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Snowbound with the Soldier
Snowbound with the Soldier
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Snowbound with the Soldier

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She should turn away and walk out the door before the snow grew any deeper, but her feet wouldn’t cooperate. There was one thing she needed to know—one nagging question that demanded an answer.

She licked her dry lips. “If it isn’t because of your father, then why have you suddenly returned home?”

“Do you really care?” His gaze never left hers.

“No. Never mind. I shouldn’t have asked.”

Her pulse quickened. Heat scorched her cheeks. Even though it was a lie, she refused to let him think that she cared anything about what he said or did. He was part of her past...nothing more.

“I have to go.” She needed space to make sense of things.

“Kara, I know we can’t go back to the way things used to be, but it doesn’t have to be this awkward. We were friends for years before we dated.”

They had been the best of friends. She’d told him everything about her life, but apparently that openness had been one-sided. She wouldn’t make the mistake of trusting him again.

“Does this plea of friendship mean you’re planning to stay in Pleasant Valley?”


The blunt response lacked any telling details of what had prompted his unexpected return. Her errant gaze strayed to his bare ring finger. Still single. Still available. Been there, done that. She glanced away.

“Welcome home.” She buttoned her black peacoat. “I really do need to go.”

“Be careful. The snow’s picking up.” His gaze moved to the glass doors. “It looks bad out. You should spend the night at the hotel.”

She shook her head. “The resort’s closed for renovations. You shouldn’t even be here. Who’s been showing you around?”

They weren’t the only ones there late. With the new owner, GSR Inc., arriving on Monday, a number of people were working late even though it was a Friday evening. Everyone had gone above and beyond their duties, hoping to make a good impression on the new owner. Though Jason had been away for years, a number of employees knew him and would have volunteered to give him a last look around the place.

She glanced up at him, waiting for a response. His lips were pursed as though he was about to say something, but had refrained.

“I don’t have all night,” she stated.

“I don’t need an escort.”

Kara squared her shoulders. “Since I’m in charge around here, I’m telling you that either you have an escort or you must leave. Now.”

This close to the new owner’s arrival, she wasn’t taking any chances. The last thing she needed was for anyone to get hurt on her watch.

Jason’s brows arched. “You like being the boss, don’t you?”

“I do whatever needs to be done to keep this place going.”

“Good. I hope all my employees are so devoted.”

“Your employees...?” Alarm tightened her throat, smothering her next words. Surely she hadn’t heard him correctly. Or she’d misunderstood.

“Yes, my employees.”

This nightmare couldn’t be unfolding right before her eyes. “’re GSR?”

“I’ve gone in with a couple of investors. This place needs to be reorganized. A lot of cutting needs to be done, but I think it’s possible to turn the business around with the right management.”

A lot of cutting? Right management? The implication of his words shattered her dream of keeping her job. Fragments of her hopes scattered over the freshly laid carpet. Finding an equivalent job would not be easy without a college degree. She inwardly groaned.

She might even have to move. Her thoughts turned to her parents, who had been involved in their only grandchild’s life since the day she was born. To tear her daughter away from them now would devastate not only them but her little girl, as well. But Kara wouldn’t have a choice. She would have to move wherever she could find reasonable employment.

“Time to start job hunting,” she muttered under her breath.


“Nothing. I have to go before the snow gets too deep to drive in.” She yanked on her gloves. “Good night.”

Kara forced herself to take measured steps, training her gaze on the glass door. She hadn’t run away when the locals had clucked their tongues and shaken their heads at her youthful mistake. Now she wouldn’t give Jason the satisfaction of witnessing how he could still shake her to the core.

* * *

Jason Greene clenched his hands. He’d heard enough of her mumbled comment to know she had no intention of working for him. He couldn’t leave things like this. Her assistance and knowledge over these next several weeks were essential to the resort’s success. He’d risked everything he owned on restoring the Greene Summit. And he couldn’t afford to lose it all now.

He started for the door. Large snowflakes fell, adding to the several inches of accumulation on the ground. He’d forgotten how fast the weather could deteriorate in the Laurel Highlands. An overwhelming urge settled in his chest to stop her and convince her to stay over in one of the hotel rooms, where she’d be safe and warm during this stormy night.

His steps grew quicker. Damn, he still cared about her. This was bigger than when they’d grown up together—back when Kara was 100 percent tomboy and he’d protected her from the school bully. The emotions brewing inside him now had an adult edge.

He lingered at the glass doors, staring out into the stormy night. He couldn’t tear his gaze from Kara’s petite figure as she braved fierce winds while crossing the snowy parking lot. Her appearance had changed, from jeans and snug T-shirts that nestled against her soft curves, to casual business attire. A short haircut replaced her ponytail. Everything combined to give her a mature, polished persona. He certainly wasn’t the only one who’d changed.

Was she worried about her trip home? Or was she doing the same as him and reliving the past? He still had time to stop her. He pushed the door open. The bitter wind stung his face as he followed her footsteps. She would demand once more to know the sordid details behind his seven-year absence. His pace slowed. Could he bring himself to explain that dreadful night?

He stopped. No. No way. If he knew the words to make everything right between them, he’d have said them years ago. As the cold cut through his coat and over his exposed skin, he realized he’d played out all the scenarios in his mind thousands of times. Each ended with her looking at him with repulsion. No way could he put either of them through that experience.

Jason rubbed the back of his neck, trying to ease the stiff muscles. His return to the Summit was going to be just as rough and bumpy as he’d imagined, but he’d get through it. He turned and limped back to the lobby. Only one day on his feet, with the cold seeping into his bones, and already the wound in his thigh throbbed.

He exhaled a weary sigh. The last time he’d worked at the resort, Kara had been his priority. Now, with no significant other in his life, he could sink his dreams into restoring this place without all the emotional entanglements of a relationship and raging teenage hormones. His experience in the military had forced him to grow up. He now realized what was important and why.

He shoved his fingers through his hair, hating the selfish boy he’d once been. This time he’d prove himself worthy of the trust others placed in him. He wouldn’t repeat the mistakes of his past.

Muffled footsteps drew his attention. He glanced over his shoulder to find his childhood friend Robert Heinze approaching him. He looked every bit the professional in his navy suit, and definitely fit the part of a distinguished attorney.

“Jason, what are you still doing here?”

“While I was walking the grounds, I came across some maintenance men working on a problem with the towrope for the bunny hill.”

“And from the grease stains on your jacket and jeans, I’m assuming you couldn’t just let the staff handle it on their own.”

Jason shook his head. “I’m not good at standing around watching when I could pitch in and lend a hand.”

“You’ll have plenty of time to play Mr. Fix-it after tomorrow. By the way, I heard the roads are getting bad. If you don’t leave now, you might find yourself riding out the storm right here.”

“Before I go, I want to thank you for finalizing this sale with my father. Without you going back and forth between us, I don’t think an agreement would have ever been reached.”

Robert flashed a small smile. “I think you give me too much credit. You were the mastermind behind this whole venture. I hope it turns out the way you planned.”

“It will.” He’d returned a couple of days ago, and until the deal had become official, he’d intentionally kept a low profile. “By the way, I just ran into Kara Jameson.”

He didn’t know why he’d mentioned it. Maybe he just wanted someone to talk some sense into him. After all, before Robert had moved away to be an attorney in downtown Pittsburgh, he’d grown up right here with Kara and Jason.

“Did you tell her you bought this place?”

He nodded.

Robert shrugged on his coat. “How’d it go?”

“The news took her by surprise.”

“Seems like an understandable reaction. You’ve been gone for years.” His old friend paused and looked intently at him. “What else is bothering you? Did she quit on the spot?”

“Not exactly.”

“Then why do you look like you just chugged a carton of sour milk?”

“Kara lit into me about ignoring my father. He must have fed her some kind of lies to gain her sympathy.” Jason didn’t bother to hide the loathing he felt.

Robert let out a low whistle. “Boy, you didn’t exaggerate about the rift between you two.”

If anything, he’d understated the distance between himself and his father. Every muscle in Jason’s body grew rigid at the thought of their insurmountable differences. He refused to dwell on something that could never be fixed.

With the help of a couple of investors, he’d at last gained ownership of his heritage—the resort his grandfather had founded. His gaze moved around the lobby, taking in its splendor.

“I’ve thought of nothing else for the past year but of making this place mine, of restoring the Greene Summit back to its former glory, like when my grandfather was alive. I’ll make him proud. No matter what it takes.”

Robert patted him on the shoulder. “Then you might want to start by being honest with Kara. I’ve talked with her and she’s bright. When your father’s health started to decline, he leaned on her to keep this place running. By now, she must know where each and every skeleton is buried. You’re going to need her.”

“I know. I’ll tell her everything Monday.” Well, not everything—just the parts pertaining to the Greene Summit.

Robert’s brow furrowed and he began patting his pockets. “I must have left my phone in the office. I’ll run back and grab it.”

“Okay. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Get some sleep. We’ve got work to do.”

Jason turned to the lobby doors and gazed out at the parking lot. He rubbed his thigh, trying to ease the persistent throbbing. He had a business to rebuild and no time to slow down.

The grand reopening in three weeks had to go off without a hitch. All his investors would be on hand to take part in the festivities, and their approval was of the utmost importance, especially if he wanted more capital to undo the years of neglect.

He knew he could never again be the man in Kara’s life. Still, he had to find a way to get her to stay on at the resort. He needed her knowledge to make this a smooth transition.

But when she preferred braving a snowstorm to staying safe here with him, how in the world would they be able to work side by side?


THE HYPNOTIC SWIRL of flakes made it difficult for Kara to focus on the winding mountain road. The cascade of snow hit the windshield harder and faster with each passing minute. She flicked on the wipers. The built-up ice on the rubber blades made an awful ruckus. Swish. Thunk. Swish. Thunk.

The knowledge that Jason was now her boss haunted her. She’d thought that, with the resort sold, any lingering ties to him would be severed. How could she have been so wrong?

A bend in the road loomed ahead. Her foot tapped the brake a little too hard and the car lost traction. Her fingers tightened on the steering wheel as she started to skid.

Stay calm. You know how to drive in this weather.

Thoughts of Jason vanished as she turned into the skid. Like a pinball shot into action, the vehicle slid forward. Trees and the guardrail whizzed by in a blur. In an attempt to straighten the car, she spun the wheel in the other direction. Her throat constricted. At last, she came to a stop in what she hoped was the middle of the road.

That was way too close.

The pent-up air whooshed from her burning lungs. She rested her forehead against the steering wheel, trying to calm the frantic thumping of her heart. She silently sent up a thankful prayer.

On her way to work that morning, the radio announcer had mentioned the possibility of light snow flurries this evening but never alluded to a foot of snow. And it still continued to fall.

She let off the brake and crept forward, anxious to put as much distance between herself and Jason as possible. Would she ever be able to sweep away the tangled web of attraction, woven tightly with strands of resentment? She sure hoped so, because as long as she lived around here, they were bound to run into each other. After all this time, she’d expected to feel absolutely nothing where he was concerned. So why did she let him get to her?

She exhaled a frustrated groan and glanced down to crank up the heater. When she looked up again, a brief flash caught her attention. Her gaze focused off to the side of the road, where her headlights reflected off a pair of eyes staring back at her. A millisecond later, a deer darted into her path.

A screech of terror tore from Kara’s throat as she tramped the brakes, braced for the inevitable collision. Like a skater on a sheet of ice, the car careened over the slick pavement. At the last second, the deer jumped over the hood, just as the front tires dropped off the pavement.

Kara’s foothold on the brake slipped, sending the car off the road. She pitched forward, but the seat belt jerked her back, slamming her into the door. With a thud, her head careened into the driver’s side window. Pain splintered through her skull. The sound of ripping metal pierced the inky darkness.

At last the car shuddered to a halt. The air bag thumped hard into her chest, sending the breath whooshing from her lungs. She clung to the memory of her daughter’s sweet smile.

* * *

With newly attached chains on the SUV’s tires, Jason drove cautiously down the curvy mountain road. Soon he’d be home, enjoying a piping-hot bowl of leftover stew. His stomach rumbled in anticipation.

He stared out the windshield at the dark, desolate road. When he was a kid, there would have been a string of headlights passing him as anxious skiers flocked to the resort to try out the fresh snow. Tonight, the only evidence of another soul on this road was the faint outline of tire tracks.

Was it possible they belonged to Kara?

The thought of making peace with his childhood sweetheart weighed heavily on his mind. He didn’t blame her for still being angry with him. She had every right to be furious over the way he’d walked out on their engagement. He’d probably act the same way if their roles had been reversed. No, he’d have been worse—much worse.

If only there was a way to make her understand that even though he’d handled it poorly, his leaving had been the only answer. But he had no idea how to convey that to her without going into the details of that fateful night, and that was not something he was willing to do. Not even to save the Summit, his birthright.

The wipers were beginning to lose their battle with the thickening snow. He turned on the vehicle’s fog lamps, hoping they’d give him a better idea where he was on the road.

The tire tracks he’d been following suddenly veered to the right. His stomach muscles tightened. Trying to get a rescue squad out for an accident during this storm would take hours. He’d best go investigate first. He gently applied pressure to the brakes. The tires fought for traction, sliding a few yards before the SUV stopped. He glanced around, not spotting anyone standing next to the road. Not a good sign. They could be injured or worse.

He grabbed a flashlight from the glove compartment and flicked the switch, sending a light beam out the window. He squinted, trying to see through the thickening snow. At last he spotted the tracks. They led off the road into a gulley. Concern sliced through him. Please don’t let it be Kara.

He threw the SUV into Park, switched on the flashers and jumped out. Wet snow tossed about by the biting wind stung his face. If Kara was out here, he’d find her.

With his hand shielding his eyes, he marched forward. Piercing pain shot down his thigh as he forced his way through a drift. He gritted his teeth and kept moving. From the edge of the road, he shone the light down at what appeared to be a ten-foot drop. At the bottom was a car with its front end smashed against a tree trunk. Whoever was in it was in need of help.

He’d just started down the embankment when his foot slipped. Hot pain shot through his knee and up his thigh, and his eyes smarted as he choked back a string of curses. Beads of perspiration ran down the sides of his face. But he couldn’t stop now. He had a mission to complete.