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The Surgeon's Cinderella
The Surgeon's Cinderella
The Surgeon's Cinderella


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The Surgeon's Cinderella

“I didn’t mind. He seems like a nice guy who’s lonely.”

“He is. As a doctor I’m not supposed to have favorites but I really like the man. He’s been waiting too long.”

She watched for his reaction as she said, “That’s why you took me to see him. You knew he needed something to prick his interest. You didn’t mind him assuming I was your girlfriend because that would give him something to figure out, live for.”

“Why, Ms. Thomason, you are smart.”

Whitney couldn’t deny her pleasure at his praise. She also couldn’t help but ask, “I know you can’t tell me details, but what’s going on with Mr. Wilcox?”

Tanner’s eyes took on a haunted look. “Most of it you heard. He’s waiting for a heart. He needs one pretty quickly.”

“Or he’ll die,” she said quietly.

Tanner’s eyes took on a shadowed look. “Yeah.”

“You seem to take that in your stride.” She sounded as if she was condemning him even to her own ears.

“It’s a part of what I do. Medical School 101. But that doesn’t mean I like it.” His retort was crisp. He started down the hall and she followed. At the desk he handed a nurse Mr. Wilcox’s chart and continued on. “My office is this way. I’m on call tonight.”

Whitney had to hurry to keep up with him. They walked down a couple of hallways to a nondescript door. Again Tanner swiped his card. There was a click. He turned the doorknob and entered. She trailed him down a short hall to a small sterile-looking office. It became even smaller when Tanner stepped in.

There was a metal desk with a black high-backed chair behind it and a metal chair in front. What struck her as most interesting was the absence of pictures. Didn’t he have family? Nieces or nephews? A dog?

“Please, come in.” Tanner walked around the desk and settled into the chair. Was his home this cold as well? Could he open his life enough to have a wife and family?

Whitney sat in the uncomfortable utilitarian chair. Apparently whoever visited wasn’t encouraged to stay long. “I understand from Michelle that she had a wonderful time the other night. So what’s the problem on your side?”

Tanner picked up a pen and twisted it through his fingers, a sure sign he wasn’t comfortable with the question. “She wanted something that I won’t give.”

There was a chilly breeze in the words. “That is?”

“Let’s just say she was already getting more emotionally attached than I want to be. You need to go through your file and find me some women who are interested in security, financial comfort, social status, not whether or not they are loved. I’m looking for something far more solid than love. Companionship.”

Whitney felt like she’d been punched in the chest. She’d never heard anything sadder. All the compassion she’d just seen Tanner show Mr. Wilcox was gone. Now all she saw was a shell of a man. For him a heart was nothing more than an organ that pumped blood. Not the center of life she believed it to be. “The women I represent all want to be loved.”

He put his elbows on the desk and steepled his fingers, giving her a direct look. “For the amount of money I’m paying you I expect you to find someone who suits my needs. I thought I’d made it clear what I wanted in a relationship. It’s your business to find me that match.”

If he had slapped her she couldn’t have been more insulted. “I assure you I know my business. I’ll set up a social with the next client on my list for as soon as possible.” She looked him in the eyes. “But you should know, Tanner, it’s my experience that most people see marriage less as a business deal and more as an emotional attachment.”

Tanner’s face turned stern. His voice was firm when he said, “That might be the case but that isn’t the type of person I’m looking for. I’ve made my request and you’ve stated you can fill it, so that’s what I expect.”

What had happened to the man? How could he be so compassionate toward his patient but so calculating about the type of wife he wanted? Whitney stood. “I’ll be in touch soon.”

He got to his feet as well. “Good. If you take a right out of my door you’ll come to a set of elevators. It’ll take you down to the lobby. Thanks for coming here.”

She’d been dismissed. That was fine with her. Whitney turned on her heel and left. Right now she wasn’t sure if she should keep Tanner as a client. Truth be known, she wasn’t certain she even liked him.

* * *

Tanner was at Café Lombard for the “social” before Whitney or the woman he was to meet. When Whitney had left his office the other evening she hadn’t been happy. Her lips had been pinched tight and her chin had jutted out. Somehow what he had said she had taken personally. Hadn’t he made it clear what he was looking for in a relationship during their earlier interview? Couldn’t she understand that he had no interest in a love match?

Those only led to pain, not just between the husband and wife but for the children as well. He and his brother were a prime example of that. They hadn’t seen each other in years. Tanner wanted a marriage based on something solid and not fleeting, like an emotion.

His date with Michelle had been wonderful. They’d had a number of things in common. They both enjoyed the outdoors, liked baseball and traveling. It wasn’t that he didn’t like Michelle, but he could tell by her speech and her body language that she was looking for more than he could give. There had been hopeful stars in her eyes. He wanted someone whose expectations were less dreamlike and more firmly rooted in reality.

Statements like “Children should know that their parents care about each other. It makes for a more stable child,” or “I want a husband who can be there when I need him,” showed him that Michelle needed emotional support that he just couldn’t give. Tanner wanted someone who could handle their own ups and downs without involving him.

He looked up to see Whitney entering. The displeased expression she’d worn the other day was gone but there was still a tightness around her lips, indicating she might not be in the best of moods. When had he started being able to read so well someone he hardly knew?

He half stood. She flashed a smile of greeting. It was an all-business tilt of the lips instead of actual gladness to see him. Tanner didn’t much care for that. Yet why did it bother him to have her disgruntled with him?

Today Whitney wore a flowing dress with a small pale pink rose pattern on it that reached just past her knees. A sweater was pulled over her shoulders and the sleeves tied across her chest. She was dressed like an old-maid schoolteacher. Why did she wear such nondescript clothing? Did she do it because she thought people believed that was how a matchmaker should dress? She was too young and too attractive not to flaunt it some. What would she look like in a tight, short skirt? He’d be interested to see. Great, would be his guess. But why should it matter to him how she dressed?

“Hello, Tanner.” She took the chair across from him. “You’re early.”

“My last case was canceled due to a fever so I got away from the hospital sooner than I thought I would.”

Whitney clasped her hands in her lap and looked directly at him. “I think you work too hard and too many hours.” It wasn’t an accusation, more a statement of fact. She didn’t give him time to respond before she continued. “You’re going to meet Racheal today. I think you’ll really like her. She has a master’s degree in business and loves children.”

“I remember reading her profile. Did you make it clear to her what I am looking for?”

“I did. She’s interested in a family but doesn’t want to give over her freedom just to have that. She’s looking for the same type of relationship that you are.” Whitney made it sound as if the idea left a bad taste in her mouth.

“Do you have a problem with that?”

She shrugged then leaned back in the chair. “Not if that’s what you both want.”

He leaned forward, piercing her with a look.

She shifted in the chair.

Tanner crossed his arms on the table. “Tell me what you think this should be about.”

Her eyes widened. She did have pretty ones. Like green grass after spring rain. She blinked. “It isn’t about what I think but about what you want.”

“Spoken like a true matchmaker, eager to please. Are you married, Whitney?”

Her chin raised a notch. “I don’t believe that has anything to do with your case.”

“It might not but it gives me an idea of how good you are at this matchmaking business.”

She shifted in her chair. “If you don’t have any confidence if my ability then I’ll be glad to refund your money minus five hundred dollars for the work I’ve done so far.”

He’d hit a touchy spot. “And add the charge for the hug and kiss after all?”

She relaxed and shook her head. “No. I wouldn’t do that. This isn’t a joke.”

He leaned back in the chair and watched her for a long moment. Her direct look challenged his. This was a woman who wouldn’t give up until she had succeeded. “You’re right—it isn’t. I’m not ready to throw in the towel yet.”

“Then you do understand that I have the same responsibility to the women I introduce you to as I do to you?”

She had backbone and a moral line. What you saw was what you got with Whitney. That was refreshing. Most women he knew were only really interested in themselves. “I realize that. I’ll try to be on my best behavior.”

“I’m starting to wonder what that is. I also expect you to give them a fair chance.” Her tone had become schoolmarmish.

“You don’t think I gave Michelle that?”

She didn’t immediately answer. “Truthfully, I’m not sure you did.”

It didn’t matter to him if she thought so or not. He knew what he wanted better than she did, matchmaker or not. It was his life they were talking about. He’d seen what uninvited and unrequited love did to a person. He wanted none of it. Good, solid, practical thought was what his marriage would be based on.

A blonde woman stepped up to their table. Whitney jerked around as if she’d forgotten all about her joining them. Tanner smiled. She’d been too flustered by his questions to remember why they were there. He liked the idea that he’d rattled Whitney. Too much.

“Hello, Racheal. I’m sorry I didn’t see you when you came in.” Whitney’s voice sounded a little higher than normal.

Once again, Whitney was a contrast to her female client. Racheal had a short haircut and every strand was in its place. Her makeup was flawless and she wore the latest fashion with ease. She certainly looked the part of the woman he thought he would like to share his name. He looked at Whitney and somehow he found her more to his taste. Shaking that thought away, Tanner returned his attention to Racheal.

He stood and offered his hand to her. “Tanner Locke. Thanks for joining us.”

He held a chair out for Racheal and she gracefully slipped into it.

“It’s nice to meet you.” Racheal had a no-nonsense note in her voice.

He looked at Whitney. “I’ve already ordered drinks.”

“Thank you, Tanner. I think I’ll leave you and Racheal to get to know each other better. I’ll be in touch soon.”

Tanner remained standing as she left. A tug of disappointment went through him to see her go. Why?

* * *

Whitney hadn’t heard from Tanner in three days. Far too often she had found herself wondering how things were going between him and Racheal. She liked to give her clients time to get to know each other and digest their thoughts on the new match before she asked. This time she was particularly anxious to know.

Racheal had already checked in. She seemed pleased with Tanner. According to her, they’d had a wonderful time talking at the social and had enjoyed their first date. Maybe she had found the right one for Tanner after all. But she had thought that with Michelle. She would wait until tomorrow and give him a call. See if he was as pleased as Racheal.

That evening Whitney was just slipping into bed when her phone rang. A call this late usually didn’t mean good news. Was her father ill again? “Hello?”

“It’s Tanner.”

His voice was low and gravelly. There was no apology for calling so late. She wasn’t surprised. But with his schedule he probably thought nothing of it. “Yes?”

“You told me to call and let you know how things are going.”

She had indeed told him that but had assumed he would do so during business hours. An edgy feeling washed over her, knowing she was in bed while talking to Tanner. It seemed far too evocative. She flipped the covers back and stood beside the bed.

“Racheal seems to be working out. We went out last night. I have a party on Friday that I’ve invited her to.” His voice was low and calm, as if he had all the time in the world to talk.

“I’m glad to hear it. I’ll check in with you both next week. I look forward to hearing how the relationship is progressing.”

“How have you been?” His voice was warm and silky.

Whitney walked to the window. “I’m fine.”

“That’s good. Goodnight.”

Whitney listened to the click on the other end of the line. She returned to her bed and pulled the covers over herself again. Somehow the sheets didn’t feel as cool anymore.

Maybe Racheal was it. Had Tanner found the one he wanted? Whitney wished she felt happier about that idea.

Even if he hadn’t, he wouldn’t look at her that way. Did she want him to? Turning off the light, she settled under the covers, but it took her far too long to fall asleep.

* * *

Whitney continued to wonder how things were going between Tanner and Racheal. More than once she’d been tempted to call him but had held back. She’d never had that problem before. Normally she let her couples go without thought or overseeing them, but Tanner’s case held too much of her attention.

Whitney was already asleep a week later when the phone rang. She picked up the phone and a man’s voice said, “Just what type of women are you introducing me to? You’re supposed to be the best at this.”

“Tanner, what’s going on? Do you know what time it is?”

“Yes. I know what time it is.” He sounded angry.

At this point the time didn’t matter. She was awake anyway. Despite that, she found herself happy to finally hear from him. “What’s the problem?”

“The problem is that Racheal backed out of a weekend we had planned in Napa. It’s a hospital retreat and I had already said I would be bringing a guest. I’m trying to make a positive impression on the board. This situation could hurt my chance for a promotion.”

“I’m sorry.” And she was. He was a good doctor and deserved it, she was sure.

“You should be. I hold you responsible.”

“Me!” Whitney squeaked and set up in bed.

“I’m paying you to provide me with women who understand the importance of my job and position.”

What was he raving about? “Racheal didn’t?”

“I guess not. She agreed to go and now at the last minute she’s backed out.”

Whitney worked to keep her tone even. “Did she give you a reason?”

“She just said she wasn’t ready for this step.”

That sounded reasonable to Whitney. “You can’t expect her to do something that she isn’t comfortable with.”

“I damn well can expect her to keep her word.”

He had a point there, but what did he imagine she could do about it? She couldn’t make Racheal go with him. “I have to honor what my clients feel they need to do.”

“And you have to honor our contract. I need someone as my girlfriend this weekend.”

It was Thursday. How was she going to find someone who would go away with a perfect stranger on such short notice? “I wish I could help you, Tanner. At this point I don’t know what I can do.”

“Well, I do. If you can’t find me someone then you have to come. At least that way I’ll be bringing a guest. I can make up a story about how we broke up later.”

What? Is he crazy? Spend a weekend with him?

“That’s not possible. It’s unethical. You’re my client.”

“One you’re expected to keep happy. You were supposed to vet the women you introduce me to. You failed in determining Racheal’s true character. I expect you to meet your professional obligation.”

How did that logically extend to her personally replacing a client?

“Look, this weekend is important to my career, just as finding the right woman is. There will be no expectations on my part except for you to be pleasant and act as if we’re a couple.” His voice was firm and determined, as if he wouldn’t accept no as an answer.

Whitney’s heart pounded. Was she seriously going to consider it? “You can’t just demand that I spend the weekend with you.”

“Sure I can.” His voice had turned hard. “We have a contract for services and you need to hold up your end. It was your suggestion that I pick Racheal. She didn’t hold up her end so that defaults to you.”

Whitney wasn’t sure she agreed with his reasoning but she didn’t need him bad-mouthing her around town. She’d taken Tanner on as a client to increase her professional profile, not to hurt it. Plus, she hated that he was in a spot.

If she agreed to his demand she couldn’t imagine the weekend being anything but long and miserable. She didn’t belong in his social group. She was an outsider. Tanner wanted someone who could make a good impression. More than once she’d been judged by her looks. He needed someone who could influence. That wasn’t her. She was good with people one on one but not as a member of a house party. To run in Tanner’s world...

“I’ll pick you up at nine in the morning. What’s your address?”

“Tanner, I can’t do this.”

“Oh, yes, you can,” he all but hollered down the phone.

He wasn’t going to allow her a way out. Apprehension bubbled in Whitney as she gave him her address.

“You’ll need a cocktail dress, swimsuit and casual clothes.” There was a click on the other end of the line. Tanner had hung up. Once again.

Whitney lay there. What had just happened? She’d just gotten press-ganged into a weekend with Tanner as his “plus one.” What was he thinking? What was she doing?

Those bubbles combined into a heavy mass of dread in her chest. She wasn’t part of Tanner’s world. What if she made a mistake and embarrassed him?

If she had really changed from that insecure girl from years ago it was time to prove it.


TANNER DIDN’T KNOW what had gotten into him when he’d insisted that Whitney join him on this weekend retreat. He had been so angry when Racheal had called and told him that she wouldn’t be going that he’d picked up the phone and dialed Whitney’s number without a thought. But to insist she attend a weekend with him might have been overreacting. Desperation had fueled his demand. He needed a woman on his arm.

Well, it was done now.

For him to have a “significant other” with him for the weekend was an unwritten requirement. Besides, he might have hinted to one or two of the board members that he’d become serious about someone. It mustn’t look like he’d been lying or he could kiss that promotion goodbye.

He pulled his car to the curb in front of Whitney’s home. To his surprise, he’d known the address. She lived in one of the famous “painted ladies.” Whitney stood waiting in front of a light blue Victorian row house with a yellow door and white gingerbread trimmings. Pink flowers grew in pots on the steps. The house was an obvious reflection of Whitney. He’d always liked these old homes. Something about them said life was peaceful inside.

Whitney looked small compared to the towering three-story home. His heart fell. This wasn’t good. She wore a full shirt that hung almost to her knees and underneath she wore baggy pajama-style pants and flat slippers. Her hair was pulled back into a bun. Whitney couldn’t have looked more nondescript if she had tried. He really couldn’t force her to dress better, or could he?

Stepping out of the car, Tanner went to the trunk and opened it.

Whitney joined him with her bags in her hand. “Tanner, I think we should really reconsider this idea.”

“I’ve already done that a couple of times and I don’t see another way. I need a girlfriend for this weekend and you are it.” Even if her sense of style was missing.

Uncertainty filled her eyes. “This type of thing really isn’t me.”

“You’ll be fine. Sitting by the pool and reading all day works for me. I just need you to attend the dinner this evening and tomorrow evening and all will be good.”

She didn’t look any more enthused but she let him take her bags and climbed into the car.

Yet again he felt bad about insisting she come with him, but he needed her. The board members would be at this retreat and he had to give them the impression he was getting close to settling down. “Do you mind if I put the top down? It’s a beautiful day.”

“Not at all. I love a convertible.”

Tanner leaned over her to unlock the roof from the windshield. A floral scent that fit her perfectly assaulted his nose. Maybe the weekend wouldn’t be so bad. He flipped the other lock above his head. When he pushed a button, the roof slowly folded down behind them.

“I like your car. It suits you,” Whitney said.

“Thanks. I grew up wanting one of these and when I finished medical school I bought one.”

“I’ve always loved two-seaters. I’m going to enjoy riding in this one.” She gave him a weak smile.

So at least they had that in common. As Tanner started the car, Whitney pulled a long multicolored scarf out of her purse. With deft efficiency she wrapped it around her head and tied it under her chin. Great, now he had Old Mother Hubbard with him. Why did she dress like she did?

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