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Audel Multi-Craft Industrial Reference – Thomas Davis

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An essential, pocket-sized manual for industrial craftspeople from a brand relied on for more than a century The Audel™ Industrial Trades Multi-Craft Reference Manual is aimed at the industrial mechanic, millwright, machinist, plumber, pipefitter, welder, carpenter, sheet metal mechanic, and other skilled craftspeople who need quick, no-nonsense access to dependable information—fast. Including up-to-date focus on «green» thinking and industrial sustainability, this handy, compact guide serves as an ideal on-the-job reference on topics such as pump facts, bearing information, motor facts, wood and carpentry, pipefitting, welding, blacksmithing, and much more. New Audel book from bestselling author Tom Davis Topics searchable by machine, device, or material Heavily illustrated and designed with lay-flat binding for ease of use on the job Includes worked-out examples when math is presented to accelerate learning Building on a rich legacy of titles from the celebrated Audel brand, this new addition to their esteemed lineup continues the tradition of delivering trusted content skilled workers reach for the most.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118141205

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