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Being Right or Making Money – Ned Davis

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STAY A STEP AHEAD OF THE MARKETS BY REJECTING GUESSES ABOUT THE FUTURE AND TRUSTING TECHNIQUES THAT WORK Today there are as many investment opinions as there are people. But as many a scorned investor can attest, predicting the future isn't easy. In fact, Being Right or Making Money, Third Edition explains that reliably predicting the future is often not even possible. The good news is that it isn't necessary either. Once you stop trying so hard to be right about the future, you can start making money. Being Right or Making Money, Third Edition contains a position trading strategy that any serious investor will want to keep nearby. Using the unbiased, objective standard in this book, you can stay on-target for profit in all market conditions. You'll learn how to create asset allocation models in both stocks and bonds, how to make sense out of contrarian opinion, and how to use indicators to keep you focused, no matter what. You won't find any shock-and-awe investing tactics in this book. Instead, Being Right or Making Money, Third Edition presents the solid trading model that has made Ned Davis Research Group a go-to source for market wisdom.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118996560

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