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Modern Romance April 2020 Books 5-8
Modern Romance April 2020 Books 5-8
Modern Romance April 2020 Books 5-8


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Modern Romance April 2020 Books 5-8

The women he usually slept with had two modes of post-coital interactions—sultry invitations for a repeat performance or, more usually, a gentle probing as to how soon they could once again grace his presence.

One look at her showed Violet was far from exhibiting either of those cloying signs. If anything, she was in a tearing hurry to dress, her movements clumsy as she secured her bra and panties.

Momentarily arrested by her beauty and disarmed by the thought of never experiencing sex with her again, it took a moment to realise she was glaring at him.

‘If you’re worried this is some scheme to trap you, don’t. I’m on the Pill.’

The relief he should’ve felt was…minimal, stunning him anew at his actions tonight. He shuddered to think what else would surprise him.

He’d never dared a woman into sleeping with him, for starters.

When several indicators had pointed to her innocence, he’d still forged ahead. He gritted his teeth at the unfortunate pun, instantly reminded of her snug, mind-melting heat.

‘Why am I surprised that you’re freezing me out?’ she accused. ‘Everything you said was a lie, wasn’t it?’ she threw at him, refocused, affront coating every word.

‘I don’t believe I’ve even uttered a word,’ he returned, attempting to gather the control that’d shattered into a million pieces.

‘Believe me, your body language speaks volumes.’

‘And what is it saying exactly that has you so riled up?’

Dark blue eyes sparked flames at him. ‘Don’t patronise me. What happened to “what happens between us stays between us”?’

He shrugged. ‘Have I done anything to indicate otherwise?’

‘You’re not already wondering if this wasn’t some sort of trick that I performed on you?’

Since he’d thought exactly that, and he wasn’t about to admit it, he merely shrugged.

‘You’re unbelievable.’

‘You said you’re on the Pill. I’ll return the favour by saying you have nothing to risk healthwise from being with me. But your overly emotional reaction is…concerning.’

His icy delivery stopped her cold. Her eyes widened with apprehension as she stared at him.

‘Whatever happens after this please promise me that this isn’t when you decide to pay me back for what we both indulged in by ruining my life. My work is the most important thing in my life.’

Fresh shock unravelled through him. Did she really think him that callous? ‘I gave you my word and I intend to keep it.’

For a moment after she’d slid off the rock and stepped into the water, she searched his features.

Zak wanted to lower his gaze, evade whatever it was that she was looking for. Because he wasn’t thinking straight. Probably hadn’t since he’d got into the helicopter to come here.

Slowly, he let the ruthlessness his ancestors were renowned for, the ruthlessness some had accused him of, fill his veins.

What was done was done.

He’d slept with Violet Barringhall, despite his intention to stay away from temptation. He still craved her, if truth be told. Even now as she determinedly swam away from him and surged out of the lake towards where she had left the rest of her clothes, he couldn’t drag his eyes away from her curvaceous body.

But that didn’t matter.

There was no point wishing she was anyone but who she was, a risky venture he should never have tangled with. As he followed, his mind raced through every pitfall that could arise from this. By the time he boarded his helicopter again, he knew only one option was open to him and that was to ensure this never happened again.

Because contrary to what he had so loftily attempted to deny, Violet had almost come within a whisker of sliding beneath his guard, creating havoc.

He didn’t intend for it to happen again.

Two months later

Violet stood up shakily along with the cathedral full of the crème de la crème of European royalty, a Russian oligarch or six, and wall-to-wall dignitaries and celebrities. In unison, they watched the wide doors of the Duomo di Montegova, the sixteenth-century cathedral located on its own picturesque hill in Montegova’s capital, Playagova, to catch a first glimpse of the bride as she slowly made her way down the aisle.

While she made a pretence of being agog, her mind was far away, spinning wildly enough to give a whirling dervish a run for its money.

She wished she could stop thinking about everything that’d happened since that night in Tanzania. At least then her head wouldn’t spin so hard she feared she would pass out.

Fists discreetly clenched, she fought through the sensation. Under no circumstances could she break down here, now. Her mother’s eagle eyes would zero in on her and Margot would demand an explanation of what she’d termed ‘Violet’s odd behaviour’ in the past few days. Violet could only thank goodness her twin sister Sage had flatly refused to attend, and her older sister Charlotte, who’d held a secret flame for the Crown Prince, had been too morose at the announcement of Remi’s marriage to notice Violet’s less than radiant appearance.

No, she couldn’t give in to the hysteria bubbling beneath her skin.

She definitely couldn’t give in to tears. She’d succumbed to them a few times already, and these days it seemed as if tears waited around the corner, ready to exploit any unsuspecting emotion she succumbed to.

So she plastered a smile on her face, turned towards the advancing bride, hoping that her make-up would cover the worst of the shadows that had gleefully mocked her when she’d looked in the mirror that morning.

Thank God she’d declined her mother’s invitation to share a suite at the five-star hotel they’d been booked into for their stay in Montegova.

And thank God her mother was too busy lamenting the fact that Crown Prince Remi had slipped through her clutches, eliminating himself as suitor for her older daughter, to pay closer attention to Violet.

As she’d been doing for the last few weeks, her mother would spend most of her time gossiping and giving her opinion about the longevity of the upcoming nuptials, freeing Violet to wallow in her misery.

Violet didn’t have an opinion one way or the other. She’d only seen the bride, Maddie Myers, very briefly at the pre-wedding party thrown by the Queen two nights before, and Violet would be the first to admit that she hadn’t been at her best that evening either.

But then who could blame her?

You only have yourself to blame, the voice that had been haranguing her endlessly insisted. Recalling her behaviour that night at the waterfall, she felt the blood drain from her face. Weeks later, she could barely believe that had been her.

How she’d wrapped her thighs around him and urged him on. How she’d flaunted her rock-solid contraception in his face afterwards and promised he had nothing to worry about.

How very wrong she’d been.

Wrong and completely compromised.

She’d stopped bothering to decipher the ins and outs of how the contraception that was meant to be reliable had failed her. All she knew was that it had, and the promise she’d given now needed to be taken back. Because the very thing he’d feared had happened.

She was pregnant with Zak Montegova’s child.

An incontrovertible fact that had the power to render her speechless every time she thought of it. And she’d had a lot of time to think about it ever since her period had failed to make an appearance.

‘Ah, here’s Zak now,’ her mother said, anticipation throbbing in her voice. Completely unaware of the fresh barrage of shock she’d just delivered to her daughter.

Heart banging against her ribs, she followed her mother’s gaze.

Zak was escorting the bride, the confident half-smile aimed at Maddie sending discreet sighs throughout the cathedral.

Violet wasn’t one of swooning crowd. Been there, done that. The consequence of it was growing inside her this very minute. Nevertheless, she couldn’t help but gaze at the stunning image he made in his impeccable best man’s suit.

In the weeks since she’d last seen him, he’d stayed true to his word and given her nothing to worry about in the work stakes. What he’d failed to mention the morning after their night by the waterfall when they’d boarded his private jet back to New York was that his way of ensuring nothing would adversely affect their working relationship was to remove himself completely from any interaction with her.

Because no sooner had they arrived back in New York than he’d absented himself from the House of Montegova Trust, and departed for parts unknown.

She’d been left with more than enough to occupy her, had even gained much-needed experience on other projects, sent detailed reports to Zak after every completed task. But he’d neither acknowledged them nor made a reappearance in the New York office, leaving her with nothing but time to absorb the earth-shattering confirmation that she was pregnant.

With Zak’s baby.

Steeling herself against a fresh barrage of bewilderment, she attempted to drag her gaze from him as he neared, to hide herself behind elaborate fascinators and wedding hats.

But, with the accuracy of a guided missile, his head swivelled towards her, dark and stormy grey eyes singling her out of the crowd. The smile he’d been sharing with his soon-to-be sister-in-law evaporated. And perhaps she was deluding herself, seeing what she wanted to see, but Violet could have sworn he stumbled as he saw her.

Of course, that wasn’t true.

Her mother was godmother to his older brother. Her name was on the guest list.

And if neither of those facts had registered and suggested the possibility of her attendance, Violet had sent him emails, requesting a meeting with him, none of which he’d unanswered.

Leaving her with no choice but to succumb to her mother’s pressure to attend this wedding. She may not have been ready in any way for the news she now bore, but neither did she want to keep it from him.

It didn’t matter that she suspected he would treat it with even more of that icy disdain he was showing her now. It couldn’t be helped.

He was the father of her child and he deserved to know. Once she’d delivered the news, she could get down to the reality of how she would work her life around a child.

Her child.

Her hand crept towards her flat belly, as it’d been wont to do with terrifying frequency and a stunned joy these past few days. Sucking in a breath, she hastily dropped her hand. She needed to remain on her guard before her mother spotted the tell-tale sign.

The last thing she needed was her mother’s opportunistic interest ratcheting up the pressure that was inevitably heading her way now that Remi was off the market.

As if intuiting her thoughts, her mother turned towards her. ‘Be sure to find Zak and have him confirm that he’ll be writing you that letter of recommendation. I don’t really see the point of why you would go to such lengths to do the work and not capitalise on it.’

Violet bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from responding. She would be hunting Zak down but not to pursue the letter of recommendation. At least, not immediately.

While she needed the letter, it wasn’t her priority at the moment.

Besides, she had no right to the letter, not when she still had weeks left on her secondment contract.

She composed her expression when her mother sent her a sidelong look, turned to face forward and silently prayed for the time to whizz by so she could leave Montegova.

Her mother believed she was staying on for the post-wedding festivities planned by the Queen but Violet had changed her ticket for an earlier flight out of Montegova tomorrow. In all the scenarios she’d cast through her mind of how Zak would react to the news, she didn’t believe it would include an invitation to celebrate at the Royal Palace. Hell, he would probably throw her out of his kingdom himself.

‘Violet?’ her mother demanded under her breath, her eyes narrowing.

God, she really needed to get herself under control.

‘The bride looks stunning, doesn’t she?’ she said hurriedly, momentarily distracting her mother.

The ceremony began in earnest then, thankfully excusing her from conversation. Drowning in her own thoughts, Violet barely registered the ceremony. She offered congratulations when she needed to, smiled during the photographs afterwards and before she knew it she was being whisked into the jaw-dropping ballroom in the equally magnificent Montegovan Royal Palace.

Throughout the long speeches and the long line to offer congratulations to the Crown Prince and his new Princess, Violet was aware of Zak’s overshadowing presence. Just as she was aware that he was ignoring her.

More, she was painfully aware of the single socialites gravitating towards him with a sickening covetousness that set her teeth on edge.

She told herself she was irritated simply because his engagement with other guests was eating into the time she needed to tell him her news and make her exit. But the excuse rang hollow inside her.

Because, as she’d predicted that night after they’ve made love, he’d invaded her thoughts even more insidiously than he had six years ago. It was as if now she’d experienced true passion, it…he’d imprinted himself indelibly on her psyche. His absence from New York had sharpened her hunger, intensified it exponentially. So much so that even when she promised she wouldn’t glance his way now, her gaze defied her will, seeking him out as he danced with one stunning woman after another, exchanged laughs with his brother and courteously escorted his mother around the ballroom.

Knowing she needed to get herself under control if she was to remain level-headed for their upcoming meeting, Violet excused herself and made a beeline for the cloakroom. Retouching her make-up and taking several deep breaths lowered her heart rate by a laughable fraction, but beggars couldn’t be choosers.

Neither could they afford to linger interminably in the cloakroom.

Passing shaky hands over her dark peach floor-length gown, she headed for the door, a half-smile plastered on her face. The smile dissolved to nothing when she opened the door to find her elusive Prince framed in the doorway.


He wasn’t her elusive Prince. He was simply the elusive man who’d treated her like a pariah since taking her virginity. No, that wasn’t wholly accurate either, her inner voice mocked. She’d been a willing participant in the act, urging him on when he’d attempted to put the brakes on their passion.

While she wasn’t one to dwell on might-have-beens, Violet needed to face reality. And she needed to face it head on. With that in mind she angled her head to meet his gaze, even summoning that elusive smile to counter his mocking one.

‘Hello, Zak.’

‘For someone who’s been feverishly chasing me, you don’t seem particularly happy to see me,’ he drawled, his lazy tone belying the fiery intensity in the gaze that raked her from head to toe and back again.

Her heart dropped. ‘So you knew I was looking for you? And you didn’t bother to return my emails or get in touch?’

His arrogant, dismissive shrug sent an arrow of hurt deep into her chest.

‘The reports you sent regarding your projects were adequate enough not to require further discussion. Beyond that, I fail to see what you’d have to discuss with me. But seeing as you’re making personal demands, I thought I should double check.’

She barely managed to stop her fist from clenching. ‘I’ve been in Montegova for two days and at this wedding going on four hours,’ she said, not bothering to hide her caustic tone. ‘Are you making some sort of point by avoiding me?’

His gaze blatantly raked her again, lingering at the pulse racing at her throat before rising to meet hers once more. That intensity had risen, giving him an almost dangerous look. ‘You look stunning, Violet.’

Flames lit through her blood. She attempted to ignore it. ‘Don’t change the subject.’

His jaw tightened. ‘As I’ve said, your reports came in regularly and since nothing demanded my immediate attention, I drew my own conclusions as to why you were clamouring to see me.’

She refused to acknowledge the wild lurching of her heart. ‘Which were?’

‘That this demand is extremely personal. And since we discussed in detail how we wouldn’t make personal demands of each other in the aftermath of our…coming together, I thought it wise to give you a chance to rethink this meeting. Obviously, you have no intention of doing so, so let’s get this over with, shall we?’ he drawled, his tone extremely bored.

‘Wait, you think I’m gagging for more of the same?’

His eyes narrowed at her caustic tone. Then he caught her by the elbow.

Anyone who saw them would’ve believed he was escorting her but his firm hold told her otherwise. ‘Where are you taking me?’

‘Where the scene you seem to be intent on having will have minimal impact.’

Violet couldn’t help herself, she laughed. ‘You really are full of yourself, aren’t you?’

He didn’t respond, simply led her towards a set of double doors flanked by two uniformed sentries. With smooth precision, they opened the doors as Zak walked her through, and then closed them.

Despite having primed herself for this meeting, Violet was unprepared for the full impact of finding herself alone with Zak in a room that look like a smaller version of the one holding the wedding reception.

He hadn’t changed much. There was a tautness about his jaw and his hair seemed a little bit longer, lending him an edgier aura of danger.

‘I love a good appreciative scrutiny, but your timing leaves a lot to be desired,’ he drawled.

‘What are you talking about?’

‘Maman has admonished me not to attract attention or gossip at my brother’s wedding. Being locked in a room with an attractive woman isn’t the best way to avoid it.’

Violet felt heat wash up her cheeks and devour her face. He wanted nothing to do with her. Wished no hint of their association to be broadcast. For a moment, she contemplated just turning around and walking out. Let him discover the news that his indiscretion had borne fruit in a little over seven months.

But even as she contemplated doing so, she remained rooted to the spot. She’d barely been able to sleep in the last few weeks. There was no way she could do this to herself any longer.

‘Violet?’ Her name was a terse command from his lips.

‘Don’t worry, Zak, I don’t want to be here any more than you want me to be. But while I came to Montegova out of courtesy to your brother, I also did want to speak to you. And it has nothing to do with work.’

His eyes narrowed, suspicion growing with each second that passed between them. The blood rushed in her ears, the knowledge that once she released the words there would be no taking them back strangling her vocal cords.

‘You wish me to fetch the string quartet, perhaps? Add a little suspenseful music to this dramatic performance?’ he mocked.

‘You may find all this amusing or boring or whatever emotion you’re trying to project but, believe me, this is the last place I want to be.’

He tensed, his body solidifying to stone as he continued to watch her with an intensity that sent skitters of apprehension over her. ‘Then make it fast.’

Simply because her heart was threatening to hammer itself out of existence, her head spinning with the effort of keeping herself under control, Violet exhaled and let the words fall from her lips. ‘I’m pregnant.’

For the longest stretch of time he simply stared at her. Then his breath hissed in a sizzling exhalation. ‘Repeat that,’ he ordered.

‘There’s nothing wrong with your hearing, Zak. You heard me right the first time.’

Several emotions chased across his face, none of them calming her roiling senses. The ones she managed to decipher only accelerated her heartbeat, the shock at his discovery of her virginity in no way competing with the icy shock and anger that finally remained once he’d composed himself.

‘You are not reckless enough to attempt to trick me so I’m going to take you at your word,’ he rasped through flattened lips.

How she managed to locate her vocal cords to respond would remain a mystery to her. ‘I won’t thank you for that because I’m sure there’s an insult in there somewhere. Facts are facts, though.’

His nostrils flared as his gaze dropped down to her belly, drawing her attention to that telling gesture that had once again taken her by surprise. This time her hand stayed, splayed over her stomach in a protective gesture. When his eyes rose to hers, Violet could tell he’d fully acknowledged it.

A moment later he pivoted away, reached into his pocket and extracted his phone.

He spoke too fast in Montegovan for her to decipher even the word or two she understood of the language she should’ve mastered a long time ago if only her mother hadn’t pandered more to her English side. ‘What are you doing?’ she asked when he hung up.

‘You know my family’s history so you know I have a half-brother who was sprung on us the day of my father’s funeral.’

She frowned. ‘Yes. That isn’t news, is it?’ she replied, wondering where he was going with this. ‘What does that have to do with—?’

‘Very few people will ever know the depth of the chaos Jules’s unexpected arrival caused in our lives. Like you, her mother chose a significant occasion to deliver her news.’

She gasped. ‘Surely you don’t think—’

He cut across her once more, his tone icier than ever. ‘Believe me when I say that I’m not going to sit back and watch it all happen all over again.’

Her heart lurched at the intensity and determination in his voice. ‘I don’t understand.’

‘You will,’ he replied.

Heading for the door, he summoned one of the guards and returned to where she stood. ‘You will watch her. Make sure she doesn’t leave this room. Is that understood?’

The guard snapped to attention. ‘Yes, of course, Your Highness.’

Violet rushed forward. ‘Wait, what do you think you’re—?’

He turned towards her, his face a mask of determination as his eyes speared into hers. ‘Who else knows?’ he demanded.

‘I… No one.’

‘For your sake I hope that’s the truth.’

‘I’m not a liar, Zak!’

Without acknowledging her response, he turned and started walking towards the door.

‘Zak, if you think I’m going to be left here cooling my heels whilst you waltz off and do…whatever, know that it’s not going to happen.’

He stopped, pivoted towards her without approaching. ‘Tell me, Violet, was your intention in coming here to have a discussion with me?’

She slanted a glance at the guard, who stared into the middle distance, effectively mimicking a seen-but-not-heard stance most likely drummed into him as part of royal protocol training. Her gaze returned to Zak’s. ‘Yes.’

‘My duties are mostly finished but I cannot carve out the time for this without first going back to make my excuses. You will wait here for me to return.’


‘Unless you’ve changed your mind about the supposed urgency of this situation?’

For the life of her, Violet couldn’t see the web he was spinning even though silky threads whispered over her skin. She would’ve loved to flounce off after delivering the news, but she couldn’t sustain any more shocks. Couldn’t live in limbo as she tried to decrypt his full and eventual reaction to her pregnancy. She had to stay, see this through in order to better inform her next steps.

‘But we don’t have to do this right this minute, do we?’

‘And when do you propose we do it? That we get together at another state occasion, perhaps?’
