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Sex and Your Teenager. A Parent's Guide – John Coleman

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As we all know, sexuality is not an easy topic for parents and carers to deal with once their children enter adolescence. We are all aware of the need to discuss sex with our kids, the only question is, how to start the conversation? This practical, down-to-earth book offers tips on how to broach the subject and gives advice on a range of problems from the bodily changes at puberty through to coping with relationships, contraception and HIV. And in light of modern society's ever changing attitudes towards sexual behaviour, more controversial issues are addressed such as sexual orientation and STDs. Written in a very open, honest style, yet based on a solid bedrock of scientific information this book will help you to help your teenager to cope with their own sexuality. * Written by a very well respected academic * Includes useful lists of organisations and further reading * Will empower you to develop a deeper, more satisfying relationships with your teenage kids

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470849361

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