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Christmas Gifts: Cinderella and the Cowboy / The Boss's Christmas Baby / Their Little Christmas Miracle
Christmas Gifts: Cinderella and the Cowboy / The Boss's Christmas Baby / Their Little Christmas Miracle
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Christmas Gifts: Cinderella and the Cowboy / The Boss's Christmas Baby / Their Little Christmas Miracle

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That’s when her agreeableness ceased. Her head snapped up and she retorted, “But that’s my job!”

“Tom and I usually go out to eat on Sunday.”

“Yes, but now I’m here. That’s what Tom is letting me do to pay him back for all he’s given me.”

“Tom thinks he’s being nice because you gave him a reason to keep going.” When she gave him a quizzical look, he explained. “Elizabeth, you and the kids are the reason he’s getting out of bed. Before you came, he’d lost all hope.”

She blinked, trying to deny the tears that clouded her voice. “He shouldn’t have to pay for hoping. That’s—that’s sad.”

“I agree, but that’s how it was. I couldn’t talk him out of bed half the days. He wanted to die. First his wife passed away, then Reggie left the ranch. He felt he had nothing left, no reason to keep the ranch going. He felt his life was over. But once you came, with the kids, he felt he finally had something to live for. Some hope for the future.”

She whispered, “Brady.”

“Yeah, Brady, but Jenny, too. He wants to regain his health, for both kids.”

“What’s wrong with him? Is there anything I can do?”

Jack shook his head. “That’s the thing. Nothing’s wrong with him. No medical problems at all. He’s sixty-two and healthy as a horse. Except for his emotional malaise.”

“But how can I help?”

“By giving him a chance. He’s got plenty of money. That isn’t important to him. Not like his grandchildren.”

She smiled faintly. “I’m glad he feels that way. Brady’s quite taken with him.”

“I’m sure the feeling’s mutual.”

In fact, Jack had to admit the little boy had won him over too.

Just as his mother had.

When Jack came in from the morning chores, he quickly showered and changed into his church clothes. When he called down to Elizabeth and got no reply, he looked out the window and found her carrying Jenny to the pickup.

Grabbing his coat, he strode out to the trunk, eager to see her again and bask in her good mood. But when he saw her through the window, he came to an abrupt halt.

Something was wrong.

“What’s the matter?” he asked as he got behind the wheel.

She didn’t look at him but he could see the sadness on her face. It was mixed with confusion and anger and regret. “You tell me,” she replied.

“What do you mean?”

After a moment she turned to him and he noticed her eyes were rimmed with red, as if she’d been crying. “Tom told me this morning you were planning on buying the ranch from him. Now he doesn’t want to sell. He wants to keep the ranch for Brady.”

He thought about his reply, then finally decided to tell her the truth.

There was no reason not to be honest.

He looked at her intently then, and on some level he noticed she was wearing one of the dresses he’d bought for her. She looked beautiful.

“Jenny is sure lucky.”

That statement confused her. “What do you mean?”

“Jenny looks like you. That’s why she’s lucky.”

“Thank you, but I want to know why you’re being so nice to me when I’ve ruined your life!”

He snickered and said, more to himself than to her, “I haven’t figured that out yet myself.

“Look, Elizabeth, the land isn’t going anywhere. And I’m still making the decisions about it. Tom doesn’t have much interest anymore.”

“But you won’t own it!”

“I’ve been Tom’s manager for almost ten years. I’ve been planning on buying it for five years. When I realized Reggie didn’t have any interest in the place, it seemed like it was a prime property to buy.” He shrugged. “It obviously didn’t work out. Maybe I’ll find another place and move on. I’m not sure what I’m going to do.”

“But Tom can’t manage without you!”

“That’s not true. There are a couple of good cowboys who can manage the property.”

“But Tom depends on you.” Her voice hitched on a sob. “It just doesn’t seem fair that his grandchildren and I have come into his life and now he has to lose you.”

Jack nodded. He knew the feeling.

Chapter Four

RATHER than listen to the preacher, Elizabeth let her mind wander back to the conversation with Jack. She worried over Tom’s decision to hold on to his property so he could give it to Brady.

She also worried about Jack.

It didn’t seem fair for him to put in all that time on the ranch and then be denied it because a three-year-old arrived two days ago.

She thought she should do something for Jack. After all, he’d done his best for her.

When the congregation stood for a final song, she joined in then took Brady’s hand and led him out of the church. “You behaved very well this morning, sweetheart. And you look so handsome.” Dressed in the sport coat and slacks Jack had picked out, Brady looked like a little man. “Did you enjoy yourself?”

“Yes, but it was kind of long, Mommy. And I’m real hungry.”

She smiled at his candid assessment. “Jack said we’re going out to eat.” Though she didn’t know why. She could cook a perfectly good meal at home. Maybe she’d talk to Tom.

When they got outside, Elizabeth waited for Tom and Jack to catch up with them.

“Tom, I don’t mind cooking if you want to go home,” she said.

“Nonsense, girl. It’s a Sunday tradition for me and Jack. There’s a good restaurant nearby we always go to. If we hurry up, we can get a table before they fill up.” He leaned down to his grandson and ruffled his brown hair. “You ready, Brady?”

“Sure, Grandpa, but…what do you do when you eat out?”

“You tell the waitress what you want to eat, and she brings it to you.”

“Wow! That sounds great.”

“Actually, the food’s not as good as your mom makes, but eating out is a nice change.” He held out his hand and Brady put his hand in his grandfather’s. But he sent a questioning look to his mother.

“You can go with Grandpa, sweetie. I’ll ride with Jack and Jenny.”

“Okay, Mommy.”

She stood there watching him walk away with Tom, tamping down the emotion that threatened to overtake her. It was a welcome sight she feared she’d never get to see.

“Come on. We want to get a table.”

She looked up in surprise at Jack. “Do we need to hurry?”

“Yeah, we do. And I need to tell you something else, too.”


“I’ll tell you once we get in the truck.” He reached down and took the baby carrier from her.

Once they were in the truck, she said, “What do you need to tell me?”

“Did you see the woman on the other side of Tom?” Jack asked as he started the truck.

“No, not really.” The woman’s car was on the far side of Tom’s, hidden by his vehicle. She took Jenny out of the carrier to change her diaper.

“Her name’s Carol. Tom was sitting with her in church. She’s the lady who comes to clean our house. Tom doesn’t want to stop that service. He wants you to not have to work so hard. And he knows Carol needs the money. She lost her husband about six years ago. That’s how she supports herself.”

“I see. I wouldn’t want her to lose her job.”

“Good. That will give you some time off.”

She didn’t think she needed time off, but arguing was useless.

Minutes later Jack turned into the parking lot of the restaurant. He came around to open her door. “I’ll get the baby.”

“That’s okay. I can carry her.”

“I’ve got her.” He reached out with his other hand and caught Elizabeth’s hand as she shut the door.

Having Jack hold her hand felt a little funny. At the same time she had to admit it felt good. Right. Exciting.

Brady was waiting in the lobby, sitting between his grandfather and the woman from church. Tom introduced Elizabeth to Carol Johnson, an attractive blonde with a warm smile. Carol was eager to commend Brady on his behavior.

“I’m glad he behaved himself. I was sick most of my pregnancy with Jenny, so we didn’t go to church much.”

“I can understand that.” The fifty-something woman nodded.

“How many children did you have?”

Carol shook her head. “I lost two babies mid-pregnancy.”

“I’m so sorry.” Elizabeth’s heart went out to the woman. She couldn’t imagine her life without her two babies.

Just then the hostess called their party.

“Come on, everyone,” Jack said. As if it was a habit, he reached out and took Elizabeth’s hand.

When he pulled out a chair for her at the table, Elizabeth had to admit this was a side of Jack she could easily get used to.

She sat down and reached out for the baby. However, Jack put Jenny in the upturned chair on the other side of his seat.

“But I need Jenny beside me.”

“I’ll take care of her today. Besides, that’s where Brady is going to sit.”

Before she could protest, Brady slid into the seat to her left, calling out to his grandfather to sit beside him.

Elizabeth studied the menu. “Everything sounds so good. I don’t know what I want.”

“I think you need a steak. You need some protein.”

Irritated, she shot Jack a narrow-eyed look. “I do not!”

“Yes, you do. You need to gain some weight.”

Darn that man! He had no idea how hard her life had been. From as far back as she could remember she’d had to be the responsible one, not only during her marriage but her childhood too. She’d taken care of her mother—who never knew Elizabeth’s father—while the woman was strung out on crack. A habit she picked up working the streets of Oklahoma City.

Not much changed when she got married.

Even when she was terribly sick during her second pregnancy, she’d made sure to care for and feed Brady. Sometimes it was oatmeal with bananas—what she could make during the limited time she could stand up. One minute.

Jack Crawford had no right to judge her.

While she was stewing, the waitress arrived at their table and Jack immediately ordered a steak for her and for himself, too.

After the orders were in, Jenny made her presence known with a fussy cry. Elizabeth started to get up, but Carol, sitting beside Jenny at the circular table, asked her, “May I pick up the baby?”

“Yes, of course, Carol. But I can come get her when you want.”

“Oh, I’d love to hold her. She’s so little.”

Jack assisted her in picking up the baby. “She may be little, but she’s got healthy lungs.”

“I didn’t realize she was disturbing you,” Elizabeth snapped.

“Come on, Liz, she’s not bothering me. Not at all.”