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The Amish Bachelors
The Amish Bachelors
The Amish Bachelors


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The Amish Bachelors

When she returned to the area after six years away, he had been delighted but his first efforts to rekindle their friendship had been rebuffed. Lillian had changed while she was away. She had become remote and reserved. It had taken a great deal of patience on his part to repair the bond between them.

Besides helping with the Christmas program, he had done what handiwork was needed at the school without being asked. He sometimes bought books for the school library and occasionally suggested a new novel he thought she might like. His diligence over the course of the winter had slowly thawed her reserve. Now that they were enjoying an easy comradery again, he would do his best to keep it that way.

“Looks like you have a visitor,” he said, gesturing to the road where a white car was pulling up to a stop on the narrow road in front of the school.

Lillian shaded her eyes as she gazed that way. A young woman got out of the car. She went to the back and opened the trunk.

“Do you know her?” Timothy asked.

“I had a letter from the public health department telling me Miss Debra Merrick would be here to do health screenings on the children today.”

The woman closed the trunk of her car and picked up two large black cases.

“I’d better go help her with those bags. They look heavy.”

He judged Debra to be near his age, somewhere in her midtwenties. She was dressed modern in a simple blue skirt and a white blouse with lace at her throat. Her black shoes were low-heeled and sensible, but they sported shiny buckles that wouldn’t be acceptable in his Plain community. Her blond hair was cut short and floated in curls around her face.

He glanced at Lillian. Amish women never cut their hair. They kept it covered beneath a white prayer kapp like the one Lillian wore. The white ribbons of her bonnet fluttered softly in the breeze and drew his gaze to the slender curve of her neck. What would her hair look like if she wore it down? He could imagine it spilling in rich brown waves down her back. Would it reach the floor? He jerked his gaze away. It wasn’t proper to think such thoughts about a friend. He focused on the woman beside the car.

“Can I give you a hand with those?” he asked as he and Lillian drew near.

“Thank you. That’s very kind.” She put the cases down and smiled sweetly as she tucked a curl behind her ear.

Lillian held out her hand. “I’m Lillian Keim, the teacher here. This is Timothy Bowman.”

“I’m Debra Merrick.” The woman shook hands with both of them.

“I was expecting you early this morning,” Lillian said.

Debra flushed a rosy shade of pink. “I’m afraid I got lost on these winding rural roads. Twice.”

Timothy began undoing his coat. “It happens. We aren’t exactly in the middle of nowhere, but you can see it from here.”

Debra’s gaze carried a hint of gratitude for his understanding. She gestured toward the smoking pans on the table. “Has there been a fire?”

He chuckled as he pulled his helmet off and combed his fingers through his damp curls. “Only a fire safety demonstration. I’ll bring your cases up to the school once I shed this gear.”

He stepped over to his wagon, undid the heavy coat and tossed it along with his helmet on the wooden bench seat. He picked up his straw hat and settled it on his head.

Turning around, he saw Miss Merrick watching him with a look of surprise on her face. “You’re Amish? I didn’t know the Amish could be firemen.”

He laughed heartily. “Then I reckon there’s a lot you don’t know about us Amish folk.”

She gave him a sheepish smile. “I’m afraid that’s true. My family has some Amish ancestry, but this is my first visit to Amish country and my first Amish school to visit.”

“We are more than farmers and quilters. You’ll find we’re a lot like everyone else if you take the time to get to know us,” he added.

“I’m always willing to learn new things, and I like getting to know new people.”

He nodded once. “Goot.”

Debra tipped her head to the side. “What does that mean?”

“It means good. It’s Pennsylvania Deitsch. You might have heard it called Pennsylvania Dutch, although it’s not Dutch at all. It’s an old German dialect.”

Her smile widened. “Goot. I’ll remember that. Thank you for teaching me something new today, Mr. Bowman.”

She seemed like a sweet woman. “Call me Timothy.”

“All right, Timothy.”

Lillian stepped between them and shot him a stern, frosty look before she turned to Debra. “Come up to the school and meet the children, Miss Merrick. They’ve been waiting for you.”

Timothy stared after Lillian in puzzlement. What was that look for?

* * *

Lillian resisted the urge to grab Timothy by the collar and shake him. Didn’t he realize the woman was boldly flirting with him and that he was encouraging her? Outsiders were to be dealt with cautiously. Timothy’s behavior bordered on prideful. Being forward or asserting oneself in any way was contrary to their church’s teachings and he knew that.

Once they were inside the school, she directed Debra to a table at the back of the room to set up her equipment. Timothy placed the cases next to it. Lillian welcomed the health screening and other educational health programs presented by the local public health department. Each year her students received dental and eye exams as well as hearing screenings and classes on the hazards of tobacco use and smoking, all free of charge.

Debra looked over the room and spoke softly to Lillian. “I’m afraid I’m not going to get all the children done today. I don’t want to keep them after school. Would it be all right if I return tomorrow?”

“That won’t be a problem. School starts at eight o’clock.”

Debra let out a sigh of relief. “That will be great. Now that I know the way, I should be here on time. On a personal note, I was hoping to purchase some authentic Amish-made gifts for my friends back home. Can you suggest somewhere to shop locally?”

“My mother runs a gift shop just over the river,” Timothy said. “You passed it before you came through the covered bridge. You’ll find everything there is reasonably priced and all handmade. If you’d like to see some Amish-made furniture, I’d be happy to show you around my father’s woodworking shop.”

“I’d like that very much. I’ll stop by after I finish here tomorrow.”

“Great. I’ll see you then.”

“Maybe you can teach me a few more Amish words.” She gave him a sly smile and a wink.

“I’ve recently been told I have a knack for teaching.”

He looked so smug that Lillian was tempted to kick his shin. She forced herself to remain polite. “We should let Miss Merrick get to work, Timothy. I’ll help you clean up outside.”

“It was nice meeting you, Debra.” He nodded to her and went out the door. Lillian followed him to the makeshift table and checked the pans to see if they were cool enough to handle.

“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing’s wrong.” Was it her place to correct his behavior? Her father would say it was.

“You’ve been giving me your frosty stare ever since Miss Merrick arrived.”

“If you want to make puppy eyes at the Englisch lady, I’m sure it’s none of my business.”

He frowned as he snatched up the water pail. “I wasn’t making puppy eyes at her.”

“Ha! If you had a tail, it would have been wagging a mile a minute the second she smiled at you.”

“How can you say that?”

“I say it because it’s true.”

“I was being nice. She seems like a very pleasant lady. Which is more than I can say for you at the moment.” He threw the water out, picked up the fire extinguisher and headed for his wagon.

Lillian nibbled on the corner of her lip as she watched him stomp away. He was right. She wasn’t being pleasant, and she had no right to chastise him. He hadn’t broken any church rules. Friendliness with outsiders wasn’t forbidden, just discouraged. She wasn’t sure why it upset her to see him so at ease with the woman.

Timothy came back and carried a pair of sawhorses past her without comment. He set them in the back of the wagon. It was clear he was upset with her and that wasn’t like Timothy.

“I’m sorry if I offended you,” she said.

“You have.” He brushed past her to pick up the last of the boards and carried them to the wagon, too. He threw them in and they clattered loudly. The horses shifted uneasily at the noise but quickly settled at a low word from him.

Lillian took a step closer. “I’m only looking out for your best interests. Your behavior could be seen as forward and unacceptable. I’m sorry if pointing that out makes you angry.”

He leaned a hip against the wagon and folded his arms over his chest as he fixed his gaze on her face. “That you judge my behavior to be forward and unacceptable is what makes me angry. I thought you knew me well enough to know I wouldn’t flirt with any woman, let alone someone who didn’t share our faith.”

She clutched her arms tight across her chest. “I do know that.”

“Then why accuse me of it?”

She stared at her feet and tried to put her feelings into words. “You smiled at her.”

“I smile at everyone.”

“I know, but she smiled back. I saw that look in her eyes.”

“What are you talking about? What look?”

Lillian glanced at his handsome face. “The look that said she was interested in getting to know you better. A lot better.”

He shook his head in disbelief. “I’m not responsible for the way someone looks at me.”

“I saw the attraction between the two of you. Such feelings can lead you down a forbidden path.”

He threw his hands in the air. “I can’t believe I’m hearing this. I had no idea you thought I was so weak-minded.”

“I don’t.” The last thing she wanted was for him to be angry with her.

“Your words say otherwise, Lillian.”

He climbed in his wagon. With a slap of the reins, he headed his horses down the road, leaving her to watch his rapidly retreating figure and regret her ill-advised comments. They’d never had a disagreement, let alone an argument like this.

Had she damaged their friendship beyond repair?

Chapter Three

Drawing a deep calming breath, Lillian returned to the schoolroom determined to be pleasant to Miss Merrick. She would apologize to Timothy soon. Perhaps she could think of an excuse to visit the Bowman household after school tonight and find a way to speak to Timothy alone. And then again, maybe she was being foolish. Their friendship was surely strong enough to weather one disagreement. Wasn’t it? She didn’t need to run after him and beg his forgiveness.

Inside the school, she helped Debra set up the eye charts. Together, they taped off the correct distance on the floor where the children were to stand. Suddenly, the outside door burst open, and Lillian’s little sister Amanda raced in.

Spying Lillian, the four-year-old dashed across the room and threw her arms around Lillian’s legs. “Shveshtah, I koom to visit you at schule. Teach me something?”

Tiny for her age, Amanda had been born with dwarfism. Her arms and legs were short, but her body was near normal in size. Her blond hair was fine and straight as wheat straw with wisps of it peeking from beneath her white kapp.

Lillian scooped the child up in her arms and settled her at her hip. “The first thing my scholars learn is to be quiet in the classroom. No shouting. No running.”

Amanda’s smile faded. “I was bad, wasn’t I?”

Lillian nodded. “A little.”

The outside door opened again and Lillian’s father, Eldon Keim, came in, his face set in stern lines. Something must be wrong.

Miss Merrick gave Amanda a bright smile. “Is this your daughter?”

“Amanda is my sister.” Lillian introduced her father to Miss Merrick.

“I’m very pleased to meet you, Mr. Keim, and you, Amanda.” Debra held out her hand to the child.

Amanda shyly shook it.

Debra’s smile widened. “I have a brother who is a little person. His name is Brandon. He has cartilage-hair hypoplasia.”

A rush of empathy caused Lillian to look kindly at Debra. Here was someone who understood the challenging life her little sister faced. “That is exactly what Amanda has.”

“I mentioned my family has Amish ancestors. I’m sure you know CCH is one of the more common types of dwarfism among the Amish. I wish Brandon could meet Amanda. He loves children, especially little-people children. He and his wife have adopted two children with dwarfism. He’s a professor of agriculture at Ohio Central University. I know that sounds like a stuffy job, but he’s not a bit stuffy.”

Her father spoke quietly in Pennsylvania Dutch. “I’m going into town. Your mother said you needed something.”

“Ja, I have two library books that are due back today. Can you drop them off for me?” It would save her a long walk this evening. Bless her mother for thinking of it.

“Fetch them quickly.”

She put Amanda down, hurried to her desk and returned with both volumes. “Danki.”

He scanned the titles and frowned. “Are these proper reading for an Amish woman?”

Lillian was glad he’d kept the conversation in Pennsylvania Deitsch. It stung that he didn’t trust her judgment, but as a minister of the church, he had to make sure his family obeyed the Ordnung, the rules of the church. The books were teaching guides for elementary science, a subject she struggled to understand and teach. “They were recommended to me at the last teachers’ conference I attended. What’s wrong, Daed?”

He tucked the books under his arm. “I received a letter today from my sister in Wisconsin. My onkel Albert is gravely ill and wishes to see me. We are leaving tonight. I must speak with the bishop and let him know I won’t be preaching with him on Sunday.”

“I’m so sorry. Is Amanda going with you?”

“Nee, your mother and I think it best she stay at home with you and Jeremiah. Can she spend the rest of the afternoon with you today?”

Lillian winked at Amanda. “She isn’t old enough to start school.”

“If it is a problem, she can come with me to the bishop’s home,” he said.

Amanda’s eyes widened, and she shook her head. The bishop was a kindly man, but his stern countenance and booming voice had frightened the child once and she remained leery of him.

Planting her hands on her hips, Lillian pretended to consider the situation, then finally nodded and smiled. “Ja, she can stay with me.”

After her father left, Debra took a tentative step closer. “Is something wrong?”

Realizing Debra hadn’t understood their exchange, Lillian explained. “My father has been called to his uncle’s deathbed in Wisconsin. He and my mother must make arrangements to travel there as soon as possible.”

“They can’t go that far by horse and buggy, can they?”

“They will hire a driver to take them. We are not allowed to own cars, but we are not forbidden to ride in them. Many local people earn extra money by driving their Amish neighbors when there is a need.”

“I see. I’m sorry your father’s uncle is so ill.” Debra laid a hand on Lillian’s shoulder. Lillian was surprised by the sincere sympathy in her eyes.

“He has lived a long full life.” Lillian recalled with fondness her great-uncle’s gnarled hands and his toothless grin. He kept a tall glass jar by his chair and he always had a licorice twist to share with her and his many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. It was sad to think of his passing, but she knew he was ready to go home.

Debra stepped back. “I should get to work. Will the children have trouble understanding me? I know you speak a different language.”

“Only the youngest will have trouble. Start with the upper grades today. They have all had eye exams before.”

Lillian settled Amanda on a seat by her desk and gave her several picture books to look at while she finished grading the spelling tests from the day before. Debra was only halfway through the eye exams when it was time to dismiss for the day.

Lillian looked out over the classroom. “Put your books away and quietly get your coats.”

Abe and Gabriel rushed to the cloakroom and then dashed out the door before she could stop them. She couldn’t very well chase after them. She would have to deal with their disrespectful attitude tomorrow. This couldn’t continue.

She walked to the door and held it open. “Children, you are dismissed.”

The rest of the children filed outside in an orderly manner that lasted only until they reached the final step on the porch. After that, they bolted like young colts being let out to pasture. Childish laughter and shouts filled the air as they said goodbye to each other and to her. For Lillian, there was always a sense of relief followed by a small letdown when they were gone from her sight. They were hers for seven hours each day, but none of them belonged to her.

Thankfully, she had Amanda. Her baby sister was as close as Lillian would ever come to having a child of her own. She looked toward her desk and saw Amanda was sharing her picture book with Debra.

“What is this?” Debra asked, pointing to the page. She had taken a seat on the floor by the child’s chair.

Amanda said, “Dess ist ein gaul.”

“Gaul. That must mean horse. Am I right?” Debra looked to Lillian for confirmation. She nodded.

“And this?” Debra pointed to the page again.


“So dog is hund.”

Amanda grinned and turned the page. She pointed and said, “Hohna.”

“Chicken is hohna.” Debra giggled as she stumbled over the unfamiliar word.

“Hohna means rooster.” Lillian sat in her chair and scooted closer to Amanda so she could see the pictures, too.

Amanda pointed to the drawing of a hen sitting on a nest of straw. “Glukk.”

“That has got to mean chicken.” Debra glanced at Lillian.

“Not exactly. It means a sitting hen, one who lays eggs.”

“Goot, glukk, hohna, hund, gaul. Good, sitting hen, rooster, dog, horse. I’ve learned a pocketful of new words today. Thank you, Amanda. I shall thoroughly impress Mr. Bowman with my new vocabulary when I see him tomorrow.”

Lillian’s smile faded. She spoke quietly in Deitsch to her sister. “Put your things away. You may go outside and play on the swings until I’m ready to go home.”

The child got up without further prompting. She put her colors and book away, and headed out the door.

“She’s very sweet,” Debra said.

“She is a great blessing to me and to my entire family.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that. Children with special needs aren’t always seen as a blessing.” Debra’s tone held a touch of bitterness that surprised Lillian.

“The Amish believe handicapped children are extraordinary gifts from God. A family with such a child faces difficulties, yes, but they know God has smiled upon them in a very special way.”

“I wish my family held such a belief. My father saw my brother as a burden and wondered what he had done wrong to be cursed with a deformed son.”

“I’m sorry for your father. I pray he comes to see the error in his way of thinking.”

“He passed away a few years ago. I think in the end he came to accept Brandon as a gift, but growing up, my brother faced prejudices from inside and outside of our home. I’m amazed he has turned out as normal and happy as he seems to be.”

“We have a proverb about our children. The more a child is valued, the better his values will be.”

“You are making me sorry my great-great-grandfather left the Amish. May I ask you something personal?”

Lillian thought their conversation was already personal, but she nodded.

“I had the feeling that you were upset after my arrival today. Did I do something wrong? I don’t want to alienate you or others in this community. If I did do something unacceptable, please tell me. I won’t be offended. I plan to begin teaching adult education classes in this area on health and food safety later this fall, and I know I need to learn more about your Amish ways if I’m to be effective.”

Lillian looked down at her hands. “I was upset, and I beg your forgiveness for that. It wasn’t your behavior, so much as the behavior of Timothy Bowman that upset me.”

“His behavior? I found him incredibly friendly and very sweet. What did he do that upset you? He’s a bit of a flirt, but that’s harmless. Oh, unless you two are dating or something? That would put a totally different spin on it.”

“Timothy and I are simply friends,” she said quickly. Maybe too quickly. A hint of speculation widened Debra’s eyes.

“He’s a nice-looking fellow. Is he married?”

“Timothy is single.”

“I notice you aren’t wearing a wedding band. I take it you’re single, too?”

“Amish women do not wear jewelry, even wedding rings, but I am single and I shall remain so. If I were to marry I would have to give up teaching.”

“Really? That’s very old-fashioned.”

“We are an old-fashioned people. Becoming a wife and a mother is a sacred duty that must come before all else. Very few married Amish women work outside the home.”

As an outsider, Lillian wasn’t sure Debra would understand, but if she was going to be working in their community, she had to become informed about what was and was not acceptable. “You may have seen Timothy’s behavior as harmless, but our church would take a very different view. We are to be meek before God and man, never drawing attention to ourselves or putting ourselves above others. We call it demut, humbleness.”

“I think I see. I wouldn’t consider Timothy’s behavior humble, but it wasn’t offensive.”

“Timothy has a sweet nature, but his outgoing personality draws attention and that is frowned upon.”

“I was told the Amish were cold and unwelcoming. I’m happy to say I have not found that to be true. Thank you for explaining this to me. I’ll ignore Timothy’s winsome ways and practice being modest and humble.” Debra leaned toward Lillian and grinned. “I’m afraid that will be a hard task for me to master.”

Lillian decided she liked this outsider. “We have another proverb that may help. You can tell when you’re on the right track because it’s usually uphill.”

* * *

“Care to share with us, bruder Timothy?”

Timothy looked up from contemplating the coffee in his white mug to find his brother Luke staring at him. He glanced around and found his little brother Noah, his mother and his father all staring at him as if waiting for him to speak. He had no idea what they had been discussing. Lillian’s accusation had been the only thing on his mind since he left the school yesterday afternoon. Why had she accused him of flirting with the English lady? Her lack of trust chafed at his mind.

Knowing only she could answer his questions, he forced his attention back to his family. “I’m sorry. What were you talking about?”

Luke chuckled. “Who put a knot in your tail?”

Timothy knew better than to ignore Luke’s teasing. It would only get worse if he did. “No one has put a knot in my tail. I was thinking about my fire safety class and how I could improve things.” It wasn’t the whole truth, but he hoped it would satisfy his sharp-eyed brother.

“I asked you how it went.” His mother refilled his coffee cup from the pot sitting on a hot pad near her elbow and offered him the last cinnamon roll in the pan. Ana Bowman was happiest when she was feeding someone. He was surprised that they weren’t all as plump as bullfrogs.

He nodded his thanks for the refill but passed on the roll. “I think it went well. For the most part, the children paid close attention. They sure are a bright bunch. No wonder Lillian enjoys teaching them.”

Ana put the pan aside. “You impressed Hannah. She told me all about it when she came home yesterday. I’m dying to know who Lillian’s boyfriend is. Do you know?”

Timothy cringed. He would be in hot water with Lillian now for sure. “She isn’t seeing anyone. I made up a story about her having a boyfriend to show how she might become distracted, and...never mind. I can’t believe Hannah repeated that. Lillian doesn’t have a beau.”
