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Meditation: The only introduction you’ll ever need
When you practise meditation and discover a mind that seems to be bursting with thoughts, a body that is restless or uncomfortable and emotions that are unpredictable or overwhelming it is easy to conclude that your meditation is impossible and worthless. The moment you focus your attention it seems to be swept away by memories from the past, planning the future or lost in the apparently endless mind storms of the present. You may be tempted to think that your meditation can only truly begin once you have succeeded in getting rid of or overcoming all of the distractions that plague you. This is a conclusion and an attitude that can only lead to tension, struggle and further confusion as you struggle with the apparently bottomless well of distractions. Consenting to this attitude breeds forcing, willpower and striving but does not lead to peace, calmness or understanding.
Patience is one of the primary enabling principles of meditation practice. It is the quality that allows us to find calmness and harmony in every moment rather than the struggle and tension born of impatience. The preoccupations, thoughts and distractions that appear to plague us and prevent us from meditating are not obstacles to be overcome or enemies to struggle with. It is in the midst of all of these that we learn some of the deepest lessons of our lives and our meditation. It is easy to hold love, compassion, acceptance and simplicity as ideals to be achieved in the future. It is also true that anyone can be compassionate when they remain unchallenged, we can love easily when surrounded by flattery, we can easily be calm when we are undisturbed – but this is not the truth of our lives. It is in the midst of disturbance, challenge and the difficult that we learn most deeply about acceptance, balance and compassion. The willingness to let go of our comparisons, evaluations and preoccupations with goals is a major factor in cultivating patience, to stay steady and balanced in the midst of busyness and confusion.
As we are faced with the variety of forces of our minds, hearts and bodies that appear to pull us away from our meditation it is patience that enables us to return over and over to the moment we are in with calmness and ease. No matter how lost we become in our thoughts and preoccupations, we can begin again to cultivate awareness and connectedness in the very next moment. The willingness to begin anew in every moment, free from judgement or conclusion is always possible for us. It is the embodiment of patience.
The capacity for acceptance is another of the primary principles that allows meditation to deepen and that runs through the variety of approaches. True acceptance is neither blind nor passive, but the capacity to see things as they actually are, free from judgement or prejudice. Acceptance is the extension of generosity, tolerance and forgiveness.
The process of inner change includes the process of becoming increasingly aware and sensitive to our inner landscape. In cultivating the power of attention we are revealed to ourselves. The variety of inner processes and dynamics that shape the life of our hearts and minds becomes progressively more visible to us. No one has yet created a path of meditation in which we are able to bypass ourselves – our bodies, emotions, minds, or personalities on the way to enlightenment, peace and understanding. Instead through meditation we become increasingly intimate with all the variety of thoughts, feelings, impressions and aspirations that shape us as human beings. We do not always enjoy or appreciate facets of our being that are revealed through our meditation practice. Qualities such as greed, anger, jealousy or indifference are not easy to accept with kindness and tolerance. It is easy to become judgmental and rejecting of parts of ourselves that we dislike because they are not in accord with our image of who we think we should be. Our judgements and rejections serve only to harden the mind and create endless agitation as we endeavour to avoid what we condemn within ourselves.
In a very real way meditation begins with acceptance. It allows us to soften and open, to bring compassion and generosity of heart. We do not have to justify, excuse or villify the variety of thoughts and feelings that arise. As we become increasingly aware and sensitive to the movements of our minds and hearts we also more deeply understand that rarely do they come to us through personal choice or selection but are born of confusion and misunderstanding. We are not always in control of our minds and hearts – this is a significant understanding. Rarely do we wake in the morning and decide it is a good day to be depressed or angry. Equally it is not so simple for us to wake in the morning and decide it’s a timely day to be happy or compassionate. Understanding with sensitivity and balance the unpredictable nature of our thoughts and feelings enables us to step back just a little, to refrain from judgement, to see things as they actually are and to stay balanced. This is the embodiment of acceptance and compassion.
Acceptance is the withdrawal of judgement and prejudice; this is also the beginning of change and transformation. Instead of resigning ourselves to helplessness or despair in the face of our thoughts and feelings or resisting them with tension and struggle we can turn our attention to meet directly whatever thoughts or feelings are present without conditions. Surrounding those inner processes with a clear and balanced attentiveness creates a relationship of interest and exploration rather than rejection. We begin to sense the possibility of new pathways of understanding, letting go and depth.
Simplicity is a fundamental principle of meditation found in all spiritual traditions. Cultivating simplicity is in the service of establishing an environment of calmness and wholeheartedness in our lives and within ourselves. There are many dimensions to simplicity. Simplicity does not imply abandoning our lives, work and relationships. Simplicity is concerned with our approach to all of these areas of our life. Conscious simplicity is a path of disentangling ourselves from complexity, excess and the confusion generated by a mind that is fragmented and scattered. Excess may be in terms of possessions, commitments or thought. The mind that is burdened by excess in any area, is a mind that is starved of calmness and balance. Alienated from inner calm we are prone to habitual reactions and feelings of being overwhelmed by the events of our inner and outer world. Cultivating a path of simplicity begins with the honest reflection upon our lives to see where there is excessive complexity and entanglement. Do we do too much? Are we over-committed? Do we want too much? These areas signal their presence through tension, obsessive or repetitive thinking, habitual reactions and stress. We can interpret these signals of complexity and excess as messengers that invite us to give clear and conscious attention to the ways we may be able to cultivate disentanglement, simplicity and calm.
Simplicity is a path that is consciously developed through calm attention and wholeheartedness. Learning to be simply present, attending wholeheartedly to the moment we are in, is the path of meditation that can be applied to the whole of our lives. The cultivation of simplicity invariably has with it the companion of renunciation – not in the pursuit of asceticism but in the service of calmness and balance. Layers of judgement, evaluation and comparison are unnecessary burdens that distort our capacity to see each moment and each person in our lives as it actually is. We can learn to let go, to bring a fullness of attention to one moment at a time. In any moment of our lives it is not possible to attend to or solve every detail of our past or future. It is only possible to fully attend to and care for the moment we are in. Thoughts of past and future will continue to arise in the present – held in the light of clear and simple attentiveness they are divested of their urgency and will also pass. Held in the light of clear attentiveness there is the possibility of a more intuitive response emerging.
Just as simplicity is a quality that brings calmness to our outer lives, it is equally a quality to cultivate in our inner world. Meditation is not a path of accumulating theories and information but a path of fostering intuition and clarity. Our meditation is not aided by preoccupations with goals, evaluation or comparison. Learning to be simply present, attending wholeheartedly to the moment we are in is the path of meditation. Through habit our minds will demand answers, solutions, reassurance and familiar labels for our experience but this will simply get in the way of clear attentiveness. A major factor in cultivating simplicity is the willingness to let go of all of these demands, to not cling to the variety of thoughts and comparisons that will inevitably arise, but also to let them pass.
The central themes of dedication and perseverance run through all great spiritual stories and are essential principles of meditation found in all traditions. As we explore meditation it will not always be a path of exciting revelations and profound breakthroughs. It would be unrealistic to anticipate that every period of meditation will be filled with dazzling insights or states of bliss. Those moments may come to us, but there will also be many moments when it seems that nothing is happening, no progress is being made or when our meditation is felt to be simply boring. There may well also be moments when we are faced with experiences of inner turmoil, states of mind that are challenging or painful inner experiences. This is natural. It is rare for anyone’s meditation to unfold in a predictable, linear manner. There will be valleys and peaks, highs and lows, times of delight and times of challenge.
The qualities of dedication and perseverance are essential principles that sustain us on our journey and keep us balanced in the midst of experiences that change in a way that is not always predictable or desired. In moments when we find ourselves despairing over a lack of progress or being assailed by inner storms of thought or feeling it is not time to resign or surrender to despair it is helpful to reflect upon our initial intentions and the vision that began us on our exploration. This should renew our intention to open to and be present with whatever difficulty is before us. Meditation is concerned with awakening, and awakening is an inclusive process – it embraces every aspect of our being and experience, the pleasing and the challenging. Don’t judge, don’t reject, don’t conclude – simply bring a calm, balanced attentiveness to everything that presents itself. The moments when our meditation introduces us to experiences of delight are not times to begin to consider retirement. The capacity to keep coming back and to sustain attention in the midst of highs and lows, the exhilarating and disappointing moments strengthens our inner steadiness and potential for dedication.
Within the different schools of meditation you will find a range of suggestions about the optimal way to undertake a meditative training. These will range from the traditions that suggest withdrawing from the world into solitude to the traditions that suggest that the most effective way to meditate is in the midst of our daily lives with all their busyness and challenge. Despite these variations it is clear that for meditation to be meaningful and effective for us it must have the capacity to be integrated into the daily rhythms of our lives. Unless we choose a path of withdrawal or asceticism it is realistic to expect that our meditation will have the power to bring not only inner change, but also greater peace and clarity into the whole of our lives. Most of us do not come to meditation looking for a way to separate ourselves from the world even more, but to look for a way to be present in ourselves and in our families, work and play with greater wisdom and compassion.
The majority of meditative traditions will offer a path that embraces the full spectrum of our lives, suggesting the importance of times that are dedicated to a formal cultivation of a practice and the application of this practice on a moment to moment level in every circumstance. The process of transformation is not exclusively concerned with changing our consciousness, but equally with finding the skills to live with well-being, peace and understanding.
Considering the differences in our lifestyles and commitments it is not possible to prescribe what is the right amount of time to dedicate to meditation practice. The rhythm of our lives may allow us to take extended periods of time in more cloistered retreat settings that allow us undertake a dedicated exploration of a meditative discipline. It may also be that the level of our commitments allows only for a regular, daily practice and that our temperament inclines more towards a meditation practice that is developed and integrated on a daily level.
It is helpful to create a time in our day that is regularly dedicated to our formal meditation. When we wake in the morning or before going to bed at night are times that lend themselves well to a period of stillness and reflection. Making these periods of meditation into a reliable part of our daily routine is an invaluable asset in developing a path of practice. We may begin with fifteen-minute or half-hour periods. It is all worthwhile. It is helpful to approach these times with great care – they are not times for rehearsing our day or pondering upon what has been left undone. They are times for focus and dedication.
Just as it is helpful to establish a regular time in our days for formal meditation, it is also helpful to create a space. It is not necessary to retreat to a cave or mountaintop in order to meditate but it is helpful to create a certain simplicity around us that reminds us of the importance of giving care to our inner landscape. It may be simply a corner of our bedroom that becomes a dedicated space. If possible, find a place that is somewhat secluded from excess noise and disturbance. It’s time to turn off the telephones and televisions and as much as possible create an external space of silence and calmness.
Before we ever begin to meditate most of us have been exposed to visual images of what meditation looks like in the form of Buddha statues and other religious images. Some traditions of meditation such as Zen will greatly emphasize the importance of adopting a particular posture whereas other traditions will downplay its significance. Whether you choose to sit in a full lotus position or in a chair there are a few simple guidelines that are helpful.
It is important that you feel at ease and relaxed within your posture. Your meditation will not be overly fruitful if it is spent struggling with excessive discomfort or tension in your body. Meditation is a process of sensitivity and befriending the moment and this begins with the relationship you have with your body. Experiment until you find a posture that you are able to sustain without forcing. It is helpful to sit with an upright back, whether this is on a cushion, on the floor or on a chair. Let your body relax, your eyes can either be closed or simply focused on the floor in front of you. Your body can express the quality of alertness and attentiveness you are seeking in your meditation.

Sitting postures appropriate for meditation
Again, differing degrees of emphasis are given to the significance of having a teacher or guide within the variety of meditative traditions. A teacher will offer more than just instruction in technique or form, but will serve as a spiritual friend able to offer guidance and experience. Some meditators find it helpful to connect with a teacher on an ongoing basis and as our meditation deepens the support of someone who has travelled this path before us can be invaluable. However, a relationship with a teacher is not a prerequisite to cultivating a meditation practice. If you bring to your meditation practice the willingness to learn, to deepen in sensitivity and patience, and the commitment to developing attentiveness, you have everything you need to begin.
In the following chapters the major styles of meditation will be explained. Feel free to experiment with and explore any of them until you find a style you feel some rapport with.
Beginning to Meditate
1 Choose a regular time – morning, evening, or whenever you can rely upon not being interrupted.
2 Find a place – as secluded, simple and quiet as possible.
3 Choose a posture that is comfortable for you.
4 Set a minimum time for your meditation, whether it is 15, 30 or 45 minutes.
5 Check your body for any apparent areas of tension and consciously relax.
6 Take a few deep breaths.
7 Begin.
Within the variety of schools of meditation there is agreement upon the need to cultivate a strong basis of attentiveness or concentration for the development of any style of meditation. Some disciplines will develop concentration as their primary form of practice, whereas other styles will emphasize developing only enough concentration to serve as a foundation for insight, contemplation or devotion. The need to retrain our attention as an essential ingredient in transformation is the central, prevailing thread that runs through the entire variety of meditative disciplines. For depth, balance and understanding a clear and calm attentiveness must first be present.
There are a whole range of experiences that are possible within the field of concentration that run from the simple capacity to keep ourselves focused in the present moment upon a single subject without distractedness, to profound altered states of consciousness that bring with them experiences of bliss, oneness and absorption in which the activities of the body and mind are stilled. Visionary experiences and feelings of deep rapture, joy and equanimity are all experiences that emerge from deep levels of concentration. Within this whole spectrum of experience the essential benefits of concentration to steady and calm the mind and establish us in the present moment are recognized.
Through developing concentration the mind is brought to rest in the present moment and deepening levels of calm pervade both mind and body. Through focusing our attention upon a single object there is an integration of the mind, body and present moment, and our capacity to attend to one moment at a time with clarity and sensitivity is enhanced. We are enabled to attend to the inner landscape of sensations, thoughts and feelings that is revealed to us free of our usual habitual reactions of judging or resistance. The concentrated mind has the power to penetrate deeply into the processes of our minds and bodies and to explore with ease other dimensions of meditation. Concentration enables us to cut through the habits of restlessness, discursive thinking and reactions that entangle us and set our minds in motion; the mind becomes tranquil and serene.
Through both fairly shallow and very profound states of concentration there are a number of insights that can emerge that bring deeper levels of happiness, harmony and freedom into our lives. In the calm and serenity that develop through concentration practice we discover subtle yet pronounced levels of happiness that are qualitatively different than the fleeting states of happiness or pleasure we find through excitement, achievement or possession. It is an inner happiness and contentment that depends on nothing outside of ourselves bringing with it a greater sense of inner completeness. This understanding changes our relationship to the world around us, enabling us to let go with greater ease and step back from the relentless pursuit of consumption, attainment and possession. Resting within an inner serenity and richness we are less inclined to search the world for the happiness we feel to be missing inwardly. We learn to be at ease within ourselves and within each moment – we find ourselves in greater harmony with the world around us and with other people. Through the development of concentration the mind becomes less fragile and susceptible to extremes. It becomes steady and balanced – able to receive the variety of experiences and impressions that come to us in life without feeling overwhelmed or burdened.
Concentration practice greatly enhances inner confidence as we improve in the art of attending wholeheartedly to one moment at a time. We develop our inner resources of energy, attentiveness and dedication and through collecting and directing them towards the present moment or a single subject of meditation we discover the calmness and clarity born of our own efforts. In becoming increasingly familiar with deeper levels of calmness the mind loses its addiction to busyness and entanglement. There is a lessening of interest in fantasy and daydreams that offer limited satisfaction in the light of a calm and clear attentiveness. Anxiety and stress levels decrease as they are supplanted by deepening levels of well-being and serenity. The inner tranquillity that emerges enables us to respond more intuitively and clearly both to our inner and outer world rather than being compelled by habitual reaction. The nature of the mind changes through concentration practice and our sense of the possibilities that lie within our consciousness expands.
Concentration is a means of simplifying our inner landscape. Rather than experiencing ourselves as being a captive of the endless stream of random thoughts, memories, plans and images that pass through our minds, concentration frees us from entanglement. As our attention deepens the thoughts begin to slow down and become clearer to us. We find an increasing capacity to be able to let go of the mind’s dominance and a deeper quality of calmness and clarity begins to emerge. We are aware of thinking, aware of the beginnings and endings of thoughts with a calm and clear attentiveness. Agitation is replaced by calmness, habit replaced by sensitivity and confusion gives way to clarity.
Concentration is developed through focusing the mind upon a single subject. Through this attentiveness the mind is united with the present moment. The subject that is chosen for attention will differ according to the meditation style, it can be a visual object, a sound or the breath, but the objective of sustaining a focus remains the same. The intention is to cultivate an undistracted and undivided attentiveness. The subject that is chosen serves as a steady anchor, a lifeline amidst the swirls of thoughts, images and sensation. It is a place we continually and gently return to each time we become lost or entangled in the streams of activity that pass through our minds. The sustaining of the focus upon a single object requires both perseverance and patience as we are faced again and again with the habitual wandering of the mind as it departs into past and future. We are facing the habit of distractedness that has perhaps accompanied us through our lives. It is not willpower or striving that enables us to penetrate this habit but practice, consistency and the right spirit of dedication and acceptance. Meditation is an art and like the exploration of any other discipline it requires love, the willingness to learn and the capacity to accept the moments we falter.
The nature of the mind is to have thoughts, images, plans and memories. Concentration practice is not an endeavour to suppress any of this; it is only in very profound states of concentration that the mind will actually come to total stillness. Any attempt to resist or push away the thoughts that arise will only increase their intensity. A gentle but consistent returning of the attention to the selected focus is the way to bring the mind to calmness. Meditation is not anti-thought nor is it in the service of dismissing the value and capacities of our mind. The mind has a remarkable potential for creativity, reflection, clarity and investigation. Concentration enhances our ability to use and apply thought creatively and appropriately, rather than be dominated or overwhelmed by excess thinking.