Полная версия:
Married For The Boss's Baby
Lifting Lily off the bed with her little limbs flailing, Sara went to the rocker next to a window that looked down over the garden. A large oak limb hung just outside. Every child should have such an idyllic place to live. Sara watched Lily as she placed the nipple of the warmed bottle to hungry lips.
For a brief time Sara would dedicate herself to meeting Lily’s physical needs. The emotional ones would be seen to by her father. Sara wouldn’t let herself get too close. She was well aware of how hard it was to pull away.
With Lily settled in her crib, Sara chose the bedroom nearest the nursery as hers for the night. It had been an exhausting day and she was soon asleep.
* * *
Grant returned to the house around midnight. The surgery had gone well and all he wanted was a soft bed and some sleep. He had spent the travel time out to Highland Park thinking about what he’d have to do to get permanent custody of Lily. Could he marry just to keep her? Some part of him hated the possibility of losing her while the other worried about making such a drastic decision. Was he the best choice to raise her? Would his father be pleased he was taking such an interest in Lily?
The one thing he did know was that he would do a better job than his father had done with him. Lily wouldn’t always feel as if she didn’t measure up or was unloved if she messed up. She would know she was supported, no matter what.
He’d been on a major adrenaline rush since his father had died. What if he was just making decisions based on sentiment instead of rational thought? Was he thinking he could make his dead father happy by taking care of Lily or was he doing it to get back at Evelyn for treating him the way she had?
It didn’t matter what his motive was, he wanted to keep Lily and if that meant taking a wife then he would do it. None of the women he’d dated recently or in the past would fit that position. Even if he could get one of them to agree. They would be more interested in their looks and spending his money than they would be in Lily.
Maybe Evelyn’s aunt and uncle were the answer. Lily could have a home, people who really wanted her. But he did too. Was he prepared to devote the next eighteen to twenty-two years of his life to someone other than himself? He thumped the steering wheel with the palm of his hand. Lily should be with him and he intended to fight to keep her, even if it meant he had to marry.
Grant pulled into one of the three bays of the carport in the back of the house. He unlocked and opened the door to the kitchen. Quiet greeted him. There was a light on under the counter. When was the last time someone had left one on in anticipation of his return?
He grabbed a glass from the cabinet and headed to the refrigerator. Taking out the milk, he was in the process of pouring it when the pixie-sized nanny burst into the kitchen, holding an umbrella as if she was prepared for a fight.
Grant jerked upright. Milk spilled across the granite countertop and streamed onto the floor. Grimacing at the mess, he snarled, “Hell, woman, you almost scared me to death.”
“How do you think I feel? Waking up in this hulking house to hear a door shut?”
“I told you I’d be home tonight.”
“After the way you left, I was supposed to believe you?”
Grant hung his head. He deserved that. His leaving had been rather abrupt. “I owe you an apology.” He looked at her. “I’m sorry.”
With large brown eyes, her shoulder-length hair in disarray around her face, she captured his attention. She wore the same T-shirt she’d had on earlier and jeans. Most women he knew wouldn’t have been caught dead without every hair in place. Not this one.
He cleared his throat. “Why don’t you have a seat and we’ll talk while I clean this mess up.”
“It’s late. Aren’t you tired?”
“Beat. But I don’t know if I can be counted on to be here in the morning.” He tried for one of his most charming smiles. “And I don’t want to take the chance that you might use that umbrella on me.”
She looked at the instrument, as if she’d forgotten she held it, then at him. “Okay, but just for a few minutes. Lily will be awake again soon.”
His father and Evelyn had named Lily after his paternal grandmother. Grant had once confided in Evelyn that he wanted to give the name to a daughter one day. He’d trusted her with that knowledge and she’d violated it. It was just another example of how she and his father had cared nothing about his feelings. He’d sworn he’d never trust that freely again. With every woman since Evelyn he’d been cautious about what he revealed about himself. If he didn’t let a woman get to know him too well then he didn’t have to worry about being hurt by her. Show no weakness.
That had been the problem with his father. He’d used it against him. Grant had wanted to impress him, wanted to do the right thing in his eyes, but nothing had seemed to please him. Grant had worked at it as a kid and even as an adult, hating himself for caring what his father thought but still trying to please. Maybe raising Lily was just one more way of proving he was good enough. Irony. The way to say I told you so. He was disgusted with himself. Even with his father gone, he was still trying to demonstrate himself worthy of being his son.
The nanny—he wished he could remember her name—had hung the umbrella on the back of a chair at the table and sat down. She had an expectant expression on her face.
Grant grabbed a dishrag and started mopping up the milk. What had she told him her name was over the phone? When Kim had called that afternoon he’d been looking for paper and pencil to write it down but Lily had started crying.
Tossing the rag in the sink, he dropped into the chair at the end of the table. “I’m sorry, I can’t for the life of me come up with your name.”
She raised a finely groomed eyebrow. “Let me get this right. You’re not even sure that I’m the person you were expecting? What if I had kidnapped Lily? You couldn’t even tell the police my name.” She leaned toward him, her voice rising with indignation. “I sure hope you show more concern for your patients.”
Okay, he deserved some of what she said but he was a fine doctor and refused to take that comment about his professionalism. “I’ll have you know that my patients take precedence with me.”
“Yeah, I don’t doubt that. I saw an example this afternoon.”
He’d walked into that one.
“Let me help you. I’m Sara Marcum. I’m here until you can hire a full-time nanny for Lily. For now she is fed, clean and sleeping upstairs.” She stood. “It’s late. I’m tired. We can continue this discussion in the morning. Good night.”
Sara straightened, making the thin shirt material cup her breasts. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Her nipples pushed against the fabric. Grant couldn’t help but stare.
She made a small sound of distaste and picked up the umbrella. For a second he was afraid that she might really use it on him but she headed out of the kitchen. The view of her backside was almost as inviting as her front. She had a high, firm butt that made her jeans more than just clothing.
Grant shook his head. He had patients to see about and Lily to situate, his father’s estate to settle, and now a smart-mouthed, take-charge nanny who was too cute for his own good.
Nope, that wasn’t a road he would be going down.
SARA WOKE FROM a deep sleep. It took her eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness and for her to register the low shriek of a baby. Slinging the covers back, she jumped out of bed.
How long had Lily been crying?
Sara wasn’t tuned into the child as her real mother would be. Would she have had that maternal bond with Emily? The question made her flinch. It couldn’t have existed in her own mother because it had been so easy for her to leave. She shook away the darks thoughts. Right now Lily needed her.
With no clothes but those she’d arrived in, she was sleeping in her T-shirt. Padding barefoot down the hall and into the nursery, she used the nightlight to see to scoop up Lily. Sara pulled the child against her chest in an effort to quiet her. Despite Sara’s annoyance over Dr. Smythe’s attitude, she did have compassion toward him regarding his rest. At two months, Lily wasn’t quite old enough to sleep through the night yet. She probably had a wet diaper and would soon settle down after her nighttime bottle.
Laying the child back in the crib, Sara gathered what she needed to change Lily. All the while the baby’s cries grew. She talked softly, trying to soothe her. Wasn’t that what a mother would do? Sara didn’t need to think that way. She was halfway back to the crib when a large male form filled the doorway. She groaned.
“Can’t you make her hush?” a deep sleepy voice grumbled. Grant stood there like a thundering god with his chest bare and boxers covering his slim hips.
“She has a wet diaper. I’m changing her.”
“Good. I have to be at the hospital early.” He turned to leave.
Sara couldn’t stop the words. “I don’t control when Lily wets herself.”
He blinked then pushed a wavy lock of brown hair off his face and took a step closer. “Hey, I’m sorry. I’m not being fair. Just do what you have to do. I don’t have the time or the inclination to look for anyone else to help me right now. Please try to ignore my sour attitude.”
That was more like it. “I’ll do what I can but we need to establish some ground rules.”
Sara wasn’t intimidated by type-A doctors. She wouldn’t be walked over by a self-important domineering doctor, or anyone else for that matter.
“I’ll check in at the hospital and then we’ll have that discussion. Will that be satisfactory?”
“That’ll be fine. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll take care of Lily.” She had started toward the baby’s bed again. “Oh, by the way...”
He stopped in mid-turn.
“I would appreciate it if you would put some clothes on around me.”
He glanced down. “I did.”
An O formed on her lips as he walked away.
* * *
Grant was dressed in his casual work clothes when he entered the kitchen to the sound of humming. Sara had Lily sitting in her baby seat on the table while she fed her. Lily seemed as enthralled with the nanny as she was with her.
Sara had made a smart comment about his dress last night. What had she expected from a man awoken out of a deep sleep? A tux? She’d had on that T-shirt that showed her full breasts to their best advantage and he hadn’t complained. She believed she had the moral high ground and he let her stay there while he enjoyed the view. The woman had something special about her that he couldn’t put a name to.
Sara turned, a surprised look on her face. “I hope we didn’t wake you this morning.”
“I heard nothing. It’s time for me to head to the hospital.”
She went back to feeding Lily. “You keep long hours.”
“That’s what happens when you’re building a transplant program.” He went to the coffeepot and poured himself a cup then leaned a hip against the counter.
“It must be tough to do while taking care of your daughter’s needs at the same time.”
His chest constricted for a second. He’d not told a soul about his father’s betrayal. What should he say? The truth in as few words as possible. It still wouldn’t make it hurt less. “Lily isn’t my daughter. She’s my half-sister.”
Sara gaped. “Your sister? How?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “You know, in the usual way. My father impregnated his very young second wife and, ta-da, I have a baby sister.”
Her eyes widened. “I had no idea. Kim said nothing.”
Grant set his coffee down with exaggerated care. Their gazes met and he said softly, “My father and stepmother both died in a car accident last week.”
Her look of shock deepened to one of disbelief. He didn’t doubt her sincerity when she said, “I’m sorry to hear that. I just assumed your wife left...I’m sorry.”
“I guess, based on my actions so far, you wouldn’t be surprised if my wife had left me. But I don’t have a wife. Never have.” Had never planned to. But that was going to have to change.
Going back to feeding Lily, she said quietly, “I’m sure Lily’s parents would be relieved to know you are taking care of her.”
He looked away. Maybe they would be, maybe they wouldn’t. Either way, Lily was his responsibility now. “I’d like to think so. I just want to make sure I do the right thing by her.”
“I’m sure you will.”
He didn’t miss the catch in her voice. “You can tell that I need help. I can’t see about Lily and be gone all the time.” He gestured helplessly. “You’ve already seen what it’s like for me.” Why did he feel the need to prove himself to this virtual stranger?
“I understand.” Somehow the sympathy in her voice made him feel better. Sara gave her complete attention to the wiggling child in front of her. “Not everyone is cut out to be a parent. All you can do is your best.”
What did she know about that? He liked the idea that in the end he might please his father by keeping Lily. To feel like for once his father was proud of him. His throat constricted. Surely he wasn’t looking for a dead man’s admiration. He would need to give that ugly idea additional thought.
“I have to change her.” Sara picked Lily up and headed out of the room.
If he didn’t get going he would be late to work. He wasn’t used to extra people in his world first thing in his morning. Not even women he dated were allowed to stay overnight at his apartment. Since his father’s death his life had been swirling out of control. He was responsible for a baby. Not just any baby but his sister. Now he had a perfect stranger sharing the same house as well.
* * *
Sara placed Lily in her baby swing, pleased the child was so easy to care for. If not for her fears of getting too close and the unpredictable Dr. Smythe, she might come to like this job. And that was what she was afraid of.
Then there were the moments...like last night when Grant had stood in the doorway half-naked in front of her as if that was all right, or when he’d left the house without a fare-thee-well this morning while she’d been upstairs with Lily that skirted close to arrogance. After all, they were strangers. His behavior made her question the wisdom of staying. Where did the man get off treating people the way he did? What had happened to common courtesy?
Once he returned she’d find out how long she was expected to stay and when she would be paid. She had to start looking for a place to live right away. Meanwhile, when she finished her job here she could decide if she wanted to return to hospice work or look for a different nursing position. Either way, she had her father to think about. Somehow she had to find him a nice safe home.
After lunch, Sara put Lily down for her nap. The child was a beauty. She looked like an angel sleeping. Sara walked away from the crib. Grant would have to find another nanny soon.
She went to the den she’d discovered at the back of the house. With its dark paneling, bookshelves, hardwood floors and overstuffed chairs and couch, it was a perfect place to curl up for some downtime. She settled into the corner of the couch, the baby monitor nearby and the TV on. It wasn’t long before her eyes slipped closed.
Heavy footsteps coming down the hall woke her, announcing that the doctor was home. She had just put her feet on the floor when he appeared in the doorway. From the entry, his look circled the room and came to rest on the desk. His expression was one she couldn’t quite put a name to but it came close to pain. He seemed to have forgotten that she was there. Where had his mind gone? After a few moments his attention focused on her.
“Let’s talk in the front room.” He didn’t give her time to answer before he turned and stalked back down the hallway.
What was wrong with him?
Dr. Smythe was pacing before the formal white brick fireplace when she entered the living room. As she sat on the edge of a chair, he turned and placed an arm on the mantel, looking down at her. Was he trying to intimidate her? It was too late for that.
He cleared his throat. “Again I want to apologize for the abrupt way I left yesterday but it couldn’t be helped.” There was a pause. He must have seen her skeptical lifted brows. “I had a patient waiting in the OR. I appreciate you coming to care for Lily on such short notice.”
“Dr. Smythe, Kim said you only needed me until something permanent could be arranged. How long do you think that will be?”
“Call me Grant. After all, we’ll be living in this house together...” he looked around with what she could only describe as disgust “...for a while. And I’m not sure how long I’ll need you.”
Living here longer than a few days? With him? Holding, feeding and caring for Lily? A breath caught in her throat. Panic filled her chest. She couldn’t get stuck doing this job. The greater the time she spent around Lily the more difficult it would be for her to let go. Sara was well aware of how she would react. It was her nature to get too close to people. And painfully aware of how difficult it was to give up a child.
He must have seen her reaction. “Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot but the other nanny left me high and dry and I needed someone right away.” He moved to sit in the chair closest to her. Placing his elbows on his knees, he leaned toward her. His intense dark gaze held hers. “I’m grateful that you were able to step in. I can already tell you are great with Lily. I would really appreciate it if you could be flexible.”
With his pleading eyes and his calm clear voice, Grant was making it hard for her not to agree. He was a man desperate for help and admitting it. Something she suspected he rarely acknowledged. Could she keep her emotional distance from Lily for however long he needed her? On top of that she would be living with a stranger, and an attractive one at that. When had her life become a soap opera storyline?
Sitting back, he watched her. “I understand you’re a hospice nurse.”
“I am.”
His hands rested on the arm of the chair. “Tough job. Takes a special person to do that kind of work.”
“It’s rewarding.”
Now he was playing the charm card. He was desperate. In any other situation she doubted he’d be interested in her. She wasn’t his type. He was more of the glossy, statuesque and glamorous woman kind of guy while she was the homey, girl-next-door person. Outside of Lily and medicine, she was pretty sure they had little in common.
“I imagine it can be emotionally draining.”
“It can be.” She didn’t want to talk about it. With a sigh, she said, “I’ll agree to two weeks. No more.”
“Excellent.” He smiled then stood, returned to the fireplace and looked up at the portrait of a beautiful young woman. Sara assumed it was Lily’s mother.
“What’re my duties?”
“I just expect you to take care of Lily.”
Sara relaxed on the couch. “Having no idea I would be a live-in nanny, I brought no personal things with me.”
“Feel free to buy what you like. I’m glad to pay.” His tone implied that his thoughts were somewhere else.
He must be kidding. Who gave a woman carte blanche for clothes? “I’ll ask my father to pack me a few things. Could you send a delivery service to bring them here?”
“Give me your address and I’ll take care of it.”
“Thank you. I’ll also need to have Saturdays off.”
He glanced at her, his face holding a stricken look. “I’ll work something out.”
“Am I to be responsible for seeing to the house and food as well?”
Grant appeared perplexed as if the thought had never occurred to him. “Uh, there’s a housekeeper who comes in once a week. Please handle the groceries and supplies for yourself and the baby. You’re welcome to have it all delivered. I’ll put some money at your disposal.”
“Thank you. I’ll be sure to keep a record of how it’s spent.”
“I’ll be in and out, mostly out, and I’ll leave all that to you. If you need anything and can’t reach me, just contact my assistant.” He fished a card out of his slacks and handed it to her. “By the way, there’s a car at your disposal in the garage behind the house. It already has a car seat in it. The key is hanging beside the kitchen door. You can pull your car around and use the bay next to the black sedan. I have to get back to the hospital.” With that statement he disappeared out the door.
Sara needed to call her father and let him know the arrangements. That she would not be home for a couple of weeks. When she had spoken to him last night he had sounded concerned about her staying at a stranger’s house but understood her need to remain there with Lily. Now, on the phone, her father sounded sad.
“Sara, you shouldn’t have to be doing something you really don’t want to. It’s my fault we’re in this position. You should be living your life, having your own family, instead of caring for someone else’s child and worrying over my stupid decisions.”
She winced at the words your own family. That might never be possible. “We’ve talked about this before and I don’t want to hear any more about it. We’re in this together. Anyway, everything is going to be all right. I’ll find us somewhere to live. Enough about that. Daddy, would you please pack a few things for me in a bag for the next few days?”
“Sure, little girl.”
Sara gave him a list. “A delivery service will come by to pick the suitcase up.”
“I’ll have it ready.”
* * *
Grant arrived back at his father’s house well after dark. The front porch light was on. He pulled his vehicle into the bay beside Sara’s.
A light was on over the back door and one shone in the kitchen. Sara was a considerate woman. He entered through the kitchen door. His intention was to go straight to bed but a piece of paper on the counter caught his eye. In clear penmanship was written, “Please let me know when you come and go. I like to know when someone is in the house.”
He’d been accountable to himself for so long that he’d never even thought to say anything when he came or went. Crumbling the note into a ball, he tossed it in the trash before starting toward the stairs. In his room he emptied his pockets and kicked off his shoes. Walking through the bathroom adjoining his and Sara’s bedrooms, he found Sara’s door closed. It would be his guess that she’d had no idea that they shared a bathroom when she’d picked this room. He tapped lightly on her door. No response. Rapping again, he listened and then opened it. Light shone across the floor. Sara looked small in the large bed with only a sheet covering her.
“Sara,” he called in a low voice. He didn’t want to startle her but she had asked for notification when he arrived.
“Um...” She twisted toward him, giving him a glimpse of firm behind covered in hot pink panties.
When Kim had told him she knew someone who could help him, he’d assumed it would be an older female. Not a pretty young woman. Being attracted to the nanny hadn’t been part of his plan. That didn’t make him much better than his father. No woman off limits. With a sick feeling he categorized them both as lechers. The one person he had no interest in being like was his father.
“Sara,” he called again.
She sat up part way.
“I’m home,” he almost growled.
Instead of a T-shirt she wore a nightie with spaghetti straps. The delivery man had apparently brought her clothes. As she turned, the material tightened, giving him a glimpse of the curve of a breast.
He couldn’t do this nightly. His libido would get the better of him. Neither did he need to chase her off. The rapport between them was tentative enough as it was. He desperately needed a nanny and he couldn’t have her backing out on their agreement.
“Oh. Okay. Thanks for letting me know.”
“Sure.” The hallway door was the closest and his fastest escape. From now on he’d come home well before bedtime or leave a note on the door.
* * *
Over the next three days Sara spent the time feeding, changing and cleaning Lily. While she did so she made sure she didn’t hold Lily any longer than necessary. The more she looked into the sweet face or played with Lily, the more Sara knew it would be increasingly difficult to leave her when the time came. She wasn’t going there again. The first time hadn’t ended well. Giving up Emily had been too hard.