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Dark Flames
Dark Flames
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Dark Flames

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“Tiara,” his voice was cold knowing she’d lied to Storm about the number of people she needed on her team just to keep him at arm’s length. “We need to talk.”

Tiara had been so lost in thought that hearing her name so close to her had caused her to flinch. She inwardly sighed knowing she was about to hurt Guy and turned around to face him. She swallowed when she noticed the pain shimmering in his eyes.

“Guy, I am so sorry.” She meant every word.

Guy tightened his fists at his sides. She was telling him no and they both knew it. He tried to push away the thought of forcing her to do his bidding, but it was just on the edge of his mind… tempting him.

“Carley was a part of PIT and died to save another’s life… Mine. She deserves a second chance,” he insisted as if they’d already participated in a silent argument over it… and in a way, they had.

Tiara slowly shook her head but her expression was full of sympathy. Her voice remained calm and serene as she tried to explain why she couldn’t revive his sister, “To jerk someone back from death is to bring back a zombie without a soul. They can talk and move, but they are hollow… little more than shells their soul used to live in. My job is to free zombies from their creators… not create them myself.”

“Don’t give me that crap,” Guy lost the fragile hold he’d had on his anger. “Your mother could control souls and now that power is yours, so just tell Carley to get back in her body. Once she’s there, you can seal her in it. Come on, it’s only been a couple of hours. She’s barely cold.”

“You would bind her to a body in worse condition than it was when she left it? You would want that for your sister?” Tiara asked in sad disappointment. “You haven’t thought this through Guy. What kind of life would that be for her?”

Guy was suddenly in front of her, grabbing her wrist and roughly jerking her forward until they were only a couple inches apart. Glaring down into Tiara’s startled face he growled, “I’ll do whatever it takes to bring her back. I took care of her before and I can take care of her again.”

“If you don’t want more than just sunburn, then I suggest you let go of her,” Zachary’s voice was close and full of warning.

Zachary had held back, listening in on the conversation between Tiara and Guy. He knew Guy was hurting... hell, everyone knew what Carley meant to the big man. However, when Guy grabbed hold of Tiara in a near violent manner, Zachary refused to stand back and let him manhandle her. She was so small and fragile compared to him. She looked like she would break.

Guy’s eyes narrowed on Tiara, not paying attention to Zachary’s threat. Instead, he continued to stare down into Tiara’s bright eyes, too bright for a normal human. Once more, the thought of forcing her to do what he wanted slipped into his subconscious. What did he really have to lose… he’d already lost everything he lived for.

“He isn’t hurting me,” Tiara’s voice was calm but she refused to break eye contact with Guy. He was hurting her, but what hurt most was the edge of madness forming in Guy’s angry gaze. He wasn’t really angry at her… he was feeling the normal sensation of survivor’s guilt. In his mind, he should have been the one to die instead of Carley.

“Guy, if you let go of me, I’ll use my necromancy to call to Carley. Then you can ask your sister what it is she wants now.” Tiara didn’t struggle against him. She wanted him to trust her.

Zachary shook his head and took a step toward them. “I don’t think that’s a very good idea,” he stated darkly. He was a master at reading people and although Tiara was doing a damn good job of hiding it, he could tell she was frightened. “I said let her go Guy!”

“I’m not hurting her,” Guy nearly shouted back at him.

Zachary ground his teeth and tried to keep a strangle hold on his own fiery temper that had abruptly surfaced. He knew Guy was grieving and it was obvious the other man wasn’t handling it very well. Be that as it may, that didn’t mean he was going to let Guy take it out on Tiara.

Without even realizing he was doing it, the air surrounding Guy became several degrees hotter.

Guy let go of Tiara’s wrist and turned his glare on Zachary as he broke out in a sweat, “Stay the hell out of this.”

“Oh, I think it’s too late for that,” Zachary’s lips hinted at a dangerous smile.

Not wanting to be the reason someone was hurt, Tiara reached out and touched Guy’s arm to get his attention back on her. “I will call Carley’s soul… not her body,” she whispered, “and you can talk to her.” Now that she had his full attention she reached up, cupping his face between her palms. “I will need something from you first.”

“I’ll give you anything,” Guy said with desperation. “And after it’s done… if you need me.” He placed his hand over one of hers and turned his face toward it, kissing her palm softly and dropped to his knees so he wouldn’t be so tall for her. “I’ll be there for you.”

Zachary growled inwardly knowing exactly what Guy was suggesting and he didn’t like the sound of it. He moved his angry gaze to Tiara’s face wondering what she thought of the idea of trading necromancy favors for sex.

“Thank you, Guy,” her full lips lifted in the barest hint of a soft smile. “But what I need is for you to let all the love you feel for your sister wash through you. I can use it to call to her soul.”

Even from where Zachary was standing, he could see Guy’s eyes soften and his face relax but he couldn’t stop himself from taking another step forward when Guy wrapped his arms around Tiara’s waist and pressed himself against her as he closed his eyes.

Tiara took a deep breath and also closed her eyes feeling a brother’s overwhelming love for his little sister in the way he was holding on to her so tightly. She could even feel his hands shaking with emotion. It was so pure of heart that she felt a longing to know such a love.

Zachary watched in wonder as Tiara seemed to shimmer and Carley’s likeness melded within her own. Carley’s soul was clinging to Tiara’s and gazing down on her brother in confusion. In the span of a few seconds, Zachary’s distrusting expression faded into something that could only be described as gentle.

“Guy,” Carley said softly.

Guy’s eyes shot open and he quickly lifted his head to look up at his sister standing in the circle of his arms.

“Carley,” Guy's voice shook as tears started falling from his eyes. “Why did you do that? It should have been me.”

Carley smiled, “It was my turn to protect you. I don’t regret it and I wouldn’t change a thing.”

Guy shook his head in denial, “I didn’t need protecting… what I needed was my sister.” He tightened his arms around her possessively. “I promise I won’t let you go this time.”

“You were always taking care of me.” Carley said. “But look at me now,” she spun around in a circle since it was really Tiara’s body he was holding… not hers. “I can walk again. If I want to… I can even fly.”

“We can make things better this time. I’ll find a way to make you happy,” he promised and readied himself if she said no.

Carley sighed softly and leaned down to give him a tender kiss on his cheek. “I’m happy now Guy. The only thing I ask is for you to find a way to be happy… and for heaven’s sake, find a girlfriend!”

Guy lowered his head drawing as much magic from the earth as he could, “Tiara can bring you back Carley. Don’t you want that as much as I do?”

Carley reached out and ruffled his hair like he used to do with her. “I’m sorry Guy, but no… please don’t take this away from me.”

Guy’s eyes widened guiltily and he jerked his tear blurred gaze back up to his sister, “There is a way for both of us to get what we want.”

Just as his sister’s lips parted in confusion, Guy thrust the palm of his hand hard against her and Tiara’s chest, quickly whispering the words of the spell he’d memorized less than an hour ago. The burst of power blew Tiara backwards, leaving behind a momentary shadow of herself before it faded into an image of Carley still standing in front of him.

“What have you done?” Carley whispered.

Guy blinked now that she was stabilized without Tiara’s connection. She hadn't given him another option and he refused to let her leave him again. So, he’d made his decision and bound her spirit to this world.

Zachary lunged forward with his arms outstretched, catching Tiara before her head hit the sandy beach. Quickly making sure she still had a pulse and was breathing, he glared over at Guy noticing the warlock was still looking at the same spot Tiara had just been standing as if he could still see Carley.

Carley looked over her shoulder at Tiara then back at her brother disapprovingly, “That was mean… you could have at least warned Tiara what you were going to do.”

“I’ll make it up to her,” Guy smiled and wiped some of the tears off his cheek. “Now that you hold the link between worlds, we won't need anyone to be a medium for us.”

Carley giggled knowing the spell was harmless but at least now she could visit, even if he and Tiara were the only ones that could see her. “Just remember not to talk to me in front of people. They will think you’ve lost your mind.” Looking up at the castle, she realized she could even be Guy’s secret spy if PIT needed her. She would talk to him later about it.

“I love you big brother, but you might want to go apologize to Tiara before Zachary decides to roast you.” She leaned down and swept her lips across Guy’s forehead again even though she knew he couldn’t feel it. “I’ll be right here.”

Guy watched as Carley smiled brightly at him before her image faded away leaving Zachary’s angry form in his direct line of vision.

“What the hell did you do to her?” Zachary growled while cradling Tiara’s limp form against his chest.

Looking down into Tiara’s relaxed face, he brushed some of her hair away when the wind lifted it across her cheek and lips. He immediately stilled, realizing several things all at once. Her skin was just as soft as it appeared to be… and so was her hair.

Zachary shivered as it fell from his fingers like silken thread. His gaze moved to her full lips in stunned silence when the urge to kiss her made his chest tighten. Her retained innocence made her so much more beautiful and tempting than he’d ever thought her mother was… that knowledge frightened him in ways he couldn’t grasp.

Guy watched the emotions play across Zachary’s face as the other man interacted with Tiara’s unconscious form. A tight ball formed in the pit of his stomach not at all liking that Zachary was so close to her… conveniently forgetting who’d had her in his arms just moments before.

Pushing himself up from the wet sand, Guy quickly closed the distance between them and stood over Zachary for a moment. He unconsciously fisted his hands before falling back to his knees beside Tiara and gazed lovingly down at her soft face.

“I didn’t hurt her… I swear it. I would never hurt her.” Guy said in a deep voice, meaning every word. He reached out and ran the back of his fingers across her soft cheek and almost growled when Zachary’s arms tightened around her body but gained control of himself. “She gave me the one gift no one else could and I owe her everything for that.” Guy tried again.

“I asked what the hell you did to her that knocked her out.” Zachary demanded, pushing Guy’s hand away from Tiara’s cheek, not trusting the warlock to touch her. He’d already made that mistake once. “She’s not like us when it comes to healing. She’s human you idiot, and that makes her fragile.”

Guy let his hand fall to his side understanding Zachary’s protectiveness but didn’t back away. “I combined a spell Carley and I found a few years ago with the necromancy power that was emanating from Tiara while she was allowing Carley to use her body as a conduit.” He reached out for her again only for Zachary to knock his hand away a second time.

“Back off,” Zachary ordered.

“It’s because of her that I can now see Carley anytime I want.” Guy continued, ignoring the demand. “Tiara gave my sister back to me… and for that reason I will forever be in her debt.”

“If Tiara doesn’t wake up and tell me she’s alright, then I’ll send you to be with your sister the hard fast way.” Zachary threatened only to flinch when soft fingers ghosted across his lips.

Both men jerked their gazes down to the small woman but it was Zachary’s eyes Tiara sought out.

Zachary was nearly knocked breathless when he saw Tiara’s true eye color up close for the first time. They were full of shattering flecks of vivid gold and green that seemed to move at random, almost hypnotizing him, and they stared back at him with tantalizing innocence.

“I’m alright,” Tiara whispered finding herself wrapped in Zachary’s overwhelming protectiveness.

She quickly became infatuated with Zachary’s perfection. Wanting to touch the man that had visited her thoughts so many times over the years, she let her fingers trace his lips once more before she trailed them down his chin and neck in a caressing motion. When he inhaled sharply, she realized what she was doing.

Tiara abruptly pulled her hand back and sat up in an attempt to scramble off his lap.

Zachary’s brain had shut down when he felt her touch linger on his lips for a moment before grazing over his chin. He repressed a shiver when those same fingers delicately caress his neck and moved toward the back of his neck where the skin was unbelievably sensitive. When Tiara started to move, he had to force himself to let go of her so she could rise to her feet.

The second she was out of Zachary’s arms, Tiara barely had time to sway on unsteady legs before Guy pulled her into his embrace. She blushed when she felt him pressing every inch of her body against his in a bear hug.

She could feel the small flare of hunger that had started while she was in Zachary’s lap begin to burn brighter. Being held by a man was something new to her because no one except her mother had ever been allowed this close to her before.

“I can see Carley now,” Guy exclaimed, lifting her up higher until her feet were dangling at least a foot off the ground. “Thank you.”

Guy was happy he had his sister back but that feeling of desire for this little woman was starting to build once more. The urge to do more than simply hold her swept over him. When Tiara squirmed a little bit, he gazed down at her with hungry eyes. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

Tiara looked up at the big man holding her and placed her hands on his broad shoulders. He was ecstatic… she could see it as well as feel it. She had felt his magic as soon as it hit her… the amount of power Guy housed inside of him was unbelievable. She had been wrong in turning him away when he’d offered to join her team.

“You didn’t hurt me,” she said softly knowing it was a lie.

He hadn’t meant to hurt her and she knew this. Her mother had told her more than once to choose her team wisely and she hadn't been talking about sleeping partners. Even though Guy hadn't asked permission to combine his power with hers, being faced with his sister’s ghost was enough that she could forgive him.

“I want you,” Tiara leaned backwards and put her fingers up, touching his lips the moment he started to lower his head toward her, “as part of my team.”

Guy felt a momentary rush of disappointment when she finished speaking and kissed her fingertips instead. “You can want me for anything and I’ll do it,” he whispered seductively.

Tiara felt heat flash across her midsection to match the look in his eyes. This was another warning her mother had given her and Tiara knew she could not ignore it. Soon she would have to choose more than just team members if she wanted to survive. Her very life depended on finding a sexual partner to keep her alive if the call of the darkness became too much for her to handle.

Making sure someone was always available for that purpose wasn’t going to pose a challenge at this rate.

Zachary’s stomach was on fire and his body temperature had risen a few degrees. He felt like he was about to spontaneously combust when Guy lowered his head to kiss Tiara. The feeling vanished when she elaborated on how she wanted Guy and Zachary had to fight the urge to smirk at the presumptuous man.

When Guy didn’t immediately let go of her, Zachary decided at that point he was damn tired of being a spectator. Rising to his feet, he stepped forward in order to break up their annoying intimacy.

“Fine,” Zachary growled, “you’ve proven yourself worthy to be on the team… at least in Tiara’s eyes. But thanks to what you did, Tiara's weakened now and needs to rest so she can handle what’s coming tonight.”

Guy glared at Zachary wanting to tell him where to shove it, but again stopped himself. He didn’t know all of the ins and outs of the relationship Tiara had with Zachary, nor did he really think he wanted to know.

“He’s right, I am a little drained,” Tiara said and locked eyes with Guy, waiting on him to put her down. She felt like such a child in his arms… small and helpless.

“Good idea,” Guy agreed and cocked an eyebrow while looking toward all the steep steps leading back up the cliff. “You should rest.”

Much to Zachary’s chagrin, Guy lifted Tiara’s legs and carried her bridal style up the path to the castle. He caught her quick glance when she turned to see if he was following them.

Growling silently to himself, Zachary followed not entirely sure why he was angry to begin with. It didn’t matter to him one bit that he wasn’t the one carrying Tiara… although he did watch to make sure Guy’s hands stayed in respectable places on her body. Guy’s power merging with hers had weakened the necromancer… so Guy could damn well carry her.

Tiara smiled softly and relaxed her head against the curve of Guy’s neck. She figured he had carried his sister around like this sometimes and let him continue to carry her. It was probably soothing some of the emptiness Carley’s death had left in his heart. Minutes later, she found herself inside her room.

Zachary leaned against the doorframe with his arms folded over his chest as he watched Guy lower Tiara to the mattress. “So I guess we have a team of four instead of three tonight?” he asked.

Before Tiara could confirm it, Guy answered for her, “Her mother used to have six people with her at all times. Tiara lied about the headcount because she was avoiding me.” He winked at Tiara causing her to blush and sit up.

Zachary frowned wondering why he hadn't figured that much out on his own… he’d been a part of Myra’s team a couple times. For some reason, meeting Tiara had dimmed the memory of her mother. He was going to have to start paying closer attention to what was going on around him.

Tiara felt strange now that the two men were in her room… alone with her. Out of the two… she would have been more comfortable with Guy. She’d seen Zachary from afar a couple times when she was younger and the PIT teams had crossed paths. Zachary had always looked at her mother so strangely that it had caused her to create a childish fear of him.

However way she looked at it, Zachary really was a man to be feared if you stopped to think about it. There was a lot about Zachary that no one really knew with the exception of Storm and maybe Ren. Even his profile in the PIT database was little more than his name and current mission. The simple fact that Storm had given him a top position spoke volumes about his power.

She’d heard stories about Zachary from some of the other PIT members. Tiara didn’t put much stock in the stories and rumors, but it was enough for her to remain afraid of him. But that childish fear had always been tinged with a strong curiosity that was only growing stronger now that she’d met him.

When she’d first been summoned here, Storm had told her Zachary would be instructing her team. It had surprised her downstairs in the meeting when Storm announced that Zachary would be part of her actual team. She’d thought with someone as important as Zachary, that he’d simply be telling her team where to go and what to do on the jobs… not truly going with them.

Guy lifted her hand in his and gave it a quick kiss before releasing it, “You need to rest. I’ll be back about an hour before dusk.”

“Stay for a few more minutes,” Storm said from behind Zachary, making him flinch and look over his shoulder. Zachary moved to let Storm into the room.

Chapter 5

“Storm,” Tiara acknowledged, then smiled warmly at him when he walked over and sat down on the bed beside her.

Storm looked over at Guy with an unreadable expression on his face. He’d seen Guy carrying Tiara up the stairs with the same care he had shown his sister. “Did I miss something?”

Guy refused to fidget as Storm looked directly at him. He’d seen the time walker grab a man once in a fit of anger and the man had simply disappeared never to be seen again. Considering what Storm was, Guy sure as hell did not want to end up in the Stone Age.

“I will protect Tiara as a permanent member of her group,” Guy informed the time walker stoically.

“So I did miss something,” Storm mused. This was new to him and he was getting a kick out of finding out things the old fashioned way. Looking over at Zachary, Storm noticed the not-so-happy expression on the other man’s face and sighed inwardly. “Zachary, care to fill me in?”

Tiara’s lips had parted to defend Guy but she stilled when Storm moved his gaze to Zachary inquiringly. She lifted her gaze to Zachary’s, feeling safe to do so now that his attention wasn’t trained on her.