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Soul Possessed
Soul Possessed
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Soul Possessed

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Focus, I channeled Jackson’s constant reminder.

Families and friends of the graduates settled onto the bleachers on the far side of the field. I spotted Marie in the crowd, settling in her seat, smoothing her floral print dress across her lap. She adjusted her oversized white hat and looked up at Henry who held her matching purse as he sat down next to her. His hand moved to her lap, weaving his fingers in hers.

Who would have thought?

I’d been too busy when I was in Ally’s body to realize that the both of them had a life outside of taking care of her. One that was closer than I’d thought.

Jackson nudged me. “It’s starting.”

The student band began an upbeat song filled with off-beat drums and clashing cymbals. I tuned them out and focused on the entrance to the field as the crowd held its collective breath, waiting for a recognizable face.

They marched in procession in alternating blue and gold caps and gowns, but I didn’t need to look too hard for Ally. Six Guard flanked the middle of the procession on either side.

Ally’s golden hair shone against the blazing afternoon sunlight. Her transformation had intensified her beauty and, like her classmates and others in the crowd, I found her hard to ignore. Her head tilted up as she scanned the bleachers. Some might think it was a ‘holier than thou’ stature, but I knew it was the fact that the Guard were blocking her view as some of them were taller than her.

A tugging sensation pulled my attention to the spot next to her. Cooper marched proudly by her side. I could feel his excitement from our distance although underneath his grin he appeared distracted. He checked out the crowd, one face at a time. I’d heard from Calliope, one of the few times she’d spoken to me in the last few months, that Ally had been moved to a secure location in the After when she wasn’t at school. She had used some money from her father’s inheritance to do some ‘renovations’ at the house to hide the fact that she needed to keep hidden until Felix was sure the threat from the Shadowed was over. Hence the increased Guard patrol for her graduation.

I kept the blond boy in my periphery as they neared, but I couldn’t pretend not to notice his gray eyes when they found me. Cooper held my gaze even as he walked and I didn’t need to turn to know what Jackson’s expression would be. Cooper’s mouth quirked up and he tossed me a small wave before his eyes flicked toward Jackson, revealing a not so nice grimace.

Jackson let out a low hiss.

Not that I expected them to suddenly get along, but I thought they’d at least be civilized since we were all on the same side.

The front of the line moved down the aisle closer to where we stood. I fought to keep my eyes off Cooper and duly spotted Ally’s ex-boyfriend, Seth, walking at the front of the line. He looked thinner. I could imagine how miserable Ally had made his life after getting back into her body and discovering he’d cheated on her with one of her best friends. Then Jamie came into view and I waved to her. She beamed back, giving me a quick wave with her good arm before skipping toward the stage and taking her place in the front row.

The memory of how I’d involved Jamie in Ally’s case came flooding back to me. It was my fault she was close enough that night for the Shadowed to take her and break her arm while restraining her. Jackson had reiterated that it wasn’t my fault, but I don’t think I could ever let it go or forgive myself. That was, until she was at least completely healed.

Heather flounced by, her long locks traded for a short brunette bob whispering across the glossy fabric of her gold gown. She’d always been a happy girl, but today she absolutely glowed. I understood why when house-party Brody snuck up from a few students behind her and she slid his arm around her waist. He held her close as they walked together to their seats.

Krystal and Ally arrived several students behind them. Krystal had been one of my main suspects in Ally’s disappearance but it turned out her big secret was her antics with Seth behind Ally’s back. I glanced at Ally who appeared unfazed and wondered how much of it was an act. When I had inhabited her body I’d felt her devotion and love for Seth, I’m sure it was a blow to her ego, and not just her heart, to find out about Krystal and Seth. I watched Krystal shuffle quickly up the line while Ally used the grass as her own personal runway. Even though the gold gown wasn’t flattering on any of the girls, Ally made it work for her. Her eyes found mine as she passed. The eyes I saw through for a week. They definitely looked better on her. A small smile touched her lips as she proceeded.

The rest of the students filed into their seats just as the band completed their song.

“Finally,” Jackson moaned.

I stifled a laugh and watched a top-heavy man approach the podium on the stage.

“Students, families, and friends,” he started, his voice echoing across the field. “Today is a momentous occasion for these amazing individuals who sit before me.”

His voice faded to the background as I scanned the crowd. The Shadowed hadn’t attempted any other contact with Ally or me since that night, but with the number of Shadowed who got away that night, I knew we couldn’t be too careful.

A man caught my attention. Everyone else sat on the bleachers, but he stood in front of them. I recognized him almost immediately: Jamie’s father, Robert Blackhorn. He was leaning against a chain-link fence separating the field from the crowd. His navy suit was tailored to his thin frame and his blond curls jutted out from under a hat. But it wasn’t his outfit that caught my attention. It was his hardened glare in the direction of my great-granddaughter, Ally.

I bumped Jackson with my elbow. “Hey.”

“I see him.”

Of course he did.

Always one step ahead of me.

“Shouldn’t he seem a little happier to see his daughter graduate?”

Jackson’s mouth twitched, but he stayed calm, professional. “I’ll be right back.” Jackson disappeared and reappeared behind Robert. At least mine wasn’t the only personal space he managed to challenge. What was he going to do? Become corporeal? I think the sword would cause a scene.

“Hey.” Cooper’s voice spoke close to my ear, jolting my attention from Robert. “I see your guard dog is gone.”

“I see you still like to startle people,” I snapped back, fighting back a smile.

He bit back a grin. “Just you.”

“He’s just doing his job,” I said a tersely. Why did I feel the need to defend Jackson?

Maybe because he chose you after everyone else didn’t. Including Cooper.

“You aren’t his Prognatum anymore, you know that, right? Just because he was your Guard when you were alive doesn’t mean—”

“How’s Ally?” I said changing the subject. I didn’t need him to go on a diatribe about Jackson and my relationship. Platonic or otherwise.

He pulled his hand through his dirty blond locks, nodding. “She’s doing great. You should come by the place soon so you and Ally can get better acquainted. She’d love that.”

“I’d like that, too.” I felt an overwhelming excitement. Ally wanted to get to know me better; Just then Jackson appeared at my side. “Not until her probation is over,” he growled, glaring at Cooper over my head.

“What’s the harm?” Cooper said, his expression hard.

Jackson moved to my side. “They have the rest of their immortal lives to get to know each other. I need to get Mags ready so Felix can promote her to where she truly belongs.”

“Whose fault was it that she isn’t already in her proper place?” I could see Cooper’s anger growing.

“Enough!” I put my hands up between them, exasperated. “Jackson. She’s my family. And she wants to talk to me. I’d like to try and mend what I can.”

“The Maggie I knew never asked for permission.” Cooper’s voice was low, but I knew he wanted Jackson to hear.

Jackson fixed Cooper with a glare, but said nothing. “You knew her for what, a week?”

Cooper continued as if Jackson had never spoken. “You can talk to her now if you want. She uses her phone to communicate with me when we are on this Realm.”

I hesitated.

Cooper disappeared from my side and reappeared at the end of the row Ally occupied.

“I should—”

“I know.” Jackson’s hand rested on my shoulder. “You should talk to her. I know it would make you happy.”

“She’s my family,” I repeated, wishing he could understand. “The only one I have.”

His jaw tightened but he kept his gaze toward the students. “Not the only one,” he murmured.

I didn’t need to get into that conversation just yet.

“I’ll be quick.” I said and transported to the aisle behind Ally, walking the rest of the way to make sure I didn’t just pop in like Cooper insisted on doing. It was a freeing feeling to transport like that on the Living Realm. As a Collector, I’d only been able to transport from the After to the Living, now my transportation was limitless on the Living Realm because of my new status. Yet, the closer I got to her the more my legs felt like lead. It was the first real face to face meeting since her birthday. I knew she wouldn’t attack me in front of the other humans, but I was worried nonetheless.

She glanced up at me, her brilliant green eyes peeking out underneath a set of thick eyelashes, then she looked pointedly down to her phone and turned away in her seat. Krystal, who was sitting next to her, stiffened.

I glanced at Cooper, but he bobbed his head encouragingly.

I watched Ally open a blank text message screen and type. “Hey.”

“Hi,” I replied, feeling stupid. I knew in my non-corporeal form that the humans couldn’t see me but I still remained vigilant when they were all around me.

Two more Guard appeared behind Cooper and I turned to see another set behind me.

Did they think I was going to hurt her?

Ally groaned.

“I bet you are sick of the attention, huh?” I said, still feeling a little awkward.

Ally furiously shook her head as her fingers flew over the keys “You have no idea. They still think I can’t defend myself. What’s the point of being a Prognatum if I need 24 hour Guard duty?”

I knelt down next to her chair. “They know you can defend yourself. I think they are just worried about—”

“You?” she typed.

I winced. “I forgot how straightforward you are.”

Ally blew out a breath. “I’m not—” she said frustratedly, and a boy in front of her looked over as if his life depended on her next words, but instead she turned in her seat and continued typing. “I’m not worried about u. What happened with my father was—”Her fingers stopped. For a split second her facade broke before her fingers flurried over the keyboard once again. “Not ur fault. He would have done the same to me if u didn’t stop him.”

No, he couldn’t. The soul-sucking thing was my deranged super power, which not even Felix understood. “I don’t think so,” I said weakly. We listened while the valedictorian gave her speech, our conversation at a standstill. I knew David would have done anything to get me to transform, including damning his own daughter’s soul to who knows where, but that wasn’t encouraging. She’d pretty much figured it out on her own but I didn’t want to be the one to say it. I stood up. “I bet you are happy to get out of here.”

Her shoulders relaxed. “U have no idea. Cooper tried to explain what happened with Seth & Krystal, but I still don’t get it.”

“You were made for a better life,” I said, feeling the truth and a familiarity with the words. “There is so much more out there than Seth and Krystal. It’s just one experience that will make you stronger.”

“I guess. I’m going to miss Heather and Marie tho.”

We both looked toward the bleachers and saw Marie frantically waving at Ally.

Ally waved before texting again. “I was a nightmare to her.”

And it was my fault she had to stay away from her home. If only I’d caught onto David’s plan sooner, maybe we would have had one up on the Shadowed.

“David Greene.” The name echoed across the field.

I leaned forward, and nearly grabbed the chair before realizing where I was. Guard could become corporeal in the Living Realm but I wasn’t dressed to fit in. The fading in and out of visibility among the humans had been a tricky skill to learn under my new status but today wasn’t the day to challenge that. I adjusted my stance, shoving my hands into my pockets trying to keep myself upright.

The principal hesitated and found Ally among the students. He nodded to her before continuing. “David was a bastion of this community. I would like us all to share a moment of silence for his recent and sudden passing.”

Just when I thought we were getting somewhere. His words cut through my soul like a blade as the events of Ally’s birthday flashed before my eyes. My surging power churned within me. I attempted to swallow it down.

Not here, please not here.

The moment of silence stretched on for what felt like an eternity and I kept my hands fisted for fear of the essence coming out. Jackson appeared at my side and relief flooded through me.

He reached out and tentatively touched my arm. “You’re fine. Stay right here. That night is over.” His whispered words soothed me as I focused on staying in that moment.

Suddenly I became aware of my surroundings, as Cooper rushed to my other side. “What’s wrong?” he asked, but I couldn’t answer.

Ally cleared her throat and I managed to peek down at her phone whilst still maintaining my calm.

“R U OK?” she typed.

“Yes,” I breathed through clenched teeth, reassuring myself and hopefully them.

As Jackson and I locked eyes the sensation slowly subsided and he nodded slowly, giving me an encouraging grin.

The moment of silence was over and the principal continued on with the ceremony.

I looked at Cooper. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t going to—”

“I know,” he said, his eyes shining in the sunlight.

“I’ll see you after,” I said quickly before transporting back to where we’d been stationed at the beginning of the ceremony.

I should have stayed there.

Jackson followed me.

In my periphery, Cooper’s body was turned to us but I didn’t dare look. I didn’t need to be reminded of how disappointing I was to another Guard.

“Hey,” Jackson said in a soft voice. “Do you want to go?”

I shook my head, I couldn’t always retreat to Gate Seven. “No. I’ll just stay back here.”

The students filed out of their seats to receive their diplomas and I mustered up the energy to clap for Jamie, knowing she could hear me. She skipped off the stage and as she made her way to her seat she winked at me. The crowd and Guard exploded with whoops and cheers when Ally received hers and I swore I could feel the heat rushing to her cheeks.

As the ceremony ended, I started to feel more like myself and remembered what happened before I visited with Ally. “What was the deal with Robert?”

“He’s harmless.”

I looked over at the space that Robert had occupied but it was empty. My eyes darted over the crowd, finding him two rows behind Marie and Henry, glaring.

“I don’t call that harmless,” I said pointedly, “He’s practically boring holes in Marie’s head. We need to do something.”

Jackson sighed. “He hasn’t done anything, Mags. It’s fine. We have bigger problems to worry about other than a meddling human.”

“Unless that meddling human hurts Ally.”