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The Sister’s Secrets: Pearl
The Sister’s Secrets: Pearl
The Sister’s Secrets: Pearl


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The Sister’s Secrets: Pearl

Pearl remembered the boats and the sunken ones throughout her travels under water.

‘My boat broke.’

‘Your boat sunk?’

Pearl nodded. ‘I don’t have anything left.’

Mrs. Jones leaned forward, touching Pearl’s arm. The older female’s eyes swam with liquid. ‘Honey, that’s terrible.’

‘I’m a good swimmer,’ Pearl said.

‘It’s great to have a positive outlook in the wake of such a tragedy.’

Pearl wasn’t sure where the change of attitude from the human came from, but a swell of lightness moved through her. Mrs. Jones seemed satisfied with Pearl’s story. Pearl pinched a crumb from the plate and popped it in her mouth. Usually, she ate many fish at a time during her meals, sometimes close to a dozen. Eventually, she would need more food but didn’t want to stay too long with Mrs. Jones. Pearl had no desire to take this human after she’d offered such kindness. There were plenty of humans in town. She’d choose one of them.

‘Did you graduate school? You look to be around my daughter’s age.’

Pearl nodded, having no idea why Mrs. Jones knew anything about schools of fish. Maybe it was her proximity to the ocean.

‘What are your plans for the future?’ Mrs. Jones asked.

Drown a human. Return home. She couldn’t say those things. Instead, Pearl shrugged.

‘Are you working?’

Pearl shook her head. ‘Those from my home value family above everything else.’

‘You’re close with your family?’

‘My sister,’ Pearl said.

‘I think you all are too young to decide big life choices at this age. There’s an entire world of possibilities out there, and this time is perfect for exploring and finding yourself. School wasn’t a possibility for me, but I did find this place and am happy to call it home. I met the love of my life here. God rest his soul. I’ve never looked back. Family is important, but sometimes you need to find it for yourself.’

Pearl sensed Mrs. Jones would continue to ask questions she had no clue how to answer. A crawling sensation, like coral brushing against her, snaked down her arms. ‘I should go.’

‘Not yet,’ Mrs. Jones said, standing. ‘Let me give you a few things. It’s the least I can do for allowing an old woman to take up your time.’

Pearl followed the human into a different room, farthest from the entrance. A bright color, unlike anything she’d ever seen, covered the walls. Mrs. Jones moved around, digging her hands into compartments, pulling out more items of clothing. ‘This should last you a few days.’ She hid them inside a bag and handed it over to Pearl. The two straps looked complicated, so she held one of them and allowed the bag to bump against her leg.

‘Let me get you some food and water. You probably need some money too.’

‘Money,’ Pearl said, sounding out the word. It was what humans used to trade for things. She’d heard about it from the females in previous ceremonies, who said it would get Pearl whatever she wanted but that it was hard to come by. How fortunate for her that this human wanted to help.

‘I can give you a little to get you by until you contact your family. I’m afraid I don’t have much to spare. I’m trying to help Monique with her bills when I can.’

Pearl followed the human back into the room where she’d eaten. Mrs. Jones pressed the crinkly green items against Pearl’s hand. She stuffed the money into the bag.

‘Don’t worry about the clothes,’ Mrs. Jones said. ‘Bring them by when you get situated.’

Her suspicions of humans seemed unreasonable in the presence of Mrs. Jones. The human wanted to help her succeed, at least while she thought Pearl was the same species. ‘I appreciate this.’

‘It’s the neighborly thing to do,’ Mrs. Jones said, handing her the same outer layer as when she came out of the water. ‘You can take the coat too. Do you need a ride somewhere? I don’t drive, but I can call someone.’

As much as Pearl wanted to meet a possible victim, she had to be discreet. Mrs. Jones would know it was Pearl if her friend disappeared soon after. ‘I can walk.’

‘Enjoy your time here,’ Mrs. Jones said.

Pearl left the room, tracing her steps out of the house. She burst through the door, grateful for the fresh ocean air filling her. A biting chill made Pearl wrap her arms over her chest. She needed to find shelter before the sky light dipped over the horizon. The darkness brought cooler air, and she already had more than enough experience with it.

Distancing herself from the water added weight to her feet. The pull toward her home was much stronger than she realized, but she grabbed whatever strength she had to push through. There were too many humans near the docks, so there wasn’t a way to avoid detection if she took someone under. Then, a plan started to form in her mind. She’d acclimate herself with the town and then tomorrow she’d hunt.

A part of her, from long ago, appreciated this plan. She was never going to be on land ever again. The ceremony could take place in five cycles of the sky light, so there was no reason to rush. Mrs. Jones had given her clothes, sustenance, and money to trade. Pearl could wait one more day.

As she walked inland, the space between buildings lessened. She tried to keep to the streets closer to the water but soon became confused about her location. It seemed as the day went on, more humans populated the roads, wandering in and out of the buildings. In her hopes of avoiding them, she ended up on a road where the ocean seemed a distant memory.

Pearl kept her head down, her hair shielding her face. She had to get back—

‘Are you lost?’ someone asked.

Pearl whipped to the side, and the ground fell out from under her.

The female who’d spoken reached for her hands and Pearl recoiled.

A blaring sound ripped through her ears, and she closed her eyes, a flickering light flashed before her.

Strong hands pulled her upward. A craft rolling down the street came to a halt.

The male in the car screamed words but Pearl had no idea of their meaning.

‘Keep going,’ the female said to the male, steadying Pearl against the building. To Pearl she said, ‘A local would never drive that fast through these streets. What’s this place coming to?’

Pearl pressed a trembling hand against her head.

‘You have to be careful, sweetheart,’ the female said, brushing her hand against Pearl’s shoulder. ‘I’m sorry I startled you.’

The female had light, springy hair, poofing around her face. Pearl had never seen hair quite like that before. A color as blue as the sky smeared across the lids of the female’s wide eyes.

‘You walked by my store three times,’ she said. ‘You interested in something?’

Pearl glanced over the woman’s shoulder, her breathing still amplified by her near miss with that vehicle. ‘No.’

‘Are you sure? Now, I know my items aren’t for everyone, but most can find something to their liking.’

‘No,’ Pearl said and moved away from the female, tearing toward the scent of the ocean.


For the rest of the day, Pearl walked, acclimating herself to the edges of the coastal town. She kept to hidden places, between buildings. On land, everything seemed so close together. Under the water, Pearl could swim for extended periods without seeing any of her troop. The humans tended to travel in groups, which made it more difficult for her to walk around the town unnoticed.

When the sky light started its descent, Pearl searched for shelter. Even though she wasn’t tired, her legs ached. She’d become good at walking yet wasn’t sure if it was her or the runes on the pearls helping her blend in with the humans. The obvious choice for shelter was a building or dwelling, but she wanted a safe place for rest. No human would follow her underwater. In her new human form, she’d never survive the darkness or the inability to breathe in the only place she’d called home. But the closer, the better.

When the sky light finally disappeared over the horizon, Pearl made her way back to the docks. It was much harder to see, but she stopped many times to check her surroundings. There were more than enough boats to borrow for the night. After trying to access several of the covered shelters on the boats, she discovered most were locked. When she came across the one she’d been near when Mrs. Jones found her, the door to the cabin opened without a struggle. It was one of the largest by far, even though it wasn’t much warmer than outside. At least the breeze rippling from the water wouldn’t bother her.

Pearl closed the door, peering through the round window onto the docks. No humans had spotted her, but she couldn’t be too careful. The space was enough for her to spend the night. She sat on the cushioned bench, and the release of pressure on her legs elicited a wave of pleasure through her body. It took a few tries, but she was able to roll her ankles as she leaned against the back of the seat. Her gaze swooped around the space, studying her surroundings. There appeared to be storage of some sort, like the boxes attached to the walls in Mrs. Jones’s kitchen. Bubbles popped in her stomach, and Pearl rubbed her hand over it.

She reached inside her bag for the food from Mrs. Jones. Before lifting any of the sustenance, she stopped. She had no idea how long she’d be on land and wanted to preserve what she had. There had to be food inside of the vessel, or at least something to get her through the night.

A heaviness weighed within her. She could have picked a human, drowned it, and swam home by now. The bonding with Kaito would have already taken place, and she’d never have to see a human again. The difficulty of the situation loomed over her. It wasn’t as easy as the other females made it appear.

Tomorrow, she’d hunt. Right now, she needed nourishment.

Standing proved difficult as her legs protested after sitting for an extended length of time in their non-motile position. In all her life, she’d never experienced stillness in the way her new body demanded. The movement of water had always kept her in motion.

Inside one of the boxes, a bag with assorted colors across the crinkly surface beckoned her. It took her a few minutes to pry it open. She lifted one of the small, circular items and brought it to her nose. It didn’t smell like anything she recognized, but the rough surface seemed appealing enough. It almost reminded her of a shell. She hoped there would be a delicious surprise when she ate it. Tasting the crispy item, her mouth flooded with the familiar flavor. The salt wasn’t the same as where she’d lived her entire life, but she recognized the connection to home.

She sat again, propping her legs across the seat. The ache in her chest for her home widened as she scooped handfuls of the food into her mouth. Between the rocking motion of the boat and the salty taste on her tongue, her eyes became heavy.

In her natural form, sleep was a necessity. But only for short bursts of time. During those moments, she and Syrene locked arms with each other, anchoring themselves together for rest. Others in the troop created larger bundles. Her lack of connection to them kept her separate. She wondered if Kaito would replace Syrene or force her into the troop bundles.

Pearl thought of Kaito. He was one of the strongest swimmers in her generation, and his eyes were kind. She’d never thought of herself being bonded to anyone, not after Daryah. In the throes of the Drywalking ceremony, she still couldn’t picture it.

Syrene’s face filled Pearl’s mind as she settled into the softness of the bench. She held on to the empty bag as she drifted to sleep. Her sister’s face calmed her as she entered one place she could be alone.

As it did underwater, time passed without awareness.

A shuffling sound woke her from a deep sleep.

Her eyes sprung open, and a voice asked, ‘Who are you?’

Chapter 5

A human male stood before Pearl. Her legs jolted, and she tumbled off the bench to the floor. She blinked, trying to orient herself. Time had flown by as she rested, and the sky light shone through the few windows on the craft. Pearl flipped over and jumped up. The empty crinkly bag floated to the floor between them.

The male’s dark hair flopped over his forehead, shielding his eyes. Concern pulled at the corners of them, yet he didn’t move toward her. He stood a head taller, but size didn’t usually matter. In her current form, it might. They were close enough to the water. All she had to do was hold him under.

Her heartbeat throbbed in her ears. ‘Who are you?’

‘Considering this is my father’s boat, I’m pretty sure I have the upper hand with questions here.’ The corner of his mouth lifted, but he didn’t shift from his spot.

All words flew from Pearl’s mind. She glanced over her shoulder. In the brief time she’d inspected the boat, she’d seen only one entrance and exit. Behind him. Her gaze darted to the door, then back to the human.

He released a deep breath. ‘I’m Ben.’

The movement of his hand caught her off guard, and she fell backward. Her legs bent, and she launched toward her seat. Before she hit it, he reached out, grabbing on to her arms with both hands, keeping her hovering in place.

The touch of his hands sent buzzing vibrations through her legs as he helped her straighten.

‘I was trying to shake your hand,’ he said, letting go of her. ‘I’m sorry I startled you.’

‘Shake hands?’ Pearl asked, splaying hers out in front of her.

His eyebrows touched. ‘In greeting?’ Slowly, he held his hand out again. Using his other, he circled her wrist and pulled her closer.

Pearl stepped forward, enough that their toes bumped. He glanced at the floor and then his eyes met hers before he enveloped her hand with his. He moved them up and down. His hands were large and unmarked with scars. The males in the troop suffered deep scars across their bodies, but mostly their hands. Fights with sea creatures permanently marked them.

‘Do they not shake hands where you’re from?’ he asked with a smile.

Pearl shook her head.

‘Oh,’ he said. ‘Now I feel even more like an ass.’ He pulled his fingers through his hair. Clumps sprung back as he moved. They seemed so soft, and Pearl had the urge to touch them. ‘Last night, I realized I’d forgotten to lock the cabin door. I came back to check, and here we are.’

She stared at him.

‘What’s your name?’ he asked after a moment.

‘Pearl,’ she said.

He sat on the seat across from her, removing the threat from the doorway. She had the urge to run, but it was her duty to take a human under the sea. Her opportunity sat before her.

‘Pearl,’ he repeated, licking his lips.

Her gaze focused on the moisture clinging there.

Ben made an amused sound and pointed to the floor. ‘You’ll need to replenish those chips before my mom notices. It’s the only thing she cheats on.’

Pearl had no idea what he meant. His smile warmed her. He didn’t seem upset with her anymore, but she couldn’t trust a human. Even though the two she had met up close hadn’t tried to hurt her, she knew they were deceptive.

His eyes lifted to hers. They reminded her of home and the color of the water during the warmer months. ‘When I came in, you were sleeping. Do you not have a place to stay?’

Pearl blinked.

‘I don’t want to assume anything. I’ve never seen you before, so unless you’re pranking me …’

He left the conversation open. Once again, these humans seemed far too interested in getting to know more about her. They didn’t take to strangers well. Mrs. Jones’s warning floated in her mind.

‘I don’t have a place to stay. I’m visiting.’

‘Who are you visiting?’

‘This town,’ she said.

‘Really? I mean, if I went on vacation, I wouldn’t come to a place like this. Well, not like The Burrow is terrible, but I could think of a few places I’d rather go. I don’t mean to, um, I guess …’

Pearl smiled as the human failed at words. He scratched his head again and flashed his teeth at her. They were the whitest she’d ever seen on a human – not that she’d had much contact with them. A fleeting thought of dragging him under the water flitted through her mind. A force held her in place, stronger than any hunger for fish or the ocean.

‘Sorry. I’ll stop now. I, um, came here to lock up. My brother forgot.’ He held up a key. ‘I do have to get to work, though. Do you need a ride somewhere?’

‘I don’t know where to go.’ Pearl wanted to be in this male’s presence. Her hands trembled at her sides. How was she to get him off the boat and into the water? The other females had said males were easier, but Pearl had no desire to try. What was it about Ben and Mrs. Jones?

A voice in the back of her mind urged her to take Ben into the ocean. Then, she imagined his dark hair floating underwater, yet his eyes would never look at her the same way. She’d seen dead humans before, at each of the Drywalking ceremonies. The lifeless eyes always stared at her before the ritual sacrifice took place. Those blank stares haunted her more than she’d ever care to admit.

She blinked away the vision.

‘I have a friend, Carolina. She’s home and can hang out with you for a little while.’

Pearl stood straighter. The pale-haired female from the day before. Carolina was smaller than Ben, an easier target. ‘Is she near water?’ Pearl didn’t want to take Ben, but she could take a female. The female would be easy enough to grab if she were close enough.

‘She has a house close to water. Why?’

‘I’ll go there.’

Ben lifted her bag from the small table. He moved it up and down. ‘You didn’t travel with much, huh?’

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