Книги автора Bernard Cornwell
Bernard Cornwell
сад и огород, садоводам и дачникам, садово-огородные работы, садовые растения, дом, дачаThe first six books in Bernard Cornwell’s masterful series that tells the iconic story of King Alfred and the making of a nation, in one com…
The first six books in Bernard Cornwell’s masterful series that tells the iconic story of King Alfred and the making of a nation, in one com…
Bernard Cornwell
фэнтези, современная русская литература, русское фэнтези, книги для детейThe seventh novel in Bernard Cornwell’s number one bestselling series on the making of England and the fate of his great hero, Uhtred of Beb…
The seventh novel in Bernard Cornwell’s number one bestselling series on the making of England and the fate of his great hero, Uhtred of Beb…
Bernard Cornwell
боевики, остросюжетная литература, фэнтези, боевая фантастика, попаданцы, параллельные миры, прогрессорство, обмен разумов, становление героя, сверхспособностиRichard Sharpe, abandoned in enemy territory, has to trust in assistance from a hostile American privateer.The invasion of France is under w…
Richard Sharpe, abandoned in enemy territory, has to trust in assistance from a hostile American privateer.The invasion of France is under w…
Bernard Cornwell
рукоделие и ремесла, развлечения, языкознание, дом, дачаIn a country at war, a secret inheritance reveals a dark conspiracy …On a sunlit afternoon in seventeenth-century Dorset, a young girl falls…
In a country at war, a secret inheritance reveals a dark conspiracy …On a sunlit afternoon in seventeenth-century Dorset, a young girl falls…
Bernard Cornwell
сказки, зарубежные детские книги, семейное чтение, детская классика, поучительные истории, ЛитРес: чтецLieutenant Richard Sharpe and a detachment of riflemen join the assault of a strong French force holding the Holy City of Santiago de Compos…
Lieutenant Richard Sharpe and a detachment of riflemen join the assault of a strong French force holding the Holy City of Santiago de Compos…
Bernard Cornwell
научно-популярная литература, историческая научная и учебная литература, исторические исследования, общая история, сборник статей, Октябрьская революция, знания и навыки, история Беларуси, становление государственностиThe first book in Bernard Cornwell’s bestselling series on the American Civil War.It is summer 1861. The armies of North and South stand on …
The first book in Bernard Cornwell’s bestselling series on the American Civil War.It is summer 1861. The armies of North and South stand on …
Bernard Cornwell
фэнтези, любовное фэнтези, ведьмы, любовные интриги, магические способности, магические миры, магия и колдовство, ЛитРес: чтец, романтическое фэнтезиThe new novel in Bernard Cornwell’s number one bestselling series on the making of England and the fate of his great hero, Uhtred of Bebbanb…
The new novel in Bernard Cornwell’s number one bestselling series on the making of England and the fate of his great hero, Uhtred of Bebbanb…
Bernard Cornwell
фэнтези, боевое фэнтези, героическое фэнтези, ангелы и демоны, шумеры, восток, игры на выживание, темное фэнтези / dark fantasy, иные миры, мифологическое фэнтезиRichard Sharpe avoids the tyrannical Sergeant Obadiah Hakeswill and endeavours to rescue a British officer from under the nose of the Tippoo…
Richard Sharpe avoids the tyrannical Sergeant Obadiah Hakeswill and endeavours to rescue a British officer from under the nose of the Tippoo…
Bernard Cornwell
маркетинг, PR, реклама, о бизнесе популярно, привлечение клиентов, PR, реклама, советы от гуру, продвижение бренда, советы профессионалов, PR / пиар, рекламные технологии, эффективные коммуникации, бизнес-коммуникацииGo with God and Fight Like the Devil. The remarkable new novel by Britain’s master storyteller, which culminates at the Battle of Poitiers.1…
Go with God and Fight Like the Devil. The remarkable new novel by Britain’s master storyteller, which culminates at the Battle of Poitiers.1…
Bernard Cornwell
природа и животные, интерьеры, сельское и лесное хозяйство, растениеводство, дом, дачаGo with God and Fight Like the Devil. The remarkable new novel by Britain’s master storyteller, which culminates at the Battle of Poitiers.1…
Go with God and Fight Like the Devil. The remarkable new novel by Britain’s master storyteller, which culminates at the Battle of Poitiers.1…
Bernard Cornwell
книги для подростков, детские приключения, детские детективы, литература 20 века, расследование преступлений, загадочные события, детская классика, страшные тайны, приключенческие детективы, захватывающие приключенияIt was the most impregnable fortress in all India – Gawlighur – and the opposing forces were safely holding it.But Sharpe, newly appointed a…
It was the most impregnable fortress in all India – Gawlighur – and the opposing forces were safely holding it.But Sharpe, newly appointed a…
Bernard Cornwell
A small British army is stranded when the French invade northern Portugal and Lieutenant Richard Sharpe meets the future Duke of Wellington.…
A small British army is stranded when the French invade northern Portugal and Lieutenant Richard Sharpe meets the future Duke of Wellington.…
Bernard Cornwell
любовные романы, детективы, остросюжетные любовные романы, триллеры, зарубежные детективы, современные детективы, психологические триллеры, детектив-загадка, романтический триллерThree classic Richard Sharpe adventures.Richard Sharpe and the Siege of Seringapatam, 1799When a senior British officer is captured by the T…
Three classic Richard Sharpe adventures.Richard Sharpe and the Siege of Seringapatam, 1799When a senior British officer is captured by the T…
Bernard Cornwell
современная русская литература, сборник рассказовThree classic Richard Sharpe adventuresRichard Sharpe and the Siege of Badajoz, January to April 1812It is a hard winter. For Richard Sharpe…
Three classic Richard Sharpe adventuresRichard Sharpe and the Siege of Badajoz, January to April 1812It is a hard winter. For Richard Sharpe…
Bernard Cornwell
книги по психологии, социальная психология, саморазвитие / личностный рост, практика психологии, практическая психология, психологические тренинги, эффективное общение, техники влияния, психология общения, как достичь успеха, искусство убеждения, искусство общения, работа над собойRichard Sharpe, with enemies on every side, survives Marshall Massena’s attack and ends at the lines of Torres Vedras.Sharpe’s job as Captai…
Richard Sharpe, with enemies on every side, survives Marshall Massena’s attack and ends at the lines of Torres Vedras.Sharpe’s job as Captai…
Bernard Cornwell
стихи и поэзия, серьезное чтение, cтихи, поэзияBBC2’s major TV series THE LAST KINGDOM is based on Bernard Cornwell’s bestselling novels on the making of England and the fate of his great…
BBC2’s major TV series THE LAST KINGDOM is based on Bernard Cornwell’s bestselling novels on the making of England and the fate of his great…
Bernard Cornwell
словари, справочники, документальная литература, политология, справочная литература, государственный суверенитет, культурные традиции, справочная информация, история государства, иллюстрированное издание, Беларусь, экономическая политика государства, серьезное чтение, знания и навыки, об истории серьезно, история Беларуси, становление государственностиHarlequins are lost souls, so loved by the devil that he would not take them to hell, but left them to roam the earth. In French, the word i…
Harlequins are lost souls, so loved by the devil that he would not take them to hell, but left them to roam the earth. In French, the word i…
Bernard Cornwell
учебная и научная литература, монографии, юридическая литература, правоведение, юридические консультации, правовое регулирование, интеллектуальная собственность, знания и навыкиThe eagerly anticipated follow-up to the number one bestseller Vagabond, this is the third instalment in Bernard Cornwell's Grail Quest seri…
The eagerly anticipated follow-up to the number one bestseller Vagabond, this is the third instalment in Bernard Cornwell's Grail Quest seri…
Bernard Cornwell
документальная литература, здоровьеThe newly promoted Captain Richard Sharpe clashes with an incompetent colonel, leads his men in the battle of Talavera and earns himself a d…
The newly promoted Captain Richard Sharpe clashes with an incompetent colonel, leads his men in the battle of Talavera and earns himself a d…
Bernard Cornwell
*SHARPE’S ASSASSIN, the brand new novel in the global bestselling series, is available to buy now*Denmark, 1807When Lieutenant Richard Sharp…
*SHARPE’S ASSASSIN, the brand new novel in the global bestselling series, is available to buy now*Denmark, 1807When Lieutenant Richard Sharp…