Полная версия:
Hidy and Hidy, Standard Oil, vol. 1, pp. 177–78 («Our business» and «drink every gallon»), 8; Paul H. Giddens, Standard Oil Company (Indiana): Oil Pioneer of the Middle West (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1955), p. 2 («vanishing phenomena»); S. Cornifort to Archbold, June 27,1885, Box 51, Archbold folder (1.5.379), Business Interests, 1879–1894, R.G. 1.2, Rockefeller archives («one hundred to one»), Nevins, Study in Power, vol. 2, p. 3; Edgar Wesley Owen, Trek of the Oil Finders: A History of Exploration for Oil (Tulsa: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1975), pp. 124–26.
Giddens, Standard Oil Company (Indiana), pp. 2–7 («skunk juice»); Rockefeller, Random Reminiscences, pp. 7–9; Hawke, John D., pp. 182–83 («conservative brethren»); 185; Nevins, Study in Power, vol. 2, pp. 3, 101 («Buy»).
Giddens, Standard Oil Company (Indiana), p. 19 («entirely ignorant»); Hidy and Hidy, Standard Oil, vol. 1, pp. 279 (Seep), 87; Gilbert Montagu, The Rise and Progress of the Standard Oil Company (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1903), p. 132 («best possible consensus»).
Rockefeller, Random Reminiscences, pp. 60 («large scale»), 29; Halliday, Rockefeller, pp. 10 («instinctively realized»), 16 («conceived the idea»); Hidy and Hidy, Standard Oil, vol. 1, pp. 120–21, 38–39 (Mineral Resources); Destler, Roger Sherman, pp. 47 («body and soul»), 192; Nevins, Study in Power, vol. 2, pp. 54, 78, 129 («success unparalleled»); J. W. Fawcett, T-082, Tarbell papers.
Lockhart interview, p. 3, T-003 (with Rogers interview), Tarbell papers («Give the poor man»); Nevins, Study in Power, vol. 1, p. 402 («day of combination»); vol. 2, pp. 379–87; Mark Twain with Charles Dudley Warner, The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today (NewYork: TridentPress, 1964), pp. 271 («giant schemes»), 1; Flynn, God's Gold, pp. 4–5; Tarbell, History of Standard Oil, vol. 2, p. 31 («cut to kill»).
Giddens, The Birth of the Oil Industry, pp. 96–98 («Yankee invention»); Williamson and Daum, Age of Illumination, pp. 488–89 («drill»); J. D. Henry, Thirty-five Years of Oil Transport: Evolution of the Tank Steamer (London: Bradbury, Agnew 8(Co., 1907), pp. 5, 172–74; Hidy and Hidy, Standard Oil, vol. 1, pp. 122–23 («forced its way»).
Giddens, Birth of the Oil Industry, p. 99 («safe to calculate»); Robert W. Tolf, The Russian Rockefellers: The Saga of the Nobel Family and the Russian Oil Industry (Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1976), chaps. l and 2, pp. 41–46 («pillars» and «walnut money»); Boverton Redwood, Petroleum: A Treatise, 4th ed. (London: Charles Griffen & Co., 1922), vol. 1, pp. 3–9 (Marco Polo), 36–46; Forbes, Studies in Early Petroleum History, pp. 154–62; John P. McKay, «Entrepreneurship and the Emergence of the Russian Petroleum Industry, 1813–1883,» Research in Economic History 8 (1982), pp. 63–64.
Owen, Trek of the Oil Finders, pp. 4, 150; Tolf, Russian Rockefellers, pp. 108 («Oil King»), 149 («Nobelites»); J. D. Henry, Baku: An Eventful History (London: Archibald, Constable & Co., 1905), pp. 51–52; Williamson and Damn, Age of Illumination, pp. 637–41 («difficulty»), 517; W. J. Kelly and Tsureo Kano, «Crude Oil Production in the Russian Empire, 1818–1919,» Journal of European Economic History 6 (Fall 1977), pp. 309–10; McKay, «Entrepreneurship,» pp. 48–55, 87 («greatest triumphs»).
Charles Marvin, The Region of Eternal Fire: An Account of a Journey to the Petroleum Region of the Caspian in 1883, new ed. (London: W. H. Allen, 1891), pp. 234–35 («chimney-pot»); Sidney Pollard and Conn Holmes, Industrial Power and National Rivalry, 1870–1914, vol. 2 of Documents of European Economic History (London: Edward Arnold, 1972), pp. 108–10 («American kerosene»); С. E. Stewart, «Petroleum Field of South Eastern Russia,» 1886, Russia File, Oil, Box C-8, Pearson papers; Tolf, Russian Rockefellers, pp. 80–86 («main point» and «speculation»); Williamson and Daum, Age of Illumination, p. 519 («2000 miles»); Bertrand Gille, «Capitaux Français et Pétroles Russes (1884–94),» Histoire de Enterprises 12 (November 1963), p. 19; Virginia Cowles, The Rothschilds: A Family of Fortune (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1973), chaps. 7–8; Henry, Baku, pp. 74, 79.
Archbold to Rockefeller, August 19, 1884, and July 6, 1886, Archbold folder (1.5.381), Box 51, Business Interests, 1878–1894, R.G. 1.2, Rockefeller archives. Tolf, Russian Rockefellers, pp. 47–48 («fountains»); Nevins, Study in Power, vol. 2, p. 116; Hidy and Hidy, Standard Oil, vol. 1, pp. 138–39 («Russian competition»).
Archbold to Rockefeller, July 6, 1886, Archbold folder (1.5.381), Box 51, Business Interests, 1879–1894, R.G. 1.2, Rockefeller archives; Hidy and Hidy, Standard Oil vol. 1, pp. 147–53 (poem and «competitive commerce»); Henry, Baku, p. 116; Tolf, Russian Rockefellers, pp. 96–97, 107–09; Nicholas Halasz, Nobel: A Biography of Alfred Nobel (New York: Orion Press, 1959), pp. 3–5 («dynamite king»), 211–13.
Shady (англ.) – ненадежный, жуликоватый. – Прим. пер.
Race (англ.) – забег; раса (игра слов). – Прим. пер.
Robert Henriques, Marcus Samuel: First Viscount Bearsted and Founder of the 'Shell' Transport and Trading Company, 1853–1927 (London: Barrie and Rockliff, 1960), pp. 74–75 («go-between»), 44 («lovely day»). Книга Хенрикса является не только биографией Сэмюеля, но и наиболее полной работой о становлении Shell. Geoffrey Jones, The State and the Emergence of the British Oil Industry (London: Macmillan, 1981), pp. 19–20 («Shady Lane»).
Henriques, Marcus Samuel pp. 80 («powerful company»), 96, 83, 112 («Hebrew influence»), 108 («to block»); Henry, Thirty-five Years of Oil Transport, pp. 41–47.
Хибати – вид японской жаровни. – Прим. ред.
«Petroleum in Bulk and the Suez Canal,» Economist, January 9, 1892, pp. 36–38; Henriques, Marcus Samuel pp. 109–11 («got cheaper»), 138–40 («wire handles»); Henry, Thirty-five Years of Oil Transport, p. 50; R. J. Forbes and D. R. O'Beirne, The Technical Development of the Royal Dutch/Shell, 1890–1940 (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1957), pp. 529–30.
Олдермен – член муниципалитета, представляющий район (в Лондоне). – Прим. пер.
Henriques, Marcus Samuel, pp. 52–54 («two brothers»).
Archbold to Rockefeller, December 15, 1891, Frank Rockefeller folder, Box 64; Archbold to Rockefeller, July 13 («quite confident»), July 22, 1892, Archbold folder (1.51.381), Box 51, Business Interests, 1878–1894, R.G. 1.2, Rockefeller archives. Gille, «Capitaux Francais et Pe'troles Russes,» pp. 43–48 («crisis»); Tolf, Russian Rockefellers, pp. 116–117 («on behalf»); F. С Gerretson, History of the Royal Dutch, vol. 2 (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1955), p. 35. Geltetson's 4-volume work extensively details the rise of Royal Dutch.
Малайзия была образована лишь в 1963 г. Вероятно, имеются в виду британские колонии, вошедшие впоследствии в состав Федерации Малайзии, а именно Малайя, Саравак или Сабах. – Прим. ред.
Gerretson, Royal Dutch, vol. 1, pp. 22 («earth oil»), 89–90 («won't bend»), 129–34 («do not feel» and «mighty storm»), 163–65 («Half-heartedness» and «stagnate»), 171 («things go wrong»), 224 («object of terror»), 174 («pretend to be poor»).
Hidy and Hidy, Standard Oil, vol. 1, pp. 261–67 (Standard reps in East Indies, «Every day,» «Dutch obstacles» and «sentimental barrier»); Gerretson, Royal Dutch, vol. 1, pp. 282–84 («into its power»); vol. 2, p. 48 («pity»); Henriques, Marcus Samuel, pp. 181 («Dutchman»), 184 («still open»).
Gerald T. White, Formative Years in the Far West: A History of Standard Oil of California and Its Predecessors Through 1919 (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1962), pp. 199, 267, 269.
Harold G. Passer, The Electrical Manufacturers, 1875–1900 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1953), pp. 180–81 («fuzz on a bee»); Arthur A. Bright, Jr., The Electric Lamp Industry: Technological Change and Economic Development from 1800 to 1947 (New York: Macmillan, 1949), pp. 68–69; Thomas P. Hughes, Networks of Power: Electrification in Western Society, 1880–1930 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983), pp. 55, 73, 176, 227 («Londoners»); Leslie Hannah, Electricity Before Nationalization (London: Macmillan, 1979), chap. 1.
James J. Flink, America Adopts the Automobile, 1895–1910 (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1970), pp. 42–50 («Get a horse,» «skeptical» and «theme for jokers»), 64 («automobile is the idol»); John B. Rae, American Automobile Manufacturers: The First Forty Years (Philadelphia: Chilton Company, 1959), pp. 33 («Horseless Carriage fever»), 31; George S. May, A Most Unique Machine: The Michigan Origins of the American Automobile Industry (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans Publishing, 1975), pp. 56–57; Allan Nevins, Ford: The Times, the Man, the Company, vol. 1 (New York: Scribners, 1954), pp. 133, 168, 237, 442–57.
Williamson and Daunt, Age of Illumination, pp. 569–81; Arthur M. Johnson, The Development of American Petroleum Pipelines: A Study in Private Enterprise and Public Policy, 1862–1906 (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1956), pp. 173–83 («gloved hand»); Austin Leigh Moore, John D. Archbold and the Early Development of Standard Oil (New York: Macmillan, [1930]), pp. 197–202 («champions of independence»).
White, Standard Oil of California, pp. 8–13 («fabulous wealth» and «without limit»).
Spindle (англ.) – веретено. – Прим. пер.
Буффало Билл – прозвище Коуди Уильяма Фредерика (1846–1917), известного скаута и шоумена в США. – Прим. ред.
Patillo Higgins Oral History, II, pp. 7–9; Carl Coke Rister, Oil! Titan of the Southwest (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1949), pp. 3–5, 34, 56–59; James A. Clark and Michael T. Halbouty, Spindletop (New York: Random House, 1952), pp. 4–5, 22, 27, 38–42 («Tell that Captain»); John O. King, Joseph Stephen Cullinan: A Study of Leadership in the Texas Petroleum Industry, 1897–1937 (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1970), pp. 12–21, 17 («Dash and push»). F. Lucas to E. DeGolyer, May 6, 1920, 1074 («visions»); John Galey to E. DeGolyer, August 22, 1941, 535, DeGolyer papers. Mody С Boatwright and William A. Owen, Tales from the Derrick Floor (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1970), p. 14 («Dr. Drill»); W.L.Mellon and Boyden Sparkes, Judge Mellon's Sons (Pittsburgh, 1948), pp. 148–50 («bewitched»); Robert Henriques, Marcus Samuel p. 346 («example»).
Swindl (англ.) – надувательство. – Прим. пер.
Young Ladies Oil Company (англ.) – дословно «Нефтяная компания молоденьких девушек». – Прим. пер.
Allen Hamill Oral History, I, pp. 20–21 («All»), 34; James Kinnear Oral History, I, pp. 15–19, II, p. 16; T. A. Rickard, «Anthony F. Lucas and the Beaumont Gusher,» Mining and Scientific Press, December 22, 1917, pp. 887–94; Rister, Oill, pp. 60–67; Clark and Halbouty, Spindletop, pp. 88–89 («X-ray eyes»); Burt Hull, «Founding of the Texas Company: Some of Its Early History,» pp. 8–9, Collection 6850, Continental Oil, University of Wyoming.
Shell (англ.) – ракушка. – Прим. пер.
Henriques, Marcus Samuel, pp. 353 («pioneers»), 341–45 («magnitude» and «opponent»), 349, 350 («failure of supplies»); Harold F. Williamson, Ralph L. Andreano, Arnold R. Daum, and Gabert С. Klose, The American Petroleum Industry, vol. 2, The Age of Energy, 1899–1959 (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1963), pp. 16, 22; Clark and Halbouty, Spindletop, pp. 100–01.
Modus vivendi (лат.) – временное соглашение, урегулирование. – Прим. пер.
Mellon, Judge Melton's Sons, pp. 153–162 («epic card game» and «real way»), 269 («We're out»), 276–78 («just about as bad» and «good management»), 274–75 («main problem»); Henriques, Marcus Samuel, pp. 462–66 (Samuel's diary).
Mellon, Judge Mellon's Sons, pp. 272–73 («Standard made the price,» «at the mercy» and «by your leave»), 282 («marketable»), 284 («hitch onto»); John G. McLean and Robert Haigh, The Growth of Integrated Oil Companies, pp. 78–79; King, Cullinan, p. 179 («throwed me out»). On the fate of the pioneers: Rickard, «Anthony F. Lucas,» p. 892; Oillnvestors Journal, March 1, 1904, p. 3 («Owing» and «milked too hard»); Clark and Halbouty, Spindletop, pp. 123–27(«whole honor»); Thomas Galey, «Guffey and Galey and the Genesis of the Gulf Oil Corporation,» January 1951, P448 (Gulf Oil), Petroleum Collection, University of Wyoming («Difficult times» and «lost track»); Al Hamill to Thomas W. Galey, February 21, 1951, P448 (Gulf Oil), Petroleum Collection, University of Wyoming («dribble»).
August W. Giebelhaus, Sun Oil, 1876–1945, pp. 42–43 («five cents»).
Buck skin (англ.) – оленья кожа. – Прим. пер.
Hog (англ.) – в данном случае «грубиян». – Прим. пер.
Curt Hamill Oral History, II, p. 29 («Hogg's my name»); Robert С. Cotner, James Stephen Hogg (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1959), pp. 437–39 («Northern men»); King, Cullinan, pp. 107 («Tammany»), 180–82 («time will come»), 186 («butt into everything»), 190–94 («Texas deals» and «boarding-house brawl»).
С разработкой месторождений в северной части побережья Мексиканского залива и в Калифорнии контроль Standard над внутренней нефтедобычей сократился с 90 % в 1880 г. до 60–65 % в 1911 г. Business History Review, ed., Oil's First Century (Boston: Harvard Business School, 1960), pp. 73–82; Hidy and Hidy, Standard Oil, vol. 1, pp. 416, 473, 462; Joseph A. Pratt, «The Petroleum Industry in Transition: Antitrust and the Decline of Monopoly Control in Oil,» Journal of Economic History 40 (December 1980), pp. 815–37; Ida Tarbell, All in the Day's Work (New York: Macmillan, 1939), p. 215 («no end of the oil»).
Hidy and Hidy, Standard Oil, vol. 1, pp. 213–214 («craze» and «Our friends»); Bruce Bringhurst, Antitrust and the Oil Monopoly: The Standard Oil Cases, 1890–1911 (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979), pp. 25 («Clam»), 52–58 («Democratic Leader»), 63, 90 (Republic Oil ads); Pratt, «Petroleum Industry in Transition,» p. 832 («blind tigers»).
Nevins, Study in Power, vol. 2, pp. 276–78; Hidy and Hidy, Standard Oil, vol. 1, pp. 231–32 («gentlemen»); Peter Collier and David Horowitz, The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1976), pp. 45–46, 645.
E. V. Cary to J. D. Rockefeller, November 8, 1907, 1907–1912 folder. Box 114, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Business Interests, Rockefeller archives; Moore, Archbold, pp. 48–49 («go ahead» and «hard job»), 17 («God is willing»), 53 («oil enthusiasm»), 119 («not… entirely philanthropic»), 109 («one flash»); Nevins, Study in Power, vol. 1, pp. 117–18 («$4 a barrel»); vol. 2, pp. 285–86 («really a bank»), 293–94 (three simple rules), 457, n. 8 («We told him»); Hidy and Hidy, Standard Oil, vol. 1, p. 67 («unfortunate failing»).
Edward С. Kirkland, Industry Comes of Age: Business, Labor, and Public Policy, 1860–1897 (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961), p. 312 («great moral… battle»); Lewis L. Could, Reform and Regulation: American Politics, 1900–1916 (New York: John Wiley, 1978), pp. 17, 23 («trust question»); Richard Hofstadter, The Age of Reform: From Bryan to FDR (New York: Vintage, 1955), pp. 169, 185–86 («critical achievement»); Alfred D. Chandler, The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1977); Naomi R. Lamoreaux, The Great Merger Movement in American Business, 1895–1904 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985), chap. 7; Kathleen Brady, Ida Tarbell: Portrait of a Muckraker (New York: Seaview/Putnam, 1984), pp. 120–23 («great feature» and «new plan of attacking»). Роджерс жаловался Айде Тарбелл на то, что он не может понять, как Harper's могло издать книгу Wealth Against Commonwealth Уильяма Демареста Ллойда, хотя он «находится в дружеских отношениях с Гарри Харпером». В соответствии с теорией Тарбелл «это было простое желание держать людей Standard Oil подальше от общества, имевшего отношение к изданию книги в Harper's». Interview with H. H. Rogers, T-004, Tarbell papers.
Brady, Ida Tarbell, p. 115 («holding people off»), 110 («playing cards»), 123 («Well, I'm sorry»); Tarbell, All in the Day's Work, pp. 19, 204 («Pithole»), 207 («Don't do it»).
Joseph Siddell to Ida Tarbell, T-084 («most interesting figure»); Standard Oil – Rachel Crothers Group, T-014, p. 3 («confession of failure»). Interviews with H. H. Rogers, T-004 («ask us to contribute»), T-003 («made right»), T-001, T-002, Tarbell papers. Albert Bigelow Paine, Mark Twain: A Biography (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1912), pp. 971–73 («stop walking» and «affairs of a friend»), 1658–59 («best friend»); Justin Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1966), pp. 320–23 («out for the dollars»); Tarbell, All in the Day's Work, pp. 217–20 («born gambler» and «we were prospered»), 211–15 («by all odds»), 10 («as fine a pirate»), 227–28; Albert Bigelow Paine, ed., Mark Twain's Letters (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1917), pp. 612–13 («only man I care for»); Hidy and Hidy, Standard Oil, vol. 1, p. 662; Brady, Ida Tarbell, pp. 125–29 («straightforward narrative»); «Would Miss Tarbell See Mr. Rogers,» Harper's Magazine, January 1939, p. 141.
Miss Tar Barrel (англ.) – Мисс Бочка Дегтя. – Прим. пер.
Standard Oil – Rachel Crothers Group, T-014, p. 13, Tarbell papers («turned my stomach»); Brady, Ida Tarbell pp. 137–57 («very interesting to note,» «most remarkable,» McClure's comments, «guilty of baldness,» «lady friend» and Rockefeller's response); Tarbell, History of Standard Oil vol. 1, p. 158; vol. 2, pp. 207, 60, 230, 288 («loaded dice»), 24; Hidy and Hidy, Standard Oil vol. 1, pp. 652 («more widely purchased»), 663; Tarbell, All in the Day's Work, p. 230 («never had an animus»); Hawke, Rockefeller Interview, p. 5 («Miss Tar Barrel»).
Gould, Reform and Regulation, pp. 25–26(«steamroller,» «meteor» and «wring the personality»), 48 ($100,000 donation); Tarbell, All in the Day's Work, pp. 241–42 («muckraker» and «vile and debasing»); George Mowry, The Era of Theodore Roosevelt, 1900–1912 (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1958), pp. 131–32 («levees»), 124; Henry F. Pringle, Theodore Roosevelt (New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Company, 1931), pp. 350–51(«read every book» and «Darkest Abyssnia»); United States Congress, Senate, Subcommittee of the Committee on Privileges and Elections, Campaign Contributions, 62d Congress, 3d Session (Washington, B.C.: GPO, 1913), vol. 1, p. 133; vol. 2, pp. 1574, 1580; Moore, Archbold, p. 260 (1906 visit to TR).
Bringhurst, Antitrust and the Oil Monopoly, pp. 133, 140 («Every measure»), 136 («biggest criminals»). Starr J. Murphy to J. D. Rockefeller, September 7, 1907 («Administration has started»); Telegram, W. P. Cowan to J. D. Rockefeller, August 3, 1907, 1907–1912 folder. Box 114; Stair Murphy to J. D. Rockefeller, July 9, 1907, Standard Oil Company– Misc. folder. Box 118, J.D.R., Jr., Business Interests, Rockefeller archives. White, Standard Oil of California, p. 373 («inordinately voluminous»); Moore, Archbold, pp. 295 («forty-four years»), 220 («Federal authorities»); Goulder, Rockefeller, pp. 84 («insolence» and «inadequacy»), 204–5 (Rockefeller on golf course); John K. Winkler, John D.: A Portrait in Oik (New York: Vanguard, 1929), p. 147.
David Bryn-Jones, Frank B. Kellogg: A Biography (New York: Putnam, 1937), p. 66 («signal triumphs»); Bringhurst, Antitrust and the Oil Monopoly, pp. 150, 156–57 («I have also»); White, Standard Oil of California, p. 377 («No disinterested mind»); New York Times, May 16, 1911; Mock, Archbold, p. 278 («one damn thing»).
Giddens, Standard of Indiana, pp. 123–35 («office boys»); Nevins, Study in Rower, vol. 2, pp. 380–81 («young fellows»); Hidy and Hidy, Standard Oil, vol. 1, pp. 416, 528, 713–14; White, Standard Oil of California, pp. 378–84.
Giddens, Standard of Indiana, pp. 141–63 (Burton).
Moore, Archbold, p. 281; Nevins, Study in Power, vol. 2, pp. 383 (Roosevelt), 404–5.
Robert Henriques, Marcus Samuel, pp. 158 («Mr. Abrahams»), 272 («mere production»), 163 («great disadvantage»), 165 («berserk»).
Henriques, Marcus Samuel, pp. 186–212 (correspondence), 267 («tremendous role»), 272; Williamson and Daum, Age of Illumination, pp. 336–37.
Henriques, Marcus Samuel, pp. 300–23.
Henriques, Marcus Samuel, pp. 319–35, 176–79, 223, 234, 298–99; Gerretson, Royal Dutch, vol. 1, pp. 121, 126, 177, 238–39; vol. 2, pp. 324–27, 89, 92–146; Forbes and O'Beirne, Royal Dutch/Shell, p. 65.
Interview with John Loudon; Henriques, Marcus Samuel pp. 330–31 («nervous condition»), 333; Heart Deterding, An International Oilman (as told to Stanley Naylor), (London and New York: Harper & Brothers, 1934), pp. 28–30 («lynx-eye» and «go a long way»), 37 («sniftering»), 9–10 («Simplicity rules»); Gerretson, Royal Dutch, vol. 1, pp.199–202 («first-rate businessman»); vol. 2, pp. 173–74 («not aiming» and «heart and soul»); Robert Henriques, Sir Robert Waley Cohen, 1877– 1952 (London: Seeker & Warburg, 1966), p. 98 («charm»); Lane to Aron, January 11, 1912, Rothschild papers («terrible sort»).
Gerretson, Royal Dutch, vol. 2, pp. 191–94 («battledore» and «joint management»); Archbold to Rockefeller, October 15, 1901, GDR to JDR, October 15,1901,1877–1906 folder, Box 114, Business Interests, J.D.R., Jr., Rockefeller archives («There is here»).
Gerretson, Royal Dutch, vol. 2, pp. 195–201 («no solution» and «cordially»), 234–38 («Neither of us» and «Delay dangerous»); Henriques, Marcus Samuel, pp. 400–3 («sincere congratulation»).