Полная версия:
A Cowboy Family Christmas
“This is it,” she said, hoping the inside was more appealing than the outside. “I probably should have checked things out before bringing you here.”
“All I need is a place to sleep.”
Lainie climbed the three steps ahead of him, when a crack and crunch sounded behind her.
“Dammit.” Drew lurched forward and, apparently to steady himself, grabbed her hip, sending a spiral of heat to the bone and unbalancing her, too.
She didn’t have to turn around to know what had just happened, but she couldn’t help herself. Sure enough, he was removing his foot from a big crack in the wood, scratching his fancy boots in the process and banging his fancy leather suitcase against the steps.
He grumbled something she couldn’t comprehend, then removed his hand from her denim-clad hip. Yet her skin sizzled from his touch, tingled from his grip.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t realize that step was loose.”
“The wood’s completely rotten.”
“I can see that. I know the owners plan to refurbish the cabins before the rodeo comes to town, but I don’t think there’s a lot of extra cash right now. Are you okay?”
Their gazes locked, and her pulse struck a wacky beat. His features softened, and his annoyance disappeared.
“Yeah, I’m fine. But this porch needs to be fixed pronto.”
“I agree, but I think a repair like that’ll have to wait.”
“Seriously?” He straightened and slowly stepped onto the porch, testing the wood before placing his full weight on it. “Fixing that step can’t wait. I might break my leg next time.”
She clutched the linens to her chest. “Good point. But...like I said, Nate can’t spare the extra cash right now.”
He shrugged a single shoulder. “I’ll fix it myself. I’m not too bad with a hammer and nails. Tomorrow morning, I’ll go to the hardware store and get supplies I’ll need to rebuild the broken step.” He glanced around. “And the porch. It’s just a matter of time before it falls apart, too.”
“You’re taking it upon yourself to do that?”
“I may as well pay for my keep.”
“That’d be nice of you. And appreciated.” For some reason, she hadn’t expected him to actually do any physical labor. He didn’t look like the kind of man who’d risk getting blisters or building up a sweat.
Lainie turned back to face the entrance and shuffled the linen to one arm. She reached for the knob and opened the door. As she crossed the threshold, into the tidy and modestly furnished interior, she caught a whiff of must and dust. “I guess we’d better open some windows and air it out.”
“That’s not a problem.” Drew followed her inside. He set his suitcase on the hardwood floor near the small green plaid sofa and his briefcase on the oak coffee table.
Lainie carried the linens to the bed and placed them on the bare mattress. Then she took the towels and washcloths to the bathroom. When she returned to the bedroom, she found Drew opening the window. He looked especially nice from the backside—broad shoulders, narrow hips...
Enough of that. Drew Madison was a cowboy—fancy duds or not. And what was worse, Lainie hadn’t lucked out when it came to assessing the characters of men she found attractive.
“The pillows, blanket and spread must be in the closet,” she said.
“I can take care of that. I’m sure you have other things to do.”
She had a ton to do before her day ended. When she’d checked her email at Caroline’s, Mr. Carlton had forwarded the next batch of Dear Debbie letters. But Nate had asked her to help their guest get settled. It wouldn’t be right to take off and leave him on his own.
“No, I—” She’d just slid open the small closet door, when a brown furry streak jumped from the top shelf, landing on her head. She screamed and swiped at her hair to no avail. The damned creature dropped to her chest and scampered under the bib of her overalls. She shrieked again, and Drew was at her side in an instant.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. “Are you okay?”
“No!” She continued to scream and shudder. She hopped up and down in an attempt to dislodge it, but it scurried around her waist and into her pant leg. She grabbed Drew’s arm as if he could save her.
His brow furrowed, his expression one of concern. “What? What is it?”
“It’s a mouse. And it ran down my...” Oh, my God. It was still in there, trying to find a hiding place.
A childhood memory replayed in her mind—the abandoned warehouse in their run-down neighborhood, the innocent game of hide-and-seek, the rat’s nest that turned into a little girl’s worst nightmare...
Lainie let go of Drew, who wasn’t any help, unhooked the overall buckles and shimmied out of the baggy britches until they bagged at her ankles. She struggled to kick off her laced shoes.
“How can I help?” he asked.
If she wasn’t in the midst of a mind-boggling crisis, she might have offered a suggestion. But all she could think to do was to scream yet again.
The nasty little creature was burrowing into the folds of the fabric, squirming to escape almost as frantically as she was. When she finally tugged off her second shoe and stepped out of the overalls, she turned to Drew and pointed at the pile of denim. “Get it. Take it outside.”
Drew bent to do as she’d instructed, but not before the mangy little beast took the opportunity to zip under the bed.
Lainie shuddered and straightened, then she turned to him.
He stood there stoically, his gaze on her. Apparently, he didn’t give a fig about the mouse that could easily burrow into his bed tonight.
He studied her for a couple of beats, then he looked away.
It took her those same beats and another to realize she was standing before him in her stocking feet, wearing only a baggy T-shirt and a pair of pink panties. And skimpy ones at that.
Her cheeks heated and her lips parted. Oh, no. Now what?
Drew snatched a folded sheet from the mattress and held it out to her.
She grabbed it and rushed to the bathroom, but it wasn’t the blasted mouse she hoped to escape this time. It was the dashing cowboy who’d seen more of her than she’d wanted to reveal.
Chapter Three
Now that the crisis was over, some men might have found Lainie’s reaction to a panicked field mouse a bit comical, but Drew had been too focused on her shapely, bare legs and those pink lacy panties. He hadn’t realized what she’d been hiding behind all that denim, but certainly not curves that were that sexy.
Most women would flaunt them, but apparently Lainie didn’t.
When the bathroom door creaked open, she came out with the sheet wrapped around her waist. Her cheeks were flushed a deep pink, and her brow was creased in worry. She scanned the room. “Is it gone?”
No, he suspected the critter was still under the bed and probably suffering from a massive coronary. He didn’t want to lie, but neither did he want to risk having her freak out again. “You’re safe.”
Drew thought about making light of the situation and her reaction, but she was undoubtedly embarrassed by it. And he couldn’t help sympathizing.
She pointed to the pile of denim on the floor. “Would you please shake those out, then give them to me?”
“Sure.” He picked up the overalls, made an effort to examine them carefully, then gave them a vigorous shake before handing them to her. “Here you go.”
It was a shame she was going to hide behind baggy clothes again.
She held the sheet in place with one hand and clutched the overalls with the other. Yet she stood her ground, her cheeks rosy, and gave a little shrug. “In case you hadn’t figured it out, I hate mice.”
“Apparently so.” His grin broadened to a full-on smile. “But just for future reference, it wasn’t going to eat you in a single bite.”
She mumbled something directed at him, clicked her tongue then returned to the bathroom.
When the bathroom door swung open again, and she walked out wearing those damned overalls, he felt compelled to tease her. Instead, he bit his tongue. But he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.
“I realize you found this funny,” she said, “and I admit that I overreacted.”
“No,” he lied. “Some people have an aversion to things like mice, bugs and snakes.” He took a seat on the bed.
“And I’m one of them. But you see, one day, when my twin sister and I were playing, we had a bad experience with rats. So that came into play just now.”
“You have a twin?”
She paused a beat, and her eye twitched, just as it had a few minutes ago, when he’d asked her if she’d ever been to Houston. “Yes, I do.”
“No. People used to think we were, especially since there’s a strong family resemblance and we were the same size and had the same coloring. But no, we’re fraternal twins.”
Had Drew run into her sister before? If so, that could be the reason Lainie seemed familiar.
“Where does your sister live?” he asked.
“I’m...not sure. I haven’t seen her since... Well, it’s been a while.”
He was tempted to ask why, but he suspected they’d had a falling-out of some kind. And he’d had enough drama within his own family to last a lifetime.
“Anyway,” Lainie said, “I need to go back to the house. I only have an hour to get dinner on the table.”
“You sure you’re okay?”
“I’ll live. I’m just glad you reminded me that the darned critter wasn’t able to eat me in a single bite.” She smiled and winked. Then she bit down on her bottom lip. “Hey, do me a favor, please. Don’t tell the guys about this.”
“My lips are sealed. It’ll be our little secret.” This time, he winked. “Thanks for helping me get settled.”
“And for providing you with a little entertainment? You’re welcome. I was just doing my job. Or trying to, anyway.” Then she headed for the door.
He nearly added, And thanks for the lovely vision I’ll never get out of my head.
* * *
Lainie had never been so embarrassed in her life. She couldn’t believe she’d screamed like a wild woman and stripped down to her panties in front of a virtual stranger—and a handsome one at that.
So much for getting a fresh start in Brighton Valley. If word of this got out, she’d have to move again. Fortunately, Drew had been nice about the whole thing, but he must think she was a nut job, which she probably was. What normal woman would have reacted like that? And all because of a tiny little mouse.
She blew out an exasperated sigh. As much as she’d like to avoid Drew for the rest of her life—or at least, for the duration of his stay—she was going to have to face him again this evening, at the dinner table. And speaking of dinner, she didn’t have a clue what she was going to fix. She’d been so focused on getting her column turned in on time that she’d neglected to do any prep work. And now she’d have to regroup and think of something that was quick and easy.
She had ground beef in the fridge. Hamburgers with all the fixings wouldn’t be too difficult to pull off. By the time she’d gotten across the yard and near the house, she had a menu planned. Thank goodness for the canned beans in the pantry and the ice cream she’d stored in the freezer.
She’d no more than reached the back porch of the main ranch house when she spotted Sully and Rex, another old-timer, sitting outside, swaying away the afternoon in rocking chairs. They were watching—or rather critiquing—a younger cowboy working with a horse in the corral.
“Damn fool kid,” Rex said. “Someone had better fire his ass before he gets himself killed.”
“You got that right.” Sully slowly shook his head.
“Aw, hell.” Rex got to his feet and reached for his cane. “I’m going to find Nate. This is crazy. That kid shouldn’t be left to work on his own.”
Rex had no more than taken a single step when he spotted Lainie and tipped his worn cowboy hat at her. “Little lady. If you’ll excuse me?”
“Of course,” she said.
Rex grumbled something under his breath as he took off in search of the acting foreman.
“So,” Sully said. “I see you’re finally home after your trip to town.”
“Yes, I got back a little while ago. I’ve been helping Drew get settled in the cabin on the knoll.”
Sully glanced at his wristwatch. “Looks like it’s about time for dinner.”
Yes, and if she didn’t get inside quickly, she wouldn’t have it on the table by five o’clock. Joy had warned her that the men were in the habit of eating at set times—and not one minute later.
“I know you’re probably busy,” Sully said, “but I thought about something after we discussed your friend’s problem.”
For a moment, the only problem Lainie could remember was her own. What normal woman dropped her pants in front of a stranger, and all because of a tiny mouse? But Sully hadn’t been privy to that secret. At least, not yet.
“What problem is that?” she asked.
“You know,” he said, as he got up from his rocker and followed her into the kitchen. “The friend who wrote you the letter about having her heart broken.”
“Oh, yes.”
“I thought about something else you can tell her,” Sully said.
Too late. The column was already in Mr. Carlton’s inbox. But Lainie wasn’t about to turn down any sage advice she might be able to use later. “What’s that?”
“You can’t expect someone else to make you happy. You’ll only end up miserable if you do because the time will come when the two of you will part ways, through death or divorce or whatever.”
Wasn’t that the truth? Time and again since childhood, Lainie had learned that lesson the hard way. She never knew her mother, and her father died before she and her twin entered kindergarten. Three years later, her grandmother followed suit and left them wards of the state. Then Erica was adopted and snatched away. Even while Lainie was in the hospital for her heart surgery, the nurses kept changing, thanks to their varied shifts.
So if there was anything to count on, it was that life was unpredictable. And the only one who could make her happy was herself.
She’d thought her luck might have changed when she met Craig, but she’d never expected him to make her happy. She had, however, expected him to be honest with her.
“When my wife died,” Sully said, “I missed her so much. For a while, I thought my life was over. I couldn’t see a purpose for it after she was gone. But my buddies stepped in and gave me a kick in the backside. They told me to quit feeling sorry for myself and to focus on others.”
Lainie opened the commercial-sized refrigerator and pulled out a huge package of ground beef. “What did you do?”
“I volunteered at a local soup kitchen. And it made all the difference in the world. Tell your friend to find something to do that’s bigger than herself. Once she gets off the pity train, she’ll be surprised at how good she’ll feel.”
“More wise advice,” Lainie said. And more fodder for a future column.
“You might want to give her some options, like volunteering at the animal shelter or collecting blankets and toiletry items for the homeless.”
Actually, that’s exactly what Lainie would so. She’d go to the library and do some online research about the needs in the community. Then, when she found an opportunity to make a suggestion like that to someone, she’d have a good-size list of volunteer possibilities to provide as a wrap to the column.
“That’s a great idea, Sully. I’ll make that suggestion the next time I talk to my friend.” She offered him a warm, appreciative smile, dropped the meat on the counter then opened the pantry and pulled out several packages of buns. “Thanks again for the advice.”
“Sure. Anytime. Say, you need any help?”
Boy, did she. And on so many levels. But he was talking about dinner—and the need for her to get it on the table by five. “Sure, would you mind firing up the gas grill?”
“I’d be delighted.” Sully went outside to the deck.
Before forming the meat into patties, Lainie washed her hands at the sink, then dried them with the dish towel that had been resting on the counter. She couldn’t help glancing out the kitchen window at the cabin on the knoll. Her hand lifted, and she fingered the length of the scar that hid under the cotton and denim.
She’d just about reached her wit’s end when it came to dealing with handsome men, especially those who left her feeling guilty or embarrassed or lacking in any way. Fortunately, she’d be moving on again soon. Only this time, when she chose a new job, it might be best to consider one at a convent.
* * *
Lainie had just finished wiping down the countertops and putting away the last of the breakfast dishes when the ranch telephone rang. She snatched the receiver from its wall-mounted cradle. The cord, stretched from years of use, dangled to her knees. “Rocking Chair Ranch. This is Lainie.”
“Hey, kid.”
She was more than a little surprised to hear Mr. Carlton’s voice on the other end.
“I knew you could do it,” he said, his tone almost jubilant. “That column you sent to me yesterday was great. In fact, it was everything I’d hoped it would be.”
Thank goodness. Or rather, in this case, thank Sully. Either way, she was relieved to know she’d hit the mark. “Thank you, Mr. Carlton.”
“You mentioned the internet service wasn’t very good at the ranch, so I hope you received the additional letters I sent. I hadn’t gotten your column yet, but I had a good feeling.”
“Yes, I did. I had to go into town to find Wi-Fi so I could send it to you. And while I was there, I checked my email and downloaded them onto my laptop.” She hadn’t looked at them yet. She was waiting until she found both the time and the enthusiasm to tackle the chore. But her boss didn’t need to know that. “I’ll read them over the weekend.”
“Good, but you might want to get started on them right away. I’ll need your next column turned in by Monday at noon.”
“So soon?” Monday was only a few days away. She leaned against the wall and wrapped the curly phone cord around her index finger. “I thought my deadlines were on Wednesdays.”
“Now that we’re back on track, I’ll need more time to review your column.”
“I’m afraid I’m not following you.”
“When the last Dear Debbie quit without notice, I had to find a replacement and make adjustments. The column comes out every Friday, so I pushed your deadline back to give you time to write it. But that meant I had to review it quickly. I’ll admit that your column isn’t a huge priority to me, especially since the readership isn’t that big. But the fans we do have are very loyal. And they’re vocal.”
Lainie didn’t doubt that the lovelorn column was at the bottom of the editor’s priority list. Not that she knew what was at the top. She had no idea what the Brighton Valley residents expected to see in terms of news and special interest stories. At least, not yet. She’d have a much better idea after she researched her new community and the various organizations needing volunteers the next time she went to town. She’d even take her camera with her. Who knew what photo op she might find? Or what interesting tidbit she might learn. There were sure to be plenty of people or activities going on that she could use for a future article.
Mr. Carlton cleared his throat. “A Monday deadline isn’t going to be a problem for you, is it?”
She’d wrapped the phone cord so tightly around her finger that it had turned red, so she loosened it as she attempted to reassure her boss. “No, not at all. I’ll get my next column to you with time to spare.” Now all she had to do was to reassure herself that she’d come through for him again.
And to pull that off, she’d have to find Sully. Maybe she could bribe him with brownies.
“That’s just the kind of response I like in my staff,” Mr. Carlton said. “My full-time staff.”
He didn’t have to say any more. If Lainie wanted a bigger and more important position at The Brighton Valley Gazette, she’d need to keep her self-doubt at bay.
“You won’t be disappointed, Mr. Carlton.”
“We’ll see about that.” He muttered something under his breath—or possibly to someone else. “Listen, Debbie—or rather, Lainie. I have a meeting and need to get ready for it. I’ll let you go so you can get started on the next column. I can’t wait to see it.” Then he hung up without saying goodbye.
Lainie completely freed her finger from the cord, released her death grip on the receiver and returned it to the wall mount. Then she straightened her stance and blew out a ragged sigh.
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