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Evaluating the Impact of Implementing Evidence-Based Practice – Bick Debra

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The Evidence-Based Nursing Series is co-published with Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI). The series focuses on implementing evidence-based practice in nursing and midwifery and mirrors the remit of Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, encompassing clinical practice, administration, research and public policy. Evaluating the Impact of Implementing Evidence-Based Practice considers the importance of approaches to evaluate the implementation of evidence-based practice. Outcomes of evidence-based practice can be wide ranging and sometimes unexpected. It is therefore important to evaluate the success of any implementation in terms of clinical outcomes, influence on health status, service users and health policy and long-term sustainability, as well as economic impacts. This, the third and final book in the series, looks at how best to identify, evaluate and assess the outcomes of implementation , reflecting a wide range of issues to consider and address when planning and measuring outcomes. An informative, practical resource for an international readership Providing critical evaluation of models and approaches to measuring outcomes Explores the importance of measuring successful implementation Examines outcomes in terms of long-term sustainability Addresses economic impacts and influence on health policy Provides practice-based examples Written by a team of internationally respected authors

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118702260

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