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Sathya Sai Baba. Supernatural Experiences and Divine Transformation. Book Two

Svyatoslav Dubyanskiy
Sathya Sai Baba. Supernatural Experiences and Divine Transformation. Book Two
Memories, Experiences and Philosophy
Author's Preface
Divine teacher who helps at all levels of human existence
Before you is a book about the life and philosophy of the great Indian mystic and miracle worker Sathya Sai Baba. He was a spiritual mentor, philosopher, public figure and the most significant miracle worker of our time. Sai Baba preached the unity of all religions, taught meditation practices, and his blessings healed and changed people's lives.
For me, Sathya Sai Baba is a divine teacher who helped at all levels of human existence, from the highest spiritual realizations to the most everyday problems related to health, family life, and creativity. All issues that were important to people were also important to him.
For several years I watched how Sathya Sai Baba gave spiritual instructions and changed people's lives
I had the good fortune to communicate with Sathya Sai Baba a lot between 1993 and 1999. I have translated from English into Russian during Sai Baba's personal meetings with numerous Russian speaking groups.
For several years, I have watched Sathya Sai Baba communicate with followers and visitors, give spiritual instructions, answer questions, heal from serious illnesses and, with the help of his blessings, transform people's lives.
After Sathya Sai Baba left the body in 2011, my many friends asked me to write about the amazing events I had witnessed. Thus was born my books.
In the first book, I reminisce about how Sathya Sai Baba was during direct communication, as well as the history of his miracles, to which I was a direct witness. The book was warmly received by readers. It was important for me to receive good and useful advice.
Thank you all for your support and guidance, your warm responses have inspired me to keep going. It is nice to know that the book has been accepted not only by those who have known Sathya Sai Baba personally for many years, but also by those who are just now beginning to learn about him.
Sathya Sai Baba proclaimed the divinity of every person, this is the essence of his teachings. I tried to reflect on his spiritual heritage. The seeming simplicity and clarity of Sathya Sai Baba's words are sometimes deceptive. The last thing I would like to do is impose my understanding of Sathya Sai Baba's teachings.
Everything expressed in this book is just my understanding of his philosophy and mission. With this book, I invite each of you to think and reflect with me about the eternal questions of the spiritual path and human existence.
The book contains numerous stories from the legendary life of Sathya Sai Baba. I think that his life is not so much an object for worship, but an example for each of us from which we can learn a lot. Talking to him, I was able to understand that the last thing Sathya Sai Baba wanted was to create a "cult" of himself.
He sought to direct each person to investigate the nature of the eternal soul. First of all, Sai Baba proclaimed the divinity of every person, this was the essence of his teaching.
The stories given in this book are taken from various sources, some of these stories I have witnessed, some of the stories were shared with me by the first devotees of Sathya Sai Baba with whom I was fortunate enough to communicate.
I express my deep gratitude to senior Sathya Sai Baba devotees such as Subba Rao, Maheshwarananda, Padananda, Dr. Rao, Yogi Harri and Venkateshwar Shastri for the many stories I heard about the life and miracles of Sathya Sai Baba from these great devotees.
Realizing your mission in life is the most important task for every person.
Sathya Sai Baba possessed perfect insight, with the help of clairvoyance, he scanned the inner world of each person, deeply understanding his needs. He preached a harmonious life in which each person must fulfill his divine destiny.
I would like you to consider this book not as a fascinating story about Sathya Sai Baba and his miracles, reading amazing stories about his incomprehensible life and contemplating his mission, you can see practical guides in spiritual practice and daily life.
Being the messenger of a blessed life, he poured out Divine Grace on everyone who is was open and ready to receive it. He blessed everyone to the realization and successful realization of their destiny. Understanding and realizing your mission in life is the most important task for everyone, thus you embody your God-given genius.
Everything we do in life is steps on the spiritual path.
Many years of association with Sathya Sai Baba completely transformed my life. His blessings touched every aspect of my destiny. Now I write books, conduct master classes and seminars on the practices of Kriya Yoga and mantras, and also talk about the life and teachings of Sathya Sai Baba in lectures. It may seem that I have always been such a "wise man".
Like any other person, I went through a life path full of doubts, internal conflicts, difficulties and problems. I am in the process of spiritual exploration, contemplation, and meditation. I'm on the road, just like everyone else. Probably, I have already managed to realize something, but something else remains to be understood and implemented in the future. We are all on the path of divine evolution.
In this book, I invite you to take part in the remembrance of the greatest Divine Incarnation, which I and many of you had the good fortune to witness. I invite you to reflect on the deepest meaning of his teaching.
As a professional artist, I am grateful to Sathya Sai Baba for helping me realize that not only meditation and prayer make up the spiritual path of a person. Everything we do in life is the steps of the spiritual path, every person we meet in life is a teacher, every life situation, every success and every trial makes us more experienced and wiser.
This book will be of interest both to those who know Sathya Sai Baba well and to readers who are just beginning to get acquainted with his life and teachings. The book shows Sathya Sai Baba as a universal teacher who combines the wisdom of all world religions and guides people on the path of harmonious development of divine self-knowledge and a happy human life.
I express my deepest gratitude to all my friends and relatives who took an active part in the work on this book. Thank you all for your kind and helpful advice, valuable information, technical, and financial support.
Special thanks to my wife Svetlana Dubyanskaya, as well as to my parents Igor Grigoryevich and Tamara Alekseevna.
Special thanks to Anupriya Wijayaweera for arranging the publication of this book. Thanks go to Alexander Bukreev for the cover design.
1. Who thinks and acts?
There are many types of knowledge, but there is only one greatest knowledge – this is self-knowledge, the knowledge of one's eternal True Self, this is the knowledge of the unchanging ultimate reality. Your True Self was never born and will never die.
(Sai Baba – Sathya Sai Gita Chapter 1)
The main thing for which we are born into this world is to realize the greatest secret of the True "I". This secret is what most of Sathya Sai Baba's instructions were devoted to. "I" exist – is a statement that sounds perfectly clear to every person. The obvious thing is that "I Am", even if it is not always clear what "I" is. Self-existence is so obvious that it does not need proof and discussion, as it is an experience inherent in absolutely everyone. However, the simplicity and evidence that "I" exist does not make the question of what "I" is simple.
There are many types of knowledge, all of which are very important for the development of human culture. Sathya Sai Baba never denied physics, mathematics, jurisprudence, economics, or the many other sciences important for development of human society. However, there is a knowledge that is most important, and that is knowledge about the essence of one’s soul.
Who constantly strives to be free from problems and suffering, as well as to find eternal happiness? Who wants to be successful? Who wants to receive genuine answers to the most important questions of the universe and dispel their doubts? Who seeks to know the absolute truth, thinks, and meditates? To all these complex questions, the answer is simple: “I am”.
Even if you say you do not have all these desires and questions, then we can ask: who does not have questions and desires? The answer will be exactly the same: “I” do not have desires and questions.
If someone says he does not believe in the existence of "I" at all, then it is appropriate to ask: who does not believe in the existence of "I"? and again the answer is "I". You have thoughts, feelings, desires, preferences, opinions – you do things, but at the same time, most often you forget to realize or understand who this “I” is, which thinks, feels, and acts.
The true "Self" existed before the birth of the physical body and will continue to exist after one’s death. Sathya Sai Baba never denied the numerous branches of human culture, he even founded several major universities and colleges in India, which successfully taught various disciplines, allowing graduates to get good jobs and build successful careers.
Sathya Sai Baba was extremely active in public and social life, and he taught his followers the same. Of all kinds of knowledge, Sathya Sai Baba considered the knowledge of oneself to be the highest. A person who has known his soul discovers for himself the greatest cosmic secret of the essence of being. Only then all other types of knowledge and all activity, in general, acquires a sacred meaning, otherwise everything is pure vanity.
The omnipresent "I" is invisibly present in wakefulness and in sleep, in happiness and suffering, in birth and death; it existed long before the birth of your physical body and will continue its existence after the death of the body. The body is born and dies, but the "I" is eternally present in the infinite cosmos. Everything in this world is impermanent; everything changes every second, but the True Self is an eternal observer present invisibly and invariably in the center of the constant cycle of impermanence and variability.
2. Sathya Sai Baba and Wolf Messing
It is extremely difficult to talk about Wolf Messing, the famous mystic of the twentieth century. This man is a mystery as quite a lot is known about him, but at the same time almost nothing is known of him. He was the first to recognize and proclaim the truth that Sathya Sai Baba is a divine incarnation. Messing's spiritual path was very complex and ambiguous. Some perceived him as a prophet and a great soothsayer, and some called him a charlatan. Nevertheless, he had unique supernatural abilities and perfect clairvoyance.
All his life he asked spiritual questions about the meaning of human existence, trying to understand why God gave him such a unique talent. Messing accurately saw the future, both of individual people and of entire nations, and when something wonderful was about to happen, he was sincerely happy. With the help of his amazing clairvoyance, he accurately saw the future of people and entire countries but could do nothing to change unfolding situations that would cause great suffering.
Messing was a unique conductor of accurate information. In the twenties and thirties, he traveled extensively around the world, including India, which was then a colony of England. In 1936, he traveled to India and visited Bombay, Calcutta, and Bangalore. While on the train traveling from Bangalore to Delhi, the train stopped at Anantapur railway station. According to some accounts of the story, Messing began to feel strong, intuitive vibrations and walked off the train, telling his escort they must stop in this city. This surprised his assistants, who, at first, tried to persuade him to get back on the train and continue the journey in their comfortable carriage, but Messing was not inclined and remained on the platform while his assistants unloaded things and, although perplexed, remained with him. The reason for such strange behavior was that Messing felt the presence of a great divine teacher nearby and decided to look for him.
I tried to discover more information from some senior Sathya Sai Baba devotees, such as Subba Rao, Padananda, and Maheshwarananda, about how exactly this meeting took place between Messing and little Sathya Sai Baba, who was then around ten years old. There are different versions of exactly how this historic meeting eventuated. Different books describe different details, and the exact details are simply not known. It is only known that such a meeting took place.
The surprise of this event lies in the fact that at that time Sathya Sai Baba was about ten years old, and this meeting was several years before he proclaimed himself an Avatar, revealing to everyone around him the special spiritual mission of his incarnation. In those days, no one treated the Sai boy as special, he was just a simple village boy. Of course, the locals were very surprised when the famous soothsayer from distant Europe, upon seeing the Sai boy, proclaimed the famous words of prophecy: "He is a divine person!"
According to one version of the story, when the train pulled into Anantapur, Messing suddenly felt a powerful motivating energy which caused him to rush out of the carriage, demand a car, and drive in the direction of where his intuition was calling. He came to the village of Puttaparthi and drove to the very house where, the boy, Sathya Sai Baba lived.
According to another version, little Sathya Sai Baba was not far from the railway station that day and Messing, who got off the train, easily discovered the divine child. The details of the story are not so significant for me. The important thing is that Wolf Messing's precise intuitive feeling and his clairvoyance led him to the young Sathya Sai Baba. Messing is acknowledged as being the first person to understand the divine nature of Sathya Sai Baba, and to prophesy who he is.
As was, during the life of Sathya Sai Baba, so now, disputes about who Sathya Sai Baba was, and remains to be, do not subside. There are many opinions. Some consider him the greatest divine incarnation and teacher of humanity, and some consider him a cunning deceiver. There can be no absolute and exact proof of who Sathya Sai Baba is, All evidence given by man is in the realm of logic, and yet, it’s common knowledge that divine incarnation is outside all logical reasoning.
In the Vedic texts and throughout biblical scriptures, there are many descriptions of the qualities of the Avatar and the Messiah: i.e., divine incarnation. All of them are quite naive and have little to do with life, because all attempts to rationally define the Avatar or the Messiah are products of ignorant human ideas about what the Avatar or Messiah should be like. But the peculiarity of the unstable and insidious mind is that for any argument there is always a counterargument.
When Jesus Christ came to earth, many high priests quite sincerely expected the Messiah, but they could not recognize him because they relied upon their interpretations of the many predictions and signs as described in earlier prophetic texts. The chief priests expected the Messiah to come according to their own ideas of what he should be like.
The problem was that Jesus was the way he was, and not the way the high priests wanted him to be. Those who tried to understand Jesus failed to do so, intellectually. Despite the fact priests sincerely expected the Messiah, they did not accept him once he appeared, and consequently, they’re still waiting for the first coming. Only those people who had an open heart could feel and understand his divine energy and accepted him as the Good Shepherd.
Similar stories happened in the life of the Buddha. In the time of the Buddha, there were many highly educated philosophers who could not understand and accept the Buddha and arrogantly considered him a charlatan. The same fate was with Krishna. Now, after several millennia, it is easy enough to say that Krishna is the divine teacher of mankind, but during his lifetime there were quite a few philosophers and scholars of the Vedic texts who denied him.
3. You are perfect from the beginning, for God created you in his image and likeness
God is love. Love can only be felt through love. One who is in love can find oneness with the Divine.
(Sathya Sai Baba – "Collection of lectures", 1991)
Love is the greatest treasure in the world. God is the True Self of every person, which is why to love God means to love your Higher Self. Love begins with love for oneself, which is the divinity that lies dormant in the Spiritual Heart of each person. Self-love has nothing to do with selfishness.
True love for yourself lies in the awareness of your infinite creative potential. How can you love God if most of the time people don't even know how to accept themselves? How can you love your neighbor if you do not understand how to accept and love yourself?
To love God means to see God in every person. You look into the eyes of the person right in front of you and see in them the light of the True Self, which is also your True Self. I was incredibly lucky in the ‘90s to meet Mother Teresa at the Delhi airport as she walked through the huge airport building blessing everyone in her path. I watched her actions with awe, feeling the amazing divine love emanating from Mother Teresa. I also approached her in order to receive a blessing.
The divine vibrations of Mother Teresa at that moment gave rise to amazing realizations in me. Thoughts and images flowed through my mind. An inner voice spoke to me.
You contemplate the True Self, which means you contemplate God. You trust your intuition, which means you trust God's plan, because intuition is the voice of God. You respect yourself, which means you respect God because you are divine. You allow your dream to come true, because in your dream God creates this perfect world. You do your job in life and follow your destiny, which means you are doing the work of God. You love yourself because you are originally perfect, for God created you in his own image and likeness. You are originally perfect because God incarnates in the world in every person.
It is very helpful to meditate on your name and appearance. Try to respectfully look at your reflection in the mirror or at a photo or video of yourself, or perhaps listen to a recording of your voice. What you feel when listening or seeing will be an important indicator of how you perceive yourself, because the soul is manifested in your voice and appearance. Self-love begins with love for your name, appearance, and voice.
All people are deeply interconnected because all are one in the Divine Consciousness. By reading Christian and Buddhist sacred texts, you will learn about the importance of love and compassion, and you will start to consider how to love the whole world.
It is very easy to love all of humanity; it is more difficult to love the person who is nearby and right in front of you. Loving humanity is a good idea, in theory, but often that’s where it ends. We keep people at arms-length and at a distance, viewing humanity as a collective noun made up of abstract people with their abstract joys, needs and sufferings. But humans are not abstractions of reality – we are people traversing the highs and lows of everyday life trying to become the hero of our own journey. When we condense humanity down to something we can “love” as an idea, but not actually impact on a personal level, we miss out on the beauty that comes with interdependent relationships. When you begin to appreciate each person as an individual, abstract humanity turns from having ideas about someone’s reality to directly engaging in the truth of their reality. This is when you begin to “love your neighbor as yourself” and face the complexity of humanity at an individual level by loving people in spite of their complicated lives.
The person right in front of you may need your help, understanding, and support. To see the Eternal Consciousness in every person behind the veil of their personality is true love.
4. Sathya Sai Baba blew on the branches three times, they instantly turned into a small crucifix
Dr. John Hislop is very famous among Sathya Sai Baba's devotees. He was a man of unique destiny, who for many years practiced various spiritual systems and communicated with leading gurus and philosophers of the twentieth century such as Krishnamurti and Shivananda. However, John Hislop continued to feel dissatisfied and incomplete in his spiritual life.
He felt that all the books he read and the seminars he went through, in which he studied the practices of yoga and meditation, were just steps to something very important. At the end of the sixties, he learned about Sathya Sai Baba and immediately came to his ashram. Seeing Sathya Sai Baba for the first time, Hislop was shocked by the strong vibrations of love emanating from him.
Subsequently, John Hislop published an amazing book entitled “My Baba and I”, his conversations with Sathya Sai Baba, in which he shared the most interesting answers given in response to various questions relating to the spiritual development of man and society. For many people, the book became a reference point providing clear answers to the difficult questions in one’s spiritual development. This book has been translated into numerous languages, and new editions are constantly being printed. People who want a deeper understanding of Sathya Sai Baba's philosophy read and re-read this amazing book.
John Hislop was a blessed soul, and a particularly close devotee of Sathya Sai Baba. Hislop was fortunate to follow him relentlessly for many years, observing his life and listening to his wise instructions. We are lucky that Hislop not only enjoyed his fellowship with Sathya Sai Baba but carried the good news further by writing books, communicating with people, and telling stories about Sathya Sai Baba that he witnessed or directly participated in.
In the early seventies, Sathya Sai Baba went to a large nature reserve located near the city of Mysore, in the very south of India. Sathya Sai Baba took several people with him on the trip, including John Hislop. The area near Mysore is famous for its mild climate and beautiful pristine nature consisting of low mountains covered with jungle, full-flowing fast rivers, a huge number of wild animals and the life of the local population untouched by civilization.
An account of the trip records how Sathya Sai Baba walked with his small group for a long time through the jungle accompanied by local guides. Finally, everyone sat down to rest on the bank of a fast mountain river, enjoying the beautiful views of the mountains. Suddenly, Sathya Sai Baba picked up two branches, folded them in the shape of a cross and showed them to John Hislop before he blew three times on the branches. They instantly turned into a small crucifix of magnificent work. Sathya Sai Baba immediately gave this wonderful crucifix to the shocked Hislop. Photos of this cross are well known and very common.
Many times, I have watched Sathya Sai Baba materialize objects. He made several circular movements with his right hand and small flashes of light appeared directly from the palm of his hand. Rings, rosaries, or amulets miraculously appeared from these flashes. Materialized objects may seem the most ordinary, but in fact they are the greatest objects of power arising from the pure divine light. One of the ways in which Sathya Sai Baba materialized objects was extremely unusual, he blew on his hand three times and an object appeared there.
Breathing is a sacred act. Life begins with the first breath and ends with the last breath. Breathing happens by itself. It is not in our will to breathe or not to breathe. Breathing is the divine will manifested in man. In fact, God, himself, breathes in every person.
The Yogis of India and the Russian Orthodox Elders believe that breathing is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Proper meditation begins with conscious breathing and deep prayer is performed in the rhythm of breathing. One who reaches the highest meditative state stops breathing for several hours or even for several days. In Sanskrit this state is called Samadhi.