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White Wedding For A Southern Belle
“Okay, neighborhood hero, I’m hungry. How about that pizza?” Kiefer pulled out some cash.
Ashley wasn’t his type anyway. He liked her high energy and understood her big heart to a certain degree, but her drive to change the world was over the top for him. Too much like his mother. If he was ever interested in woman again it would be less about commitment and more about enjoying life.
“Bull, why don’t you join us?” Ashley asked.
“Yeah, do,” Kiefer said, in a less-than-encouraging tone.
“Naw. I need to get going.” Bull took the cash and turned back toward the door.
Kiefer opened it, letting Bull exit, and stepped out as well.
“Listen, man,” Bull said, “you be careful coming and going around here at night. Also, you need to get a security light for that lot.” He nodded toward Ashley’s place.
“I didn’t get much else done around here today but I did call the power company about that.”
“Great. I’ve heard good things about what Alderman Marsh is trying to do but she has stirred up some trouble as well. I hope you don’t get caught in the cross fire.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks for the pizza.”
“No problem.”
Ashley was waiting on him when he came back in. “I’m ravenous. Why don’t we go up to my place to eat where there’s a table?”
“Sounds good to me.”
She led the way down the hall. At the end she opened a door he’d assumed was a closet. It turned out to hide a staircase. He climbed the stairs after her, getting a good view of her nicely round behind. When they reached the top they went through another door that opened into a small kitchen, which had obviously been remodeled. The brick walls and patchwork tablecloth gave the room a homey and functional feel.
Ashley placed the pizza box on the table. “What would you like to drink? I have soda, tea, beer, water.”
“I’d love a beer, but I’d better settle for a soda.” He took one of the matching chairs.
Ashley pulled two cans of soda out of the refrigerator.
“So how long have you lived here?” Kiefer watched as she filled glasses with ice and then poured the drinks over it.
“About a year. I bought the building two years ago and spent six months making it habitable. I still have work to do.” She placed his glass in front of him.
“You did the work yourself?”
“All that I could. I had to cut corners where I could.”
“I’m impressed. You’ve done a nice job, from what I’ve seen.”
Ashley smiled. She had a nice smile. Sort of made him feel like the sun had come out. “It was a labor of love. And I do mean labor.”
He flipped the box top up and took a slice of pizza. “If you don’t mind, I’m about to starve.”
“You need to pace yourself around here.”
“Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black? You had meetings all day and still managed to check up on me.” He took another bite of pizza.
“I wasn’t checking up.”
“Really? What would you call it?”
She shrugged. “Neighborly concern.”
“We aren’t neighbors.”
“No, we’re not. I’m pretty sure we grew up as different as daylight and darkness.”
“You’re making a big assumption. We might have more in common than you think.” Kiefer leaned back in his chair. “To start with, we both grew up in a neighborhood. Are your parents still married?”
She nodded.
“Mine are too. We both went to college. We both have jobs that help people.”
Ashley raised a hand. “Okay, maybe you’re right. But I grew up in a low-income, racially diverse area, while I’m sure yours was an upper middle class, private school community.”
She had him there. “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t both interested in the same things. I certainly have a mother who showed me the importance of helping people. You’re making life better. And I make people feel better. We have more in common than you might think.”
“Now we’ve moved into philosophy. I think that may be too deep a subject for me this late at night.” Ashley took a bite of pizza. Kiefer watched her chew. Was he ever going to get that kiss out of his mind?
“You might be right. I’ve been at it so long today I’m starting to feel loopy.”
They ate quietly for a few minutes before Kiefer stood and pushed the chair under the table. “I need to do a couple of things downstairs. Then I’m going to head home. Thanks for the nice place to have dinner.”
“I’m the one who should be thanking you. You bought the pizza and against all odds got it delivered. By the way, the local TV station is coming to do a story on the clinic tomorrow. They’ve asked to interview you.”
Kiefer wanted nothing to do with that. When his mother had been hurt and the case had gone to trial, he’d been on TV as they’d come out of the courthouse. It had been a horrible experience. He had been the child who had watched his mother being beaten nearly to death but had done nothing. The shame had been more than he could carry. Since then he’d shied away from that type of attention. He had no interest in getting involved with anyone who was always on a mission. He’d been raised by a person like that, knew the risks involved.
“I’ll see if I have time.” He headed down the stairs.
* * *
Ashley was waiting for the TV crew when they arrived. In the last year, since she’d been on the council, she’d learned to court the media but to always be wary of them as well. She needed good press to help move her ideas forward in the neighborhood revitalization. Shining a good light on what she was trying to accomplish in Southriver would hopefully not only get the city council behind the project but set a precedent for what could be done in other areas of the city and other cities in general.
It was just after lunch and she’d only seen Kiefer a couple of times that morning. No matter what they were doing their kiss seemed to pop into her mind. The more she tried to shove it away the stronger it became. She’d almost reached the point that she wanted to kiss him again so she could put it behind her and move on.
Ashley had come down early just to check in and see how things were going at the clinic. Kiefer was busy with a patient and Maria was overseeing a full waiting room. At least there shouldn’t be an empty room when the news crew arrived. She’d gone downtown for a meeting and had returned in time to grab a bite to eat before she was due to meet the TV crew. Sitting at her table in the kitchen, having a sandwich, she looked at the chair Kiefer had filled the night before.
He was a big person but had seemed relaxed in her small kitchen. It had been too long since she’d shared even a simple meal with a man. Most of the men she had dated hadn’t been happy with the prospect of living in Southriver, and she wasn’t interested in moving elsewhere. Her world was here and she needed a partner who understood that, who supported that part of her life.
Her one truly serious relationship had ended when she’d decided to run for the city council. He’d wanted her support to further his business but hadn’t been willing to do the same with her desire to become an alderman. She had been crushed by his attitude. This was a man who was supposed to love her. It hadn’t taken long for them to part ways. Ashley wanted her relationship with a man to be a partnership. She refused to settle for anything less.
Since then she’d made her views and plans clear in the beginning and they had turned off any other men she’d dated. She was starting to miss male companionship. Someone to just have fun with.
Could she and Kiefer become friends? Based on their kiss there might be some benefit sexually as well. She’d enjoyed her conversation with him over pizza. One other good thing about him was that he wouldn’t be staying in Southriver long. No outsider ever did. Kiefer wasn’t her type anyway. They could part ways without hurt feelings, she was sure.
But what if her radar was off? What if she was misjudging him? It had happened before.
Thirty minutes later Kiefer walked up the hall in her direction as she made her way toward the waiting room.
“So, how’s the alderman today?”
She smiled. “Busy.”
“Are you ever not busy?”
Ashley thought about that for a moment. “Not really.”
“That would have been my guess. You know if you don’t slow down occasionally you will burn out and not have enough energy to save the world.”
“Save the world? I’m not trying to save the world.”
“Sure you are. What you’re trying to do in Southriver is to save a part of the world.”
She’d never thought of it that way. “I’m just trying to help families in this neighborhood live better lives. That’s all.”
“If you say so.”
Ashley stepped closer to him so that no one could accidentally overhear them. That was a mistake. She came to an abrupt stop. His aftershave smelled like citrus with a hint of spice. She forced herself not to inhale deeply. He didn’t move away but instead he looked down at her. Her gaze flickered down and returned. They were uncomfortably close but she wasn’t going to back away. “Dr. Bradford, your job isn’t to evaluate me or concern yourself with what I do, but to run this clinic.”
“Why, yes, ma’am, Alderman Marsh.” He glanced behind him then leaned down as if he was going to kiss her and mumbled, “I believe your dog and pony show have arrived.” He stepped around her and headed down the hall.
What was his problem?
She had one as well. He left her tingling all over.
* * *
Kiefer tried to stay out of the way of Ashley and the reporter followed by the TV cameraman. Maybe if he remained busy, which wasn’t a problem because he was, he wouldn’t have to be involved. He’d stopped by the office to make a quick note on a patient when Ashley stuck her head in the door.
“Hey, do you mind coming in to see Mrs. McGuire? She’s agreed to let us film her. We’d like to get you doing the examination.” She turned to leave.
Kiefer wasn’t interested in being part of her publicity. He was a doctor and a professional. There were patients to see. He didn’t have time for her PR show. “I don’t think so.”
Her head popped back around the door. “What?”
“I’d rather not.”
She studied him for a second. “It’ll just be for a few minutes. No big deal.”
Kiefer shook his head. “I don’t think an examination of a patient is a place for a TV show.”
Ashley stepped farther into the room. “Why’re you being so difficult about this? I need this publicity for the clinic. To raise funds that are needed desperately.”
“I understand that but I don’t think putting a patient on TV is the way to go.”
The reporter came to the doorway. Ashley glanced back then returned her attention to Kiefer. Her face held a beseeching expression. “Please. I won’t ask you to do it again.”
Something about her look had Kiefer reconsidering. What would be so bad about doing his job and trying not to pay any attention to the camera? He did understand the need to shine a light on what was going on in Southriver. He said tightly, “Okay, but you’ll owe me.”
“Thank you,” she said, then turned to the man behind her. “Russell, we’ll go to the exam room now and meet Mrs. McGuire.”
Kiefer followed the party up the hallway to one of the two functioning exam rooms. The camera crew stopped outside the door and allowed him to enter first. Mrs. McGuire was a forty-something woman neatly dressed in a casual shirt and jeans. When he entered she looked up from where she sat in a chair in the corner.
“Hi, I’m Dr. Bradford. I understand you’re Mrs. McGuire.”
Ashley, along with the reporter and cameraman, squeezed into the room.
Mrs. McGuire looked at the group with interest. “I am.”
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Kiefer nodded toward the people behind him. “I’ll tell them to leave if you’re not.”
“Mrs. McGuire—” Ashley started.
“Is my patient.”
Ashley said nothing more.
The patient nodded her assent. “Now, Mrs. McGuire, what seems to be the problem?” Kiefer asked.
“I’ve been having trouble with one of my toes.” She lifted her right foot. It was covered by a sock and she was wearing a house shoe.
“Would you please remove your sock? I’d like to take a look.” As she did so Kiefer pulled the other metal chair in the room closer.
A sweet smell of infection filled the room. He reached down and cupped her calf, lifting it so that her heel rested on his thigh. Mrs. McGuire’s large toe was a deep purple color that was extending to the next one.
The cameraman took a step closer.
“How long has this toe looked like this?” Kiefer asked, trying not to let his concern show in his voice. He didn’t want the reporter to get the idea that this might be more than an ordinary hurt toe.
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe a few months.”
Kiefer nodded. She should have been seen long ago. “Mrs. McGuire, have you ever been told you were a diabetic?”
“It’s been so long since I’ve been to the doctor I don’t remember.”
Kiefer took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. Why had she let this go on for so long? Did she realize how bad it was? He turned to the reporter. “I need you to leave now. I would like to talk to my patient in private.”
“But we really didn’t get anything,” the reporter complained.
“Dr. Bradford, could I speak to you outside?” Ashley followed the reporter and cameraman out.
“Mrs. McGuire, I’ll be right back,” Kiefer said.
Ashley waited in the hall. He closed the exam room door behind him. The reporter and cameraman were walking toward the waiting area.
“Why’re you making this so difficult?” she demanded, before he could say anything.
“Because that woman in there needs to be in the hospital. She’s going to lose that toe. If she waits much longer she could lose her entire foot. I don’t think that’s something that should be said in front of a camera.”
Ashley’s mouth formed an O of comprehension.
“That’s right, oh. Now, if we’re done here I’ll see about making arrangements to have her admitted.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I’ll see that she gets there. I know she lives alone and will need a ride. That’s probably why she hasn’t been seeing a doctor regularly.”
Kiefer had to admit Ashley’s focus turned quickly to compassion and willingness to help. Despite her appearance of having a one-track mind, only concerned about her agenda, she genuinely seemed to have the woman’s best interests at heart.
She headed down the hall toward the reporter and Kiefer returned to Mrs. McGuire.
He took the chair again and explained the situation to his patient.
Mrs. McGuire surprised him with her reaction when she said, “I’m not going to the hospital. Nothing good happens there.”
That wasn’t generally true but in her case it might be. Kiefer wasn’t sure if her prognosis might be worse than he’d anticipated. At a knock on the door he said, “Come in.”
Ashley entered. “Mrs. McGuire, I’m going to drive you to the hospital.”
“I’m not going.”
Ashley’s eyes widened as she gave Mrs. McGuire an incredulous look. “Why not?”
“Because I don’t want a bunch of people I don’t know poking at me.”
“Please, Mrs. McGuire, you need to have your foot seen to. I’ll be there with you. Didn’t Dr. Bradford tell you how important this is to your health?”
“I did,” Kiefer said.
“I understand the doctor is trying to help but I’ll be all right.” Mrs. McGuire started putting on her sock. “I’ll just give it a good soak and it’ll get better like it always has.”
Kiefer leaned forward, capturing her gaze. “That might work for a little while but not forever, and when it stops you’ll be in bigger trouble. Please reconsider.”
Ashley placed her hand on his shoulder. He was far too conscious of it remaining there as she said, “Dr. Bradford, would you let me speak to Mrs. McGuire for a second?”
“Sure.” He left. What did Ashley have to say that couldn’t be said in front of him? As he went into the next exam room he saw the reporter and cameraman still standing in the waiting room.
A few minutes later Ashley stopped him in the hall. “If you’ll make all the arrangements, I’ll take Mrs. McGuire to the hospital as soon as we go by her house and pack a bag.”
Ashley could work miracles. “What did you say to get her to go?”
She grinned. “What’s said between two women stays between two women.”
“That’s not been my experience.”
She looked at him with her chin tilted to one side. “Why, Doctor, I do believe you’re a bit jaded.”
“No, I’ve lived long enough to know differently. But it doesn’t matter. I’m just glad you convinced her.”
ASHLEY DROVE HOME well after dark. She’d got Mrs. McGuire settled in the hospital, but not happily so. Her only hope was that Mrs. McGuire would stay long enough to get the care she needed. Now having the clinic in the neighborhood, the older woman would have a place to go to for care. The clinic was already making a difference.
If only it had been around that day for Lizzy.
As she drove by the front door of the clinic she saw a couple of boys on either side of it. They were pushing over the urns. Ashley honked her horn and their heads jerked up. She recognized them as members of Marko’s gang. Rolling down the window, she hollered, “Hey, stop that!”
That was all it took for them to take off running.
With a sigh, she parked and climbed out. She walked over to see how big a mess had been made. It was late, she was tired and didn’t feel like cleaning it up. But if she didn’t do it now, what was left of the flowers would be dead by morning. She reached the door just as it was opened. She almost fell but Kiefer’s strong hands gripped her shoulders and steadied her. Her heart beat faster. She wasn’t sure if it was from surprise or from the jolt of having him touch her.
“Y-you scared me. I d-didn’t expect you to still be here,” she stammered.
He let her go. Disappointment washed over her. Not a feeling she should be having.
Kiefer stepped out. “I was finishing up some paperwork and getting ready to head home when I heard something going on out here. I came to check it out.”
She waved her hand around. “A couple of kids have been busy.”
“More like Marko trying to make a point.”
He was right but she wasn’t going to let him know that. “I’d like to just consider it a prank. I’ve got to get this cleaned up.”
“Can’t it wait?”
“The flowers could die overnight.” Ashley started picking up the plants.
“Ah, a woman and her flowers.”
“What does that mean?”
“Just that women have a thing for flowers.” He handed her part of a plant.
“You sound pretty cynical. Someone used flowers against you?”
“Something like that. Why don’t you get the broom and dustpan?” Kiefer began picking up pieces of the broken urns and putting them into a pile near the wall of the building. “I’ll get started cleaning this up.”
It was nice of him to offer to help. “You’ve had a long day. Go on home and I’ll see to this.”
“I’m not leaving you out here by yourself after this happened. So forget it. Get the broom and dustpan.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
“I wouldn’t have to if you weren’t so hardheaded,” he retorted as he continued to work.
Ashley put her hands on her hips and glared at him. It gave her little satisfaction because he wasn’t looking at her. “I am not hardheaded.”
“You’re sure acting that way. I’ve made a simple offer of help and you’re still standing there.”
“Are you always so bossy?” Ashley glared down at the top of his head.
He looked over his shoulder at her. “Are you?”
With a huff, she stomped through the door and down the hall. Kiefer’s chuckle followed her. She hadn’t enjoyed growing up with a father controlling her every move and she sure didn’t like Kiefer telling her what to do. It was time to make that clear to him. She snatched the cleaning supplies out of the closet along with a bucket and returned to the front door. Kiefer had all the pieces picked up and the flowers laid off to the side.
“I tried to save your flowers but I’m not sure they’re going to live.”
He really was making an effort at being helpful. Maybe she could cut him some slack. “Thanks. I was afraid of that. Would you like to do the honors of sweeping or holding the pan?”
“I’ll take the pan.” His hand brushed hers as she handed it to him. A shiver went through her.
“I rather like the idea of you at my feet,” Ashley said as she swept the dirt into a pile.
“Don’t get carried away with the idea.” Kiefer held the pan while she moved the dirt into it then dumped it into the bucket. “Maybe if we put the flowers in here they might make it.”
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