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Christmas With The Best Man
The tapping on glass once more brought the crowd to silence. This time Elijah’s father stood next to the table he shared with Grace’s father. A low groan came from Elijah. Was he feeling ill? She looked over her shoulder at him. The dessert fork he fiddled with held his attention.
“I would like to say how happy Vanessa and I are to welcome Grace into our family,” Hugo Davenport said in a booming voice.
Helena had never met the patriarch of the family but she was aware of his larger-than-life presence around the hospital. He was even more impressive in person.
“Family is everything,” the older man continued.
This time she distinctly heard a low expletive from Elijah as he shifted in his chair. His leg tugged her dress and she reached down to move it. At the same time Elijah settled and his hand covered hers for a second. Electricity zipped through her. Her look jerked to his. When their eyes locked his anger quickly faded and was replaced by something she couldn’t identify. A second later he removed his hand but his thigh remained pressed against hers as he settled deeper into his chair.
She looked at his father but her attention remained on Elijah. For some reason she had the idea she was a lifeline for him at the moment. That he needed this sexual tension between them to focus on instead of his father. When Hugo Davenport finished speaking the stiffness in his son’s body eased. Elijah no longer touched her.
Soon the bride’s cake was rolled out into the center of the dance floor. Grace and Charles went out to cut it. With the flash of the photographer’s camera they cut and shared a bite, smiling at each other. The wait staff brought champagne in silver buckets for each of the tables. At the same moment they released the caps. A pop, pop, pop filled the air.
The silverware and glasses rattling jolted Helena’s look away from the bride and groom to her tablemates. Zac’s head was down almost completely under the table. A few seconds later he straightened. His jaw was tight and his mouth drawn into a straight line. There was a dark, glazed expression in his eyes.
“Uh, sorry. I dropped my napkin. Hit my head underneath the table,” Zac muttered. He looked more anxious than he did embarrassed.
A light tap on her shoulder made Helena glance around to see the wedding director holding a microphone. Heavens, she had forgotten she would have to make a toast.
Swallowing hard, she stood and lifted her glass. “To Grace and Charles. I wish for you a happily ever after.” With that she lifted her glass to her lips and took a sip. The other wedding guests joined her.
She turned and offered the microphone to Elijah. Smiling, she said softly, “Now it’s your turn.”
“Why am I not surprised with your choice of toast?” he hissed, before he raised the microphone to his mouth. He paused as if giving what he was going to say deep thought. “Charles, I’m glad you found Grace. Grace, take care of him. He is the better half of me. Love him, he deserves it. I wish you both the best.” Lifting his glass, Elijah drained the liquid. Done, he gave the wedding director the microphone and took his seat.
The crowd erupted in applause.
Helena leaned toward Elijah. “Very nice.”
He grinned, the first genuine one he’d had in a while. “I bet you didn’t think I had it in me.”
There was no chance for her to comment before a waiter placed a plate with cake on it in front of her. While taking a bite, she glanced at Zac. He still looked on edge. Before she finished her dessert, he excused himself from the table. Did all the Davenports have some issue?
With the toasts completed and the cake served, a small ensemble in one corner of the tent struck up the first tune of the evening. Charles led Grace onto the dance floor and into a waltz. Grace looked radiant, having only eyes for her new husband. Helena sighed. That was what she wanted. A real relationship. To be so in love that nothing they faced together would be impossible.
“You’re drinking all this in, aren’t you?” Elijah said as he leaned in close behind her.
“They look so in love.” Even she heard the dreamy note in her voice.
“So it appears,” Elijah said dryly.
She twisted toward him. “You don’t believe in love?”
Elijah said flatly, “I’m not sure I know what it is.”
Helena considered him for a moment. “How sad.” She noticed a flicker of insecurity in his eyes before she turned back to watch Grace and Charles.
The song ended and another began. The wedding director came up beside them and spoke softly to Elijah.
“It’s time for us to join the bride and groom.” Elijah stood and offered his hand to Helena.
She looked at it. What would it be like, being held by him? The thought sent a flash of sensual current through her she wasn’t comfortable with but couldn’t ignore. Her gaze met his. There was a spark of a dare in his eyes. Something about his expression had her fearing she might be accepting more than a dance.
Elijah grinned. “It looks like the work of a bridesmaid and best man is never done.”
Her hand touched his. It was large, smooth, and solid. His long, tapered fingers surrounded hers. With a gentle tug, he helped her to her feet. His hand rested lightly at her waist as she moved ahead of him toward the dance floor. She shivered.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be warm enough in a minute,” he whispered from close beside her.
That’s what she was afraid of. Her over-the-top reaction to him. Did it show? Did he see it? Did the others?
Her feet had hardly touched the dance floor before she was swept into Elijah’s sturdy arms and whisked away. One of her hands he held securely in his while the other she placed on his broad shoulder. His free hand fanned out on her waist to firmly hold her close. Her breasts skimmed his chest, tingling in reaction.
He smelled of citrus and smoke. It reminded her of the pleasure of a cool fall night, sitting around a fire watching the flames. In a weak moment she moved to rest her cheek against his. It was smooth. He’d shaved before dressing for the wedding. She inhaled. That scent she would forever associate with Elijah.
As his skillful feet moved she followed, her dress swirling around her legs and his as well. She’d never before been swept around a dance floor like this. He was a magnificent dancer. All she had to do was to hang on and enjoy.
“You’re a wonderful dancer,” she murmured.
He chuckled. “Surprised?”
“Maybe a little. I just never pegged you as a ballroom dancer.”
“I’m not. I haven’t done this in years. My mother saw to it that we all learned to dance. ‘Davenport men must put their best foot forward.’ I heard that more than once.”
“I’ll have to thank her for this wonderful experience.”
“It’s not just all her. I’m the one doing the work here.” He sounded a little perturbed.
She looked at him. “I thank you as well.”
They made another heavenly turn around the floor. Helena looked away from Elijah long enough to see that others in the wedding party had joined them.
“You know you look amazing tonight,” he said softly against her temple.
His appreciation stoked the growing fire in her. She couldn’t remember the last time a man had complimented her on her appearance. “Thank you.”
“Helena?” He rolled her name around on his tongue as if he was trying to remember something of importance. “Reminds me of Helen of Troy. If my memory of Greek mythology is correct, Helen was worshipped for her beauty. The Trojan War was fought over her.” He looked into her eyes. “Have any wars been fought over you?”
“Maybe just not yet.” His face turned serious. “Let me think what else I can remember about her.”
They continued to dance. Helena forgot there was anyone else around them.
He finally said, “She was fickle in her youth. Were you?”
Helena could have been considered that. She certainly managed to make a mess of her teenage years. “Some.”
“She was carried off to Troy by the Spartans. And here you are in New York so far from home. And if I remember correctly, she wished for a husband and child. How about you, is that what you want?”
“Sure. Don’t most women?”
“Some don’t. I could tell from your toast you are into all this.” He nodded toward the wedding festivities.
“What’s not to love about love?”
He snorted. “That’s just a bunch of malarkey that’s perpetuated to make money.”
“You don’t think much of weddings, do you?” She pulled back so she could see him clearly.
“Nope. Waste of money and energy.” Elijah pulled her back to him. “I believe in having a good time where both people can leave without having any feelings hurt.” His look grew intense and questioning. “And mutual satisfaction for as long as it lasts.”
Her step faltered but he held her securely until they were in sync again. “What happened to make you so jaded?” She should be the one who felt that way but instead she was convinced there was someone out there just for her.
Elijah’s eyes darkened as if he was remembering something distasteful. “Let’s just say that some marriages can be all perfect on the outside but rotten and nasty on the inside.”
It made her feel sad that he believed that. “Not all marriages are that way.”
“Why go through all this marriage nonsense when you can just have a good time?”
She stopped. He did as well but still held her. “Because you make a commitment. A promise that you will share this person’s life, no matter what happens. Otherwise you go from one woman to the next, discarding them when you’re done.”
His lips thinned. “That sounds like an accusation.”
She glared at him. “But it’s the truth, isn’t it?”
He shrugged.
“That’s disgusting.” Helena wanted nothing to do with being thrown away. She’d been there and had that done to her. She hadn’t guarded herself all these years only to slip back into the same trap that had snared her in her teens. No matter how attractive, or funny, or regardless of how much she appreciated his dancing skills, Elijah wasn’t the man for her. She needed to get away while she could.
“We’ve done our duty, I think. Thanks for the dance.” She stepped out of Elijah’s arms and headed for their table.
She’d had enough, felt as if Elijah had stomped on her dreams. His cynical way of looking at weddings, marriage and love was the polar opposite to what she dreamed of and hoped for. Why his pessimistic opinion of love mattered to her so much she didn’t understand. She didn’t really know Elijah. What little she’d learned tonight had soured her on him.
That wasn’t true. She was without question attracted to him physically but they didn’t want the same things out of life. He wanted a fun time and she wanted a long time. She had to step out of this fairy-tale environment and re-enter reality where they were just hospital colleagues. Still, for the first time in years she’d felt a compelling desire for a man. Felt alive.
Disgusted with herself, she stopped by the table long enough to snatch her cape off the back of her chair then headed for a side door.
She was actually falling for Elijah, the playboy of Manhattan Mercy. What was she thinking? That she could change him? He’d been playing with her. Being someone’s plaything held no interest for her.
Or had he? Not once had he suggested there could be more between them. He hadn’t even asked her out. There had been casual flirting between them, that was all. She’d responded and he’d acted on it. Now she was overreacting.
Taking the exit, cold air blasted her and she quickly pulled the cape over her shoulders. Being out here would cool her angst. Snow swirled around her. Stepping further into the open space, she lifted her face. Pure delight welled in her, replacing any anger she felt toward herself and Elijah’s attitude. Stretching her arms out, she slowly twirled.
* * *
Elijah unhurriedly followed Helena, hoping to give her time to cool down. Going outside, he came to an abrupt stop. Helena had her head back, her arms extended, and was slowly turning in a circle. Snow fluttered around her in the night. Her dress flowed as she moved, reminding him of the ballerina in Penny’s childhood music box. She looked mystical.
He couldn’t help but smile. She’d been angry with him for some reason just seconds ago and now here she was being a snow fairy. The sudden change only made him want to know more about her. What made her tick? Why did she take his reaction to marriage so personally? More than that, why did it matter to her?
As if Helena realized she was being watched, she stopped and stared at him.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt,” he said quietly.
“I need to go in anyway. I’m getting cold.” She put her arms across her chest, closing herself off.
“Why don’t we finish our dance out here?”
“I don’t think so.” She sounded so much like a sulking child that Elijah couldn’t help but grin.
“I didn’t mean to make you mad. I’d really like to finish our dance.” He came toward her and offered his hand. “When will you ever get another chance to dance in falling snow?”
With her romantic view of the world he was sure he had her with that question. She wouldn’t be able to resist. Seeing her indecision, he smiled. “You know you want to.”
She hesitated so long he feared he had been wrong about her. Just as he was about to give up she said, “Okay,” and she placed her hand in his. “One dance and I’m done.”
He took her into his arms and they moved to the low sound of the band inside. It felt good to have her next to him again. Something about it seemed right. The cold had cut through his tuxedo when he’d walked out of the tent but with Helena against him the weather was perfect.
Elijah led her for a couple of turns around a heater before he said, “Helena, just what did I say that made you so mad back there?”
“It’s not a big deal. Don’t worry about it.” She made it sound as if it didn’t matter but he was sure it did.
“I’d like to know.” He stopped moving and looked at her. “We were having a good time then I messed it up somehow. I’d really like to know what I did so I won’t do it again.”
It took her a good minute to respond. “It’s just that I don’t appreciate you making fun of my hopes and dreams.”
He looked directly into her eyes. “I didn’t mean to do that.”
“I realize that now. We just have different views of life.” There was a wistful tone in her voice.
There was some truth in that. Despite her being a top-notch doctor in a major hospital, there was something innocent and childlike in her outlook. He was definitely jaded.
“Tell me about yours. What do you want?” He pressed her back, hoping to encourage her.
“I’ve already told you. I want a husband and children. A place to go home to after work where there’s love and laughter. Security.”
“Isn’t that a little naive in this day and age?” He led her into the dance again.
She looked directly at him, missing a step. “I don’t think so. My parents have it. Grace and Charles have clearly found it. I know of others who have, too.”
Elijah winced. His parents had not.
“Why’s that so important to you?” He wasn’t convinced it existed.
There was no time for her to think before she said, “Because of it my parents were able to help me during the darkest time of my life. Because of their love, I felt loved.”
He used to feel that way. Now betrayal filled that space. “What happened?”
“Let’s just say that teenage love isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be.”
Helena’s words were flat. She didn’t act as if she wanted to share more. He certainly didn’t either but he couldn’t help saying, “Yet you still think love exists and it’s all wonder and smiles. Like this big show.” He waved his hand toward the tent.
“Just because I was hurt once, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. For me or for you. It just means that we should be open to it when it comes. Accept it, treasure it and share it.”
“You really are a believer in fairy tales.” There was more amazement than disgust in his voice, to his surprise. He liked this less world-weary view of life but it wasn’t reality.
She straightened. “I am.” There was a proud note in her voice.
He stopped dancing. “I am not. I have no interest in fairy tales or marriage. What I do know is there’s something between us. Something strong that has nothing to do with love. I know I feel it and I think you do to. If you didn’t feel it, you wouldn’t have gotten so mad. But let me be clear, all I’ll ever be interested in is a mutual good time. No attachments. Don’t look to me for the long haul. I’m not your knight on a white charger, or the one who’ll save you from the tower. You’ll need to look elsewhere for that guy.”
Sadness filled her eyes.
Elijah lifted her chin with a finger. “But I can promise you one of these as often as you want.”
His mouth found hers. A small sound of surprise escaped hers before his lips settled completely. Helena’s lips were cold, yet plump and inviting. She stood rigid for a moment before he pulled her against him and teased her mouth. As he did so, she relaxed and slid her hands beneath his lapels to hold the crest of his shoulders. Her fingers curled in as she moaned. The tip of his tongue brushed the line of her lips until she opened. She tasted sweet, like ripe frozen strawberry dipped in champagne. He cupped her cheek, directing her mouth more directly to his as he gathered a handful of her dress and pulled her close. White-hot desire roiled through him.
Helena came up on her toes, her arms reaching around his neck. Her tongue joined his in an erotic dance like none he’d ever experienced. Heaven help him, Helena was hotter than he’d imagined. They were standing in the snow and cold, and all he could think about was taking her clothes off. Her hands found the nape of his neck and fondled his hair before tugging his head closer. As far as he was concerned, their kiss could go on forever.
“Uh, excuse me, you two.” Grace’s voice came from the direction of the door.
How many times had she called?
Helena immediately let go and pushed away, straightening her dress. His hands went slack at his sides. Yet his fingers itched to touch her again.
Grace gave them a quizzical look.
“We need to get a couple of pictures if you two can spare a minute.” Charles’s low chuckle accompanied the statement as he peered at them from his bride’s side.
“We’ll be there in a sec,” Elijah growled.
WHAT HAD SHE been thinking? Doing? To let Elijah kiss her. To be kissing him. Out where anyone could see. If it had continued, by the rate they had been going they’d have been on the ground soon. She didn’t act like that. Where had her good sense gone? It had disappeared like snow in a fire the second Elijah’s lips had touched hers.
How was she supposed to face Grace when she entered the tent? There was no doubt that her face was pink but it had nothing to do with the cold and everything to do with being kissed as if the world were coming to an end. Elijah had skills. Skills that her body responded to. She had been out of control and on a ride like no other as his lips had held hers. It was a scary place but one she’d love to revisit.
Helena wasted no time returning inside. She didn’t give him a backward glance as she stalked toward the door. Thankfully Elijah made no pithy remark as he came in behind her. She wasn’t sure she could have taken his flippant attitude right then. Those moments before might be his usual way of operating but they were not hers. Her world, her beliefs had been tipped over.
“Hey, we need you over here,” Grace called from where she stood facing the group already lined up in front of the fireplace. She waved them forward. “Go stand beside Charles.”
Helena continued past him with the intent of taking a position beside Grace.
She said, “No. Stand over there beside Elijah. I want this to be a fun picture, not too formal.”
Helena gave her a Really? look. Grace just grinned.
Reluctantly Helena did as she was asked and moved over in front of Elijah. He looked pleased. Great. He was certainly self-assured while she was still quaking inside. She put her back to him, hoping she could pull off a nonchalant attitude as well. But then his warm breath tickled her neck and she trembled.
He whispered right against her ear, “You thought you were going to get away, didn’t you?”
She had no time to respond before Grace said, “Helena, Elijah needs his tie adjusted. Could you do that? Then I think we’ll be ready.”
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