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A Military Match
A Military Match
A Military Match


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A Military Match

Still, Mary Grant’s obsession with history and re-enacting the life of frontier widow Henrietta Dutton had been taking up more and more of her time. Her involvement with the local historical society’s plans for the town’s upcoming Founder’s Day Festival had turned into a time-consuming passion that left all of her kids feeling ignored.

There were times when Jennifer wondered if the line between reality and re-enactment were blurring a bit too much even for their eccentric mother.

“Your horse shows are a hobby,” Lizzie said defensively.

“Yes, they are, but I don’t let them interfere with my education or my job.”

Someone in the family had to keep a level head. Since her father’s death eight years ago, that lot had fallen to Jennifer. It wasn’t that she resented it, because she did love her family, but there were times when she felt stifled in responsibility.

She glanced at her sister’s downcast face and realized that she had sounded much too stern. Reaching over, she playfully tweaked Lizzie’s nose. “Only God and shoe shopping are more important. Right?”

Jennifer was rewarded with the smile she had been hoping for. Lizzie rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Whatever. Is my math right?”

Jennifer checked it. “As usual, it’s perfect. Go on and have a good time.”

Lizzie pushed open her door, hopped out and slung her tattered black backpack over one shoulder. “Bobby Pinkerton has been telling everyone he’s going to beat me in fifteen moves. I can’t wait to make him eat his words.”

Jennifer grinned. “You go, girl. Trounce that boy.”

“I will. I hope you and McCloud win today, too.”

“If we do, I’ll get pizza for supper. Mom is picking you up, right?”

“Yup. I told her four o’clock.”

A teenage girl came racing across the parking lot and Jennifer recognized her as one of Lizzie’s friends. Slamming the door shut, Lizzie hurried toward her friend and the two of them entered the building.

After dropping her sister off, Jennifer drove a few more miles to the Kansas State University campus. The Large Animal Clinic was part of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital and Jennifer’s boss, Dr. Brian Cutter, was the chief equine surgeon at the facility.

She parked her truck and trailer at the side of the building. Getting out, she turned and grabbed the X-ray machine. The second she did, she realized her mistake.

“Oh, I can’t believe it!” She stamped her foot in sheer frustration.

“What’s wrong, Jennifer?”

She whirled around to see Brian coming out of the building. Dressed in his usual dark slacks and pristine white lab coat, he leaned heavily on his cane as he walked toward her. Under his arm, he held a small, tan pet carrier.

Jennifer’s shoulders slumped as she admitted her mistake. “I took the films you wanted of Dakota’s leg, but I left one of the cassettes in his stall. Can you send someone else to get it?”

“It’s Saturday. No one is in today except Deborah and I, and of course, Isabella.” He nodded toward the crate under his arm where his pet rabbit rested, her nose pressed against the cage door and quivering with excitement.

The brown French lop was a favorite with everyone who worked at the clinic. She had the run of Brian’s office plus a small enclosed pen outside the building where she happily napped in the shade or nibbled grass. It was well known that she had her owner and half the staff wrapped around her dainty paw.

Jennifer sighed. “I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that Isabella doesn’t have a driver’s license.”

He grinned. “Not even a learner’s permit.”

“And if an emergency came in they would need you and you need Deborah to answer the phone and check people in, so that leaves me to make the trip back to the fort. Are you sure you need the films today?”

“Very sure. My grant money depends on accurate and up-to-date information on the results of my gene therapy subjects. The bone growth study Dakota is part of is one of my most important projects. I wouldn’t ask you to make another trip to the fort if I didn’t need it today. Do you want me to call and see if they have someone who can bring it over?”

Jennifer checked her watch and blew her breath out through pursed lips. She didn’t want to miss her competition, but she didn’t want Avery doing her work for her. “No, I’ll go back.”

“Before you leave, I wanted to ask if you could rabbit-sit for a few days. Well, actually a week. Lindsey and I are going out of town and I know how much you like Isabella. We’d pay you the same as last time.”

“I’d be happy to watch her.” Every extra dime helped, but Jennifer would have done it for free.

“Great.” He deposited Isabella in her run and took the X-ray case from Jennifer. “I’m sorry you have to make a second trip to the post. This won’t make you miss your show, will it?”

“No, I can still get there.” She smiled but it took more effort than usual.

Getting back into her truck, she made a tight turn and sped out of the parking lot back toward the fort. If she picked up the film and got back in thirty minutes, she could still make her events, but it wouldn’t leave her much time to warm up McCloud. The show jumping would be first with the more intricate dressage class scheduled for the afternoon. If she missed the first event she could still enter the later one, but only the horse and rider with the best overall score in both classes would win the top prize money being offered.

It was money she sorely needed. Both her younger brothers had outgrown last year’s school clothes and she had noticed Lizzie’s backpack was falling apart. Every extra bit of cash came in handy to help her mother support a family of four children and two horses.

Ten minutes later, Jennifer stopped at the gates of the fort to hand over her identification. As she waited for permission to enter, she mentally braced herself to face Avery again. Having to admit he had rattled her enough to make her forget her job was a sobering thought.

After being waved through the checkpoint, she quickly drove to the stables and parked beside them. She got out of her truck just as a black limousine drove up and stopped in front of the CGMCG office building. A chauffeur in a dark blue uniform stepped out and moved to open the door for his passenger. A white-haired man in a beautifully tailored gray pinstriped suit emerged.

Distinguished was the first word that popped into Jennifer’s mind when she saw him. Money was the second word.

She tilted her head as she studied him. There was something familiar about him, but he entered the office building before she could place where she might have seen him before.

It didn’t matter. What mattered was getting her job done and getting to her contest on time. She got out of her vehicle and walked boldly into the stable all the while praying she wouldn’t run into Avery again.

Reaching Dakota’s stall without meeting anyone, she opened the door and stepped inside, speaking softly to the big bay who had his nose buried in his feed bucket. The X-ray film cassette was exactly where she had left it leaning against the wall. Snatching it up, she turned and started toward the door when she heard someone call Avery’s name.

“Coming,” he shouted back. He was just outside.

Without thinking, Jennifer dropped into a crouch behind the half door. He must have been in the tack room on the other side of the walkway. She heard the creak of the door and his boots on the stone floor, but they didn’t pass by. They stopped right outside Dakota’s stall.

Jennifer closed her eyes and let her chin drop onto her chest. Realizing just what a ridiculous position she had placed herself in, she tried to think of a way to exit with her dignity intact but couldn’t come up with anything.

“What are you doing here?” Avery demanded with cool disdain.

Chapter Three

J ennifer looked up expecting to see Avery glaring at her over the stall door, but the space above her was empty. He wasn’t talking to her.

“Can’t I pay my only grandson a visit?”

It was Avery’s grandfather. The man Jennifer had tried and failed to contact. His dragon of a secretary had refused to put Jennifer’s call through the day she’d attempted to call.

“I don’t have anything to say to you. Did she put you up to this?” Avery’s cold tone made Jennifer cringe.

Great! He’s going to blame me, anyway.

“I don’t know who you’re talking about. No one put me up to this. Coming here was my own idea. Can’t we at least try to let bygones be bygones?”

“Why should I?”

“I thought perhaps you would have seen the error of your ways by now.”

“I knew you didn’t come to apologize.”

“I have nothing to apologize for. I was protecting you. You would see that if you opened your eyes.”

Jennifer pressed a hand to her mouth. Her foolish pride had placed her in the awkward position of eavesdropping on a family quarrel. There was no other way out of the stall. She braced herself to stand up and let them know she was there when Avery’s next words stopped her.

“I don’t have to stay and listen to this.”

Jennifer heard his footsteps moving away and she breathed a sigh of relief. She just might get out of this with her dignity intact.

“She didn’t love you. All she cared about was your money,” Avery’s grandfather called out loudly.

“No, all you ever cared about was money,” Avery shot back.

“It never bothered you to spend the money I earn,” the older man answered sharply. “You never had to work for anything…and that was my fault as much as anyone’s.”

“What you really mean is that I’ll never amount to anything. I’ve heard this speech before.”

“I have been guilty of saying that in the past, that’s true, but I simply wanted you to stop wasting your life.”

“It’s my life. Which is something you never understood.”

Dakota had finished his meal and walked over to Jennifer. He nickered softly and nuzzled at her pocket. She pushed his head away. He gave a loud snort and she tensed. He snorted again and whinnied.

“Shh,” she whispered with her fingertips pressed to her lips, hoping to quiet him and praying the men wouldn’t notice anything unusual.

“Thanks for the visit, Grandfather. I’m sure you can find your own way out.” Avery’s voice drifted to her from the front of the barn and she knew he had walked away.

“Wait!” the older man called out. “I didn’t mean for this to become one of our shouting matches. Please come back.”

There was no answer. Jennifer heard his heavy sigh, then his unsteady footsteps faded, too.

A wave of sympathy engulfed her. How terribly sad for both men. Avery had always avoided talking about his family except to tell her that his parents were dead. He had never mentioned his grandfather. Now she knew why.

Rising, she opened the stall door and stepped out. A few feet away, the elderly man from the limousine sat on a bale of straw. His eyes opened wide at the sight of her.

Heat rushed to her cheeks. “I’m so sorry,” she stammered. “I didn’t mean to, but I couldn’t help…overhearing.”

He closed his eyes and waved his hand. “It doesn’t matter. I’ve lost him. He’s all I have and he hates me.”

The resignation and pain in his voice touched her deeply.

“You mustn’t think that. There is always a chance for reconciliation.”

He shook his head. “You don’t know all that stands between us.”

She took a step closer. “You’re right. I don’t, but I do know that faith is a powerful tool. Faith and hard work can overcome the most insurmountable problems.”

“Wise advice from someone so young, but my grandson isn’t the forgiving kind.”

The old man tried to rise to his feet, but sat down abruptly with his hand pressed to his chest. Beads of sweat popped out on his forehead and his face grew bright red. She dropped to her knees in front of him. “Are you okay?”

Nodding, he fumbled at the breast pocket of his jacket. He pulled out a small, dark glass bottle but couldn’t hold on to it. It tumbled from his trembling hand. Jennifer caught it before it hit the stone floor.

A quick glance at the prescription label confirmed her suspicions. It was heart medication.

She opened the cap and shook one tiny white tablet onto her palm. Pinching it between her thumb and forefinger, she held it out to him. “Put this under your tongue.”

He nodded, took the pill from her and put it in his mouth. She closed her hand around his wrist to check his pulse. It was fast, but not irregular. “I’m going to call 9-1-1.”

He managed a tight smile. “No. The medicine will help. I don’t need an ambulance.”

“Shall I get Avery?”

Shaking his head, he said, “I don’t want him to see me like this.”

“Sir, you aren’t well. You grandson should know that.”

“I’m fine now.”

Although she was relieved to see his color returning to normal and his voice growing stronger, his statement didn’t fool her. “Not to be disrespectful, sir, but you are not fine. Those pills are for angina. If you are having heart pain, you need to see a doctor, ASAP.”

“I thought perhaps I was talking to one.”

“Me? I’m a veterinary student. Give me a lame horse and I can help, but I don’t treat people.”

“That is a pity.” He patted her hand. “You have an excellent bedside manner and you’re much prettier than the crusty old fellow who treats me.”

She relaxed a fraction and smiled at his teasing. “Flattery—while always deeply appreciated—will get you nowhere.”

“I really am feeling better. As you must have heard, I’m Avery’s grandfather. My name is Edmond Barnes. I don’t believe I caught your name, young lady.”

“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Barnes. I’m Jennifer Grant and I should still call an ambulance.”

He rose to his feet. “I’ll simply refuse treatment.”

Rising, she planted her hands on her hips. “When I first saw you I thought I noticed something familiar. Now I see the resemblance. You and Avery share the same strong chin, the same eyes and the same hole in your head where your common sense belongs.”

He chuckled. “You must have more than a passing acquaintance with my grandson.”

Heat rose in her cheeks. “We’ve met,” she admitted.

Edmond studied her intently. “What do you think of him?”

His question caught her off guard. Should she tell the truth, or amend it to make a sick old man feel better? She didn’t want to do either. “Perhaps you should ask his commanding officer that question.”

“I’m asking you.”

“Avery and I don’t exactly see eye-to-eye on things,” she admitted slowly. “Sometimes, I think he is his own worst enemy.”

“That’s very astute.” Edmond began walking toward the stable door. Jennifer took his elbow to steady him. When they reached his car, his driver got out and opened the door for him.

Edmond paused, but glanced back at her and said, “When I was a young man, I started a small real estate firm. Over my lifetime I turned it into a multi-million dollar corporation. I learned to read people well and quickly because I had to, but I’ve never been able to tell what Avery is thinking.”

Jennifer hesitated, then found herself saying, “You shouldn’t give up on him.”

Where had that come from? She was the last person who should be sticking up for Avery.

“I’ll admit things didn’t go well today, but thanks to my crusty doctor and a triple bypass surgery, I’ve been given the chance to make things right. I’m not giving up on my grandson. I’ll find a way to reach him.”

She smiled. “Good.”

“Thank you again for your kindness, Miss Grant.”

After he drove away, Jennifer glanced at her watch. If she left right now she might just make the first round of jumping at the Deerfield Open. Even though she knew she should leave, she found herself staring toward the Commanding General’s Mounted Color Guard office.

Edmond Barnes was a sick man who wanted to reconcile with his grandson. Could she help? Had God placed her here today for that reason? If it were only Avery’s feelings to consider she might drive off without a backward glance. She bit her lip in indecision.

As if summoned by her thoughts of him, the office door opened and Avery stepped out into the sunshine. “I saw your truck was here again. Where were you? Hiding in the hay loft?”

“I forgot an X-ray film in Dakota’s stall. Avery, I honestly had nothing to do with his coming here.”

“A likely story. Just admit you can’t stay away from me, Jenny.”

She struggled with her rising indignation. Why did he have to turn everything into a joke? “Trust you to kill any kindness I might be feeling.”

“Kindness? Don’t tell me that manipulative old man made you feel sorry for me? Does he want you to help us patch things up?”

“Would that be such a bad thing?”

A shadow flickered in his eyes and she understood what Edmond had meant about not being able to read him.

“Careful, Jenny. Your nose is cute but it doesn’t belong in my business.” The edge in his voice should have been enough to send her on her way, but for some reason it wasn’t.

“Our families are an important part of who we are. You shouldn’t dismiss him out of hand. Forgiveness heals the forgiver as well as the forgiven.”

“Shame on you for eavesdropping.”

Heat rushed to her cheeks. She folded her arms across her chest. “I wasn’t eavesdropping. I accidentally overheard part of your conversation,” she conceded.

Raising one eyebrow, he asked, “How is that not eavesdropping?”

She glanced down at the toe of her work boot. “Okay, I’m sorry I didn’t let you know I was in Dakota’s stall.”

“Skip it, Jennifer. It doesn’t matter.” There was a touch of defeat in his tone.

She looked up and met his gaze. “I honestly didn’t mean to listen in on a private family matter. I am sorry.”

A smile twitched at the corner of his mouth. “I can’t believe I lived to see the day Miss Jenny Grant acknowledged a fault. I’m going to have to mark this on my calendar.”

Raising her chin a notch higher, she countered, “Unlike some people I know, I can admit when I’m wrong.”

“Unlike some people I know, I mind my own business.”

She touched a finger to her lips as she pressed them together, then pointed at him. “You know what? You’re right. It’s none of my business if you shun your own family, but in the end, you are the one who is going to suffer.”

The sound of horses approaching at a rapid trot heralded the return of the troop. Avery took a step closer to her. “Do you charge for your advice, Dr. Jenny? I hope not, because it isn’t worth anything.”

Jennifer drew a deep breath to keep from making another comment. No matter what she said, he would always find a way to have the last word at her expense.

She spun on her heels and marched to her truck. Trying to help Avery had been a total waste of time.

Avery started to go after Jennifer and apologize, but stopped himself. It was better to let her believe he was a complete jerk. That way she wouldn’t be tempted to interfere again. She was better off staying out of his family feud. His grandfather might pass himself off as a caring old man, but Avery knew better.

Edmond wasn’t above using anyone or anything to gain the upper hand. He had certainly proved that to Avery beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Yet the old man still possessed the ability to make Avery feel worthless and insignificant.

No one could live up to the expectations his grandfather had set. Avery had given up trying years ago. It wasn’t until he saw his grandfather again today that Avery realized he still cared what Edmond thought of him.

As the column of riders approached the stable yard, a jeep stopped on the roadway in front of them and a young corporal got out. Captain Watson reined his horse to a halt beside him as the rest of the unit continued on. The corporal saluted, handed the captain a thick envelope, then jumped in the jeep and drove off.

The previously quiet stable became a hive of activity around Avery as the group dismounted and led their animals into their stalls. The men’s jovial chatter, the eager nickering of hungry mounts and the clatter of iron shod hooves on the old cobblestone floors brought the stable to life as it had for more than a century.

Although Avery would never admit it out loud, he was proud of his part in keeping the cavalry’s heritage alive. He loved the unit and all it stood for. The army had been good to him.

Captain Watson rode up, dismounted and handed the reins to Avery. “Tell the men to gather in the ready room. We have new orders.”

“Yes, sir.” Avery saluted and led the captain’s horse into the barn where he passed the word, then rubbed down and stabled the captain’s mount.

Twenty minutes later, the sixteen soldiers of the Commanding General’s Mounted Color Guard were seated in gray folding chairs in a small meeting room at one end of the barn. They rose to their feet when Captain Watson walked in.

“Take your seats, men. As most of you know, the American Cavalry Competition is being held at Fort Riley this year and we’ve just received permission to participate.”

A cheer went up from the group. Grinning, the captain motioned for silence. “We also have three major performances scheduled during the next few weeks. That means a lot of travel for some of you, but I’m confident that this year we’re going to bring the Sheridan’s Cup back where it belongs. To the home of America’s cavalry!”

Avery observed the buzz of excitement in the group with mild amusement. The chance for the CGMCG to showcase their skills and outshine the unit that had won last year’s contest had them trash-talking like a pumped up high school football squad.

“Okay, men,” the captain continued. “This isn’t just about beating the socks off the Fort Humphrey boys. We’ll be facing police mounted units, National Guard mounted units and quite a few re-enactor units in the Platoon Drill event.

“All of you are free to enter the individual riding classes. They include Mounted Saber, Mounted Pistol, Military Horsemanship and Military Field Jumping. A plaque will also be awarded for the outstanding horse at the competition.”

“It should go to Dakota,” Lee suggested.

Captain Watson smiled. “Dakota has certainly earned a special place in this unit, but I’m not sure he is up to performing at such a high level. Dr. Cutter will give us his opinion on that soon.”

Avery had been riding Dakota in the various parades and performances where jumping and rapid stops weren’t required, but he suspected the horse was strong enough to compete.

Shuffling through the papers in his hand, the captain found the one he was seeking. “Winners of the individual events will be invited to compete in a combination test of skills for the Sheridan Cup. Besides the silver trophy and a one thousand dollar cash prize, the winner will have his name added to the bronze plaque displayed in the U.S. Cavalry Memorial Research Library. I don’t need to tell you that Command is hoping it will be a Fort Riley soldier this year.”

Captain passed out the entry forms to the men crowding around him and then dismissed the group. Avery rose and left the building. He had just reached his car when he heard Captain Watson call his name. Turning, he saw his commander approaching holding out a sheet of paper. “Aren’t you going to enter?”

“I wasn’t planning on it.”

The captain pressed his lips together and frowned. “The Sheridan Cup carries a lot of prestige for the brass here. You are better than anyone I’ve ever seen with a saber and just as good as most with a pistol. I think you could win.”

Taken aback by the praise, Avery found himself at a loss for words. In the back of his mind he heard his grandfather’s voice telling him he’d never amount to anything. Yet here was his captain, a man he admired, telling him he believed he could win the most coveted prize in the modern cavalry.
