Полная версия:
Cameron felt marginally better now that the immediate threat to Sophia’s life seemed to have passed, and his undercover work was also relatively safe. But he was pretty sure the look in her eyes would haunt him the rest of his life.
One last finishing touch to the show. He grabbed Sophia by the nape of the neck and hauled her roughly against him. He brought his mouth down heavily on hers, and wrapped his other arm around her hips. For a moment Sophia did nothing, then without warning she exploded into furious action, pushing away from him and squirming in his grasp.
Cameron brought his lips up her jawline to her ear, holding her body firmly against his. Quietly, so no one could hear him but her, he whispered, “Whatever you do, don’t let anyone know you know me.”
Sophia was attempting so hard to get away from him, Cameron wasn’t sure if she heard him. He hoped she did. He brought his lips back to hers. This time she bit his lip.
The men howled in laughter when Cameron jerked back from her.
“Ow, you little hellion. You’re going to pay for that.”
He grabbed her arm and dragged her to the car. Someone opened the door for them and Cameron all but threw her in, then climbed in after her. It broke his heart to see how Sophia scrambled as far away from him as she could get in the confines of the SUV.
He had saved their lives for now, but the danger was far from finished. And he hoped the trauma he’d dealt Sophia wasn’t too much to repair.
* * *
SOPHIA WAS JUST trying to keep it together. She slid all the way over in the seat to try to get as far away from Cameron as possible. If she could’ve curled herself into a tiny ball, she would have.
Normally she didn’t like being in the backseat of a vehicle, especially when there were no windows she could roll down. But right now her claustrophobia would just have to get in line behind all the other things her brain had to freak out about.
Like the fact that she had just been kidnapped by some gang that her ex-boyfriend seemed to be part of.
Except she didn’t know if he was really part of it or not.
It would answer a lot of questions if Cameron was working undercover. Like why he had tried to get her out of the warehouse and hadn’t said anything about her FBI credentials.
Of course, it could also be that he was now a member of this organized crime group, or whatever it was, and just didn’t want his ex-girlfriend’s brains to get splattered all over the pavement.
So back to square one.
Sophia peeked over at Cameron to find him watching her with a decidedly malevolent look in his eyes. Sophia shuddered. That leering look was not something she had ever thought she would see from Cameron. Maybe he really was a criminal now. Sophia tried not to panic. If that look from Cameron was real, she was in big trouble.
But then Sophia glanced up and saw the leader guy, Fin, watching her and Cameron in the rearview mirror. Maybe Cameron suspected that they were being watched and was playing a role.
Please, please, please let him be working undercover.
After Cameron had told her to go, she had done exactly what he had asked: gone straight to her car. But when she had gotten to the door, her car wasn’t there. The big guy—Marco?—was driving it inside. Sophia cursed herself for leaving the keys in it, but she had thought there was no one around for miles.
Sophia had tried to sneak outside without Marco seeing her, but hadn’t managed it. The next thing she knew he’d grabbed her and had dragged her out the back exit of the warehouse.
Where Cameron had proceeded to scream at, strike and humiliate her.
And maybe save her life.
Sophia touched her lip—it still hurt, both from the slap and his mouth-grinding kiss. She had no such misconception that she was really any safer now than she had been while at the warehouse. But at least nobody had a gun in their hands now.
As the men around her chatted and generally insulted each other, Sophia tried to watch out the window without looking as if she was watching out the window. She didn’t want to give anyone—Cameron included—a reason to think she was a threat. But if she had a chance to get away, she planned to take it, and knowing where she was would help.
They were still pretty far outside of DC when they turned into a residential area. Definitely not high-end, the houses were old, but pretty large. They were far enough apart that neighbors wouldn’t be forced to see what the other was doing unless they were deliberately trying to. All in all, probably a good location for people selling drugs or weapons or whatever else. Although it wasn’t too promising, maybe Sophia would be able to call for help when they parked and got out of the car, and someone would notice.
Their SUV pulled up to the house on the corner. Although the house was probably built in the 1960s, someone had obviously refurbished the garage door with a contemporary opener. The SUV pulled straight into the garage and the door shut quickly behind them.
Sophia bit back a sigh. So much for calling out to the neighbors for help.
Cameron’s scary, black look was back. And even though she hoped he might be a good guy, Sophia was frightened. Everyone got out of the car, but Sophia couldn’t force herself to move. She shrank back into the seat when Cameron reached for her.
“Get out here right now,” Cameron told her through gritted teeth.
She could hear the other men laughing in the doorway. Fin called out, “Regretting your decision already, Cam?”
“I’m not regretting anything, but someone else is about to.”
One of the other men whose name she didn’t know offered to come help Cam get her out of the vehicle, listing in very crude detail what he would do to her while he was assisting.
Cameron glared at Sophia through narrowed eyes for a moment before calling back over his shoulder, “Actually, that sounds like a pretty good idea, Rick. Why don’t you come on in here?”
Sophia immediately scooted over to Cameron and out the car door. All the men doubled over in malicious laughter in the doorway. Cameron grabbed her arm and dragged her forcefully out of the garage past the men, and toward the back of the house into what obviously was his bedroom. Sophia could still hear the other gang members laughing.
Once inside, Cameron turned and locked the door. Then Sophia watched, standing in the middle of the room, as he went over and grabbed a wooden chair that was leaning against the far wall. He dragged the chair to the door and propped it under the doorknob—added defense against anyone entering.
Cameron turned from the door and walked slowly over to Sophia. He stopped only when he was just inches from her. He reached up and touched the split on her lip.
They both winced.
“I’m sorry for everything that happened today, and everything that’s going to happen tonight,” he told her softly. “But right now I’m going to need you to scream like you’re terrified out of your mind. Or else I’m going to have to force you to do it.”
Chapter Four
Cameron wasn’t sure if this situation could get much worse, but the look Sophia gave him made him think it probably could.
“Wh-what?” she stammered, backing away from him.
Cameron took a step toward her, closing the space between them again. “Look, Sophia, I don’t want to hurt you. I really don’t,” he whispered close to her ear. “But those creeps out there have to think that there is something pretty terrible going on in here.”
Sophia looked around the room frantically, as if trying to find a way to escape. A tear seeped from the corner of her eye.
Cameron grimaced. Unfortunately, tears weren’t going to cut it in this case. He had to prove to the men in the rest of the house that there was a reason he had brought Sophia here.
One she wouldn’t like.
Ultimately, the worse it seemed in here for her, the safer she would be from the other men.
“You have to scream. Yell. Call me names. Do something.”
But Sophia just shook her head, looking around the room, anywhere but at him. It was almost as if she was in shock. Which would be understandable.
“Need some help in there, Cam?” Somebody—it sounded like Rick—called out from the other side of the door.
Damn. “Everything’s just fine,” Cameron responded.
Cameron gripped Sophia’s arms—hard—and shook her. “C’mon, Soph. Work with me. If they think you like it, they’re going to want their chance.”
She still just looked at him mutely. It honestly seemed beyond her ability to make any sort of sound whatsoever.
“Damn it, Soph.” Cameron shook her again. “I need you to fight me like you did back at the warehouse. Before you knew it was me.”
Then it occurred to Cameron what he needed to do. She had fought him like a wildcat in the warehouse. Not because she thought he was such a bad guy, but because she seemed so claustrophobic.
In his training and work for both the US Army Rangers and then Omega Sector, Cameron had been taught how to use perps’ weaknesses against them. It was one of the reasons Cameron had excelled at undercover work—his ability to pinpoint fears of the enemy. And use those fears without mercy.
He never thought he’d be using that training and skill to manipulate the one woman he once thought he might spend the rest of his life with.
Cameron spun Sophia around and put his hand over her mouth as he had at the warehouse. She immediately tensed up and started struggling. When he didn’t release her after a few moments she began fighting in earnest.
Cameron, protecting his face as best he could from her clawing hands, dragged her over to where the lone dresser stood in the sparse room. She kicked at it, causing it to hit up against the wall.
He could hear laughter from the other rooms.
Cameron removed his hand from her mouth.
“Let me go!” Sophia yelled as soon as his hand was gone. Cameron released her for just a moment and she flung herself around to face him, breaths sawing in and out of her chest.
This wasn’t going to work. They couldn’t hear her if his hand was over her mouth, but she didn’t scream if it wasn’t. Cameron looked around. The room had a tiny walk-in closet. Maybe that would be small enough to terrify her.
Cameron steeled himself against the thought of Sophia’s terror. He stepped toward her and this time she did scream as he reached for her.
His hand covered her mouth again. He could hear whistles and catcalls from outside the door.
“Just a couple more minutes, baby. Hang in there,” he whispered into Sophia’s ear as he dragged her toward the closet.
When Sophia realized where they were headed, she fought him harder than before. Panic took over. She got a good punch to his cheek before he could catch her arm. That was going to leave a mark. But he didn’t let it stop him.
He caught the door with his foot and pushed it open. The closet was practically empty, just a couple of his shirts hanging in it. It wasn’t big by any means, with barely enough room for two people, but it wasn’t tiny. Only someone who really struggled with tight spaces would have a problem being in it for a short amount of time.
Cameron dragged the struggling Sophia into the enclosed space, keeping her back to his chest. He pulled the door closed with one hand and released her mouth with his other.
Sophia screamed as if she was terrified out of her mind. Which she was.
Cameron had no idea what obnoxious comments or noises the members of DS-13 were making about this. He couldn’t hear anything over Sophia’s screams.
Sophia fought in a violent frenzy—kicking, clawing, throwing wild punches. Cameron just tried to keep her from hurting him or herself. He kept her as close as he could to his body. After what seemed like the longest period of time in the history of the world—and probably even longer to her—but was really only a few seconds, Cameron opened the door and let go of Sophia. She immediately pushed away from Cameron and all but dived out of the closet, landing heavily on the floor.
She pushed herself across the floor, as far away from him and the closet as she could get, sucking in deep gulps of air the entire time. When she reached the far corner of the room she dragged her knees up to her chest and rocked back and forth. Cameron stood just outside the closet, watching her, unsure what to do. He had no idea why she was so claustrophobic, but it was definitely not something she had any control over.
In that moment Cameron hated every single thing about his life in law enforcement. He was here to catch bad guys. But right now the good guys were the ones who were paying the price.
Cameron took a step toward Sophia and she cringed away from him, whimpering. “No, please...” She stretched out her arms as if to ward him off.
“No,” Cameron whispered. “I won’t do that again. Never again.”
Sophia nodded her head, but still shied away from him. Cameron didn’t want to move any closer to her. She’d been through enough. Down the hall, Cameron could hear the TV blaring. Evidently the guys thought the show in Cameron’s room was over.
He hoped it had been worth it. Because looking at Sophia right now, Cameron didn’t think there was any way it could possibly have been.
Cameron took a few steps toward her then sat down on the floor so he could be eye to eye with Sophia. Her breathing was still labored, and every last ounce of color was missing from her face.
“Sophia, I’m so sorry.” Cameron spoke softly. He knew this room wasn’t bugged, but couldn’t take any chances on any member of DS-13 overhearing them.
Cameron moved a little closer to Sophia but she shied away again. Cameron rubbed the back of his neck, where permanent tension seemed to have lodged, at least since he had first seen Sophia again this afternoon.
He wanted to give Sophia the physical space she needed, but the things he needed to say couldn’t be said from across the room. Moving slowly, he scooted over until he was next to her against the wall.
Sophia just huddled into her corner and didn’t look at him. But at least her breathing was slowing down a bit, wasn’t quite so labored.
“Sophia, I’m so sorry,” he said again. As if saying it again would make everything okay. “I had to make them think that something bad was happening in here.”
Sophia gave a quiet bark of acerbic laughter.
Cameron shook his head. “I mean, something they would think is bad. You know what they expected.”
Sophia nodded her head slightly, but didn’t say anything. They sat there in silence for long moments. Cameron tried to figure out what possible words could make this better.
“Things have changed since I saw you last, five years ago,” Cameron said softly, close to her ear.
“I know,” Sophia all but hissed, but just as softly. “The Cameron Branson I knew five years ago never would’ve done this.” She gestured toward her face with her hand, then pointed toward the closet with a shaky arm.
“Sophia, I’m sorry I hit you earlier. I had to take action immediately. And the closet...” Cameron shrugged wearily. “It had to be done.”
Sophia turned away from him again without saying anything.
“It’s not like I planned any of this. Damn it, Soph, I’m just trying to keep you alive.”
Sophia covered her face with her hands and began to cry. Looking over at the arm that was now exposed because her short-sleeved blue shirt was ripped at the shoulder, he could see some angry red marks on her arm. Those were from him, probably during the closet fiasco. They were definitely going to leave bruises on her pale skin, even though he had only been trying to help.
Although it pained him, Cameron hardened himself against the ache he felt at the thought of marring her beautiful skin. The bruises would help sell their story to DS-13.
“At least tell me you’re here, you know...working,” Sophia finally said to him.
Cameron appreciated that she left out the word undercover. That word could get them both killed quicker than almost anything else they could say. “Yeah. I’m with the agency.”
Cameron knew he was being vague, but didn’t think now was the time to go into Omega Sector and his life there. When they had known each other before, he had just been coming out of the Rangers. Sophia didn’t know anything about Omega—even most people who worked in the FBI knew nothing about it.
Sophia let out a sigh and turned toward him slightly. “Well, that’s a relief. I wasn’t sure.”
She wasn’t sure? “Seriously? What did you think, I had left the Rangers and joined some sort of crime syndicate since we last spoke?”
“Stranger things have happened.”
Cameron shook his head. “I guess.” He must really have been undercover too long if an old friend couldn’t tell if he was pretending or not. Maybe he had been in the darkness too long.
Cameron didn’t have time for metaphors about darkness and light in his life. He had a job to do: justice for his partner’s killer and retrieval of Ghost Shell. And now making sure Sophia got out of this alive and relatively unscathed.
He definitely did not have time to think about how beautiful she was, or how much she had meant to him five years ago, or how often he had thought about her since.
Keeping her alive. That was the most important thing.
* * *
WAS HE HONESTLY offended that she couldn’t tell if he was really working undercover or not when she was sitting here with bruises and a racing heartbeat from what he had done to her?
Sophia looked at the closet again. From across the room, it looked so benign. Obviously there was plenty of air throughout both this room and the closet. She very clearly knew that now. But five minutes ago there had been no way to convince her mind of that.
She pulled her knees closer to her body. She believed Cameron when he said he was undercover. She even believed he was doing what he thought was best when he had hit her earlier, and everything that had happened since. But that didn’t mean she wanted him to touch her again.
But part of her desperately wanted him to touch her again. She had wanted that for five years. But not here in this house with those filthy men in the next room.
Sophia glanced sideways at Cameron. He looked as exhausted as she felt. Sophia didn’t know much about undercover work, but she was sure that her entrance into the picture had to have thrown a wrench into whatever mission he was on.
“Have I totally screwed things up for you? I tried to get out of the warehouse like you said, but that big guy was out there,” Sophia offered softly.
Cameron looked surprised that she was talking to him at all. Now that she was calming down she was realizing that Cameron really had been working in her best interest.
But she still wanted out of here as soon as possible.
“Well, your presence was definitely unexpected. But so far it looks like there was no harm done to the case.”
“Really?” Sophia couldn’t believe that was true.
“Yeah, evidently how I’ve been treating you has been helping solidify my bad-guy reputation.”
“How long have you been...working with them?” Sophia turned toward him slightly.
“This group is called DS-13. They’re basically into everything—weapons, drugs, money laundering. And now it looks like they’re expanding into full-on terrorism.” Cameron gestured toward the rest of the house with his thumb. “I’ve been in this house for about three weeks, but first made contact eight months ago.”
“What do you do? I mean, what do they think you do?”
“They think I’m a midlevel weapons dealer. What you walked in on today was a sale I had set up.”
Sophia shook her head. Just sheer bad luck. If Bruce had gotten the pictures when he was supposed to have... “If they did a sale, can’t you make arrests?”
Cameron shifted a little closer to her, but this time Sophia didn’t feel the need to move away.
“I could’ve arrested everybody there, and would’ve tried if things had gotten much more out of hand.”
Cameron reached over and pulled up her ripped sleeve, as if he could reattach it to the rest of her shirt by sheer will. “There were four of them, all armed, against just you and me. And only I had a weapon.”
“Not very good odds, I guess.” Sophia shuddered thinking about it.
“No, I doubt if either of us would’ve made it out alive.” Cameron shrugged and smiled crookedly at her. “But I would’ve tried.”
“Don’t you have a wire or something? Backup?”
“Sometimes. But not in deep cover like this. It’s too complicated and dangerous to have surveillance all the time. DS-13 is smart—that’s why they chose this house. Surveillance vehicles would be pretty easy to spot around here.”
“But what if you need help?” Sophia couldn’t believe they would just send Cameron in by himself.
He smiled at her again and she found herself shifting a little more toward him.
That cocky smile. Lord, how she’d missed it.
“Honey, I can take care of myself. But I do have ways to bring in backup, if I need it.”
“Like today?”
“Believe it or not, today was mostly for show. The buyers were picked up not long after they left the warehouse. The whole thing was just supposed to show DS-13 how helpful and well-organized my buys could be for them.”
Cameron stretched his long legs out in front of him. “The agency was supposed to have blocked everything off so nobody would be around those warehouses.”
Sophia rolled her eyes. “Yeah, well, I got way lost and ended up coming through some farmer’s back field to get to the warehouses. If the FBI was watching the roads, that’s why they didn’t see me.”
Cameron nodded as if she had just solved some puzzle for him. “I didn’t want to make any arrests because these are just lower-level bad guys. I’m trying to get their boss.”
Sophia watched, a little frightened, as Cameron’s face and posture hardened right before her eyes. Whoever this “boss” was, Cameron wanted to take him down. Badly.
“No luck yet?”
“Haven’t even met him. This sort of work is tricky—you can’t push too hard or it backfires on you.”
Sophia nodded. She couldn’t imagine the sort of pressure being undercover would put on someone. Never knowing if you were making the right choices, or when you may be discovered.
It had definitely made Cameron Branson into a harder man than when she had known him five years ago. Then, he had still been strong—physically, mentally, in all possible ways. But now there was an edge to him that hadn’t been there before. One that scared her a little.
One that had probably saved her life earlier.
Almost as if her body was moving of its own accord she turned toward him. He did look exhausted. His black hair, grown out from how short it used to be, was touching his collar. Before she could stop herself, Sophia reached out and tucked a stray curl back from where it had fallen onto his forehead, nearly to his eyes.
For a moment they looked at each other. Sophia forgot where they were, the danger they were in, the fear she had felt. She only saw Cameron.
Something slid under the door before a fist beat loudly on it. Sophia jumped back at the sound, the moment—whatever it was—shattered.
“Cam, man, you alive in there? I need to talk to you.”
Cameron stood up and walked over to pick up whatever had been slid under the door. “Yeah, Fin. I’ll be right out.”
Cameron walked back over to her, and reached his hand out to help her up. Sophia hesitated for just a moment before taking it. “What is it he put under the door?”
Cameron walked with her over to the edge of the bed then sat down with a sigh. He held up what was in his hands: plastic zip ties—used everywhere to secure and fasten all sorts of things.
Sophia shook her head, confused. What were the ties for? Whatever it was, Cameron wasn’t too happy about it.