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And Babies Make Five / At Long Last, a Bride: And Babies Make Five
And Babies Make Five / At Long Last, a Bride: And Babies Make Five
And Babies Make Five / At Long Last, a Bride: And Babies Make Five


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And Babies Make Five / At Long Last, a Bride: And Babies Make Five

However, Samantha was going to be a hands-on mother, like hers had been. Of course, she was going to need help with the triplets at first. To be honest, she was a little apprehensive about bringing home not just one but three newborns.

“Don’t worry,” she whispered, her voice coming out a little louder than before, a little more confident. “I’ll read everything I can get my hands on about childcare and parenting. And I’ll hire help until I’m comfortable doing it all on my own.”

For some reason, Hector came to mind. He’d been so helpful the past couple of days, and she’d been so lonely. He’d stepped in when she’d needed a friend the most, and she found herself thinking about him more often than not.

“I met a man,” she whispered. “He’s been really sweet.”

She thought about Hector’s intense brown eyes, his square-cut jaw, his broad shoulders …

On more than one occasion, she’d imagined that she’d felt a spark—or at least the hint of one. The kind of spark she’d waited for with Peter, one that, if she was being totally honest, had never quite materialized.

“Actually,” she added, trying to put everything into perspective in an imaginary chat with her mother, “Hector is my neighbor.”

But the trouble was, Samantha could easily imagine him being more than a neighbor, more than a friend. But she didn’t dare voice that thought out loud.

Not even if her mom had actually been sitting beside her.

While perusing wallpaper samples in stacks of books at several different decorating stores, Samantha found quite a few that she liked. She narrowed it down to four, any of which would be darling. But one struck her as perfect. It was a farmyard print, with green and yellow tractors, red barns with silos, and the cutest little chickens and ducks she’d ever seen. She would have placed an order immediately, if she hadn’t promised to let Hector help her make the final choice.

He’d been so nice to her the past couple of days, and he’d said that looking at wallpaper would be fun. So, after the kindnesses he’d shown her, how could she not include him in making the final selection?

So she asked to take several samples, as well as a combination of paint chips, home with her so she could show them to him. Then she set an appointment to have someone from the store come and measure the bedroom walls next Tuesday. She was really looking forward to decorating the nursery.

By the time she stopped for a late lunch at the 1950’s–style Coach House Diner and finished running the rest of her errands, it was nearly four-thirty. So she didn’t get home until a quarter after five.

She parked her Jag in the garage, then carried her shopping bags into the house and put away her purchases. She couldn’t wait to spread out the wallpaper and paint samples on the kitchen table. She still preferred the farm pattern, but she’d wait to hear what Hector had to say.

If she had his phone number, she would have given him a call to see if he was home yet. As it was, she walked next door and rang the bell.

When he answered, her breath caught. But not because she’d been surprised to see him home. She just hadn’t expected to see him so laid back.

He was barefoot and wearing a pair of cargo shorts but no shirt. And while she tried her best to focus on those whiskey-brown eyes, she couldn’t keep her eyes off his broad chest and well-defined abs.

Had he forgotten they were going to look over wallpaper when he got home?

“Hey,” he said. “What’s up?”

Okay, so he had forgotten. Now what?

As her gaze began to sweep over his chest again, she forced herself to gaze back at his eyes and to remember why she was here. “I brought home some wallpaper samples for you to see, if you still want to.”

“Sure.” He raked a hand through his hair. “Now?”

“Unless this is a bad time. If it is, it can certainly wait.”

“No, that’s okay. This is as good a time as any. Do I need to put on a shirt?”

Yes. No. Probably.

She again scanned the length of his chest, from the dark patch of hair that started at his throat and trailed down to the drooping waistband of his shorts and back up again. “Whatever you’re comfortable doing.”

“By the end of the day, I’m so tired of being confined in a shirt and tie, that I usually start shedding my clothes the moment I step foot in the house.” He chuckled. “And after the day I had, you’re lucky I’m wearing anything at all.”

She was? She didn’t feel so lucky. She felt a little … unbalanced by the sight of him.

And intrigued by it.

Impressed, even. His skin was an olive shade, without any tan marks. And he clearly worked out regularly.

He was an arousing sight, a picture of male health and vitality that any woman could appreciate.

She felt the heat course through her veins once again, pooling in her core, in the place that had been long neglected.

What was she going to do about her growing attraction? She certainly wouldn’t pop over to his house unexpectedly after five in the evening on a work night ever again. God only knew what state of dress or undress she might find him in.

She managed to offer him a smile, hoping it didn’t reveal her thoughts or her interest in him.

“Come on in,” he said. “It won’t take me long to grab a shirt. And then we can head over to your place and see what you’ve got.”

As she stepped into the foyer, she couldn’t help but scan the interior of his well-decorated house: the beige walls, the forest-green accents, the brown shutters, dark wood furniture and travertine flooring.

He had a gym bag near the door. A set of golf clubs, too.

She’d no more than entered the living room before he returned, wearing a white T-shirt bearing a Harvard Law School logo.

“See?” he said. “That didn’t take long.”

He walked with her back to the foyer, and as she stepped outside, he closed the door behind them. Then he followed her home.

“Thanks for taking a look,” she said as she led him through her house and into the kitchen, where she’d laid out the samples. If she’d thought his presence had filled the room before, she hadn’t seen anything yet.

He studied the bunny print, then moved on to the fairies and the rest.

“I didn’t ask if you were having a girl or a boy,” he said, “but from the looks of these, I guess it’s a girl.”

“Actually,” she said, skating over the fact that there were three babies and at least one was a boy, “I’d like to keep it generic. And for the record, all baby stuff tends to be sweet and might even seem girly.”

“Okay, then.” He pointed at the farm pattern. “This one is too boyish. I think you should go with the rabbits.”

She looked at the bunny print, then cocked her head to the side. “What’s wrong with the farm pattern? Look at those little ducks and chicks. They’re darling.”

“It has tractors, which isn’t generic. It’s definitely a boy print.”

She crossed her arms, noticing how they rested across the ledge of her tummy these days. “I hope you’re not one of those guys who thinks that little boys always have to be dressed in blue and can’t ever carry a doll. Or that girls can’t play with blocks or trucks.”

“My kids can play with whatever catches their fancy,” he said, “as long as it isn’t dangerous.”

“Your son will get to play with dolls?”

He seemed to ponder that for a moment, then said, “Sure, if he wants to. But I might encourage him to trade them for a teddy bear or stuffed dinosaur instead.”

“Playing with dolls can help a boy learn to be nurturing and gentle,” she said.

“Maybe so. But most kids learn how to behave by watching their parents. And when mommy and daddy show kindness and love toward themselves and others, the kids are more apt to follow suit.”

He had a point, she supposed. Modeling the kinds of behavior and attitudes she wanted her children to have would certainly help. After all, it must work that way, because she’d grown up to be a lot like her mother.

“So tell me,” he said. “Did you play with trucks and cars when you were a little girl?”

“Actually, I played with whatever I could get my hands on—plastic containers my mom kept in cupboards, an old box she brought home from work and I colored to look like a castle. Money was pretty scarce when I was a child. So I learned to be content with what I had.”

His expression shifted from playful to serious. “I just assumed you were a trust-fund baby, like Peter.”

She was now, she supposed, thanks to Peter’s will. But it wasn’t always that way. “Actually, I had partial scholarships to college and worked at the bookstore all four years.”

“No kidding?”

“I wouldn’t joke about something like that.”

He studied her, it seemed. As if he’d suddenly seen something he hadn’t expected to see.

“Does that disappoint you?” she asked, wondering if he’d somehow found her lacking, too. She’d always felt like one of the commoners around her in-laws.

“Why would it?”

Because there were others who’d thought that she hadn’t fit into Peter’s world. But she let that go unsaid and gave a little shrug instead.

“To be honest,” he said, “I’m actually relieved that you’re more down-to-earth than I thought.”

“Why’s that?”

He hesitated. “I wasn’t all that fond of your late husband. And I’m glad to see how different the two of you were. It will make being neighbors a whole lot more pleasant.”

She pulled out a chair, indicated that he should sit there, then took a seat next to him. “Tell me something, Hector. What did you and Peter bump heads over?”

He paused for a moment, as if needing to think over his answer, then said, “Behaviors and attitudes. I suspect our parents modeled two different world views in us, two different sets of values.”

“And you argued?”

“Not exactly. Comments were made. Offense was taken. Bottom line? I guess you could say we just didn’t respect each other and decided to leave well enough alone.”

That surprised her. Peter had always treated people with respect. And other than Hector, she didn’t know anyone who disliked him.

Deciding to drop references to her late husband, she turned back to the wallpaper.

“So you really like the bunnies?”

“Don’t you?”

“Of course. I wouldn’t have brought it home for you to look at if I didn’t.” She offered him a smile.

“Does it matter what I think?”

For some reason, it did. And not just when it came to the nursery.

What would Hector say when she told him there were three babies growing in her womb? And that each of them was carrying half of Peter’s DNA?

And why in the world should it even matter?

After a little more small talk about ducks and chickens, fairies and unicorns, Hector got up to leave.

She almost invited him to stay for dinner, but she didn’t want him to think that she was trying to monopolize his time.

“Thanks for your giving me your opinion,” she said.

“Anytime. If there’s anything that’s a given about me, it’s that you can count on me to have an opinion.”

She smiled as she walked him to the door.

“For what it’s worth,” he said, as he reached for the brass knob, “I actually liked the farm print best.”

“But you said it was boyish.”

“I figured you for bunnies, so I told you what I thought you wanted to hear.”

“Why’s that?”

He studied her a moment, as though trying to decide whether to level with her or not, then he winked. “Because you have the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen.”

She couldn’t tell if he was teasing or serious or both. And when he reached for the doorknob to let himself out, she was more intrigued by him than ever.

Chapter Five

After their little talk last night, Samantha decided that she really ought to avoid Hector, especially since she was finding herself more drawn to him, more intrigued by what he had to say. More attracted, she realized. How crazy was that?

After all, he couldn’t possibly be interested in dating a woman with a ready-made family, especially when one plus one equaled five. So after a long, restless night that had her dreaming about all kinds of scenarios—including three darling little babies and a tall, dark and handsome daddy—she decided to keep to herself from now on.

And she would have done just that, if Hector hadn’t rung her doorbell again early the next morning.

She’d been up for hours, or so it seemed, yet she hadn’t expected anyone to stop by. When she’d swung open the door, her breath had caught when she’d spotted him standing on the stoop in a pair of khaki slacks and a pale blue golf shirt. She remembered that he had always packed his golf bag into the back of his trunk every Saturday morning before taking off for the bulk of the day. And that she’d seen his clubs in his foyer yesterday.

So why had he stopped by her house before heading to the country club?

“I’m on my way to the grocery store to pick up a few cleaning supplies and wondered if you needed anything.”

“Do you always dress so nicely when you’re scrubbing counters and mopping floors?” she asked.

He slipped her a crooked smile, and her heart slammed against her chest. “I have a woman who comes to work for me on Saturdays, and she told me last week that I was out of window spray and cleanser. But I forgot to pick it up, so I’m off to get it now, before she arrives.”

Her gaze traveled the length of him, then back to those intoxicating brown eyes. “What time do you play today?”

His grin brightened. “In an hour. So it’ll be a quick trip to the market. How’d you know that I was playing golf?”

“Just a lucky guess.”

“So,” he said, nodding toward his car, which was idling in the drive, “do you need anything while I’m at the market?”

“No, I’m okay. But thanks for asking.”

“No problem.”

As he headed to his vehicle, she turned to go back into the house, then thought of something she’d forgotten to pick up yesterday.

“Wait a minute,” she said. “I’m going to empty out the closet in the room that’s going to be the nursery, and I’ve already run out of boxes. Would you mind asking if they have any to spare?”

“Will do.”

He took off, and she went back inside. When he returned with more boxes than she needed, he asked if she wanted any help.

“No, thanks,” she said, even though she hated to deal with the heavy boxes. “Go on and play golf. I’ll be okay.”

But she wasn’t exactly okay. She was feeling way too many yearnings for her handsome neighbor. And she really needed to get her mind off Hector and back on nesting.

The next morning, when he spotted her sweeping the stoop, he crossed the lawn, took the broom away from her and finished the work himself.

If truth be told, she was glad that he had. It was getting harder and harder to do some of the simplest things.

But she had to stop relying on her neighbor to do them for her.

Three days later, when her doorbell rang, she didn’t need to peer out the peephole to see who it was. Hector, it seemed, had taken her on as some kind of pro bono case.

And in the past week and a half, he’d taken her recycling bins to the curb on trash-collection days, which was especially surprising since he wasn’t home very much and rarely had items that needed to be recycled—at least, not that she was aware of.

His kindness touched her, of course. And so did his boyish smile, the unruly hank of hair that flopped onto his forehead and the heart-spinning scent of his woodsy cologne. Just being near Hector had her thinking all kinds of wild and crazy things, some of them not the least bit neighborly.

She liked having him come around—maybe too much. What would happen if she got a little too used to his visits? What if …?

Well, there were a lot of things that could complicate her peaceful life, and she wasn’t sure that she was in any position to deal with any more than what she was already up against. And for that reason, she needed to get him, her heart and her zinging hormones back under control.

So when she swung open the door and found a smiling Hector on her stoop again, she invited him into the living room, intending to have a little heart-to-heart.

“I was just thinking,” he said. “This is a big house, and you probably shouldn’t be doing anything strenuous.”

“I’m not. The big stuff, like the moving, is over. And the Salvation Army will eventually come and take all those boxes in the garage.”

“I’m talking about scrubbing and cleaning and vacuuming. After I saw you sweeping the stoop yesterday, I called Margo, the woman who works for me. She has a free day each week, so if you’re interested, I can give you her number.”

He was concerned about her doing too much? And he was offering his cleaning lady?

Samantha wondered if Peter would be that worried about her, if he’d been alive and known they were expecting triplets.

Probably, but Hector …

She pointed to the sofa. “Why don’t you sit down for a minute.”

He complied, folding his long, lean and masculine body into the seat and stretching his arm across the backrest. “What’s the matter?”

“I really appreciate your thoughtfulness, Hector. But I guess it just seems …”


“No. Not that. It’s just …”


“Yes, that’s what I’m getting at. I mean, you’re just a neighbor. And, well, you didn’t even like my husband.”

“I wasn’t fond of him, if that’s what you mean. But I’m sorry that he died. Sorry that you lost him.”

“Thanks. I’m sorry, too.”

His sympathy surprised her, yet it seemed to make it all better. Or maybe it made it worse. She struggled with her reactions to him, both physical and emotional. But she’d be darned if she knew what to do with them, other than put a stop to their budding friendship—or whatever it was—before things took a complicated turn.

“I’m uneasy with your help, Hector.”


“Because.” She didn’t dare give her primary reason, so she reached for another. “It feels as though you’ve taken me on as some kind of charity project.”

“That’s not it.”

“Then what is?”

“I have no idea. I guess you could say that I care for you. Maybe it’s sympathy. Maybe it’s a weird desire to look out for you. Hell, I don’t know what it is. Maybe

I’m attracted to you.” He laughed at that, and she didn’t know what to make of it.

He had to be joking, but she didn’t find anything funny about it, especially since her attraction to him was growing by leaps and bounds.

But she’d be darned if she knew what to do about it—other than accept his help.

And then where would that leave her?

The Armstrong Fertility Institute, a modern structure located near the Harvard Medical Center, housed the administrative offices, as well as a research lab and the clinic where Dr. Chance Demetrios practiced.

Since Samantha had been instructed to return the following week, she’d scheduled her appointment on Wednesday at ten o’clock in the morning. And she made sure that she arrived ten minutes early.

She was eager to learn that the babies were growing, that everything was just as it should be.

There were only three other women seated in the waiting room, and since there were other doctors who practiced at the clinic, it wouldn’t be too long before she was called.

After the door shut quietly behind her, Samantha headed to the front desk so she could check in with Wilma Goodheart, the receptionist. Wilma, who was in her late fifties, had worked at the Institute almost since day one and seemed to know each patient by name.

As Samantha approached the desk, she said, “Good morning, Ms. Goodheart.”

The receptionist, with her silver-streaked hair swept into a no-nonsense bun, glanced up from her work and smiled warmly. “Hello, Mrs. Keating. You look bright and cheerful today. I take it you’re feeling well.”

“I am. Thank you.”

Samantha had asked the woman to call her by her first name several months ago to no avail. Apparently, Wilma insisted upon referring to all the patients as either Ms. or Mrs., which was nice. But Samantha didn’t like to be called Mrs. Keating. Every time someone addressed her that way, she felt compelled to turn around and see if Peter’s mother was standing behind her.

“Go ahead and find a seat,” Ms. Goodheart said. “I’ll let the nurse know that you’re here.”

“Thank you.”

Samantha chose a chair near the window and reached for a magazine. But as she did so, she couldn’t help noting that two of the other pregnant women were seated next to men. It was nice to see expectant fathers be so supportive of their wives or girlfriends, and Samantha couldn’t help being just a wee bit envious.

As she thumbed through the pages of the latest issue of Parents, her name was called. She looked up to see Sara Beth, the head nurse at the Institute, and smiled. Samantha had always liked the petite, red-haired nurse.

“How are you doing today?” Sara Beth asked as Samantha approached.

“I’m doing great, thanks.”

Sara Beth, who held a medical chart in her hand, led Samantha to the scale and weighed her. Then she took her to exam room two, where she had her blood pressure and pulse rate checked.

“Everything looks good, Samantha. I’ll let Dr. Demetrios know you’re here.”


She didn’t have to wait long, because a few minutes later, Dr. Demetrios entered the exam room.

He was a big man, with olive skin, dark hair and brown eyes. The first time she’d met him, she’d been surprised by how handsome he was. Based upon his professional reputation, she would have thought him to be a lot older, a lot more scholarly in his appearance.

“Good morning,” he said with a smile. “How are you doing, Samantha?”

“Great. In fact, I’ve never felt better.”

“I’m glad.” He studied the open chart Sara Beth had left on the counter.

Since Dr. Demetrious was a renowned fertility specialist who divided his time between research and his medical practice, he didn’t have as many patients as most obstetricians, so Samantha was glad to be able to count herself as one of them.

“Everything looks good,” he said. “But we’ll see what the sonogram shows us. I’d like to get a better view of Baby C.”

After she got settled on the exam table, Dr. Demetrios turned his back to her and made some adjustments to the equipment, and she watched him work.

The last time she’d been at the clinic, she’d overheard two women in the waiting room whispering about him. From what she’d gathered, a former patient had once claimed that he’d impregnated her. The story made the gossip column and the society page of the Boston Herald, and Dr. Demetrios took a leave of absence to clear his name.

A DNA test proved that the child wasn’t his, but the false accusation had shadowed his reputation, at least for a while.

Samantha wouldn’t have held his personal life against him, since he was such a good doctor, but she was glad that the charges were unfounded. And from what she understood, he’d recently eloped not long ago.

According to the women who’d been gossiping, his new wife had been a waitress and a single mom. And Samantha had found the story heartwarming. It gave her hope that one day she, too, might find someone to love, in spite of being the mother of three children.

She hoped the doctor’s troubles were finally over, and that his story had a Cinderella ending. After all he did for childless couples, he certainly deserved to be happy himself.

When the doctor had everything set up, he asked her to raise her blouse, then slathered her belly with gel so he could proceed with another ultrasound.

Samantha was mesmerized by the sight of her triplets.

“Baby C has turned around,” the doctor said, “and it looks like … yes, it’s a girl.”
