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A Dog’s Best Friend: The Secrets that Make Good Dog Owners Great – Jan Fennell

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Through touching and emotive anecdotes, internationally-acclaimed author and dog trainer Jan Fennell shares with us the successes, set-backs and secrets that will strike a chord with dog lovers everywhere. In an age of selfishness and misunderstanding, the virtues of duty, loyalty and sacrifice have become symbols of a bygone age. Perhaps this is one of the more subtle reasons why we are drawn to our dogs – creatures for whom all these positive attributes are purely instinctive. In this series of inspirational stories, drawn from her vast wealth of experience with both dogs and their owners, Jan Fennell recounts some of the greatest acts of kindness, heroism, loyalty and compassion that she has ever witnessed. And in recounting these inspirational tales, Jan demonstrates, with heart-rending sensitivity, the qualities that distinguish a good owner from a truly great one. This touching, poignant book complements Jan's practical series of best-selling titles with inspirational tales of set-backs, successes and occasional heart-ache. It is the perfect read for dog lovers everywhere.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780008363437
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