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Christmas Gifts: Cinderella and the Cowboy / The Boss's Christmas Baby / Their Little Christmas Miracle
Christmas Gifts: Cinderella and the Cowboy / The Boss's Christmas Baby / Their Little Christmas Miracle
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Christmas Gifts: Cinderella and the Cowboy / The Boss's Christmas Baby / Their Little Christmas Miracle

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“I don’t want to intrude, but I could cook for you.”

“Don’t feel you have to.”

She smiled. “I’d be pleased to cook for you, Mr. Ransom.”

“Let’s make it first names, Elizabeth.”

“Thank you, Tom.”

He stood up and held out his hand. “Welcome home.”

Jack Crawford revved the engine of the pickup as he wended down the driveway from the house. He’d seen the look on Tom’s face when he laid eyes on his grandson. His old friend had been hooked like a fish at sunrise.

He shut the engine at the gate and got out to search for the woman’s bags. Why would she hide them in the weeds? Probably so she wouldn’t look too needy when she came to the door.

Instead she stood there, looking maternal, holding her son’s hand and her daughter against her chest. The firelight had cast highlights on her light-brown hair and illuminated her tall, thin frame.

Not that Tom would notice those things about her. He’d been too focused on the kids.

His grandkids.

Jack knew Tom Ransom too well. Beneath that crusty cowboy exterior beat the heart of the most righteous, kind and honorable man he knew.

Tom would do the right thing.

Starting today, the Ransom Ranch would have three new boarders.

Maybe the kids were just what Tom needed to come out of the funk he’d fallen into since his wife’s death and his son’s departure. He’d lost interest in the ranch years ago, then lost interest in most everything. If it hadn’t been for Jack, he would’ve sold the ranch long ago. Jack had been making it viable, turning a profit on the 2500-acre cattle ranch, and keeping Tom going at the same time.

But now…?

No, Jack couldn’t blame Tom. The woman and her kids were family, after all.

But where did that leave him?

“I’ve got your bags. Where do they go?”

Elizabeth started at the sound of Jack’s deep voice behind her. She turned from the cabinets where she was checking out the cooking supplies. “I don’t know. I didn’t ask Tom.”

He started for the hallway. “Come on. I’ll find places for you. He needs to get some rest.”

She gave him a troubled stare, then followed him. Beside her, Brady picked up the diaper bag. “I can carry this one, Mommy.”

“That’s wonderful of you, Brady. Your sister will be glad to have her bag with us.” She followed Jack up the stairs. “Tom said we could live here for a while,” she told him.

“Yeah, I thought he would.”

“I offered to cook for the two of you. He said you took turns and sometimes ate in the bunkhouse. Which would you prefer?”

He swung around and gave her a studied look. He didn’t exude the warmth she’d found in Tom.

“It depends. How well do you cook?”

She straightened. “I’ve been told I’m good.”

Jack’s eyes swept her, as if sizing her up. Before he could reply, Brady spoke up. “Mommy’s pancakes are really good!”

“Is that so?” he asked, never taking his eyes off Elizabeth.

“Yeah, they’re yummy. Baby doesn’t eat them, but Mommy makes them for me.”

“That’s good enough for me. I’m up for pancakes.”

“But we don’t eat pancakes for dinner, Brady,” Elizabeth reminded her boy, grateful for the diversion.

“What do we have for dinner, Mommy?”

“I don’t know, sweetie. I’ll have to see what they have.”

“Trust me,” Jack said. “We have everything you need.”

There was something in the way he said it that made her think he wasn’t talking about food. She cleared her throat and changed the subject. “What room shall we take?”

“Well, I think Brady should take the room on this side. It’s next to mine. And you should take the room on this side of the stairs, and put the little one next to you.”

“We don’t need that many rooms. We can share one.”

“I believe Tom would like you to each have your own room. He wants you comfortable.”

“I don’t—”

Jack apparently wasn’t entertaining her excuses. “Come to your new room, Brady. Bring your suitcase with you. I’ll help you unpack.”

“No! I’ll unpack for him.”

“You’ve got to unpack for yourself and the baby.”

“I’ll manage.”

“In that case, then, can I take Brady to the barn so he can see some puppies that were born a couple of weeks ago?”

“Please, Mommy?” Brady pleaded with his mother.

“Yes, if you’ll do what Jack says.”

“Okay, Mommy!” Brady hugged her legs and then held his hand up for Jack.

Jack took it. “We’ll be back for dinner.”

Elizabeth stood there, watching her little boy walk off with Jack. The unfamiliar sight of Brady with a man nearly brought tears to her eyes. How she’d yearned over the years for Reggie to be there for him, to be a real daddy.

Casting off the regret, she took the larger bag into the bedroom Jack had suggested she take. The large room was half the size of their entire apartment, with more storage than she needed for the clothes she owned.

In Jenny’s room she found a twin bed but no crib. She could put Jenny to bed there with pillows all around. For the time being, she figured. She wouldn’t grow enough to need a baby bed until they moved on.

She sighed. She had so much to do to bring her children up right. When Reggie was killed, she shouldn’t have been relieved, but she’d already known their marriage was a mistake. He hadn’t cared about her, not when he moved on to the next available woman. He’d never touched her after she got pregnant with Jenny.

She remembered that night. He’d come home drunk and had taken her to the bedroom and had sex with her. The next morning he didn’t remember anything he’d done. Then he’d claimed she’d betrayed him when she turned up pregnant.

The only reason she’d stayed with him was that she wanted her son to have what she never had. She shivered at the memory.

She’d been five when she’d been taken away from her mother by Child Services, never to be returned. The emotions of that day flooded her again, swamping her with sadness and fear. She’d never known her father.

More than anything, she wanted her children to have family, someone who would always help, offer comfort. She’d have to be their family now. Because of Reggie she didn’t think she’d ever remarry.

After hugging her little girl and promising her a future, she put Jenny on the bed and surrounded her with pillows. Then she stowed the child’s belongings.

She went to the kitchen after unpacking for Brady and surveyed the full pantry and freezer, packed with any cut of beef she wanted to cook. The refrigerator was her final review. Jack was right. They had anything she’d need to cook dinner tonight.

Half an hour later, Brady ran into the room. “Mommy! They have lots of puppies. They don’t have their eyes open yet. And they wiggle a lot!”

“I’m glad, Brady. Now you need to hang up your coat and go wash your hands so you’ll be ready for dinner.”

“But, Mommy, can I have a puppy?”

Elizabeth whirled around and stared at her son. “What did you say?”

“Jack said I could have one.”

She turned and stared at Jack. “You told him what?”

“I suggested he could pick out a dog if you didn’t mind.”

“No! No, he can’t have a puppy! Brady, go wash up.”

“But, Mommy—”

“Go, Brady!”

The little boy went into the bathroom on the bottom floor. Elizabeth knew his heart was broken, but she had no choice.

“Why can’t the boy have a dog?”

Not that it was any of his business, she thought, but she told him anyway. “Because I can’t take a dog with us when we leave.”

“You sure Tom is going to let you leave?”

Elizabeth looked at him then. What did he mean by that? And did she detect a note of sarcasm in Jack’s tone? Somehow, she didn’t think he was in favor of them being there.

Until she got the lay of the land, she thought it best to simply avoid the subject with Jack. Instead she asked him to get Tom to the table for dinner. He merely gave her a nod and walked out of the room.

She’d made a beef and cheese macaroni meal with a salad and hot rolls. It wasn’t elegant, but it was quick, hot and filling.

Just as she put it on the table, Tom came in, holding on to Jack’s arm.

She smiled warmly at the older man. “Good evening, Tom.”

“Are you all moved in already?” Tom asked as he sat down.

“Yes, we are, in very spacious quarters.”

“Good, good. You’re family. And I’m thrilled to have you and the kids here. Where’s the baby?”

“She’s napping. She’ll be up for abottle at eight, after dinner.”

“It occurred to me that we’ll need to get a crib. Jack can go with you to buy one and whatever else you need.”

She shook her head. “I can’t afford to buy anything right now. We’re all right. I have her surrounded by pillows.”

“Nonsense, Elizabeth. I’ll pay for the crib and other things you need. My son did a poor job of taking care of you and your babies. It’s my job now. I’ll provide for you. You and Jack can shop tomorrow.”

She fought to hold back her tears, blinking rapidly. “Tom, I really appreciate your offer, but we won’t be able to take much with us when we leave, so there’s no reason to buy them.”

Tom frowned. “Honey, I’m not planning on you leaving. Like I said, you’re family. The only family I have left. Jack, here, has been like a son to me since Reggie went away. I was too easy on my son. I didn’t make him learn good and bad. I wondered why God took him and not me. Now I know I still have purpose here on earth. I have you, Brady and little Jenny. God left me here to do what my son should’ve done.”

She gave up the fight and let the tears fall. “Tom, I promise I didn’t come here for you to take care of us. I can get a job when school starts again.”

“Do you like teaching school?”

“It’s not bad.”

“Wouldn’t you rather raise your kids?”

“Yes, but—”

“How about cooking?”

“I enjoy cooking, and will be glad to cook for you and Jack, Tom. That…that would be like having a family.”

“That’s what we want, too.” Tom leaned forward and patted her hand. “You just take care of the house and those kids and let us know if you need anything, okay?” Before she could reply he continued, “And while you’re at the store, me and Brady can get to know each other.”

She swiped at her tears. “I don’t know what to say, Tom. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now, no more tears, young lady. We’re going to wear happy faces around here from now on.”

Elizabeth couldn’t help but smile.

Her smile lasted through dinner and the cleanup. Jack insisted on helping, despite her protests, and she thought maybe she’d won him over.