Полная версия:
Hot Single Docs: Meeting His Match: NYC Angels: The Wallflower's Secret / NYC Angels: Flirting with Danger / NYC Angels: Tempting Nurse Scarlet
She made a resolution. Her goal was threefold: get through the party; return home; and prepare herself to be professional again on Monday. The other day Ryan had made it clear he wasn’t interested in discussing anything close to being deeply personal. She’d be glad to honor that.
There was no doubt in her mind that she wouldn’t have been his date if it hadn’t been necessary to keep in the good graces of the hospital. She just hated the tension that hung between them. It was a strain to always be on guard. At one time she’d thought they might be friends. Could have been if he’d not treated her as if she’d done something wrong by showing her feelings.
Ryan pulled the car skillfully to the curb in front of the brass doors of the Ritz. The attendant opened her door but Ryan was there to help her out. He offered his hand and she placed hers in it but let go as soon as she was on the sidewalk. She liked his touch too much. He opened the door of the hotel for her like the gentleman he’d been taught to be. The O’Doherty way didn’t extend to friendship apparently.
Only by hanging onto her anger did she manage not to step closer to him and breathe in his scent. He smelled of tropical islands and salt breezes. It would’ve been heavenly to be escorted by such a dazzling man if he’d wanted to be with her. But he didn’t.
She was relieved Ryan didn’t offer his arm but instead followed a half a pace behind her as they entered the hotel. Close enough for her to feel protected by his large body but not overpowered. The zing she’d experienced when she’d touched his hand as he helped her out of the car still lingered. She could only imagine the extent of her reaction if she’d held his arm.
They walked across the marble-tiled hotel lobby towards the ornate circular staircase. She glanced back at Ryan. His attention was on Dr. Rodriguez, who was pacing nearby while talking on his phone.
When Ryan met her look his lips were tightly compressed. He cupped her elbow and they continued forward. “I’d like us to get through this evening as civilly as possible,” he said as they climbed the stairs. His relaxed attitude had been replaced by one of a man on a mission. “This is important to my career and yours as well, I’d guess.”
She looked at him. It hadn’t been a good idea to look into his beautiful persuasive eyes. After swallowing hard, she said, “I don’t see a problem. I’ll play my part.”
His brows took a downward turn as if he wasn’t completely pleased with her response. “Then there shouldn’t be an issue.”
As couples passed them on the stairs, Ryan moved closer to her to accommodate them. “Smile. You look like I’m escorting you to the guillotine.” She gave him a wry smile.
“See, that isn’t so hard.” His breath whispered across her cheek.
A shiver shot through her. Being drawn in by his charisma wasn’t part of the plan. She had a part to play that couldn’t include falling for him.
Reaching the top of the stairs, they walked through the double doors into a room filled with people mingling. Attending this function with Ryan had not been her choice but she was still grateful to have him there. In a twisted bit of irony he was her anchor in a sea of unknown people. “I’d like to check my coat.”
“Sure. While you’re doing that I’ll get us some champagne.”
She didn’t usually drink, or at least hadn’t in a long time. While she’d been carrying Emily it had been off limits. At that time, everything in her life had revolved around the pregnancy. Now her life rotated around trying to get past it. Lucy handed her coat to the girl behind the counter and slipped the check ticket into her sequin-trimmed handbag. Fanning her scarf out, she adjusted it across her shoulders.
She’d had to shop on the fly after receiving the emails from Matherson, then Ryan. The second-hand consignment store a block away had saved the day. With pure relief, she’d found her dress. The instant she’d tried it on she’d known it was the one.
The salmon shade was the perfect color for her. It added life to her cheeks that hadn’t been there for ages. The front dipped a little too low but it showed off her breasts to their best advantage. Two straps crisscrossed her back and the silky fabric fit snugly around the bodice and hips to drop into a cloud of folds. The dress bolstered her confidence, which she desperately needed tonight. She pushed her hair over one shoulder and licked her lips. Having done all she could to brace herself, she went in search of Ryan.
She spotted him leaning on an elbow at a high cocktail table. A champagne flute sat in front of him and the other he held by his fingertips. He was like James Bond, dashing and just as dangerous. She’d have to remind herself constantly of how disenchanted she was with him or he’d sweep her off her feet before she knew what had happened.
Ryan watched a group of people standing across the room before his head turned and his focus rested on Lucy. He blinked then straightened to his full height. He stared. Lucy’s heart fluttered. He took a long draw on the liquid from the glass he still held before he set the flute down. With long strides he came to meet her.
He stopped in front of her and leaned in intimately close. “You may get angry, and I know this will step over into the personal area, but, damn, you’re beautiful.”
Heat flooded her neck and face. Grateful for the low lighting, she smiled. “Thank you. I think I’ll let you get away with it this time.”
He laughed. The deep, rough sound flowed over her.
It was dangerous to be out with him. They’d been together less than an hour and she was already having difficulty keeping up her guard. To have someone tell her she was beautiful and look at her as if she belonged to him, as Ryan was doing now, was all she’d ever wanted. To belong. Be accepted. To have a little niche in the world that was hers alone. Like her sister had.
Ryan’s pleasure remained on his face and her stomach did a loop the loop. That smile was for her.
“Come on, have some champagne. Then we’ll make the rounds and do our duty.” He led her back to the table where he’d stood and handed her a flute.
She glanced at the floor, forcing her emotions under control. How could he look at her like that while the words out of his mouth said he’d like to be as far from her as possible? She took the champagne. Maybe the liquid courage would help with the confusion she felt.
“Just try a sip or two. It’ll help calm your nerves.” Ryan raised his glass to his lips.
“How do you know my nerves need calming?”
“Your hands are trembling.”
Great. After days of making her feel like a wall ornament he passed without notice, now he was paying attention to her. She did need to settle her nerves.
She sipped the gold liquid and enjoyed the bubbles playing a melody in her mouth before she replaced the flute on the table. Clasping her hands to appear calm, she said, “The email invitation implied that we should sign a pledge card to help raise money for the clinic in Harlem.”
Ryan grinned. “Yeah. It didn’t take Jack long to get on board, with Nina doing the convincing.”
“I’d like to take care of that before I forget.”
“Good idea. I think that’s being done at a table over there.” He pointed to the other side of the room.
“You lead,” Ryan told her. Lucy turned and stared in the direction he’d suggested. Ryan placed a hand at her back and shock waves rippled through him. He’d touched bare skin. He jerked his hand away as if he’d been branded. One more surprise and he would be dragging her out of here to someplace private. She looked like sin and smelled like spring.
Lucy didn’t slow down as she worked her way through and around the people standing in groups, talking. He drew in a breath and followed her. He’d have sworn he’d been sucker-punched when she’d walked towards him. The simply but functionally dressed family counselor had transformed into a sultry siren of sensuality. Nothing about her indicated she’d once carried a baby.
He didn’t care if she thought it was being too personal to say she was beautiful. He couldn’t help himself. He’d not been the only one staring at Lucy. And he didn’t like it. Suddenly he wanted her all to himself. That wasn’t a realistic wish.
Lucy and he had just broken out into an open area and were headed towards the pledge table when his name was called.
“Ryan O’Doherty. I had hoped to see you here.”
He turned to find Alex Rodriguez standing behind him. “Alex,” he said, more tartly that he should have.
Lucy waited patiently beside him. He guessed she wasn’t missing a single nuance of his and Alex’s interaction.
“We need to have a quick talk. Be in my office tomorrow morning before your first case.” Alex’s veiled dictate didn’t go over Ryan’s head.
The only answer he could give was, “Sure, I’ll be there at six-thirty. I’d like to speak to you also.”
They stared at each other like two alpha wolves deciding how they were going to share the same space. Ryan knew Alex had already won. He was the head of the neuro department now.
“Good,” Alex said, and looked at Lucy.
“Have you met Ms. Edwards?” Ryan asked Alex.
“I have. Glad to have you working with us, Ms. Edwards.”
“Thank you.”
“Dr. Woods.” Ryan waved at the blonde woman walking past.
She stopped. “Hello, Ryan.” She smiled but when her gaze fell on Alex it dimmed.
Had Alex crossed swords with her also? “Layla,” Ryan continued, “I’m sorry I wasn’t here when the announcement was made that you’re going to be the new pediatric head. Congratulations.”
“Thanks, Ryan.”
He looked at Lucy. “Have you met Lucy Edwards, the new neuro family counselor, and Dr. Alex Rodriguez, our new neuro head?”
“Hello, Lucy.” Layla offered her hand to Lucy then turned to Alex, hesitating before she took the hand Alex extended. “Alex.”
She gave his name a hard edge and their handshake was almost over before it had begun. Did they have some history? Interesting. Maybe Ryan wasn’t the only one that Alex had rubbed up the wrong way.
“Hello, Layla,” Alex said, his tone almost as cutting as hers.
“You two already met?” Ryan asked, looking from one to the other.
“Yes,” Alex answered, but his attention remained on Layla. “How’re you?
“Fine. And you?”
If there was an iceberg between Lucy and himself, it was nothing compared to the frigid fog gusting off the two people in front of him.
“Is your husband here with you?” Alex asked, glancing around the room.
Even in the dim light Ryan could see Layla blanch. “No, we’re divorced.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Alex said, but his response lacked a ring of sincerity. “If you’ll excuse me, I see someone I need to speak to.” He nodded curtly to the group and was gone.
“Lucy and I are on our way to sign pledge cards. Would you like to join us?” Ryan asked Layla.
“Thank you, but I’ve already stopped by. I need to speak to Jack a second so I’ll see you around,” Layla answered, not looking at him. Instead, her gaze rested on Alex’s back as he moved across the room.
“Then we’ll see you later.” Ryan put his hand at Lucy’s waist. A thrill went through him when she didn’t move away.
“Nice to meet you, Dr. Woods.” Lucy said. When Layla was out of earshot, Lucy whispered, “What was that all about?”
“I don’t know but I’d say there’s some history between them. And not the good kind.”
“I’d say she isn’t the only one that feels that way.” She looked meaningfully at him. “I know you wanted the department head job.”
“I did. Do.” Once again she had him telling her things he should keep to himself.
“I would’ve thought you would’ve been the logical choice.”
“Me too.” He’d put in his time, paid his dues and had been confident he’d be the committee’s pick.
“Do you have any idea why they didn’t?”
“Yeah. Bad day for an interview.”
She looked at him keenly. “How’s that?”
“Who’s getting personal now?”
She sneered at him. “This has to do with the hospital. It’s not personal.”
“Seems personal to me.” He’d have to tell her or she wouldn’t give up. “My father passed away the week before the interview. I left straight after the interview to attend his funeral. My mind hadn’t been on impressing the committee.”
His father’s illness and death had not only destroyed Ryan emotionally but it had also damaged his career. The timing of his bid for a leadership position couldn’t have been scheduled on a worse date. He’d make sure when the next opportunity arose that he’d done everything he could to sway the decision in his direction. He was determined to make his father proud. That was why he’d agreed to be a part of the co-ordinated patient care program. Why he had brought the woman next to him to this party.
Lucy put her hand on his arm. “Ryan, I’m sorry. That seems so unfair.” She looked at him with deep compassion.
Were her feelings always on display? “And that’s life.”
“That’s a little more cynical sounding than I believe you are.”
This conversation had already touched areas he wasn’t interested in exploring. He gave her a twisted smile. “Come on, let’s see about those cards and then get something to eat. Maybe have a dance,” Ryan suggested.
* * *
Lucy wasn’t too sure about the dance part. That would require Ryan to touch her and if he did so she was afraid she might make a fool of herself. “I’ll go for the food. I’m not dancing with you. This is no date.”
She glanced at him. Had Ryan said, “You want to bet?”
Minutes later they were making their way towards the hors d’oeuvres tables despite being stopped a number of times by greetings from people Ryan knew. He was flawless in his manners and introduced her every time. The charming O’Doherty way.
Ryan seemed to be popular with women and men alike. He was always ready with a witty remark and a quick smile. Why couldn’t she and Ryan have that kind of relationship? Oh, no. She was letting him do it to her again. He’d made it perfectly clear how he felt and she’d do well to remember that.
“Why don’t we sit down for a while and enjoy this without juggling the plates?” Ryan suggested, heading toward an empty table.
They lapsed into silence as they ate. Lucy’s animosity had dwindled but she still wasn’t at ease with him, afraid she’d share too much or, worse, sound needy. Her heart went out to him about his father. He’d obviously cared intensely for the man. And to have lost the department head job must’ve hit Ryan hard as well. For as little as she had shared with him on a personal level tonight, she’d managed to learn a great deal about Ryan.
While taking small bites, she looked around the room at the upper-level staff of a world-renowned children’s hospital. In spite of dealing with life and death on a daily basis, they were still humans with problems of their own. She glanced at Ryan. He too had issues, even though he worked to hide them behind that facade of humor and charm. She couldn’t point a finger. She also hid her pain.
Her gaze settled on a group that included Dr. Woods. She kept glancing toward the entrance, where Dr. Rodriguez had his arm around a pretty woman’s waist and was leading her out the door. Dr. Woods shrugged a shoulder and turned to speak to the man beside her. Something about the way she’d been watching Dr. Rodriguez intently was in direct contrast to the nonchalant way she was acting. Lucy’s belief was that Dr. Woods’ look implied she wasn’t pleased to see Dr. Rodriguez leave with a woman.
Their issues weren’t Lucy’s concern. She had enough of her own, starting with the man sitting beside her. “How much longer do you think we need to stay?” she asked.
“Why?” Ryan popped another canapé into his mouth. “You in a hurry to get away from me?”
“I thought it was the other way around.”
“Why would you think that?” His face took on a perplexed look. “I thought we were having a pretty good time.”
“Well, you made it more than clear that you weren’t interested in spending any more personal time with me than necessary.” She nudged her half-empty plate to the center of the table and stood. “If you’re not ready to go, I don’t mind taking a taxi.”
He stood. “We can go. We’ve done our duty. I’d just hoped to get one dance with you.”
“This isn’t a date. It’s work,” she said over her shoulder as she made her way to the coat-check counter. “Dancing comes under the heading of personal.”
She claimed her coat. Ryan took it from her and held it while she slipped it on. He stood so close that his body warmed her back. She stepped forward on the pretense of putting her scarf on in order just to catch her breath.
* * *
As Ryan and Lucy descended the stairs she said, “By the way, I understand about the department job but that doesn’t explain way you don’t like Dr. Rodriguez. There’s something more going on there.”
“More?” He did not want to talk about this.
“Yeah. I thought you were supposed to be Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky and you were...what would be the word?...strident, harsh, displeased...” She stopped on the step and looked up at him as if trying to pull the right expression out of the air. “You don’t care for the man. Why?”
“It’s personal.”
“Right. You’re going to play that card.”
“Why not? You’ve been throwing the word around all night.”
They’d reached the bottom of the stairs when Lucy said, “Closing off when you might have to share more than a joke. Typical.”
“Look, I’m sorry if you think I have no concern for your vulnerabilities, but I’ve done nothing wrong. I’m not your confessor. You spilled, I listened, and now we move on.” He couldn’t let her know that he admired what she’d done. If he did, she might use him as her confessor again. He desired her supple body and itched to caress her hair, but he wanted nothing to do with being involved in her life.
If Lucy could have produced steam, he didn’t doubt it would be coming out of her ears right now. “Of all the contemptuous, uncaring things you could have said. You’re nothing like people think you are.”
“How many of us really are?”
“That’s a pretty pessimistic way to look at life.’
They continued across the lobby. “It might be, but you can’t deny that it’s the truth. We all hide things from others.” He should know. Most of his life he guarded closely.
“Yes, we do.”
“But for some reason you think I should tell all. Is that little family counselor who wants to make it all better working after hours tonight?” Goading her was starting to be fun. At least, if she was mad at him he’d be less temped to explore his fascination with her. She was so beautiful with her hair cascading around her shoulders. Her eyes glittering with anger only heightened that beauty.
“Oh, you...you... You’ve managed to make it personal!”
That did it. He’d heard that word one too many times. As they passed a small alcove he took her waist and pulled her in. “I’m going to show you personal.”
Combing his fingers into her hair, he brought his mouth down to hers. It wasn’t a gentle kiss. He wanted to consume her. Wanted to get her out of his system, out of his life. The world slowed to nothing but Lucy and the moment. He’d not felt so free in a long time.
She jerked away and he immediately regretted the loss of her lips. He wanted more. The evening had certainly turned out far more positively than he’d anticipated.
Lucy’s eyes were wide as she gazed at him blankly. She blinked and in that second she found reality again. With a quick look around, she checked to see if anyone had seen them. Relief flooded her features when no one was visible.
Her eyes flashed at him as she hissed, “You had no business doing that!”
“It wasn’t business, it was personal.”
She clenched her mouth shout, glared at him before she swung around and stalked away.
He caught up with her before she made it out of the main entrance. “The valet service is out the other door.”
“I’m getting a taxi.”
His fingers circled her arm. She stopped and looked pointedly at his hand. He released her. “Come on, Lucy. I apologize. It won’t happen again. I brought you and I’m going to see you home.”
* * *
Lucy said nothing as they rode back to her apartment. He glanced at her while they stopped in traffic. There was a pensive look on her face and her fingers touched her bottom lip. He grinned. So she wasn’t as unaffected by his kiss as she acted.
Good, then maybe he’d get to kiss her again. One taste hadn’t been enough.
When he entered her street she said, “Just pull up in front of the restaurant. It’s not necessary to park. I can get in on my own.” She raised a hand. “I know that goes against your raisin’ but I’ve had enough tonight.”
He hadn’t had enough and he didn’t think she had either but he wouldn’t argue the point. Stopping by the curb in front of her apartment, he let Lucy out as she’d requested. “See you tomorrow, Lucy.”
“Tomorrow,” she said, as if she was parroting him instead of really thinking about what she was saying. She bit her lower lip.
His male ego took flight. Yes, there would be more kisses.
LUCY STARED OFF into what little space there was in her office.
Ryan had kissed her. Had kissed her good. He’d kissed her like no one else ever had. Her lips tingled from the memory. She stuck the tip of her tongue out and licked the center of her bottom lip. Could she still taste him? With an effort she stopped herself from moaning.
“Lucy, you okay?”
“What?” She looked around.
“I’ve called your name twice. Something bothering you?” Nancy asked.
“Oh, no, I’m fine. Just thinking.”
“How’s it going with Ryan?”
Lucy’s heart revved up. Her body temperature rose. Beyond a shadow of a doubt her face had gone beet red. “We’re fine.”
Nancy looked at her longer than Lucy found comfortable. “You aren’t falling for the silver-tongued devil, are you?”
“No. We’re just co-workers.” Lucy tried to sound as convincing as possible, tried to convince herself that his kiss had meant nothing.
“I see,” Nancy said, but disbelief ricocheted around the room. She smiled knowingly at Lucy before she picked up papers off her desk. “Hey, it’s Saturday night. Why don’t you come to O’Malley’s Pub for a drink before you head home? Everyone will be there. I’ll introduce you around. Should have done it already.”
Lucy wavered only a second between going home to spend the evening alone or getting to know other staff members better. “I think I’d like that. Thanks.”
“Great. What time is Ryan usually through with rounds?”
“Today it should be about six.”
“Perfect. I’ll meet you here.”
“I’ll be ready.” Maybe going out with a group and having some fun would get her mind off Ryan O’Doherty. Still she couldn’t help but have a fluttery feeling in her middle at the thought of seeing him again.
* * *
“So, Alex, what can I help you with?” Ryan asked as he took a seat in one of the two chairs in front of Alex Rodriguez’s desk.
“Ryan, I thought I should speak to you privately about a couple of matters that came up during the patients’ review meeting yesterday,” Alex said, leaning back in his chair.
Ryan looked at him expectantly.
“I heard that you and Ms. Edwards had a public shouting match in the ER the other evening.” Alex’s voice made it clear he wasn’t pleased.
Ryan had let Lucy push him too far. His emotions had gotten away from him. Something he rarely, if ever, allowed to happen. Now he was being criticized because of it.
“Things like that reflect poorly on my department and you professionally,” Alex finished with a note of reprimand. In a very unsubtle way Alex was making it clear he wouldn’t tolerate it happening again.
“Ms. Edwards and I did have a heated discussion about a patient. We’ve worked out our differences.”