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Night call. The erotic novel of infidelity – Юрий Буреве

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In the quiet alleys of the city, hidden from prying eyes, the world of passions and secrets comes to life. Here, people's feelings and desires generate fantasies and vices. "Night call. The erotic novel of infidelity" by Yuri Bureve is a book that vividly and sensually describes the world of human relations. It has explicit scenes that are artfully woven into the plot. Each chapter is a separate story, full of an atmosphere of intrigue, desire and unexpected turns of events. The characters move day and night, their actions merge into a single canvas of the plot. Phone calls, unexpected meetings and ulterior motives lead the characters to unexpected discoveries. They face not only temptations, but also their own secret fears and desires. This book about passion and infidelity opens the doors to the innermost corners of the human soul. It makes you think about the price you have to pay for moments of pleasure and desire.

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  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
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