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His Temptation, Her Secret
His Temptation, Her Secret
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His Temptation, Her Secret

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“Should you be out of bed?” she asked, stepping past the curtain.

“The nurse took the IV out a few minutes ago.”

“But you just had surgery.”

“I’m aware of that.” He adjusted his collar and shifted the lapels across what she’d noted was a magnificently muscular chest.

“You must be sore.” She couldn’t believe he’d bounce back this fast.

“Only my hip. Dr. Stannis says it’ll disappear in a few days. Hanging around here isn’t going to help any.”

“Can you drive?” Sage asked.

She didn’t know where he was staying, but she wanted to be sure he got safely back to his hotel. It was the least she could do—the very least she could do for the man who may have saved her son’s life.

“They didn’t serve liquor in the operating room.”

“You know what I mean. You must be woozy.”

“It’s not too bad.” He finished doing up his buttons. “I’m not crazy about anesthetic. I like my brain cells too much.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through that.” She struggled to keep her emotions at bay. “Thank you, TJ.”

He sent her a sharp gaze, trapping hers for a long second. “You don’t have to thank me. He’s my son. You don’t ever have to thank me for helping my son.”

It would be a struggle for her to get used to that. She’d had Eli to herself for such a long time, she couldn’t imagine letting anyone else into their circle.

“I need you to understand that, Sage.”

“You’re going to have to give me some time.”

“I’ve already wasted nine years.” TJ took a pewter-gray blazer from a hanger on the wall and put it on over his designer outfit.

She was terrified to ask him what he had in mind. She didn’t want to have that conversation. “They’re watching Eli for signs of rejection,” she said instead.

“Anything yet?” TJ asked.

“It’s too soon to tell. Are you staying in Seattle overnight?”

Again, he pasted her with the sharp look. “I’m staying here as long as it takes.”

“Takes to what?”

He turned his back to her, punching a code into a small safe on the wall and retrieving his wallet and keys. Then he faced her and deposited the wallet into his inside jacket pocket. He kept the keys in his hand.

“I’ve been thinking,” he said.

She worriedly searched his expression for a clue. “About...”

“I’d like to move Eli to Highside Hospital.”

The words blindsided her. “What? Where?”

“It’s near Whiskey Bay. It’s state-of-the-art—”


“Hear me out.”

Protective instincts rose inside her, along with a healthy dose of fear. “You’re not taking Eli out of Seattle.”

“It’s the best place for him. I’ve donated to Highside for years, and they have the best doctors, the best technology, he’d be—”

“St. Bea’s is a fantastic hospital.”

“It’s a public hospital.”

Her tone went up in defense. “So what?”

“So, they’re busy, overworked, stretched for resources.”

“They’ve given Eli everything he needs. They diagnosed him. They found you.” She stopped, realizing TJ’s unique role in Eli’s recovery might not be her strongest argument.

“I was in the registry. Any hospital would have found me.”

“I don’t want him moved.” She needed to be close to her son while he recovered.

Whiskey Bay was three hours away. She’d missed so much time at work these past weeks, she couldn’t take much more off. She’d planned to work as many hours as she could while Eli was recovering.

“It’ll free up a bed for someone who desperately needs it,” TJ said.

“What part of no don’t you understand?”

“What part of father don’t you understand?”

“He can’t be moved yet.” She realized her best argument was the medical one.

“I’m not talking about today, or even tomorrow. But as soon as he’s strong enough, we can hire a medical helicopter. It’ll take thirty minutes, tops.”

“Just like that?” She resisted an urge to snap her fingers.

“Just like what?”

“You’ll hire a helicopter.”

“It’s fast. It’ll be comfortable. The onboard medics are equipped for anything.”

“It’ll cost a fortune.”

His expression was a study in incomprehension. “It’s my son’s health we’re talking about.”

She was back in high school again. “You’re still the big man, aren’t you?”

His nostrils flared, but he didn’t answer.

“The star athlete, the guy who got anything he wanted, grants, scholarships, the best parties, all the girls.”

TJ opened his mouth, but she didn’t let him interrupt.

“The wide receiver with the magic hands, who was going all-state, who could write his own ticket.”

“I’m not going to apologize for getting a college degree.”

Sage felt like a knife had been shoved into her heart. She’d given up countless scholarship offers to raise Eli.

“I earned my money,” TJ continued. “I’m spending it on my son.”

She stepped forward. “Your son doesn’t need it.”

“You want to fight me on this?”

Sage was about to say yes, when the curtain was whisked open.

Dr. Stannis appeared. She looked TJ up and down and smiled. “Nice bounce-back.”

“I’ve been through worse,” he said. “How’s Eli?”

“He’s still in recovery. We’re going to keep him there for a few more hours. Do you feel ready for discharge?”

“Absolutely. When can we see him?”

“Later tonight.” Dr. Stannis glanced at her watch. “Nine-ish? But he’ll still be pretty groggy until morning.”

“We’ll come back at nine.”

Sage was about to protest that she wasn’t leaving.

“Make sure you get plenty of fluids,” Dr. Stannis said to TJ.

“Is there a good restaurant nearby?”

It took Sage a second to realize the question was for her. “I’m, uh, not sure.”

He looked puzzled.

She wasn’t about to explain to Mr. Moneybags Helicopter Charter that she normally brought snacks from home to save money over eating in the hospital cafeteria. Forget restaurants. They weren’t even on her radar.

“The Red Grill is just down the road,” Dr. Stannis said. “It gets good reviews from families of our patients.”

“Done,” TJ said. He motioned for Sage to go first.

She didn’t understand.

“I’m buying,” he told her. “We have to eat.”

“Fluids,” Dr. Stannis said. “For both of you.” She gave Sage a pointed look.

They’d had a few conversations about the fact that Sage had lost some weight these past weeks.

“Does Cabernet Sauvignon count?” TJ asked with a teasing smile.

“Only in moderation.” Dr. Stannis waved her pen. “Water’s better. Tea would be perfect.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“And make sure Sage eats.”

TJ looked down at Sage with a curious expression. “Anything in particular?”


“Lasagna it is,” he said.

“I don’t like lasagna.” Sage did like lasagna, but she was still thrown off balance by TJ’s determination to move Eli to a different hospital. And she resented the way he was organizing her dinner.

“Then order something else,” he said easily. “They’ll have a menu.”

“I’m aware of how restaurants work.”

“Good. Then you won’t mind taking advantage of one. You are a little thin.”

“I’m not thin.” She was conveniently ignoring the fact that her favorite jeans were sagging at her waist.

“I didn’t mean it as an insult.”

“Your opinion means nothing to me.”

Dr. Stannis broke in. “And I will see you two later.”

“Thank you, Doctor.” TJ gave her hand a warm shake with both of his.

Sage wished she could hug the doctor, but she settled for shaking as well. “Thank you so much.”

“You’re most welcome.” Dr. Stannis’s sincerity was unquestionable. “Go take care of yourself for a couple of hours. Eli is in excellent hands.”

“I know,” Sage said.

She had complete confidence in the staff at St. Bea’s. There wasn’t a reason in the world for TJ to move Eli anywhere else.