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Wrapped Up for Christmas
‘I won’t,’ Angie said, grinning.
They were the type of friends who could pick up where they left off every time they met. Reese dug into the bag and pulled out a bagel.
‘I’ve been dreaming about this,’ Reese said, admiring the food from all angles.
‘It’s my favorite place to eat down here. I needed some fuel this morning. I hate coming to the mall after Thanksgiving, though.’ Reese narrowed her eyes at the people walking past them. ‘Especially this year. I’ve realized how many shoppers don’t care about mowing down a pregnant woman as long as it means they get their cheap television.’
‘Turning a little green there,’ Angie said.
Reese tilted her bagel toward Angie. ‘Don’t you dare call me the Grinch.’
Angie laughed. ‘You said it!’
‘What’s on your list?’
‘I can’t get anything today,’ Angie said.
‘Why not? Don’t tell me you’re Scrooging it.’
‘I couldn’t even pay for the bagels this morning.’
Reese stopped chewing and stared at her bagel. ‘You didn’t get these out of the trash, did you?’
Angie groaned. ‘No, some guy paid for them.’ She drifted into her thoughts, thinking of him. She started to regret her reaction of fleeing the scene.
‘What happened?’
Angie told her every agonizing detail of the story. Reese’s expression went from pity to confusion.
Reese grabbed her arm, smearing cream cheese on Angie’s coat. ‘Sorry.’ She licked the remaining cream cheese from her fingers before continuing. ‘Why are you smiling like that? Was the guy hot?’
She almost wished her best friend didn’t know her that well. Angie knew where Reese would go with the information and besides that, she didn’t want to be interested in any guy. ‘He was attractive, I guess.’
‘No way, Ang. You need to back up.’
‘I know! I’m horrible. He swooped in like some prince charming and I fell for it! He reminded me so much of Brett and the way he used to flaunt his cash.’
‘Well, as long as you’re aware of it. Don’t you want a little time to be single and recalibrate your life?’
‘Yes.’ Angie shoved her hair away from her face, stuffing a piece of bagel into her mouth. She needed a minute to think. This was typical behavior for her. Angie had only been single for a few days before she met Brett. And before that with Jonathon. There wasn’t much of a break between men in her past, and she needed to change her pattern, give herself the time and space to heal.
Reese eyed her friend but gestured for her to continue. ‘So, let’s get back to why you don’t have money. Did Brett do something else to screw you?’
Angie put her food down and grabbed her phone. ‘I was supposed to get the severance already. Do you mind if I check my account?’
Reese waved a hand at her to go ahead, while she started on the second half of her bagel.
Angie plugged her mobile banking data into the app. In the few seconds it took for the website to load, her stomach clenched. Then it plummeted when she saw the overdraft notice.
‘I’m assuming it didn’t go through?’ Reese asked.
Angie shook her head, willing away the sting in her eyes as she moved money over from her savings to account for the overdraft. She tried not to dip into that account often, but in this instance she had no choice. Her job had been enough to keep her afloat while she saved as much as she could. Angie never counted on Brett dumping her, in a way forcing her to leave her job. ‘I don’t want to call them. It’s so mortifying.’
‘You did nothing wrong. He made you uproot your life. I’ll call them if you want.’
‘No,’ Angie said, protecting her phone. Reese had always been like a big, scary older sister to anyone who messed with her. Angie had to do this on her own.
‘Do you need a loan?’ Reese asked.
‘No.’ Angie had created this mess, and she was going to fix it.
‘Well, the offer stands. Whenever you need it.’
Angie nodded and drafted an email to Melissa from the hotel. She handled all the employee paychecks and would be discreet in Angie’s hour of need. She wanted to avoid contacting Brett if she could help it. It would only prove that he had made a better choice with whatever woman he thought was worthier than Angie of his grandmother’s diamond ring. Though she had some choice words she wished she could give him.
She had only just put her phone in her bag when her email pinged.
‘That was fast,’ Reese said.
‘They owe me,’ Angie said, checking the message. It was from Melissa, but her hopes disappeared as she read the out of office reply.
‘She’s not in the office today,’ Angie said, reading the email three times, hoping it would change into a message more in her favor.
‘Is there anyone else you can talk to?’ Reese asked.
‘No,’ she said, even though it wasn’t true. Today wasn’t about her old life. She had enough savings to get her through as long as she kept to a tight budget.
Angie couldn’t help the sinking feeling that her pride was getting in the way of reaching out to Brett about her paycheck, despite it being what she was owed. Her heart was heavy in her chest, and she was considering that it might be better to go without than confronting Brett again. Her cheeks burned with anger and frustration. Shaking Brett from her mind she glanced up at her friend.
‘So, what are you looking for?’ Angie needed to change the subject. ‘I’m your bag carrier for the entire day.’
Reese ticked names off her fingers. ‘Jeremy, his parents, our niece and nephew, his coworkers too. Are you sure you’re not going to do any shopping?’
Angie knew Reese was fishing to find out about her gift. She was awful at accepting surprises. When they were kids, Reese used to come over even more than usual around her birthday and Christmas to try and find presents in Angie’s house. Little did she know Angie’s hiding spot was behind her dad’s toolbox in his basement workshop.
Reese pushed off the bench. ‘Well, let’s get going then. I might fall asleep here if we stay any longer.’
As they walked through the department store, Angie continued eating her breakfast. Her stomach was a jumble of nerves, but she tried to savor each bite. There was no way she was eating lunch out. She was looking forward to her mother’s home-cooked meals, and there was no way her bank account would allow too many frivolous purchases until she was sure of the extra money. Sneaking small pieces of bagel out of the bag at a time, Angie remembered how food wasn’t allowed in the store. It didn’t stop her keeping candy in her pocket when she worked there all those years ago, and it certainly wouldn’t stop her now.
‘Bringing back memories for you?’ Reese asked.
‘It’s like stepping into another time,’ Angie said. The harsh lighting was still the same, and the warmth inside the store was unmistakable. It was a simpler time and place in her mind, yet it had a substantial impact on her life. Starting work young had helped her understand the importance of responsibility. It helped that Dad was proud of her for accepting the important responsibility of work. Paychecks funded her trips to the movies and new clothes for school.
‘Have you thought about what you’re going to do moving forward?’ Reese asked.
‘I sent a bunch of resumes before I left California. It’s a good thing since the Wi-Fi is spotty at home.’
‘You can always come over to my place to do that stuff. You know Jeremy and his gaming. We have the highest tier of internet we can afford. Which still seems not enough for him.’ She made no effort to hide an eye roll.
‘Thanks,’ Angie said, unsure of why she didn’t think of that before. ‘Hopefully I’ll hear back soon.’
‘Are you considering staying local?’ Reese asked.
Angie remembered what Jeremy told her the other day about Reese missing her. She missed her best friend too, but soon a baby would distract her. Though, Angie wouldn’t mind being closer to home for visits. Anything to be as far from Brett and his fiancée as possible.
‘I’ll take anything I can right now but most of the bigger jobs are in cities, and I feel like I can’t stay at home with everyone there. Mom is already driving me crazy and I’ve only been back for two days!’
‘How so?’
Angie rarely complained about her mother around Reese since her friend’s parents had died in a car accident not long after their high school graduation. ‘It’s just a lot. I went from being on my own to a house full of relatives. Nonna and Nonno are at each other’s throats most of the time. It’s all innocent, but loud. Since they came to stay with us, Mom is working less, so I think things are a little hectic for everyone.’
‘Well, you know my house is always open to a little company. We have a sweet couch bed. Jeremy says it’s comfortable.’
‘Do you really make him sleep out there?’
She shook her head. ‘He chooses to. I can’t get comfortable lately, and this prevents him from shuffling around like a zombie at work after I toss and turn all night.’
Angie wished there was someone in the world who was that selfless for her. With the ghost of Brett looming over her, she doubted that would ever be the case. She didn’t deserve that kind of love if she couldn’t tell that someone wasn’t single while she dated them.
Angie followed Reese around, while her thoughts drifted. They were different shoppers. Angie liked to browse while Reese always went straight to where she needed to be. Within an hour, she already had all but one gift.
Angie wished there were carts in the store. The box holding a large decorative bowl for Jeremy’s mother-in-law dug into her side, and she started to regret the offer to hold everything for Reese.
‘I’m done here,’ Reese said, topping the pile with several shirts for her niece and nephew.
Angie adjusted her grip. ‘We’re going to your car after this.’
‘Can you go? I need to put my feet up. Then, we can shop for Jer.’
At the checkout, a bright red sign with NOW HIRING in bold letters stood out to her. Angie loved Christmas season at the mall. There were always interesting people shopping for their loved ones. As a teen, she worked at numerous places around the mall. When she worked at the information booth her senior of high school, she had been a big people-watcher. During Christmas, there were even more crowds, and it had entertained her to no end. It distracted her from the long hours during the holiday season.
Reese noticed the sign too, tapping the top with her finger. ‘Why don’t you work temporarily over your break? There are always places hiring here in December.’
‘At the mall? No way.’
The older woman behind the desk eyed her.
Angie avoided looking at the woman. She didn’t mean to offend her but working at the mall had been a high school job, not a career choice for her.
‘Well, it might get you out of the house,’ Reese said. ‘Isn’t that what you wanted?’
‘Not at all,’ Angie said under her breath as Reese paid. ‘Besides, I don’t want to start something new for just a few weeks. When someone calls me back for a job, I’ll have to quit. In any case, what is it going to look like on my resume?’
Reese took the receipt from the woman and slipped it into the bag on Angie’s shoulder. ‘I’m sure they need supervisors or something. That never looks bad on a job application.’
‘I guess. But I’m hoping one of these offers comes through first.’
‘Do you want me to look over your resume?’
Reese was top of their English class and always used to correct people’s grammar, which thoroughly annoyed everyone. It took years to break her of that habit.
‘I would love that,’ Angie said, slightly regretting that she had already sent it to prospective job opportunities already. But there was always room for improvement.
‘Email it to me, and I’ll review it,’ Reese said.
‘Thank you.’
Reese looped her arm in Angie’s. ‘After you get back from the car, we need to get a snack.’
‘We just ate,’ Angie said.
Reese rolled her eyes. ‘Do you even know me at all?’ She made a show of thinking about her food choices. ‘How about we share a pretzel?’
‘As long as you’re paying,’ Angie said.
Chapter 4
Nick pulled onto the gravel driveway toward David’s house. It wasn’t even six, and the sun was already across the horizon. A brightly lit Christmas tree glistened through the front windows. It seemed as if everyone was ready for the holidays except for him. He had no idea where to start, or if he wanted to bother this year. It wasn’t as if anyone was coming over his place to celebrate.
Charlie started whining from the backseat, and her tail swished against Nick’s face as she paced between the two windows. Nick was lucky to have the type of dog who didn’t need to be on a leash. City ordinances required it for their runs, but she liked coming to David’s house as much as he did. The three acres of land away from the road allowed her to roam without restriction.
Nick parked next to the shared family silver SUV as David appeared from around the corner of the house.
Charlie’s whines escalated until Nick opened her door. She bounded onto the front seat and hopped onto the ground. She sniffed around David’s feet before taking off toward the back of the house.
‘You’re late,’ David said, tucking his hand into the pocket of his jeans. With his flannel shirt, he looked more like a cowboy than an ex-corporate type.
Nick was late by almost an hour. He couldn’t help but wonder if his dad had seen his meeting with David in his calendar and added more to his workload on purpose. The truth was, Nick wasn’t on anyone’s side. He loved them both and couldn’t imagine choosing between his brother and father. Nick wished his dad would stop being so stubborn.
‘Might want to put a jacket on.’ Nick shivered at the chilly night air.
‘I’m hot-blooded, remember?’ David said, clapping a hand on Nick’s back.
Nick tugged the collar of his pea coat tighter around his neck.
‘You’ve spent too much time in a heated office,’ David said, inspecting Nick’s suit. ‘You need to get outside more often. You’re pale as hell.’
‘Look who’s talking,’ Nick said, shoving away David’s hand. David pushed away a chunk of light brown hair from his face. It was much longer and freer than it had been when he worked for their father.
David chuckled and turned around. ‘I’m almost done in the workshop. Come back with me for a minute.’
As they walked over, Charlie galloped across the lawn, sniffing everything along the trail toward the doggy door at the back of the house, leading into the kitchen. David had made it for her before she had turned one. They didn’t have a pet, but David’s handiwork gave his sons, Evan and James, enough of an excuse to ask their parents for a dog around any major holiday. Nick suspected it was part of the reason David allowed Charlie to visit since it allowed the kids to play with a dog without long-term commitments.
Inside David’s workshop, the air was almost as cold as outside. A small heater chugged in the corner of the room, but only blasted enough warmth at a small radius.
Various unfinished projects sat around the room, while tools hung from hooks on the walls. Nick leaned against one of the wood beams, looking up at the ceiling. The second-floor loft was for storage, the compromise between David and Theresa for her permission to build the shed in the backyard.
David walked over to a wooden chair sitting atop a table he had crafted himself. He picked up a piece of sanding paper and started to smooth one of the legs. ‘What’s going on with you lately? Dad driving you crazy?’
‘It’s Christmas, what do you think?’
‘I think he needs to retire.’
‘Mom wouldn’t be able to stand it if he did.’
‘I get it. I wouldn’t want to subject her to that.’
David worked in silence for a minute, a consistent reaction any time their father came into the conversation, even though he was the one to bring him up.
‘Everything good with business?’ Nick asked.
‘It’s better around this season, but the hustle never goes away. Especially when I have a family to support.’
Nick nodded in agreement. David hadn’t taken the easy route when he started his woodworking business from scratch, but he continued to surprise his little brother with his determination.
‘Are you just going to stare at me or help?’ David tossed his piece of sandpaper to Nick.
Nick missed the paper, and it fell to the ground.
‘Too much time in the office,’ David muttered.
They sanded for a while, staying on neutral topics. Smoothing his hand against the wood cleared Nick’s mind as much as running did. No wonder David liked his job.
David’s cell phone rang. He sat up, placing the paper on the table. ‘Time to eat.’
‘Is that how Theresa lets you know?’ Nick asked, grinning. As much as Nick teased his brother about his love life, he was incredibly jealous of what he had.
‘It’s better than the bell she suggested hanging outside the porch.’
‘No way,’ Nick said.
David pulled a face. ‘Don’t remind her about it. I still don’t think she was kidding.’
They were only a few feet from the shed when the back door burst open. ‘Uncle Nick!’
Evan and James, six-year-old twins, raced over to him, their arms pumping as they neared. Charlie was on their heels before she overtook them and ran ahead.
The boys favored their mother with their pale blond locks and freckled cheeks.
‘Come here, guys.’ Nick knelt, ready to hug his nephews.
Between Charlie’s licks and the boys pummeling into him, the weight overpowered him, and he plopped onto the wet ground.
Nick ruffled Evan’s hair while James tried to tickle Nick under his shirt.
‘Come on, boys,’ Theresa said from the doorway. ‘Give Uncle Nick a chance to get inside. Go wash your hands.’
David laughed so hard his eyes teared up.
The boys shoved each other as they fought to be the first one inside with Charlie in tow.
‘Hilarious,’ Nick said, trying to get up without ruining the rest of his pants. The cold liquid seeping against his skin reminded him of the coffee spilled all over him at the café yesterday morning. This wasn’t his week.
Theresa grinned from the doorway. Her hair was twisted in a bun on top of her head, a style she’d preferred ever since he had known her. ‘Hey, Nick. Come inside, and I’ll put those in the wash for you.’
David held out a hand to help his brother up. ‘It’s a good thing we’re still the same size. That says a lot for me being older. I picture a pot-belly in your future.’
‘You’re only two years older and I’m never getting a pot-belly,’ Nick said.
‘Sitting around on that desk chair in your fancy office will get you there soon enough.’
‘I bet you’ll be the first, old man,’ Nick said.
‘Do you want to put money on that?’ David asked, leading Nick into the house.
After Nick had changed into a pair of David’s jeans, he headed into the kitchen. The square footage of the house was around the same size as Nick’s apartment, yet he always felt it held more warmth.
From Nick’s perspective, David had the life. He had a good family and a job he loved. After quitting, David had relied heavily on Theresa for money and insurance. The Bower men were hard-working, no matter what they did. David built his business from the ground up and proved himself again at each milestone. Too bad his dad wanted nothing to do with it.
Theresa walked over to Nick and hugged him. ‘Good to see you clean. How’s work?’
Evan and James sat quietly in their chairs, but from Charlie’s tail sticking out from under the table, Nick knew they were petting her. She was spoiled here even more than she was at home.
‘Busy,’ Nick said. ‘How about you?’
‘The laboratory slows down around this time every year. We shut down for cleaning in two weeks,’ she said. ‘It couldn’t come any faster. Sit, let’s eat.’
Nick wondered how much David’s passion affected their family. But they were able to see each other more than Nick and Molly had. And they were still happily married. David had somehow found the magic formula to love.
‘I’m starving,’ James said.
Steam swirled around the lasagna at the center of the table. The boys reached for the homemade bread first, but Nick was right behind them. Theresa was the most intelligent person Nick knew and could make an incredible meal. Once again showing off his brother’s luck.
‘How’s your love life?’ Theresa asked before Nick cut a piece for himself.
Nick looked at David. His brother could hardly mask the smile on his face.
‘David can ask me whatever he likes.’
David lifted a piece of lasagna from the plate. ‘I know you’ll answer her.’
‘I want you to be happy,’ Theresa said.
Nick dipped his bread in the sauce. ‘I can be happy without a girlfriend.’
‘That’s true, but all you do is work. It’s not good for you,’ Theresa said, sliding a glance at David.
That had been a taboo subject at their home, growing up. Their dad had always said that hard work was everything, which was why David gave up that life when he met Theresa. She had good intentions, but Nick didn’t appreciate them discussing his life behind his back.
‘We know another person isn’t the secret ingredient to a happy life, but it helps.’ David gave Nick a look of understanding.
‘I met a woman yesterday,’ Nick said, without thinking. The unsure stare of the woman from the café leaped into his mind. He wasn’t convinced that he would want to see her again, but making up a story about the first woman who had showed interest in him – at least for a few minutes – might get them off his back for a while.
Theresa’s eyes lit up and David tilted his head to the side.
‘Did you kiss her?’ Evan asked, then James let out an ‘Eww!’
‘You don’t kiss girls you’ve just met,’ Theresa said to the boys and then raised her eyebrows at Nick. ‘And you always ask first.’
‘You talked to a woman. That’s progress,’ David said around a large piece of lasagna.
David and Theresa continued their own conversation about Nick’s love life as if he were steps away from the altar. He wasn’t even sure why he bothered to try to tell them otherwise. Those two could be such gossips at times.
But Nick didn’t mind being the center of their conversation. He liked the banter and the way his shoulders relaxed around his family. David’s house was much different from their parents’. Dad didn’t talk about much other than work. Nick could be himself with his brother and family. It was all he needed after the start to the week he’d had so far.
Chapter 5
Angie woke early the next morning, the sound of her mother’s voice and the banging of kitchen cabinets reverberating in her head. Managing to make her excuses to avoid her mother’s annual cookie baking session, Angie grabbed the keys to Donato’s rusty old wagon and nearly sprinted out the door to leave for Reese’s house.
As she climbed into the driver’s seat, she couldn’t help but feel a small pang of guilt in her chest. Her mother had been so excited to have Angie home, she knew that she just wanted to enjoy all the festive activities that the season allowed while Angie was around. But Angie was all too aware that she wasn’t going to find her next job from sitting around all day in her mum’s kitchen. None of the hotels called her back, and each time she tried to follow up, one of the assistants blocked her, saying that they would be in touch if they were interested. Angie wanted to see if Reese had reviewed her resume for changes. Making a mental note to set aside some baking time to appease her mother, she dialed Reese’s number in her cellphone, started the ignition and set off to her friend’s house.
‘Can I pay you to move back home for good and make my food every day?’ Reese said as she shoveled the last bit of Belgium waffle into her mouth. She licked the syrup from the fork. Angie barely ate two bites in the time Reese had finished hers.