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basn (-au, -ys) nm basin
bastard (-iaid) nm bastard
bastardiaethnf bastardy
batiovb to bat
batrinm battery
bath (-au) nm kind, sort; stamp; coin
bathdy (-dai) nm mint
bathodyn (-nau) nm medal, badge
batholadj coin, coined
bathuvb to coin
bawnm dirt, mire, dung, filth
bawaiddadj dirty, vile; sordid, mean
bawd (bodiau) nf thumb, toe
bechanadj f ofbychan
bechgynnosnpl little boys, youngsters
bedwnpl (nf-en) birch
bedyddnm baptism
bedyddfa (-fâu, -feydd) nf baptistry
bedyddfaen (-feini) nm font
bedyddiovb to baptize
bedyddioladj baptismal; baptized
Bedyddiwr (-wyr) nm Baptist
bedd (-au) nm grave, tomb, sepulchre
beddargraff (-iadau) nm epitaph
beddfaen (-feini) nm tombstone
beddgell (-oedd) nf vault, catacomb
beddrod (-au) nm tomb, sepulchre
Beibl (-au) nm Bible
Beiblaiddadj Biblical
beic (-iau) nm bike; beic modur motorbike; beic mynydd mountain bike
beiciovb to cycle
beiciwr, beicwr (-wyr) nm cyclist; beiciwr modur motorcyclist
beichiovb to burden; to low; to sob
beichiogadj pregnant
beichiogivb to conceive
beichusadj burdensome, oppressive
beiddgaradj daring, audacious; outrageous
beiddgarwchnm daring, audacity
beiddiovb to dare, to presume
beili (beilïaid) nm bailiff
beiovb to blame, to censure
beirniad (-iaid) nm adjudicator; critic
beirniadaeth (-au) nf adjudication; criticism
beirniadoladj critical
beirniaduvb to adjudicate; to criticize
beisgawn (-au) nf stack, heap of corn sheaves
beistonnf sea-shore, beach; surf
beiusadj faulty; blameworthy
bellachadv now, at length
bendigaid, bendigedigadj blessed
bendigedigrwyddnm blessedness
bendith (-ion) nf blessing, benediction
bendithiovb to bless
bendithioladj conferring blessings
benthyca, benthyciovb to borrow, to lend
benthyciadnm loan
benthyciwr (-wyr) nm borrower, lender
benthygnm loan
benywadj female ▶ nf (-od) female, woman
benywaiddadj feminine; effeminate
benywoladj feminine, female
beradj f ofbyr
bêr (berau, -i) nm spear; roasting-spit
beranfm rick; pyramid
berdysnpl (nm-yn, nf-en) shrimps
berf (-au) nf verb; berf anghyflawn transitive verb; berf gyflawn intransitive verb
berfa (-fâu, -feydd) nf barrow
Berlinnf Berlin
berthadj beautiful, valuable
berthogadj wealthy, fair
berwnm, adj boiling, seething, ebullition
berwedigadj boiling
berwedydd (-ion) nm boiler
berwedd-dy (-dai) nm brewery
berwedduvb to brew
berwivb to boil, to seethe, to effervesce
berwrcoll n cress
betgwnnmf nightgown
betwsnm oratory, chapel; birch grove
betysnpl beetroot
beudy (-dai) nm cow-house, byre
beunoeth, beunosadv nightly, every night
beunyddadv daily, every day, always
beunyddioladj daily, quotidian
bidog (-au) nf dagger; bayonet
bing (-oedd) nm alley, bin
bil (-iau) nm bill
bilidowcarnm cormorant
bilwg (-ygau) nm billhook
bin (-iau) nm:bin sbwriel litter bin
biocemegnfm biochemistry
biolegnf biology
bir (-oedd) nm beer
bisgedennf biscuit, cracker
biswailnm dung
blaenadj fore, foremost, first; front ▶ nm (-au, -ion) point, end, top, tip; front, van, priority, precedence; edge
blaenasgellwr (-wyr) nm wing-forward
blaenbrawf (-brofion) nm foretaste
blaendalnm prepayment, deposit
blaendardduvb to sprout