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argoed (-ydd) nm enclosure of trees
argoel (-ion) nf sign, token, omen
argoelivb to betoken, to portend, to augur
argoelusadj ominous
argraff (-ion, -au) nf print, impression
argraffdy (-dai) nm printer’s, printing-house
argraffiad (-au) nm impression; edition
argraffuvb to print, to impress
argraffwaithnm print, typography
argraffwasgnf printing-press
argraffwr (-wyr), argraffydd (-ion) nm printer
argrwm, argrwnadj convex
argyfwng (-yngau, -yngoedd) nm crisis
argyhoeddivb to reprove; to convince, to convict
argyhoeddiad (-au) nm conviction
argyhoeddiadoladj convincing
argymellvb to urge, to recommend
argymhelliadnm recommendation
arholivb to examine
arholiad (-au) nm examination; arholiad mynediad entrance examination
arholwr (-wyr) nm examiner
arhosfanf stop; arhosfa bws, arhosfa bysiau bus stop
arhosfan (-nau) nm = arhosfa
arhosiadnm staying, stay
arhosoladj abiding, permanent
arialnm vigour, mettle
ariannm silver ▶ coll n money, cash; arian breiniol currency; arian byw mercury; arian gleision silver; arian parod cash; arian pen exact money; arian treigl current money
ariandy (-dai) nm bank
ariangaradj fond of money, avaricious
ariangarwchnm love of money, avarice
ariannaidadj silver, silvern
ariannaiddadj silvery
ariannegnmf finance
Arianninnf Argentina
ariannogadj moneyed, wealthy, rich
ariannoladj financial, monetary
ariannuvb to silver; to finance/fund
ariannydd (arianyddion) nm banker, investor, financier
arlais (-leisiau) nf temple
arlein, ar-leinadj, adv online
arloesivb to clear, to prepare the way, to pioneer
arloesydd (-wyr) nm pioneer
arluniaethnf portraiture, painting
arluniovb to draw, to paint, to portray
arlunydd (-wyr) nm artist
arlwy (-au, -on) nmf provision, feast, menu
arlwyaeth (-au) nf catering
arlwyovb to prepare, to provide; to cook
arlywydd (-ion) nm president
arlywyddiaethnf presidency
arlywyddoladj presidential
arlliw (-iau) nm varnish, tint, shade, trace
arlliwiovb to colour, to tint, to paint
arllwysvb to pour out, to empty
arllwysfanf outfall, outlet, vent
armelnm second milk
armesnf prophecy; calamity
arnofiovb to float
arobrynadj worthy, prize-winning
arofunvb to intend, to purpose
arogl (-au), aroglau (-euon) nm scent, smell
arogldarthnm incense
arogldarthuvb to burn incense
arogli, arogleuovb to scent; to smell
arogliadnm smelling, sense of smell
aroleuadaunpl:aroleuadau gwallt highlights
aroleuydd (-ion) nm highlighter (pen)
arolwgnm survey
arolygiad (-au) nm inspection
arolygiaethnf superintendency
arolyguvb to superintend
arolygwr (-wyr), arolygydd (-ion) nm superintendent, inspector; supervisor
arosvb to wait, to await, to stay, to stop, to tarry, to abide, to remain; aros ar ôl stay behind; aros gartref stay in
arswydnm dread, terror, horror
arswydovb to dread; to shudder
arswydusadj fearful, terrible, dreadful
arsylwivb to observe
arsyllfa (-feydd) nf observatory
arsylluvb to observe
artaith (-teithiau) nf torture, torment, pang
arteithiovb to torture, to rack
arteithioladj racking, excruciating
artisiog (-au) nm artichoke
artistigadj artistic
arth (eirth) nfm bear
arthes (-au) nf she-bear
arthio, arthuvb to bark, to growl
arucheladj lofty, sublime
arucheleddnm loftiness, sublimity
aruthradj marvellous, strange
aruthreddnm amazement, horror
aruthroladj huge, prodigious
arwahanrwyddnm uniqueness, individuality
arwainvb to conduct, to lead, to guide, to carry
arwedd (-au, -ion) nf bearing, aspect
arwedduvb to bear
arweddwr (-wyr) nm bearer
arweiniadnm guidance; introduction
arweinioladj leading, introductory
arweinydd (-ion) nm guide, leader; conductor