month of life, then he forgets it; 3) our body biochemistry benefits from the sea food diet: fish, sea weeds, clams (Okinawa diet). (Our 3 features show that humans are not vegetarians but omnivours: we have fangs; both of our eyes focused on the same target in the same direction; we cannot synthesize all necessary nutrients – for example, Vitamin B12 that can be obtained only from animal sources).
During that critical period the food shortage, climate changes and other hardships reduced the first human horde to just 5,000 with significant risk of going extinct, just like many other parallel ancestor lines. However, it was a toss, because with such low number of individuals any mutation, whether detrimental or beneficial, would spread really fast amongst those 5,000 (just compare with todays 6 billions). So, we could whether go under really fast, or adapt to the bad times really fast. We were lucky, we adapted. When the situation with demographics improved, then the horde became too crowded, the tensions started rising and the horde split to several groups. Then some of our ancestors started migrating to Asia and Europe. Europe by then was already populated by another human race– Neandertal men, who were short, sturdy, strong,with thick cold-scratch resistent skin, bigger than ours brain and strong skull, and probably ambidextrous, which is handy in a fight. They had a language, used tools, discovered fire and according to the cave pictures even had some religious beliefs while our ancestors still were apes yet. So, they had a big head up, but in the end they went extinct not long ago. In a fight we would be no match, they could take on rhinos and bears, but we had many other advantages:
1) We had much less ambidexteriority, which means we had asymmetrical brains with well developed and highly efficient specialized speech center, usually in the left lobe and less chance of ADHD/linguistic difficulties, associated with ambidexteriority; 2) We had much ligher skull with big resonating sinuses/cavities, which allowed us to generate many more different sounds to enrich our language; 3) Better speech allowed us to communicate and distribute social functions, especially during the hunt: only men were allowed to hunt, and they had more coordinated efforts due to the better speech, which decreased risk of hunting accidental deaths. Meanwhile Neandertal men were hunting altogether– men, women and children, which understandably lead to frequent deaths of children and women.
4) Our race is better in monkeying than monkeys. During experiment on apes and human children of the same development level, apes were better in finding a solution, but each of them acted alone, they "kept inventing the wheel" again and again, while as soon as one human child made a breakthrough, the rest of them quickly learned the trick. 5) Combined with rapidly developing language, it resulted in much faster information avalanch, in accumulation and passing along to the next generation knowledge, skills and tools. 6) In addition, our strength was in universality and adaptability. Europe then was undergoing 3 successive periods of rapid climate change, from warming to ice age and back. This resulted in many changes in the ecology– Neandertal's favorite hairy rhinos, bears and mammoths became less available, and with poor communication skills they had hard time coordinating efforts and changing hunting practices. Besides, their brown hydes were suited to blend in in a woody areas while during ice age the woods became rare, which added diffuculties to their abilities to hunt small game in open. Finally, the glaciers divided Europe's Neandertals into 3 separate groups, which resulted in inbreeding, reduced genetic diversity and adaptability, and finally in extinction. Last ones died in a Gibraltar cave when our race has already started building huts. It looks like they were much less aggressive, adventurous and resourseful, than our ancestors: from Gibraltar they could easily swim on a log to Africa, away from the ice age, but they didn't. Probably, genetically they were far enough from us to lose ability to breed with our ancestors, so they disappear completely.
Our brains as a product of natural selection have several important features:
1) We are prone to pseudo-pattern recognition. Let's say, there's a log on a trail, or a sun spots on a bush, but we might see a tiger or a panther where there is none. If there is no predator, and we combine in our imagination all these spots as a pieces of puzzle into a predator, then we don't lose our lives. On other hand, if we miss a real predator– we're dead. So, the natural selection pushes towards "hyperdiagnosis"– stuff like "you can't be too cautious" and "better to be safe than sorry". Probably, it is the psychophysiological basis for establishing a religion– we see a pattern where it doesn't exist. However, religion apparently offers societal advantages too, so it has to have societal basis too, otherwise we wouldn't see the appearance of religions in every society since the stone ages. Similar trend is called by other scientists "a grouping", or "obsessive desire to make whole object from fragmentary evidence", as Ramachandran and Rogers put it. These property are planted in our brain by the evolution since they had some survival benefits. We'll discuss some aspects of the role of religion in society in later chapters, although within a very narrow scope just as applicable to our topic.
2) Physiologically we see desired objects nearer than they are, when we judge the distance.So, our emotions interfere with our judgement. No surprises then that even seemingly smart people can become delusional "progressives" or any other totalitarian in a state of permanent denial of facts and reality. The "gull chick principle" and "idiosyncatic preference" also might subconsciously affect our reconstruction of the sensory input, our "subconsciously digitally remastered" perception of the reality.
3) A specific gene is linked to the reckless spending and indebtness, namely MAO A gene (Monoamine oxidase A) with 15.9% incidence. I'd love to check the genetic profile of the Washington, DC politicians– may be, they are just mutants, and that's why they push the country into fiscal abyss? On top of that, the Democrats possibly also have a "progressive" totalitarian Democrat disorder which is expressed by shopping sprees using someone else's money, narcissism and need for approval just like entertainers on stage, delusions, blinding political correctness, denial of reality and facts, wishful thinking, non-existing utopian goals, being pathological liars, full of "noble intentions" that somehow always destroy their own country, and most important– by readiness to send the whole world to hell just to feel good about themselves as" the white knights on a noble quest" . It's their totalitarian "sacred values", and if those "values" ruin the world– they don't care, they are blind to reality! The same mental illness affects all other totalitarians: statists, socialists, national socialists (fascists), communists, islamofascists and the like.
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