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Dark Flames
Dark Flames
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Dark Flames

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Dropping the rag to the shower floor, she soaped up her hands with a good, thick lather and ran them over her breasts. Letting her fingers skim across her nipples one at a time for added sensation, her lips parted and her breath quickened.

Syn watched one of her hands lower from her breast and slide between her thighs in an attempt to ease the heat he had created in her. His gaze slowly trailed up to where she was biting her lower lip to keep herself from crying out and inhaled sharply. Syn moved his hand against the glass caressingly and smiled wickedly when the hand between her legs mimicked his movements.

Angelica leaned back against the glass of the shower when her fingers found her favorite pleasure spot and worked it in circular motions. This wasn’t the first time she’d done this by far and it had been a while, but it was probably the best she had ever felt.

She thought again about one day finding someone to do this with and Syn’s image flashed through her mind’s eye. The vision of his dark eyes and long dark hair made the coil in her belly release and she opened her mouth in a silent scream as she came hard. It took all of her willpower to stay on her feet when she felt the liquid heat slide over her fingers and her body twitched pleasurably with the many aftershocks.

After several minutes, Angelica turned the water off and Syn vanished the moment she opened the shower door. Grabbing the towel, she wrapped herself up in it then caught her reflection in the mirror. It wasn’t her body that drew her attention however… it was the handprint on the frosted shower door behind her.

Spinning around, she frowned and raised her hand to place it over the print on the door. Her frown deepened seeing how much bigger it was compared to hers. This place was warded against evil… or so Storm had assured them. Wouldn’t that make her peeping tom on the side of the angels?

Backing away from the shower, she decided to worry about it later. Even though she felt much better, only sleep would completely recharge her batteries.

After drying and brushing her hair, she returned to the bedroom and pulled her black oversized nightshirt from the dresser, smiling at the name of her favorite rock band on the front. Going to that rock concert had been one of the only normal things she’d done as a teenager and she cherished the memory.

She slipped it on and slowly walked toward the bed, grinning as she pulled back the covers and turned off the lamp. Feeling for her I-pod, she turned the volume on low, letting the song Evil Angel fill the silence. Snuggling deep into the soft mattress, she closed her eyes and let it lull her to sleep.

Syn stepped from the shadows of the room and approached the bed as he listened to the song. She’d known he was there and trusted him enough to do nothing about it. This was another sign that her true soul was awakening.

He had overheard her statement of ‘home sweet home’… echoing Damon’s thoughts almost exactly. Damon needed a home for his new mate Alicia, and Angelica would need the same when he finally reclaimed her. Kane and Tabatha… again, the same predicament… the women had to be protected and cherished above all others.

‘Damon,’ Syn called mentally as he turned away from the bed and approached the window. ‘It is time to find a new family home… ours is beginning to grow.’ Damon’s contemplation was felt through their mental bond before Syn felt him come to a decision.

‘I have the perfect place in mind,’ Damon answered as he spooned Alicia against him. ‘I’ll look into it tomorrow.’

Syn’s body seemed to dissolve in the soft breeze coming in through the window, only to reappear on the roof. He walked along the battlement that circumvented the inner courtyard of the castle, stopping occasionally to look up at the sky or down at the ocean beyond the property.

Feeling an old and familiar presence behind him, Syn turned his head to look over his shoulder.

“Long time no see,” Storm said quietly. “I’m glad you have found your soul mate.” He’d known Syn would come for her, that’s why he’d had Zachary protecting her all this time.

The corner of Syn’s lips curled upward slightly, “I see you have new recruits for your army… rather young aren’t they?”

Storm shrugged, “No younger than your sons when you gave them eternity.”

“What do you want time traveler?” His tone was a warning to his mood.

“You were there. You saw what came out of the rift,” Storm stated.

Syn gave him a stoic look, “I care not for your petty wars.”

Storm knew the truth behind those words. He’d heard the truth from Syn’s own lips… though it hadn't happened yet in the sun god’s time line. Syn would one day tell him that the last time he had been at war with anyone… he’d destroyed his own planet. The only reason Syn had shared that secret with him was because they were both gods. But for now… it gave him a better understanding of Syn.

“Angelica wants to protect the humans because she was raised as one… many times now, though she doesn’t remember the past lives. Your children are also very protective of the innocent… as I know you are.” Storm whispered calmly. The fact that Syn had not vanished meant he had agreed to listen.

Syn did not correct the time walker nor ask him where he’d gotten his information. A time walker could see all outcomes if he chooses to look for them. If Storm was worried about the future, then there was a reason for it. “What is your prophecy?

“The humans are always looking for their Garden of Eden, yet they are so vain they do not realize they are within it. It has always been left up to us, the guardians, to cast the serpents out. The humans do not have the power to protect themselves. If we don’t help them, then the demons will turn this place into a city of blood.”

“And it will not stop here,” Syn concluded in a soft whisper.

Storm wiped at the blood that was now leaking in tear-like drops from his eyes. The only reason his head wasn’t exploding was because he was talking to another god who would not share the secrets.

“Some of the demons who climbed out of that rip between dimensions almost destroyed this world during the dark ages… we almost lost to them.” Storm let the weight of that statement hang between them.

“I remember,” Syn said.

“Then you also remember the ones that went to the underworld of their own free will to protect the barrier seal and keep the demons from returning,” Storm reminded.

Syn nodded, “The brothers… how could one forget.”

“They have now returned to this world while giving chase to the fleeing demons. Once again the brothers have willingly given their vow to help rid this world of the demon threat. You and I are quite possibly the only creatures left in this world that can honestly say our power is almost equal to theirs. Would you deny that by hoarding your power for selfish reasons?”

“I could take my family and leave this place to your war,” Syn warned.

“And I can give you a reason to stay,” Storm countered. “You have three children here with you now… but you have many lost across the space of time. I can offer you your missing children.”

Syn turned his head to look at the time walker but seeing the blood this conversation was causing, he glanced away. “Regain your strength… then we will retrieve my children.”

Storm smiled as he disappeared from the roof.


Ren walked into his private office and sat down heavily in the chair at his desk. It had been a long night and just because the sun would be up in a few minutes did not mean it was over. There was a different kind of darkness now.

He’d promised himself he would work alone… pay no attention to the other PIT members. But as he’d looked around at the others fighting right along beside him, he could feel the ones who were weakening and the ones who had the strength to stay and fight longer.

No one questioned him when he started sending some of them back to the castle… some even looked thankful. He had sent Hunter to get some rest when he’d been injured. The Indian was stubborn and hadn't told anyone of his wound, but Ren could smell the blood. Trevor was almost dead on his feet. Wraiths tend to drain your life force for a while.

Luckily, some last minute reinforcements had arrived and Ren took his leave, needing to clear his mind of the rage of battle… he could feel everyone’s emotions including the blood lust of the demons. Now that he was within the castle walls, he concentrated on the powers surrounding him and smiled. Someone among them had the power to block out emotions. If he could figure out which one, he’d shake their hand.

That also led him to another conclusion… not everyone here at the castle had a PIT file. But that was all right, neither did he.

Looking up at the high ceiling, he felt five distinct life forces up on the third floor. He wondered who could be up there since Storm had told him that floor was locked and off limits. Ren had even looked at the floor plans of the castle to see if there was a hidden door, but found nothing.

He wasn’t about to waste his time pulling out every book on the shelf or knocking on every wall in the place to find it either. Hidden doors remained hidden for a reason. If whoever was up there wanted to be left alone, Ren would respect their wishes.

The air in the room rippled and Ren glanced over at Storm who was now sitting on the end of the desk. He glared at the time walker when he saw the bloody nose Storm was currently trying to stifle.

“Telling secrets again are we?” Ren asked with a slight growl in his voice.

Storm ignored the look and the question, simply sitting there until his nose finally stopped bleeding. Dropping the handkerchief in the garbage can, he looked back up at Ren with a knowing expression on his face then glanced up at the ceiling thoughtfully.

“You’re wondering how they got up there, right?” he smirked, “They won’t use the front door to come and go… windows seem better suited to them.”

“Whoever they are, you seem glad they are here,” Ren cocked a curious eyebrow.

Storm’s expression sobered, “Do not underestimate them… they have their reasons for being the way they are. If they wish to interact with the PIT teams, they will.”

“But they’re not part of the teams,” Ren wanted clarification.

Storm shook his head, “No, they’re not.”

“All right then,” Ren shrugged. “WHO are they?”

“Legend says they were the original guardians of seals between worlds. Up until last night, they had been in the demon realm protecting the seal from being breached from that side.”

Ren nodded and leaned back in his chair deciding he’d stop with the questions seeing how Storm had already broken his vow of silence recently. His eyes were beginning to burn from lack of sleep but knew he wouldn’t be able to rest for a while.

Chapter 2

Zachary leaned against the banister at the top of the stairs looking down on the main floor. He became very still when he spotted one of the youngest and newest members of PIT… Tiara. She’d always been an unofficial part of PIT, even though as a child she didn’t have any powers and never went out on assignment.

Because of her mother’s necromancer abilities, Tiara had been dragged around with the PIT team all her life.

He’d heard from some of the others that it was kind of like being an army brat... just better protected. While the parents went out to war, the child was usually placed in a secure area… normally a hotel room that was guarded by the CIA. There was something about being different … sometimes the last of your kind that made their lives harder than most. It tended to kick in their strongest instincts… too survive and protect their young.

Every PIT member had enemies… it was one of the drawbacks of being a trained demon assassin. Those same enemies had learned a long time ago that the fastest way to get a rival’s attention was to steal their child. In this case, it would be a demon stealing the child of a PIT member that had crossed them. Lessons were a bitch to learn and the children being kept in seclusion was the price.

From what Zachary noticed, Tiara had been one of the most guarded children out of all of them. Even he’d only seen her a couple times and he had top clearance.

Well, the lack of contact could be blamed on the fact that for the last ten years, he’d gone out of his way to avoid her mother… Myra. But Tiara always had someone shadowing her, following her every move, especially if she ever ventured out into the occasional eye of the rest of the organization.

After Myra’s death only a couple weeks ago, her team had dispersed into other areas of PIT, as was the tradition when the leader of a team dies. Making that a golden rule had cut way down on distractions and complications… or so he’d heard.

He himself was more of a freelancer, a gun for hire, and he worked best when he was alone. Angelica had been the only stable person in his life because she could see past the mask he wore… the mask that led everyone to believe he was a bit of a comedian.

Myra’s necromancy powers had passed on to her only child at the exact moment of her death. Tiara had taken the reins and stepped forward as a permanent player by showing up here. He thought it was a little strange that she was so quick to get over her mother’s death… one would have thought she’d still be mourning.

Zachary had been privy to seeing her mother work several times. He’d been a teenager at the time, about sixteen years old actually. He still remembered the first time he’d watched Myra raise the dead. She’d done it in order to find the location of the demon that killed the victim she’d revived. Zachary shivered in remembrance of that night… it had filled him with fear and longing of the afterlife. It still haunted his dreams.

Myra had been the most beautiful and mysterious person he’d ever met and he was drawn to her… so were many men. He’d seen other guys beg to be put on her team for the night in hopes that they would get to sleep with her.

Rumor had it that those she slept with were more than simply lovers or one night stands… there was also a deep-seated friendship attached to it that kept the group together even when they were between jobs. It was almost impossible to get on her team because the men never left her side willingly… only by way of body bag.

The PIT members with wives or mates were never allowed to accompany her on missions as a rule, much less become a member of her regular team.

The dead also seemed to flock to her like a siren’s call. Unfortunately, demons were prone to the call as well. It was usually a powerful demon that had awakened the dead in the first place and when their underlings were called back to their graves, that demon would follow to see who was stealing from them. It was the reason why Myra had never been left alone in graveyards, funeral homes, or morgues.

The third time Zachary had been chosen for her team he’d shown up late, having been caught up in a fight with another demon. As he entered the graveyard, he’d witnessed something he knew he wasn’t supposed to see… even at that distance.

Myra had just put the graveyard back to sleep when her necromancy was answered by a very powerful demon.

The other PIT members present abruptly crumbled to the ground, knocked unconscious by an unseen force. Zachary had still been young, with only a few demon killings under his belt and quickly took refuge behind a tombstone… uncertain of what else to do. The power coming off the demon was something he’d never felt before and he knew it had to be one of the few master demons that still roamed the earth.

After a few moments of nothing happening, he gathered his courage and peeked around the edge of the grave marker.

The shadows in front of Myra were writhing, almost breathing with anticipation. That was when a tall handsome man with long silver hair much like Myra’s appeared from the darkness. Even with the distance separating them, Zachary could see the way the demon gazed at Myra… like he wanted to devour her. The demon then approached the necromancer who had just laid his zombies and ghosts to rest.

The panic that filled Zachary’s mind overwhelmed him and fire leapt from his hands in anger. He stood up from his hiding place, desperately rushing to save the woman he was supposed to be protecting.

Zachary hadn’t wanted the demon to hurt Myra and had every intention of rescuing her even if he had to burn the entire graveyard to the ground doing it. However, the demon had something else in mind. He slowly turned his head and locked his startling silver eyes with Zachary's.

Much to Zachary’s horror, his fire went out… so had his control over his own body. Although he’d fought it with everything in him, he still hit the ground, unable to move or speak. The first thing that went through his mind was that he was still conscious… unlike the other men littering the graveyard, and he had a perfect view of what was about to happen.

Myra had let the demon touch her… appearing to welcome it as she smiled seductively and placed her hand on his chest. She’d even called the demon by name… Deth.

Clothing was quickly removed and Zachary watched as the demon laid claim to Myra’s body. They’d made love against the tombstone behind them multiple times before the demon had whispered something in her ear making her lock loving eyes with him. They had shared one more kiss before the demon vanished into the night.

Zachary watched as Myra had slowly turned her head and looked at him… she’d known he was watching the whole time. Without a word she’d gathered her clothing and gotten dressed then waited for the rest of the team to gain consciousness. Zachary had regained use of his body after only a couple minutes and sat up, remaining where he was… as far away from Myra as he could get without leaving and silently stared.

She still looked just as lovely and even wore a soft smile. He didn’t understand… he didn’t understand any of it.

When the others awoke, they had no memory of what attacked them and, when asked, Myra had simply explained that all was quiet and the ‘attack’ had been nothing more than the backlash of power from returning the dead to their grave.

Zachary never repeated what he’d seen that night to another soul. However, after that, his trust in Myra had been shattered. He’d even made it a point to request other jobs so he would not have to go near her.

He’d also done his research on the demon she’d met in the graveyard and discovered that he’d been right… Deth was an ancient demon. The demon could have killed them that night, all of them including Myra if he’d wanted because he had killed in the past… killed many.

Myra was obviously playing for both teams… and that was a line none of them ever dared to cross. He found it mildly ironic that she’d met her end at the hands of a demon… or so the story had been told. Apparently, crossing that line had dire consequences.

Zachary refused to feel the sadness that tried to creep across his chest at her death… the last thing PIT needed was a traitor walking among them.

Pulling himself from the past, Zachary watched Tiara move across the large room below, listening to the India bells around her ankle jingle quietly and wondering how much like her mother she was. She could have been her mother’s doppelganger… just a younger version. She resembled a child in a woman’s body, completely innocent of the violence around her yet more than aware of it at the same time.

She possessed a golden tan, flawless skin, and the wide eyes of an innocent child. That innocence was somehow tainted by full pouty lips that made him want to feel them against his own. As he gazed at her, he realized he was wrong… her mother’s beauty didn’t hold a candle to Tiara’s. Just watching her made him feel like a stalker but instead of backing off he looked closer.

Her way of dressing made her look like she’d been taken straight from the caravan of a gypsy clan that had been lost in time. It was the same way Myra used to dress. He assumed it was tradition within that line of necromancers.

Tonight, her shirt was little more than a black square scarf folded into a triangle and tied around her chest, leaving her sides and back bare to show her temptingly flawless skin. Her skirt was dangerously low on her hips but covered everything else clear down to her ankles.

Doors started opening all around and people appeared from all corners of the castle, crossing the main room under him and he frowned at the distraction. Zachary’s cell phone went off and he took it out to read Storm’s text message.

‘Meeting in Ren’s office, bring Jason.’

“How the hell am I supposed to do that, use smelling salts?” Zachary muttered putting his phone away. Looking back toward the medical room, he blinked in surprise when the door opened and Jason poked his head out in the hall.

He cocked an eyebrow wondering if Storm spent every day popping in and out of existence to make things happen on the right time line. Just thinking about how long a day could stretch for the time traveler gave him a headache. But then again, if something was done wrong, couldn’t Storm always go back and fix it if he wanted?

“Glad to see you’re awake,” Zachary said with a smirk. “I trust you slept nightmare free?”

Jason came the rest of the way out of the room and slowly approached Zachary. “Yeah, I feel a lot better now that the death mark is gone.” He looked down at the activity below them and asked, “What’s going on?”

Zachary threw his arm around Jason’s shoulders and steered him toward the stairs. “Wanna see something really cool?”

Jason shrugged, “Sure, why not?”

“Good,” Zachary smirked, “you’re presence has been requested by our boss… your first official PIT meeting.”