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Christmas with Him: The Tycoon's Christmas Proposal / A Bravo Christmas Reunion / Marry-Me Christmas – Jackie Braun

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The Tycoon’s Christmas ProposalWith the dreaded holidays nearing, the last thing widowed businessman Dawson Burke needed was a personal shopper who wanted to get personal and had enough Christmas spirit for both of them! But Eve Hawley couldn’t help wishing Dawson would give her the best Christmas present of all – a proposal! A Bravo Christmas Reunion Months ago Hayley Bravo had walked out on Marcus Reid, even though it was the hardest thing she’d ever done. Because though she knew he’d do the right thing by her, she was holding out for the real thing. Love. Baby. Marriage. And apparently, in that order…Marry-Me ChristmasA rich, successful journalist, Flynn McGranger aims to write a scathing review of Samantha Barnett’s little bakery. He never mixes business with pleasure. But the secrets she’s clearly keeping intrigue him, and her innocence has caught him off guard… Is Christmas going to his head?

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781408970799
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