Полная версия:
Elsie Yachting with the Raymonds
"I rather think it is for profit too," he said. "'In time of peace prepare for war.'"
"But how do they prepare for war, Papa?"
"By having sham fights: going through the motions in a way to do harm to no one; firing what we call blank cartridges, – powder but no balls; getting the men so familiar with their guns that they can handle them rapidly and without making mistakes even in the dark. Ah, see! there it comes!" as at that instant a signal-light from the flag-ship shot up several hundred feet into the air, speedily followed by another and another, till the whole sky seemed bright with them; while Captain Raymond, the only one on the yacht who understood the messages, read them off to the others and called their attention to the movements of the ships in prompt obedience to the orders.
"What is that they're doing, Papa?" asked Grace, presently.
"Arranging themselves in different orders of battle," he replied, and proceeded to explain each movement as it was made.
"It's ever so nice to see them," she said, "though I do hope they won't ever have to do any real fighting."
"I hope not, indeed," her father said; "but in this wicked, quarrelsome world the only way to secure peace is to show that we are ready for self-defence in case of attack."
"How beautifully and promptly every signal is obeyed!" remarked Grandma Elsie. "It is a sight worth coming a long distance to see."
"Yes, Mamma," said Violet; "and I'm proud of our navy, even though it is so inferior in size to that of England."
"Inferior in size, but in nothing else, I believe, Mamma Vi," said Max, speaking with some excitement. "You know we've whipped the British twice on the sea in spite of their navy being so very much larger than ours."
"Yes, Maxie, I believe I'm as proud of that fact as even you can be," laughed Violet, while his father gave him a look of mingled amusement and pride.
"I think," remarked Edward Travilla, "that from the beginning of our national life our navy has been one to be proud of."
"In which I entirely agree with you," said the Captain. "But the exhibition seems to be over for to-night, and the hour is a late one to find our young people out of bed."
"Must we go now, Papa?" Lulu asked in a coaxing tone which seemed to add, "I hope you will let us stay at least a little longer."
"Yes," he said; "my little girls may say good-night now and go at once."
They obeyed promptly and cheerfully, and before long the others followed their example, till Mr. Keith and the Captain had the deck to themselves.
They lingered there for quite a long while, seeming to have fallen upon some very interesting topic of conversation; but it was suddenly broken in upon by the sound of the flag-ship's drum, instantly followed by those of all the other vessels of the squadron.
"Ah, what is the meaning of that, Raymond?" asked Keith, gazing toward the war-ships with keen interest and excitement. "It sounds to me like a call to battle."
"So it is," replied the Captain, – "a night exercise at the great guns, training the men so that they may be ready for all the surprises of a time of war."
Even as he spoke his passengers came hurrying from the cabin, the ladies and young girls wrapped in dressing-gowns and shawls, hastily thrown on to conceal their night-dresses, one and another asking excitedly what was going to be done now. But even as the words left their lips the thunder of cannon burst upon their ears, drowning the Captain's voice when he would have replied.
"Oh, is it war, brother Levis, really war?" queried little Walter, in great excitement.
"No, my boy; only a playing at war, I am thankful to be able to say. You may look and listen without fear that any one is to be killed, or even wounded, unless through carelessness."
But the cannon were thundering again, ship after ship firing off whole broadsides at some imaginary foe. At length, however, it was all over, and the passengers of the "Dolphin" returned to their berths to stay there for the remainder of the night.
"Why, we are anchored, are we not, Levis?" Violet asked of her husband on awakening the next morning.
"Yes, my dear," he answered; "we are riding at anchor in Gardiner's Bay. I suspected that would prove the destination of the squadron, it being about the best place for naval exercises in our Northern waters; and it seems I was right. The squadron is at anchor now at no great distance from us."
"And what do you suppose they will do here?"
"Probably fight some sham battles on sea and land. Do you care to witness such?"
"Oh, very much! I should greatly prefer witnessing a sham battle to a real one. But they won't be likely to begin it immediately, I suppose?"
"No; I presume we shall have time for a hearty breakfast first," replied her husband, with a slight look of amusement. "Don't allow the prospect of witnessing a battle to spoil your appetite for your morning meal, little wife."
"Oh, no," she answered, with a pleasant laugh. "I really am not now so much of a child as all that would come to."
It was not long before she and nearly every other passenger had sought the deck to take a look at their surroundings.
They found Gardiner's Bay a beautiful body of water bounded by islands on nearly every side, that forming its eastern shore bearing the same name. There were a large number of vessels in the bay, – several sloops, schooners, and a yacht or two beside the "Dolphin," to say nothing of the squadron of war-ships. But all were lying quietly at anchor, and our friends willingly responded to the call to breakfast.
Yet no one cared to linger at the table; and when all had finished their repast they quickly repaired to the deck to watch the movements of the squadron. But for a while there seemed to be none, the vessels all riding quietly at anchor.
"Dear me!" Rosie at length exclaimed, "I wish they'd begin to do something!"
"I think they are going to," said Max. "See, there's a boat leaving the flag-ship; I suppose to carry a message to one of the others."
"Oh, I'll go and ask Papa about it!" exclaimed Lulu.
"About what, daughter?" asked the Captain's voice close at her side.
"That boat that has just left the flag-ship, sir," she answered. "Do you know where it's going, and what for?"
"I can only conjecture that it carries some message, probably from the Admiral to the commander of one of the other vessels."
"It's pulling for the 'Wanita,'" said Max; "and see, there are other boats going about from one vessel to another."
"Yes," his father said, "and see yonder are several boats filled with marines, pulling for the shore of Gardiner's Island. Evidently there is to be a sham fight."
"I'm ever so glad it won't be a real one, Papa," said Grace. "It would be so dreadful to see folks killed."
"It would indeed," he answered. "But you may enjoy the show as much as you can, for no one will be hurt unless by accident."
"All the ships seem to be getting boats ready packed with things," remarked Lulu; "I wonder what they are."
"Quite a variety," replied her father, – "great guns, baggage, arms, provisions, and boxes that doubtless contain materials and tools for repairs, compasses, and other articles too numerous to mention. There! the vessels are signalling that they are ready."
"They are getting into the boats!" exclaimed Max, clapping his hands in delight; "and the other fellows that went first to the island seem to be waiting and all ready to fight them."
Every one on the "Dolphin" was now watching the embarkation with interest, the children in a good deal of excitement; it was like a grand show to them.
"Oh, it's a beautiful sight!" said Eva. "How bright their guns and bayonets are, with the sun shining on them! And there are the beautiful stars and stripes flying from every boat. But they are all in now, – at least I should think so; the boats look full, – and why don't they start?"
"They are waiting for the Admiral's inspection and order," replied Captain Raymond. "Ah, see, there he is on the bridge of the flag-ship, with his field-glass, looking them over. And now the signal is given for them to proceed."
The boats moved off at once in the direction of the island where the marines had preceded them. Captain Raymond's explanations making all their movements well understood by the young people around him, who thought they had never witnessed so fine a sight as the mimic fight that presently ensued, opened by the marines firing a volley of blank cartridges from the shore, which was immediately replied to by the approaching boats with musketry, howitzers, and Gatling guns.
Soon they reached the shore and landed, the marines meanwhile pouring forth an unceasing fire from behind their breastworks.
A fierce battle followed; there were charges and counter-charges, advances and retreats, men falling as if wounded or killed, and being carried off the field by the stretcher-men.
That last-mentioned sight brought the tears to Gracie's blue eyes, and she asked in tremulous tones, "Are they really hurt or killed, Papa?"
"No, darling," he said, pressing the small hand she had put into his, "it is all pretence, just to teach them what to do in case of actual war."
"Oh, I hope that won't ever come!" she exclaimed, furtively wiping away a tear. "Do you think it will, Papa?"
"Hardly," he said; "but it would be the height of folly not to prepare for such a contingency."
"Hurrah!" cried Max, throwing up his cap, "our side's whipped and the other fellows are retreating!"
"Which do you call our side? And do you mean it is whipped, or has whipped?" asked Rosie, with a laughing glance at the boy's excited face.
But the Captain was speaking again, and Max was too busy listening to him to bestow any notice upon Rosie's questions.
"Yes," the Captain said, "the marines are retreating; the battle is about over. Our side, as Max calls it, you see, is throwing out advance-guards, rear-guards, and flankers."
"What for, brother Levis?" asked Walter.
"To make sure that they have taken the island."
"And what will come next, Captain?" asked Grandma Elsie, who was watching the movements of the troops with as much interest as the children.
"Fortification, doubtless," he replied. "Ah, yes; they are already beginning that work. They must fortify the island in order to be able to hold it."
"How, Papa?" asked Grace.
"By throwing up breastworks, digging rifle-pits, planting guns, and so forth. If you watch closely, you will see what they do."
The children – to say nothing of the older ones – watched closely and with keen interest all the movements of the troops until interrupted by the call to dinner.
They had scarcely returned to their post of observation on the deck, having had barely time to notice the completed fortifications, the tents pitched, and the troops at their midday meal, when a tiny strip of bunting was seen fluttering at the flag-ship's main.
Captain Raymond was the first to notice it. "Ah!" he said, "the fun on the island is over, – at least for the present, – for there is the Admiral's signal of recall."
"I'll bet the fellows are sorry to see it!" exclaimed Max; "for I dare say they were going to have some fun there on the island they've taken."
Things were rather quiet for the rest of the day, much to Max's disgust, though at his father's bidding he tried to forget the disappointment in study.
Toward evening Captain Raymond learned something of the Admiral's plans. Two of the vessels were to take possession of a part of the bay set off as a harbour, the others to blockade the entrance.
In reporting the matter to his passengers, "Now," he said, "the preparations will take them two or three days, and the question is, shall we stay to see it all, or turn about and seek entertainment elsewhere? Let us have the opinion of all the older people, beginning with Grandpa Dinsmore," looking pleasantly at the old gentleman as he spoke.
"My preference would be rather for going at once," replied Mr. Dinsmore; "yet I am entirely willing to have the matter decided by your younger people. I shall be quite content to stay on if it seems desirable to the rest of the company."
The vote of the ladies and gentlemen was then taken, when it appeared that the majority were in favour of immediate departure; and the children, though at first disappointed, grew quite reconciled when a little time had been spent in considering what might be seen and done in other quarters.
"I think, Ned," Zoe said to her husband, "that we would better go back to our cottage, because Laurie and Lily are growing fretful, – tired of the sea, I think."
"Very well, my dear, we will do so if you wish it," was the good-natured reply. "Strange as it may seem, I too am quite desirous to make our twin babies as comfortable as possible," he added, with a pleasant laugh.
"I am sorry you should miss the sight of further operations here, Cousin Donald," remarked Grandma Elsie, turning to her kinsman.
"Thank you, Cousin Elsie," he replied; "but though that would be an interesting sight to me, I expect to find almost if not equal enjoyment in a run out to sea or along shore with my friend Raymond in command of the vessel."
"Oh, I think that'll be just splendid," exclaimed Max, "and that before we get back, Cousin Donald, you'll be ready to own up that the navy is a more desirable place to be in than the army."
"Perhaps he wouldn't own up even if he thought so," remarked Rosie, with a merry look at her cousin; "I don't believe I should if I were in his place."
"Possibly I might," he returned, laughingly, "but I certainly do not expect to fall quite so deeply in love with a 'life on the ocean wave,' though I hope to be always willing and anxious to serve my country wherever and whenever I may be needed. I think both army and navy always have been, and always will be, ready to defend her on land or sea."
"Yes, sir, I believe that's so," said Max. "And if ever we should have another war, I hope I'll be able to help defend her."
"I hope so, my boy," the Captain said, regarding the lad with an expression of fatherly pride and affection.
An hour later the "Dolphin" was sailing out of the bay, all her passengers gathered on deck, taking a farewell look at the vessels belonging to the squadron, and on awaking in the morning they found themselves lying at anchor in Newport harbour.
They returned to their cottages for a day or two; then the Raymonds, Grandma Elsie, with the youngest two of her children, and Donald Keith, again set sail in the "Dolphin."
The weather was all that could be desired, every one well and in the best of spirits.
Max was required to devote a part of each day to study, and recitation to his father, but did not grumble over that, and took great delight in the lessons in practical navigation given him daily by the Captain.
"Papa," he asked one day, "what's the need of a boy going to the Naval Academy when he can learn everything he needs to know on shipboard with a father like you?"
"But he can't," replied the Captain; "how to sail a ship is by no means all he needs to know to fit him to be an officer in the navy."
"Why, what else is necessary, sir?" asked Max, with a look of surprise.
"A number of things which you saw done at Newport and at Gardiner's Bay are quite necessary. He must know how to fight a battle, take charge of an ordnance foundry, and conduct an astronomical observatory; must have a good knowledge of history, be an able jurist and linguist, and a good historian, – besides knowing how to manage a ship in calm or storm."
"Whew! what a lot of things to cram into one head!" laughed Max, with a slightly troubled look on his bright young face.
"Isn't yours big enough to hold it all?" asked his father, with an amused smile.
"I dare say it is, sir," replied Max, "but the difficulty is to pack it all in right. I presume the teachers will help me to do that, though."
"Certainly; and if you follow their directions carefully you will have no need to fear failure."
"Thank you, sir. That's very encouraging," said Max; "and I am fully determined to try my very best, Papa, if it was only not to disgrace my father."
"My dear son," the Captain said, a trifle huskily, and taking the boy's hand in a warm clasp, "I don't doubt that you intend to do as you have said; but never forget that your only safety is in keeping close to Him who has said, 'In Me is thine help.'"
It was Saturday evening, – the first that had found them on the broad ocean, out of sight of land. They were all on deck, enjoying the delicious evening breeze and a most brilliant sunset.
"Papa," Gracie said, breaking a momentary silence, "what are we going to do about keeping the Lord's Day to-morrow? We can't go to church, you know, unless you can sail the 'Dolphin' back to land in the night."
"I cannot do that, daughter," he answered; "but I can conduct a service here on the deck. How will that do, do you think?"
"I don't know, Papa," she replied, with some hesitation, blushing and looking fearful of hurting his feelings; "I s'pose you couldn't preach a sermon?"
"Why not?" he asked, smiling a little at her evident embarrassment.
"Because you're not a minister, Papa."
"Why, Gracie! Papa's as good as any minister, I'm sure," exclaimed Lulu, half reproachfully, half indignantly.
"Of course he is; I didn't mean that!" returned Gracie, just ready to burst into tears; "I didn't mean he wasn't as good as anybody in this whole world, – for of course he is, – but I thought it was only ministers that preach."
"But I can read a sermon, my pet," the Captain said, "or preach one if I choose; there is no law against it. And we can pray and sing hymns together; and if we put our hearts into it all, our heavenly Father will be as ready to listen to us as to other worshippers in the finest churches on the land."
"That is a very comforting truth," remarked Grandma Elsie; "it is very sweet to reflect that God is as near to us out on the wide and deep sea as to any of his worshippers on the dry land."
"You will hold your service in the morning, I suppose, Captain?" Mr. Keith said inquiringly.
"That is what I had thought of doing, sir," was the reply. "Have you any suggestions to make?"
"Only that we might have a Bible class later in the day."
"Yes, sir; that was a part of my programme, – at least I had thought of teaching my own children, as is customary with me at home; but if the suggestion meets with favour, we will resolve ourselves into a Bible class, each one able to read taking part. What do you all say to the proposition?"
"I highly approve," said Grandma Elsie; "I am sure the day could not be better spent than in the study of God's Holy Word."
"Nor more delightfully," said Violet.
"I think we would all like it, Captain," Evelyn remarked in her quiet way.
"I'm sure I shall," said Lulu; "Papa always makes Bible lessons very interesting."
"That's so," said Max; "I was never taught by any minister or Sunday-school teacher that made them half so interesting."
"It is quite possible that your near relationship to your teacher may have made a good deal of difference, my children," the Captain said gravely, though not unkindly. "But who shall act as teacher on this occasion is a question still to be decided. I propose Grandma Elsie, as the eldest of those present, and probably the best qualified."
"All in favour of that motion please say ay," added Violet, playfully. "I am sure no better teacher could be found than Mamma, though I incline to the opinion that my husband would do equally well."
"Much better, I think," Grandma Elsie said; "and I would greatly prefer to be one of his pupils."
"I can hardly consider myself wise enough to teach my mother," said the Captain, colouring and laughing lightly, "even though she is far too young to be own mother to a man of my age."
"But you may lead a Bible class of which she forms a part, may you not?" queried Donald Keith.
"I suppose that might be possible," the Captain replied, with a humourous look and smile.
"I'm sure you can and will, since such is your mother's wish," Grandma Elsie said in a sportive tone, "and so we may consider that matter settled."
"And Mamma's word having always been law to her children, we will consider it so," Violet said. "Shall we not, Levis?"
"As good and dutiful children I suppose we must, my dear," he returned in the playful tone she particularly liked.
Sunday morning dawned clear and beautiful, a delicious breeze filling the sails and wafting the vessel swiftly onward over the sparkling water.
An hour or so after breakfast, captain, passengers, and crew, except the man at the helm, gathered on deck, every one in neat and appropriate dress. The ladies, gentlemen, and children sat on one side, the crew on the other, Captain Raymond standing between. A Bible and a pile of hymn-books lay on a stand before him, and Max was directed to distribute the latter. They were a part of the supplies Captain Raymond had laid in for the voyage.
A melodeon also stood near the stand, and Violet, seating herself before it, led the singing with which the service opened.
The Captain then offered a short prayer, read a portion of Scripture, a second hymn was sung; then he gave them a short discourse on the text, "They hated Me without a cause."
With much feeling and in simple language that the youngest and most ignorant of his hearers could readily understand, he described the lovely character and beneficent life of Christ upon earth, – always about His Father's business, doing good to the souls and bodies of men, – and the bitter enmity of the scribes and Pharisees, who "hated Him without a cause." Then he went on to tell of the agony in the garden, the betrayal by Judas, – "one of the twelve," – the mockery of a trial, the scourging and the crown of thorns, the carrying of the cross and the dreadful death upon it.
"All this He bore for you and for me," he concluded in tones tremulous with emotion; "constrained by His great love for us, He died that dreadful death that we might live. And shall we not love Him in return? Shall we not give ourselves to Him, and serve Him with all our powers? It is a reasonable service, a glad service, – a service that gives rest to the soul. He says to each one of us, 'Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.'
"Ah, do not refuse or neglect His invitation, for the only choice is between His service and that of Satan, – that malignant spirit whose fierce desire and effort is to drag all souls down to his own depths of sin and misery; and Jesus only can save you from falling into his cruel hands. But He – the Lord of Life and Glory – invites us all to come and be saved, and 'now is the accepted time; now is the day of salvation.' Delay is most dangerous; life is very uncertain. We are sure of no time but now."
He closed the Bible and sat down; and Violet, again seating herself before the melodeon, softly touched the keys and sang in sweet, low tones, but so distinctly that every word reached the farthest listener, —
"Come to Jesus, come to Jesus;Come to Jesus just now, just now;Come to Jesus, come to Jesus just now."Then, at a sign from the Captain, Mr. Keith followed with an earnest prayer; and with another hymn in which all united, the services closed.
Among the crew was one young man in whom the Captain and Grandma Elsie had both come to feel a peculiar interest. He was evidently an American, and possessed of more intelligence and education than the average sailor before the mast. He had listened with close attention to the Captain's discourse, and with a troubled countenance, as Mrs. Travilla had noticed.
"The Holy Spirit is striving with him, I have little doubt," she said to herself. "Ah, if I could but help him to find Jesus, and to know the sweetness of His love!"
It was not long before the desired opportunity offered. The young man was at the wheel and no one near, while she paced the deck slowly and alone. Gradually she approached, and when close at his side made some pleasant remark about the vessel and the course they were steering.
He responded in a polite and respectful manner.