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The Risk Series: A Bree and Tanner Thriller
The Risk Series: A Bree and Tanner Thriller
The Risk Series: A Bree and Tanner Thriller


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The Risk Series: A Bree and Tanner Thriller

Tanner knew the code, of course, and had a key to let himself in if there was an emergency, but he’d never done so. The women and children who lived here needed to know they were safe from both danger and from uninvited men just wandering around, even those who didn’t mean harm.

Case in point, the silence that fell over the large living room when he entered. Every child stopped what they were doing—playing, homework, talking—and stared at him.

He wasn’t sure if his Grand County Sheriff’s Office uniform helped or hindered his attempt to set a positive example of what a man should be. Some of these women and children had received no help from law enforcement when they’d needed it most.

He stood in the doorway for a long moment, a smile on his face, arms resting loosely at his sides as everyone processed who he was and that he meant no one here any harm. It didn’t take them more than a couple of seconds to get past their instinctive fear.

He grinned as big as he could, then brought his finger up to his lips, telling all the kids to keep quiet. Using exaggerated motions, he pretended to sneak up behind Bree. The kids began to giggle, knowing both Cassandra and Marilyn could see him and weren’t concerned, so they didn’t have to be either.

“You can’t escape the kissing monster,” he said in a deep, Muppet-sounding voice. He began pecking at the top of her head, her cheeks, her shoulders, from where she sat in the chair at the table.

Bree played along, like he’d known she would. “Oh, no, not the kissing monster.”

Giggles broke out all over the room, then turned into laughing noises of disgust as Bree finally turned her head up and Tanner kissed her—very chastely—on the lips.

It was their routine. It had started out in jest, but when they’d realized how much some of these children, and their moms, needed to see men in a more easygoing, positive light, it had become a regular part of their day as Tanner picked her up to escort her home.

The noise in the room fell back to its dull roar, everyone returning to their activities now that the show was over, as Bree stood up and smiled at him.

Those green eyes still gutted him just as much now as they had the first time he saw her shoplifting in the drugstore over a year ago.

“Hi,” she whispered.

He looped an arm around her waist and pulled her close, but he didn’t kiss her the way he wanted to, mindful of the audience who might not be actively watching but were still aware of their every move. “Hi, yourself. Good day?”

He knew she’d had a wedding dress fitting today, and that that event tended to stress her out.

But he was also a man and knew better than to try to offer any advice or help. That would probably just get him killed. Not by Bree, but definitely by Cassandra or one of the other women in the throes of wedding planning bliss.

“Let’s just say I’ll be happy two weeks from now when all this is over and I never have to be the center of attention again.”

He trailed a finger down her cheek and leaned closer to make sure no one could hear them. “You may not be the center of the town’s attention, but I can promise you that once you are Mrs. Dempsey, you very definitely will be the center of my attention.”

He loved how her breath hitched and her mouth formed a little O shape.

“Hey, you two,” Cassandra’s voice rang out. “There are little eyes everywhere.”

Tanner was well aware of that. It was the only reason he didn’t have Bree pushed up against the wall kissing the life out of her.

He forced himself to take a step back. “I’ll behave.”

The look of disappointment on Bree’s face was almost the death of him. Whoever’s idea it had been not to have sex for the last two months before their wedding was a complete idiot.

Oh, yeah, that was him.

He forced himself to step away and sat down to talk about New Journeys and any issues. What happened here affected him on multiple levels. Personally, because of his tie to Bree and Cassandra. Professionally, because he was the captain of the sheriff’s department for this section of the county. Whatever he could do to help keep these women safe and secure, he was more than willing to do.

Sometimes that meant grabbing a hammer and drill and helping hang some pictures or adjust some light fixtures. Tanner didn’t mind. As a matter of fact, he and his brother, Noah, had been spending quite a few hours here during their time off. Both of them also realized that they were doing a lot more than some random honey-do list items by showing up week after week. They were trying, in some small way, to reclaim part of what had been lost by the years of violence perpetrated against the residents here.

It wasn’t enough. Wouldn’t ever be enough. But at least it was something.

Bree was talking schedules with Cassandra and Marilyn when Tanner felt a tug on his sleeve. He knew who it was before he even looked by how Marilyn’s eyes tracked the entire situation.

“Why, hello there, princess.”

Eva smiled up at him. “Hi, Captain Lips.”

Tanner managed not to grimace at his nickname. Bree had made the mistake of calling him by her private nickname for him—Captain Hot Lips—in front of Cassandra. His sister, never one to let a humiliating situation die naturally, started calling him that all the time. But at least the kids had overheard only part of it, and thus the nickname Captain Lips.

But this sweet child could call him anything she wanted if it meant she felt free enough to come talk to him.

Sam was standing next to her silently, not making eye contact with Tanner, but prepared to step in as best he could to protect his sister if needed. Tanner had nothing but respect for that.

“You ready for the camping trip next week?” he asked Eva. “You’re going to have a great time.”

Eva nodded vehemently, but her little face scrunched up as she pointed at the dog standing between her and Sam. “Mom says Tromso can’t go.”

Tanner reached down and petted the oversize pup named after the city in Norway where thousands of people flock every year to see the northern lights. Since the pup’s mom was named Corfu, after an island in Greece, the name sort of fit.

“Yeah, Tromso’s not quite ready for that type of adventure yet. He might get into something poisonous or run off before we could grab him. Better let him stay here where he’ll be nice and safe.”

Eva considered him soberly. “That’s probably true. Mom says Tromso can find trouble faster than anyone she’s ever seen.”

As if to make her point, the dog began pushing at Eva with his nose, wanting her to play. Eva giggled—a beautiful sound. Even Sam looked up and smiled when Tromso put his wet nose against the boy’s stomach.

Eva let out a sigh. “Mom also says we’ve got to get all our schoolwork done or we can’t go.”

Tanner couldn’t imagine any circumstances under which Marilyn wasn’t going to allow her children to go on this beloved camping trip, but he didn’t let that cat out of the bag. “You guys better work hard then. It would be a shame to miss it.”

“Do you think Mr. Noah will come back this Saturday?” Sam asked softly, staring down and rubbing at some invisible stain in the carpet with his foot. “He and I were supposed to finish hanging the shower rod in the new bathroom.”

“I’m sure he will,” Tanner said, knowing that even if his brother had to break plans, he would be here if it meant Sam wouldn’t be disappointed. Kid had already been let down too many times in his life.

Tanner’s words seemed to be all the encouragement the children needed. They made a beeline back to the table with their work. Marilyn mouthed the words thank you to him. He just smiled.

Tanner waited as Bree finished her discussions with the other women, listening and commenting when they asked for his opinion. He loved how confident Bree had become since starting her position here. He could still remember the first night Cassandra had mentioned the possibility and how Bree had scoffed at the thought of being able to teach others. But now she was much more easily able to speak her mind and share her opinions, at least with small groups. She’d battled through her fears and had come out on the other side stronger for it.

He couldn’t wait to make this woman his wife.

Holding her hand after dinner at the Sunrise Diner, Tanner walked her to her apartment on the outskirts of town. Most of her stuff was already at his ranch house—soon to be their house—on the land he shared with Noah. But neither of them trusted themselves to keep the no-sex agreement if they were both sleeping under the same roof. So Bree had been staying back at her apartment for the last two months.

He was definitely an idiot to have suggested the no-sex plan.

Bree sighed softly as they walked into her apartment. Tanner pulled her up against him.

“Please tell me that sigh means you’re going to call me a moron for suggesting we not have sex until the wedding.” He reached down and began nibbling at her lips. “Because I feel like that was the most stupid thing I’ve ever said in my entire life.”

He rubbed up against her like a damned teenager. Bree smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“No, this particular sigh was concerning Marilyn.”

Tanner took a breath and forced himself to step back.

“About her position at New Journeys? I thought she was doing a good job.”

She shook her head. “No, she’s doing a wonderful job. Cassandra and I both know that neither of us could do as good a job as Marilyn is doing. She just mentioned that her husband might get out on bail. She’s concerned for her and the kids.”

Tanner couldn’t blame the woman for that. “Because of the restraining order and the violence against her, she should be notified right away if her husband makes bail.” He reached over and slid both his hands under Bree’s hair on either side of her neck. “I’ve seen the police report for what happened to Marilyn. No judge is going to let him out on bail knowing what he tried to do.”

“I just don’t want anything to happen to her or the kids.”

He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. He loved her protectiveness of her friend. “Have I mentioned how excited I am to be marrying you in just a couple more weeks? Cass said you had some wedding stuff to deal with today. Did it go okay?”

“Yeah. Wedding dress fitting.” She didn’t sound too thrilled.

“I can’t wait to see you in it.” Bree’s taste in clothing leaned toward casual. And as much as he loved it when she stole one of his shirts to tie at her waist and wear with her jeans—or even better, wore only his shirt and nothing else—he was truly looking forward to that first glance at her walking down the aisle.

She sighed. “Are you sure I can’t talk you into dragging me in front of the nearest judge like you once threatened?”

“I’m pretty sure the women of this town, led by my sister, would string up you and me both by our toes if we eloped.”

Bree laughed. The sound was soft and simple and genuinely happy. He was looking forward to hearing that sound for the next fifty years or so.

She chewed on her lip for just a moment, then stepped a little closer, trailing one finger up his chest. “Are you sure I can’t talk you into going before a judge tomorrow morning? You can outrun a bunch of women. You’re Captain Hot Lips.”

Her own little hot lips pressed against his, her tongue running against the seam of his mouth, before biting down gently with her teeth. “If we knew we were getting married in front of the judge tomorrow,” she continued, “there would be no reason for us not to make love right here, right now, against this wall. Doesn’t that sound like the best plan ever?”

He could feel her smiling against his mouth as he reached under her thighs and picked her up, trapping her body between the wall and his torso. They both let out a groan as her legs came around his hips and brought them flush up against one another.

“There’s nothing I want more than to peel you out of those clothes and spend the rest of the night making love to you on every available surface in this apartment,” he growled into her mouth.

She let out a gasp as his lips found the side of her neck. It may have been two months since he’d last seen her naked, but he definitely remembered every single spot on her body that could drive her crazy.

“Then do it,” she said. “I won’t let the meanie town ladies hurt you. I just want to be married to you tomorrow.”

Using every ounce of self-control he had, Tanner forced himself to ease Bree back down onto her feet and step away from her.

Two more weeks. He wanted to do this right. Wanted the next time they made love to be as husband and wife.

“We will get married. But in the church in front of all our family and friends, the way it should be. The way you deserve. I want everyone in this county—hell, the entire state—to know that you are who I very proudly choose as my wife. I don’t want there to be any mistake about that, no rumored whispers that might accompany a quick trip to the judge.”

She genuinely looked disappointed. “Fine.”

He chuckled. “The wedding won’t be as bad as you think.”

“For you, maybe. You don’t have to wear the scratchy white netting stuff.”


“Damn it, how does everyone know the name of that material except me?”

He reached over and kissed her again. “You wear tulle for me for just a few hours and then you never have to wear it again.”

“Promise?” she whispered.

“Absolutely. As a matter of fact, after we’re married, I’m going to do my best to make sure you spend as much time as possible wearing nothing at all.”

Chapter Three

Damn Tanner and his smooth talking. Five hours after he left, Bree still couldn’t sleep.

Part of it was being wound up from their heavy make-out session against the wall. The other part was the fact that she hadn’t been able to talk him into going before the judge, so those damn vows were still coming up and she had no idea what she was going to say.

I will love you forever and always my whole life, you and no one else.

Yeah, that was perfect.

If she was looking for complete stupidity meets Braveheart.

Bree punched the pillow beside her. Why were emotions so hard for her? Why did there seem to be so many variables that she had to take into consideration when writing these vows?

And why couldn’t she get any sleep?

A few minutes later she finally just gave up and decided to go work in her office at the New Journeys building. Sitting at her own desk with her computer would at least be more familiar. And it had to be more useful than lying here tossing and turning in bed.

Twenty minutes later, dressed in a sweatshirt and yoga pants, she discovered that staring at a blank screen on her computer in her office was, in fact, just as bad as tossing and turning in bed.

She had nothing.

What the hell was she supposed to say to explain to the man she loved that she loved him?

Wasn’t actually getting married enough of a declaration?

And the tulle? Wasn’t tulle enough of a declaration of love, for heaven’s sake? A solemn description of what agonies she was willing to bear for him?

When no other words or ideas came to her, she did the only thing she knew how to do: she opened her browser and began coding. Within fifteen minutes she had a program written that would automatically filter every mention of wedding vows from the internet and into a folder. She may not be able to write these vows herself but she could at least research—

She froze, head spinning to the side as something caught her peripheral vision on one of the black-and-white monitors on the table in the corner. What the heck was that?

Those monitors were set to the cameras recording the section of the building that hadn’t been remodeled yet. Bree and Cassandra had installed them after some town teenagers were caught having a little rowdy fun back there. Bree had written a quick program that caused the cameras only to record if motion was detected.

Evidently motion had been detected.

Bree’s fingers flew across the keyboard so she could bring up the footage on her computer monitor, which provided a much larger and clearer picture of the uninhabited area. Except the picture wasn’t much clearer. It took her a moment to realize it wasn’t because of a problem with her computer, but because the room was full of smoke.

The building was on fire.

Bree grabbed the phone on her desk and dialed 911.

“Grand County emergency services. You’ve reached 911. What’s your emergency?”

“Debbie, it’s Bree Daniels.” Recognizing the 911 operator was definitely one of the perks of living in a small town. “There’s a fire at New Journeys. Not in the main section, thank God, but it might spread. Send the fire trucks around to the back to the section that hasn’t been renovated yet. I’m going to see if I can get it under control with the fire extinguisher.”

“Now wait a minute, Bree. You need to stay on the line with me so we can direct the first responder—”

Bree didn’t wait for Debbie to finish her sentence. The woman had lived in Risk Peak her whole life. She knew exactly where to send the first responders.

Bree grabbed the fire extinguisher in the corner of her office and dashed out into the hall, yanking down the fire alarm. Her office was on the opposite end of the housing area—uniquely situated between the residential space and the area that hadn’t been renovated. Pulling the alarm would be the quickest way to get everyone out without having to run down to the living quarters herself.

Because maybe she could stop this whole thing before it got out of hand.

Once the alarm was blaring, she dashed back into her office and out the door on the other side that took her into the section of the building where the fire was located. She started in a sprint down the hall to the room where the motion had triggered the camera, but soon slowed. Already smoke was starting to fill the hallway.

The farther down the hall Bree went, the thicker the smoke became. Would she be able to put out a blaze making this much smoke with a single fire extinguisher? She had to try.

She heard some sort of screeching noise ahead of her and started to run again, coughing as she took in more smoke. Was somebody trapped back here? Teenagers fooling around again who accidentally started a fire and got trapped?

She turned the corner and dropped low in the thick smoke, crawling forward now. It almost sounded like someone was calling her name, but she couldn’t tell from where. The smoke and her own coughing had her disoriented already, and that screeching noise was growing louder.

Someone had to be trapped in there. She pushed forward faster.

Extinguisher in one hand, she reached for the door handle with the other and let out a shriek when an arm wrapped around her waist and lifted her off her knees, spinning her around.

“Oh, no you don’t,” a voice said in her ear. “You’re not getting out of the tulle that easily.”

“Tanner.” His name came out in a relieved cough. “There’s a fire. I heard a noise and I think someone was calling my name. It’s behind that door.”

“That was me calling your name. We’ve got to go.”

She gestured toward the door. “But what about the noise? There may be someone trapped in there.”

The screeching noise got higher and louder and Tanner muttered a curse under his breath, tucking his arm around her and launching her toward the corner. They just made it around and she was about to argue her case again when a thundering explosion roared from where they’d just been standing. Smoke encased the hall from top to bottom.

“What—” Bree stuttered.

“Too many accelerants in a construction area. It was like a pressure cooker.”

A pressure cooker that would’ve killed her if Tanner hadn’t been there to stop her from opening that door and get her out of the hallway.

Taking the fire extinguisher, he tucked her under his arm again and propelled them both back toward her office. Once there she was at least able to breathe again.

“You’re going to have to let the firefighters go after that blaze, freckles. There’s nothing you can do. Let’s just get everybody out of the front of the building.”

She nodded, sucking in huge gulps of air. “You saved my life. I just called 911 a couple minutes ago. How did you get here so fast?”

“I was already here when you pulled the alarm.”

They rushed together toward the housing units.

“You were? Why?”

He stopped for the briefest of seconds and gave her a hard kiss, before taking her arm and spurring her down the hall once again. “I went by your apartment to tell you I wanted both. We could go before the judge tomorrow and have the church wedding in two weeks. All I knew was I had to have you in bed with me tonight. When you weren’t there, I came over here to plead my case.”

“Holy hell,” she whispered, then coughed again. “If you hadn’t needed a booty call…”

She would’ve been dead.

He gave a short bark of laughter and shook his head grimly at the same time. “Yeah. Thank God I’m addicted to you.”

A few moments later they were in the housing area.

“Bree!” Marilyn said. “What’s going on? Is this some sort of drill?”

Bree was still coughing from the smoke she’d taken in and her run down both hallways.

“No,” Tanner answered for her. “Not a drill. Everybody needs to get out. There’s a fire in the other section of the building.”

The panic was almost instantaneous. Mothers began calling for their children and some of the other women yelled for anyone who might still be asleep. Most of the kids were crying and Eva and Sam were looking up at Bree and Tanner, eyes huge in their pale faces, Tromso’s leash in their hand.

Bree couldn’t stop coughing. It paired horribly with the dog’s whining.

Tanner put both hands on her shoulders. “You need to get outside and stop exerting yourself.” He turned to Marilyn. “Can she take the kids outside and you and I will get everyone else out?”

Marilyn nodded.

Bree started to argue but another coughing fit overtook her. Tanner was right—he and Marilyn would get everyone out. The most she could do to help right now would be to get out of the way. She nodded and offered Eva and Sam her hands. They took them and she led them quickly outside, some of the other residents along with them.

Outside was pure chaos. Lights from fire trucks, police cars and ambulances lit up their block like it was some sort of disco rave party. Half the town was frantically pacing back and forth, and everyone seemed to be talking all at once.

Eva and Sam were looking even more traumatized, so Bree pulled them back toward the outer edge of the action. She wanted to reassure them, but every time she started talking she was besieged by coughs. So she just crouched beside them and put an arm around each small, shivering body.

It wasn’t long before a paramedic came up to her.

“Miss, I think we ought to get your cough checked out. Can you come with me?”

She shook her head. She wasn’t leaving Sam and Eva alone in this craziness. “I’ll stay with them,” she managed to get out.

The paramedic smiled at the kids. “Yeah, this is pretty nuts, isn’t it?”

They both nodded solemnly.

He gave Bree a kind smile. “This sort of situation can be pretty overwhelming for folks their age, especially in the middle of the night. But you really ought to get that cough checked out. How about if I escort you over to the ambulance, and I’ll personally stay with the kiddos to make sure they’re not scared.”

“I don’t know—”

“I can keep them over at the side, out of harm’s way and where it’s not so chaotic. Probably best for everyone that way.” He gave her a smile.

Bree was about to agree, but then she looked down at Sam and Eva, who still hadn’t said a word. One silent tear rolled down Sam’s cheek and he was clutching Tromso’s leash with shaking fingers.
