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The Unauthorized Guide To Doing Business the Jamie Oliver Way. 10 Secrets of the Irrepressible One-Man Brand – Trevor Clawson

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Love him or loathe him, Jamie Oliver is one of the best-known and richest celebrity chefs in the world. But there is more to the man than his linguine. He towers over a business empire that comprises restaurants, shops, cookware, food, magazines, books, DVDs and television production. So how does he maintain his brand name and values across such diverse interests? The Unauthorized Guide to Doing Business the Jamie Oliver Way draws out the universal lessons from Jamie Oliver’s remarkable success and identifies 10 secret strategies for business growth and branding that can be applied to any business or career: Be yourself, but more so Extend the brand Build on what you’re good at Remember the social dimension Become the face of a supermarket Deal with adversity Go international Protect the brand Be controversial Be bold Want to be the best? The secrets of phenomenal success are in your hands. Check out the other Unauthorized Guides in this series: Richard Branson; Duncan Bannatyne; Alan Sugar; Bill Gates; and Philip Green.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780857080394

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