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Manifest Your Destiny: The Nine Spiritual Principles for Getting Everything You Want – Уэйн Дайер

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Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, affectionately called the «father of motivation» by his fans, is one of the most widely known and respected people in the field of self-empowerment. Manifest Your Destiny is a remarkable guidebook that show us how to obtain what we truly desire.Manifest Your Destiny is a stunning work that focuses on the ancient principle of manifesting through meditation. With characteristic insight and clarity, Dyer teaches the process of meditation as a way to streamline our thoughts, desires, and goals, and to bring what we most desire into our lives.Whether we realise it or not, we all struggle with built-in social barriers that obstruct our inner potential. When we fall into a dream state, we conceive of goals and desires that are more spectacular than those we entertain when 'awake', yet we always wake thinking, 'I can't do that.'It is this conditioned response that prevents us from achieving what we want, and it is this response that Dyer teaches us to overcome through the Nine Spiritual Principles of Manifesting, which clear away what constricts us and illuminate a new path to achieving our truest goals.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780007494972
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