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Dealing with the Tough Stuff. Practical Solutions for School Administrators – John Gabriel

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The much-needed leadership tips and tools for new school administrators Fledgling school administrators are often ill-prepared for their new leadership role and are frequently left to their own devices to navigate the slippery terrain of school administration. Dealing with the Tough Stuff: Practical Solutions for School Administrators addresses some of the thornier aspects of being an assistant principal such as handling discipline, mediating student conflicts, working with parents, facilitating parent conferences, and working with staff members. This handy guide will teach the tricks of the trade in order to survive and thrive in the job. Filled with the information that is rarely taught but school leaders need to know to be effective administrators Written by John Gabriel and Paul Farmer, two veteran and award-winning school leaders Includes strategies and illustrative examples for dealing with the down-to-earth problems that confront school administrators Practical and insightful, the book covers everything from working effectively with parents and staff to mediating conflicts.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118225110

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