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The Doctor Who Made Her Love Again
“So, not after donuts this time, I see.”
She looked up to find Dr. Jenkins grinning at her. She wanted to groan. Was he going to be around every corner she turned?
He moved his nearly full cart along beside hers. “I guess food is our common denominator.”
“I don’t think it’s so surprising that we meet here since we’ve only shopped at the two busiest places in town.”
“Still testy over this morning? Are you prickly to everyone when shopping for food or is it just me?”
His grin fed her annoyance. “Hey, I’m not prickly.” She pushed her cart forward. He followed. “I just don’t enjoy grocery shopping.”
“You know, if I was a psychiatrist I might find some hidden meaning in that statement.”
She was afraid he just might. The job of shopping and cooking had fallen on her at far too young an age. She hadn’t complained. If she’d wanted to eat then she’d needed to fix it. Now every time she entered the grocery store it brought back unhappy memories. That’s why she made a point to do most of her buying once a month. She picked up the small items she might need at a convenience store at other times.
China winced when he peered over into her basket, “Not much of a cook, are you?”
She glanced at all the prepared food piled there. “No. In fact, I hate it.”
“I love to cook. Our cook, Ruth, taught me all I know. At least now that I’ve moved here I’ll have time to enjoy cooking a meal.”
Our cook. They’d certainly come from two different worlds. She’d been the family cook. If you could call theirs a family.
More from intimidation than need, China picked up a few apples and put them in a small clear bag. She tied it off and placed them in her buggy. Payton had managed to make her feel at fault twice in the same day. Once over calling him an idiot and now over her eating habits.
“At least they look like a healthy choice.” He nodded toward the fruit in her buggy.
Obviously she didn’t meet the grade with his man. “So do your doctoring skills extend to reviewing everyone’s grocery cart?” she asked flippantly.
He chuckled. “No, but I do believe in eating right and encouraging others to do so also.”
“Well, it must be working. You are so slim and trim.”
He blanched then said, “I’ll let you finish your shopping. See you tomorrow.”
China watched him walked away. They hadn’t gotten off to the best of starts. Maybe she wasn’t giving him the chance he deserved. She looked down at the items in her cart. He hadn’t been wrong about her meal choices at all.
Payton opened the door to his house, which was built in the old Florida architectural style with wide verandas and seemingly never-ending white stairs up to the front door and another along the side to the kitchen. The property was located along West Beach Road well outside of town. He’d specifically asked the realtor for something private, well away from the summer crowds, with large windows. The woman had done her job well.
The master bedroom faced east, giving him a bright morning wake-up call. The house was well worth the amount of money he’d invested in it. Payton had hired a decorator long distance to furnish it. He’d wanted it livable when he arrived but it still lacked the personal touch.
He sighed. His parents didn’t understand his need to leave Chicago. In fact, his father was so disappointed that he could hardly speak to him. He no longer met his parents’ expectations. Having lymphoma had made him reexamine his life. His new goal was to find out what he wanted. His parents still held out hope he would change his mind and come home. He was just sorry that his actions had put a wedge between them. He’d changed, and they couldn’t deal with it.
The house was huge and Payton had no one to share it with, but that suited him fine. Janice wouldn’t have enjoyed it here anyway. Too hot, too many bugs and too far from social engagements. She’d complained he wasn’t the man she’d fallen in love with. Did she think people who feared they might die didn’t change? The second she’d found an opening she’d been gone.
Pushing the side door open, he placed the first load of bags on the counter then he headed out for more. Ten minutes later and proud he was no longer puffing after walking up stairs like he once had, Payton had all the food in the kitchen. He hadn’t totally regained his strength but it was quickly returning. China had reminded him that he hadn’t completely found the robust man he’d once been yet. Some swimming and sailing would solve that issue.
Today had been the first time he’d worked a full eight hours in months. He’d been the one in med school who everyone had envied for his ability to work on little sleep. Not anymore, though, and especially not tonight. Good dinner, short swim then off to bed was his plan.
After putting the groceries away, Payton pulled out a skillet. He’d prepared a simple stir-fry, planning to eat outside to enjoy the weather. Unlocking the door to one of the many porches, he picked up his plate and drink then stepped out. He sank into a wicker chair with a comfortable-looking pillow. With a sigh, he propped his feet up on the small table in front of him, which matched the chair.
The cell phone resting against his thigh in his hip pocket vibrated. It would be his mom. She’d already called a number of times during the day and he’d been too busy to answer. Because she was a mom she worried. The old saying that you were always your mom’s baby, no matter how old you got, was no truer than when you were sick. His mom had more than jumped into caretaker mode when he’d required help. Now he needed her to let go, for his sake as well as hers. Still, he couldn’t bring himself to tell her to back off. That was one of a number of reasons he’d wanted to leave Chicago.
Some time later, his meal finished, he pulled his phone from his pocket and pushed the speed-dial number assigned to his mom. His chest contracted at the sound of relief in her voice when he said, “Hi, Mom.”
“Honey, it’s so good to hear from you. How’re you doing?”
Payton told her about his day, the house and the town. He left out his two meetings with China.
“Well, at least it sounds like a nice place.”
Payton watched as the sun became a half circle on the horizon. “It is. I’ll call you in a few days.”
“Okay.” The wispy tone in her voice said she was still holding out hope that Payton would return to Chicago. That wouldn’t happen. All he wanted right now was to regain all his strength and make the most of life. He’d start by calling the marina and seeing if his sailboat had arrived. On his first day off he would be on it. It had been far too long.
Gathering his plate and glass, he took them inside. He’d call around to see where he might go parasailing. He hadn’t done that since he was a kid. It would be fun to try again. He’d be looking for a skimboard tomorrow.
He hadn’t missed the surprised then disapproving look on China’s face when he’d been asking the boy about learning to skimboard. It would be the first of many new things he planned to experience.
The corner of his mouth lifted. China had made his first day at work in Golden Shores memorable.
The next morning Payton rose early to take a run on the beach. The distance wasn’t what he could have done months ago but he was pleased with his effort. He felt invigorated and ready to face the day. His mom had admonished him not to overdo it but Payton was determined to get back to peak health as soon as possible and put having cancer behind him.
As he came down the hall of the clinic an hour and half later he heard the women talking but there was also a deep voice mixed among them. Payton placed his coffee and sack lunch in the office and walked to the front.
Jean and Doris were sitting behind the desk. Standing beside China in front of them was a tall, lanky man dressed in blue scrubs.
“Good morning, Dr. Jenkins,” Jean said.
“Please, make it Payton.” He looked at everyone.
“Payton it is,” Jean said with a smile. “This is Luke.” She indicated the guy beside China. “He’s one of the nurses that rotates in when either China or Robin have a day off.”
Luke extended his hand and Payton took it. “Nice to meet you.”
“You too,” Luke said. “We’re glad to have you around here.”
The front door opened and a patient entered, ending their conversation. Over the next few hours Payton saw a steady stream of people, the highlights of which were a stomachache, severe sunburn and a twisted ankle. He loved it. This was nothing like the high-pressure, impersonal work he was used to. This was the kind of medicalcare work he wanted to do. At least when a patient returned to see him he would recognize a face, maybe remember a name. Everything his parents couldn’t understand. He no longer wanted to be one of the doctors in Chicago.
It was late afternoon when China handed him a chart. “The patient is complaining of vomiting, running a low-grade fever and weight gain.”
Payton’s chest constricted. It sounded so much like his symptoms. The ones he’d put off addressing, along with the swelling in his neck, until it had been almost too late. Deep in his gut he’d known it was cancer, but fear hadn’t let him admit it. That was behind him now. He had a new lease on life, and he planned to make the most of it.
“Dr. Jenkins? Are you okay?” Concern underscored her words.
China’s hand resting on his arm brought him back to reality. “I thought we agreed it was Payton.”
She looked at him far too closely. Could she read his apprehension?
He moved his arm and her fingers fell away. He’d had his fill of concern months ago. “I’m fine,” he said, far too sharply. “What room is the patient in?”
China stepped back and her eyes flickered with a look of what struck him strangely as fear before she said in a businesslike tone, “Exam three.”
Why would she be scared of him? He’d spoken more harshly than he should have but not enough to bring that type of look to her eyes.
Thankfully the patient had nothing more serious than an infection. Was he always going to overreact when someone came in with the same symptoms he’d had? For a second there he’d slipped and the all-too-perceptive nurse China had noticed. That couldn’t happen again.
TWO DAYS LATER, China came in on the one to seven shift. Evening shifts were her favorite. Busy, with often interesting patients but it allowed her to get some gardening done in the morning. Her plants were where she put all her energy outside of nursing. It had been her way of escaping the unhappiness in her house when she’d been growing up and it had become her way of coping. She was a member of a couple of garden clubs in town and made the most of what she learned.
“Hi, there,” she said to Robin and Doris as she approached the front desk.
“Hey,” they chorused absently.
“So what’s been going on today?” China asked, as she put her purse away.
Jean leaned toward her. “Nothing special. Robin’s been mooning over Payton. She thinks all doctors are good looking, especially if they drive a nice car.”
China sputtered in an effort to contain her humor. Evaluating a man’s looks wasn’t China’s usual thing and particularly if it was based on a car, but she had to admit Payton was attractive beyond the average male. Something about him intrigued her. She’d dated but had never let a guy get really close. When a guy started making demands she backed off. She’d had enough of that in her life. Could a man ever understand her need to be a partner, feel secure? It certainly wouldn’t be someone like the sports-cardriving, silver-tongued, charismatic Dr. Jenkins. Her mother had warned her about becoming involved with men like her father. More than once her mother had said she wished for her daughters an easier life than the one they would have with a man like their father.
Robin’s shoulders squared and she gave Jean her indignant look. “That might be so, but it doesn’t change the obvious. He’s got the hottest car in town.”
The sound of a throat clearing came from behind them. “I’m not sure that’s a compliment as it sounds like I have a four-wheel personality,” Payton said from the doorway of his office, before he stepped into it.
Robin and Doris giggled.
“We really do need to quit talking about him. He seems to always catch us,” Doris hissed.
China had learned her lesson way before now.
Payton strolled up to the desk. “Robin, how would you like to go for a ride some time since you seem to like my car better than me? I’ll even let you drive.”
The young woman’s face lit up. “Really? You mean that?”
“If anyone else wants to come along …” he looked at Doris and then China “… you’re welcome too.”
Robin said with a huge grin, “You have a date. I’m off now but will be back at seven when you close up here.”
China and Doris laughed as Robin almost skipped down the hallway with pleasure.
“I wish I could make all the women I know happy that easily,” Payton said, as he picked up a chart.
Was he talking about a girlfriend? It didn’t matter. It wasn’t her business.
At present there was only one patient at the clinic, a preteen with a possible broken arm. As China walked down the hall to check on the boy, the low rumble of male voices caught her attention. Larry Kiser, the doctor Payton was relieving for the day, was in the office with him. Why was she able to distinguish Payton’s voice so clearly from Larry’s, which she knew much better?
She entered the exam room and spoke to the mom, reassuring her. As she exited Payton stepped out of the office.
“I understand that the patient needs to go to the E.R. for a cast,” he said.
“Yes. I’ll take care of the paperwork right away and let the E.R. know they’re on their way.”
“Thank you, China.”
“You’re welcome, sir.”
“You don’t have to speak to me like I’m a drill sergeant. Yes, is fine.”
“I was taught to say ‘Yes, sir’ and ‘No, sir.’ My parents told me it was a sign of respect.”
He nodded. “I appreciate that. But it makes me sound old and rigid.”
“I’m sorry. It’s sort of ingrained in me. I’ll make an effort not to, but I can’t promise it won’t slip out.”
“Where I come from, ‘Yes’ suffices.”
Maybe the reason he rubbed her up the wrong way was because they were from such different parts of the country. “I’ll try,” she said, heading down the hall and mumbling, “sir.”
“I heard that.”
She grinned. There was something about Payton that brought out the devil in her, as her father would have said. She so rarely let that happen but it felt good when she did.
Robin and Doris left for the day, with Robin once again promising she’d be back at closing time. Payton pulled his keys out of his pocket and jingled them. “They’re here, waiting for you.”
The patient flow increased then eased around dinnertime, which gave China a chance to catch up on some charting and clean out a supply cabinet that sorely needed it. At five Jean had to run out for a few minutes on an errand. As China worked she could hear the soft rumble of Payton’s voice as he dictated in the office.
She was standing on a small metal stool on tiptoe, stretching to reach a box of alcohol wipes that had been pushed to the back of the shelf, when Payton said, “China, do you—?”
China jerked back, her foot slipping off the stool, and she fell backwards. Strong arms caught her around the waist and set her safely on her feet.
Shaking, she quickly moved out of his hold. “You scared me.”
“I didn’t mean to. You aren’t hurt, are you?”
“No, I’m fine,” she muttered.
He sounded indifferent and she was still recovering from his touch. “Is there something you need?”
“Wanted to know if there’s more printer paper somewhere.”
“Yes. Jean keeps it stored in her office. I’ll get it.”
“Just tell me where it is and I can find it.”
“I don’t mind.” China headed into Jean’s office.
“Do you always have to be the one who helps?” His voice had a tone of exasperation. “I’ve noticed you’re the first to say you’ll do it.”
She turned and placed her hands on her hips. He really was far too critical. “You gained all that knowledge from just knowing me a few days?”
“Yes. It’s okay to let people manage for themselves.”
“I do. But it is also nice to help when people need it. And while we’re at it, do you feel the need to tell everyone how to live or am I just special?”
He raised a brow, which gave him a perplexed look. “What’re you talking about?”
“I’m talking about you complaining about my eating habits, my speech and now my behavior. Is that something that people from the North feel compelled to do?”
“I’m a Midwesterner.”
“Whatever you are, we’re here in the Deep South and we consider it poor manners to criticize others, at least to their faces.” She’d lived on an unraveling rope most of her life where disapproval was concerned and she didn’t want to come to work every day thinking it would be there also. She turned and stalked into Jean’s office. With a clap of the cabinet door closing, she returned and thrust a ream of paper into his chest.
Payton gave her a bemused look that upped her anger a notch.
“Don’t worry, I won’t be doing another thing for you outside what’s required as a nurse.” Having no place to go, she hurried down the hall and out the back door into the humid evening air.
What was wrong with her? The man made her mad enough to punch something. Of all the nerve!
Payton wasn’t sure what had just happened but he’d give China this—she had passion. He’d seen her aggravated at him at the donut shop, had recognized her being impressed with his skills with a patient, had seen her apologetic over her grocery cart contents but he’d never have guessed at the depth of passion that was bottled inside her.
He had just been teasing her when the conversation had started but she’d taken it and run. He’d hit a nerve somewhere and she’d exploded. That would be an understatement. He didn’t think TNT came in smaller or more combustible packages. Did that translate into any other areas of her life? The bedroom perhaps?
Payton huffed. He’d gone far too long without a woman to be thinking like that. Janice had left him and then he’d been so sick. China didn’t even like him. She’d more than made that clear.
He’d returned to his office when the door from the outside opened and closed. Seconds later the water ran in the small kitchen sink. After a while China passed his door, carrying a water can, and was headed for the front of the building. He’d noticed her the other day caring for the large, lush ferns on the front porch and the tropical plant in the waiting room. She even took care of the plants.
Being cared for was something he wanted nothing of. He was determined not to make dependency a crutch in his life, become a burden. That was part of the reason he’d moved to Golden Shores.
He and China finished the rest of the evening in the professional politeness of “Yes, sir” and “No, sir” on China’s part. Instead of the “sir” being an address of respect, it grated on Payton’s nerves. It didn’t have the ring of sincerity to it that it had once had.
He ushered his last patient out and found China talking and laughing with Jean and Robin.
“I’m ready when you are, Payton,” Robin cooed.
Payton almost groaned. He may have done the wrong thing by asking Robin out on a ride. He’d have to make it clear this was a friendly trip. China excused herself, saying she had to clean the exam room before she left.
Fifteen minutes later China was coming out of the back door as he and Robin drove away. She called China’s name and waved from his open convertible. He didn’t miss China’s weak smile and half-lifted hand in response.
For the next week they circled each other in polite indifference. It did help that they each had a different day off. On the day they both returned and were assigned the morning schedule together, China gave him a civil smile and went about her job with her usual competence.
Just about closing time Luke popped his head into Payton’s office. “Hey, Payton, we’re all going out to celebrate Jean’s birthday tonight. She wants to do karaoke at Ricky’s. Want to join us?”
If he had been in Chicago he wouldn’t have been caught dead in a karaoke bar. His mom and father, his sister even, would’ve been worried that his picture might show up in the society column of the paper. Somehow at this point in his life karaoke sounded like the perfect form of entertainment. Plus he needed something more to do with his time. The people he worked with seemed like a good place to start cultivating friendships.
“Thanks. That sounds … interesting.”
“Seven o’clock at Ricky’s. You know where it is?”
“It that the place on Highway 13?”
“Yeah, that’s it. See you there.”
Payton and China had finished with their last patient and he was headed out the back door when he saw China stocking an exam room. “Aren’t you coming to Ricky’s?”
“What?” she said absently, as she continued to put bandages in a drawer.
“Aren’t you going to Jean’s party?”
What had happened to the “sir”? He’d been demoted. “You’re going to miss Jean’s birthday party?”
“I have a garden-club meeting.”
“I don’t believe you. Isn’t there an age limit for those clubs? You look to be well under sixty-five.”
“I’ll have you know I’m a member of more than one garden club.”
At least she was speaking to him. He hated to admit it but he’d missed their discussions. “You do surprise me. I guess Jean will get over you not being there.”
A couple of hours later Payton pulled into the gravel parking lot of Ricky’s. It was already filling up with vehicles. The red-brick building didn’t look like much but he had the correct place. A large neon sign stood on the roof, flashing the name.
He pushed a button and raised the automatic roof on the car, got out and locked it. Maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to buy such a conspicuous automobile. The car stood out among the pickup trucks and midsize sedans. A sports car fit his new found need to live on the edge, though.
Payton pushed through the glass door of the entrance and stepped into the dimly lit and noisy room. Not immediately seeing Luke or any of the women, he made his way to the bar. After ordering his first beer in months, he turned his back to the bar and watched the crowd. Just as he was getting ready to search further the door opened and China walked in with Luke at her side.
So she’d decided to come after all. His middle clenched. Were Luke and China dating? Why that would concern him he couldn’t imagine. China had more than made it plain on at least one occasion that she wasn’t awed by him on any level and barely tolerated him at work. Why he was giving it a thought he couldn’t fathom. He had no interest in her and certainly no interest in being rejected again. Even if he let himself become seriously involved with a woman … He didn’t think he’d ever let that happen. Those that stuck with you through thick and thin didn’t come along often.
Despite his conflicting thoughts, China held his attention. This was the first time he’d seen her in anything but scrubs. She wore a simple blue sundress that made her look more like a waif than a siren. But somehow it fit her. Her shoulders were bare and her hair brushed the tops of them. Luke said something close to her ear. The smile she gave him was a little lackluster. Luke directed her toward the bar.
Payton stepped over to meet them. China’s eyes darted from him to the crowded tables to the bar and back. Hadn’t she been here before? Luke acknowledged him with a smile and a nod. China gave him a thin-lipped smile and looked away.
A waving arm drew their attention to a table near the front of the stage. Payton made out Jean’s red hair. Next to her sat Doris and Robin. Luke led the way, making a passage for China. Payton followed behind. He couldn’t help but notice the gentle sway of the fabric over her high rounded behind. She had nice curves that the scrubs had kept hidden.