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Kidnapped For His Royal Heir
Kidnapped For His Royal Heir
Kidnapped For His Royal Heir


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Kidnapped For His Royal Heir

‘You’re right. The matter of your security and extra-curricular activities can await another time. I don’t wish to keep my minister waiting.’

The fact that he’d simply evaded answering her question puzzled her before she assured herself she didn’t really want to know what he’d meant. After all, it had nothing to do with her work.

She told herself that with every step down the long flights of stairs. With every arrogant step that testified that the man who walked beside her was no ordinary man. That he was high born and could trace his ancestry back almost half a millennium.

He gestured her forward at the front door. She stepped through, then startled at his sharp exhalation. A furtive glance over her shoulder showed the briefest flare in the straight blade of his nose. The tiniest hungry flicker in his eyes as they dropped down to her bare back.

A second later he was back under control, prompting her to wonder if she’d imagined that reaction.

Because Zak Montegova didn’t betray superfluous emotion. In all things he held himself under supreme control. As if he were still in the military position he’d held in the Montegovan air force in his twenties.

But he had that night.

That hard-packed body had been alive with passion, impatiently aroused and breathlessly all-consuming with it. Even though he’d snapped into chilling rebuttal afterwards, she’d experienced that blistering moment when his guard had dropped. When he’d given her a glimpse beneath his armour-plated façade.

For years Violet hadn’t quite been able to dismiss that fraction of a moment from her thoughts. Not as easily as the Prince had dismissed her, anyway. Even when she’d imagined she’d seen a residual memory lurking in his eyes the handful of times fate, or her mother, had thrown them together.

But it wasn’t until her arrival in New York that she’d known she was mistaken. It’d all been in her imagination. And she needed to kill those thoughts once and for all if she hoped to get ahead in life.

And she had.

For the most part...

But that vital final step eluded her. The last memory of sizzling heat, masterful hands on her body that had ruined her for much longer than she cared to admit. It was why she’d rebuffed any advances from the opposite sex. Because after a few tentative tries she’d known she was wasting time better spent pursuing a fulfilling career. Because even if those advances hadn’t eventually been ruined by her mother’s meddling or male interest only piqued by the whiff of scandal that followed her name, the memory of Zakary Montegova had always been there, a formidable apparition, rendering every man who came close an unworthy imitation of the accomplished Prince.

The man lauded as a genius. While his brother had been tasked with preserving Montegovan interests, Zak had been tasked with interests abroad. Within a handful of years he’d had heads of states at his beck and call. And that acclaim had gained power and glory with each passing year.

The sights and sounds of New York blasted in the moment they stepped out of her apartment building.

And into the path of a bicycle courier. The cyclist swerved, just as Violet took a hurried step back. Into the hard, towering body of Zak Montegova.

Strong arms gripped her arms to steady her. Fierce eyes drilled into her with a mixture of concern and brusque irritation and that enigmatic gleam that immediately drove the breath from her lungs. Everything fell away.

The courier’s irritated shout despite his blatant contravention of cycling laws.

The blare of taxi horns and loud hiss of bus brakes.

The scent of stale hot dogs and hot pretzels.

Only the searing awareness of skin-on-skin contact remained, taking up ever-expanding room in her consciousness until it was the only thing that mattered. Until even breathing became redundant. Secondary to the rush of having her every fear confirmed.

That, regardless of her mother’s machinations and Zak’s blatant reservations about her presence in New York, she harboured terrible secrets of her own. Secrets she’d taken turns scoffing at and then fearing.

On a sordid little street corner in New York City, Violet accepted the truth that the fairy tale was very much alive.

That the man who’d taken her in his arms, kissed her with soul-stirring expertise while murmuring husky Montegovan words to her, was still very much present beneath that stoic facade. That the man who’d come within a heartbeat of taking her virginity on the night of her eighteenth birthday was still the man she secretly yearned for.

That Zakary Montegova was the reason Violet was, at the ripe old age of twenty-four, still a virgin.

Hard on the heels of the bracing indictment came the realisation that he knew. It was there in the blaze of his grey eyes, in the awareness that rippled through his body. In the thumbs brushing her bare skin...testing her weaknesses?

A shiver ran through her body, spreading goosebumps all over her skin.

His gaze released hers for a moment to track her reaction while his hypnotic caress continued. When her nipples began to pearl, he didn’t miss it. Didn’t miss the acceleration of her heartbeat or the erratic cadence of her breathing.

As if from a distance, she watched his expression change, morph into calculation. It didn’t take a genius to guess he was cataloguing his every effect on her for possible use against her.

He made a sound under his breath, a curious cross between a growl and a visceral sound of satisfaction. Of a hunter having stalked his prey into a tight corner.

It was enough to drag Violet out of her stupor. Enough to stress the urgent need to redouble her efforts to resist her mother’s intentions.

But most of all to prevent Zak from confirming the truth.

At all costs.


WEAK MOMENTS HAD the power to bring down kingdoms.

Zakary Montegova knew this all too well.

So when Violet scurried away from him towards the limo idling at the kerb as if he’d suddenly contracted a flesh-eating plague, he let her go, following at a slower pace and absolutely rejecting what the sight of her smooth bare back and pert, rounded bottom did to his libido.

Dio mio, hadn’t his father delivered an abject lesson in weakness from beyond the grave? The repercussions of it had been deep and traumatic, and still haunted the royal Montegovan household to this day in the form of his much more reserved and circumspect brother, Remi. In the form of his mother’s quiet anguish, well hidden behind the façade of royal duty and the solemn, defiant refusal to be cowed by any circumstance. It was well documented in the antics of his illegitimate half-brother, Jules, the physical manifestation of their father’s weakness.

Most of all, it was what he’d witnessed within hours of his father’s death and the revelation of the late King’s infidelity. How close the seat of power had come to being usurped by greedy generals and shameless opportunists, eager to capitalise on the kingdom’s instability; that had shown Zak just how precarious temptation could be.

Weak moments had the power to bring him down.

It was why he led a life of hard work, harder diligence and zero trust in his fellow man. Why no woman had even the smallest chance of claiming him. Why he was more than content to leave the production of heirs to his brother, the Crown Prince.

So why had he allowed Violet Barringhall to burrow beneath his skin six years ago?

He’d nearly refused his mother’s request to attend her birthday party. He’d had better things to do than indulge his mother’s misguided friendship with the notorious Margot Barringhall, the infamous gossipmonger, opportunist and tabloid lover.

Everything he stood against. But his mother had insisted.

And from the first moment he’d seen the grown-up version of the girl he’d met very briefly only twice before, Zak had been unable to take his eyes off Violet. The hour he’d intended to spend at her party had turned to two, then four. Despite his distaste at the increasingly drunken behaviour of her so-called friends, he’d lingered. Followed her out into her mother’s garden, enticed by the timid but alluring feminine wiles she’d seemed determined to flex.

At some point he’d believed he was testing himself, seeing how far her enthralment would last. A misguided attempt at immersion therapy, over-exposure to several hours’ worth of temptation after which he’d walk away, triumphant over the pressure in his groin and the bewildering need to touch her. Taste her.

Find a mundane answer to why Lady Violet Barringhall intrigued him.

So he’d followed. He’d touched. He’d tasted. And craved more with an unending hunger that had dogged his waking hours for months. Driven him to investigate the Barringhalls. He’d felt no guilt over it, as it was in fact a practice he’d followed since his father’s death. He’d thoroughly vetted every affiliation to his family, tenuous or otherwise, ensuring the events following his father’s death never occurred again.

But he’d also secretly entertained the possibility of a liaison with Violet down the line.

Only he’d discovered there was nothing remotely honourable about the Barringhalls.

They were in hock up to their eyeballs, the Earl having depleted his substantial family resources through a dizzying series of bad investments and gluttony before his untimely death. After which his wife, Countess Margot Barringhall, had taken up the mantle, frantic to safeguard her way of life by indiscriminate dalliance with the press and, when they had come of age, attempting to marry off her daughters to any half-decent man with a large bank balance who was thirsty for a shoddy little title.

Zak’s disappointment in the discovery had been searing and shocking, his fury at nearly falling into Margot Barringhall’s well-laid trap elevating her and her daughters to the top of his to-be-watched list.

The phone call from his mother three months ago with the secondment request had fortified Zak’s guard.

Since her arrival, he’d thrown every menial task at her to push her into admitting defeat and pleading for her mother to intercede on her behalf.

The crunch point had never arrived. Perversely, he’d detested being proven wrong about her, and had piled more work onto her slim shoulders. She’d raised her game higher, exhibiting a finely tuned talent for understanding the needs of his trust, especially the work he undertook for the less privileged.

But Zak was rarely impressed. Violet Barringhall was a tougher cookie than he’d given her credit for, but the reminder of her body straining against his, her shockingly sexy little whimpers and greedy hands, were testament to her hidden skills. And that sometimes shy demeanour that hid a tart tongue? Si, it’d come within a whisker of rousing his jaded humour.

And therein lay the pitfalls. Allowing himself to be impressed, tempted, by her had nearly resulted in a gross error of judgement that could’ve cost his family untold misery.

It was why he stayed away from tall, statuesque women with silky, chestnut hair and eyes the colour of the turquoise-blue waters that sparkled beneath the Montegovan sun.

He slid into the car, watched her cross her legs in a curiously elegant way that effectively angled her body away from his. Poise, no doubt drilled into her in that expensive finishing school her family had ill-afforded, was evident in her ramrod-straight spine, the hands folded neatly over her clutch in her lap, and perfectly angled jaw.

The only thing giving all that decorum away was the pulse leaping at her throat. Her very silky, very smooth and supple throat. Creamy skin he wanted to stroke. To taste.


He stirred in his seat, registered what he was doing and froze.

Dio mio, since when did he fidget?

He told himself it was his annoyance that made him glance over her body, over her shadowed cleavage that gave a tantalising peek of her breasts. It was annoyance causing the fever in his veins.

‘You’re meant to be taking notes, yet you don’t seem to have brought any note-taking equipment with you.’

Shrewd blue eyes met his and...mocked him? ‘Perhaps because it’s no longer necessary to bring a whole stationery cupboard to take notes. I have an app on my phone—approved by the trust, I believe—to take notes and transcribe digitally. Depending on how quickly you want it, I can have it ready in an hour.’

‘And if I want it sooner?’ he asked, simply because his mood was decidedly testy and she was the cause of it.

‘Then I’d have to wonder why you’re even bothering to attend the fundraiser if you have far more pressing matters to deal with. Don’t get me wrong, I know you’re a master at multi-tasking but it would help to know what I’m supposed to prioritise.’

Their arrival at his embassy put paid to his errant thoughts and, thankfully, the need to dissect thereal cause of his disgruntlement. ‘Let’s go and find out, shall we?’

He stepped out, ingrained courtesy dictating he hold out his hand to her.

She accepted his assistance, slid out gracefully but almost immediately attempted to regain her hand. Zak released her but not before he once again registered the smooth, supple warmth of her skin. The need to keep touching her.

General Pierre Alvardo, Montegova’s defence minister, approached the moment they were inside the vast hallway of the Montegovan embassy.

‘Your Highness, thank you for meeting me. This matter is urgent or I wouldn’t have interrupted your evening.’

‘I’ll be the judge of that.’ Zak had accepted the meeting because Alvardo tended to be a little trigger happy. His mother had her hands full with parliamentary duties and his brother, Crown Prince Remi, was on a diplomatic mission in the Middle East.

Alvardo slid a glance at Violet, then addressed his next request in Montegovan.

Zak stopped him with a halting hand. ‘You may address me in English, Alvardo. Lady Barringhall has signed a confidentiality contract and knows the consequences of breaking it.’

Beside him, Violet gave a sanguine smile that somehow tunnelled straight into his bloodstream, heating it up several more degrees. ‘Lady Barringhall hasn’t forgotten, Your Highness. She doesn’t need to be reminded.’

Alvardo’s eyes widened but he hadn’t risen to defence minister without learning a thing or two about diplomacy.

In the conference room, Zak waited for Violet to be seated before taking his place at the head of the table. The moment she set her phone to record, he got straight to the point.

‘Is this about the group of dissidents you alerted us to two months ago?’

Alvardo nodded. ‘Intelligence reports they’ve doubled in number and may be planning an insurgency in Playagova in the near future.’

Zak tensed. ‘May be? You’re not completely certain of their plans?’

Alvardo’s gaze grew cagey. ‘We haven’t been able to infiltrate the group as easily as we’d hoped.’

Zak’s eyes narrowed. ‘You’re here to seek leave to openly pursue them?’ he surmised.

His minister nodded. ‘As the Queen’s appointed head of the Montegovan military, you will have to give express instructions for an active investigation into the group.’

‘Even though such an act could fuel anxiety, cause undue panic?’ he countered.

‘I believe it’s a small price to pay for absolute certainty.’

‘I don’t.’

Zak felt Violet’s gaze on him. He glanced at her, registered the relief in her eyes before she broke eye contact to fiddle needlessly with her phone.

‘But... Your Highness.’ Alvardo paused, and Zak got the notion he was measuring his words. ‘I’m of the opinion that this could get out of hand very quickly if not immediately dealt with.’

‘Then redouble your efforts to turn may be into concrete evidence. The Montegovan people have been through enough without causing ripples with unfounded rumours. Maintain surveillance without engaging and report back to me when something changes.’ Until then he’d make his own investigations, double check the general’s report.

With his mother’s recent but as yet unannounced intention to step down from the throne in favour of Remi, the situation would need extremely careful monitoring. The last thing Montegova needed with its recent history was another shaky period. ‘That will be all.’

The general rose, gave a grave bow and left the room.

Zak noted Violet’s heavy silence as he escorted her back out to the car.

It wasn’t until they cleared Midtown traffic and were heading towards the Upper East Side, where the fundraiser was being held, that he turned to her.

‘Ask your questions. I can see you’re about to burst from the effort of maintaining your silence.’

She pressed plump lips together for a short moment. ‘Is there really a threat to your country?’

He shrugged. ‘There’s always a threat. The trick is to separate the salient from the white noise, as it were.’

‘But what the general said...it all sounded urgent.’

‘Alvardo is a defence minister. He believes he wouldn’t be doing his job if he didn’t advocate fire and brimstone at every turn.’

She frowned. ‘Are you sure? It seems a little more than that.’

‘Probably because it is,’ Zak confirmed, then wondered why he was giving her this leeway, letting her into secrets that might come back to bite him.

‘And you’re happy to go along with such dire predictions? Are you really okay with such blatant...warmongering?’

‘I’ve learned to look beneath the surface, always. He makes his reports. I investigate further where I need to. The truth of the situation always comes out in the end.’ He couldn’t stem bitterness that stemmed directly from the secret his father had kept for over twenty years, only to have it explode in their faces even before the dirt had settled over his final resting place. But his statement was also aimed at Violet, more specifically at the plans she’d concocted with her mother.

He glanced at her, noted how her lashes swept down and away, pretending interest in the passing scenery outside the window. Si, Lady Violet Barringhall, like her mother, clearly thought they were pulling the wool over his eyes with this stint at his trust.

‘And do you think this situation requires serious investigation? Are people really plotting to bring the kingdom down?’ she asked after a moment with wide-eyed interest that appeared genuine. But then her interest would be genuine, wouldn’t it, if she had aspirations of elevating herself from Lady to Princess?

Zak shrugged with an ease he didn’t feel deep down. ‘There are those who believe the era of the monarchy is long past. That the people should dispense with the royal house altogether.’ He gauged her reaction. While her expression looked a little troubled, there wasn’t the cutting desperation he’d expected at the possibility of her coveted position evaporating before her eyes.

Perhaps she was a better actress than he’d initially credited her with being.

‘And what do you say to that?’

Centuries-old pride and the warrior’s clamour of his forebears drew only one answer from him. ‘My ancestors didn’t carve out a kingdom through blood and battle only to hand it over to a disgruntled few who believe they know what’s right for my people. Montegova isn’t ruled by a power-hungry figurehead who merely sits on the throne and collects taxes at the end of a fiscal year. My mother and brother are both active members of parliament. Their votes are just two among many that operate under a system of check and balances agreed by law. As the current head of the monarchy, the Queen has certain rights, granted, but she’s not above the law. Whatever injustices are felt should be addressed through the legal system, not through uprisings.’

‘That’s easy to say, though, some would say. Didn’t your ancestors stamp out dissension when there were bloody revolutions?’

He allowed himself a smile that didn’t quite unfreeze the chill in his chest, not when the memory of how close to chaos Montegova had come a mere decade ago echoed through him. ‘Precisely. So why follow the same tired route when we can forge new ones? Innovate, don’t imitate, isn’t that the saying?’

‘Why are you pretending to be flippant about this?’ she asked.

Zak tensed, despising the extra layer of disgruntlement her incisive observation triggered. ‘Perhaps I’m wondering what your motives are. Your task was simply to take notes. Why the sudden interest in Montegova?’ he tossed back at her.

She floundered momentarily before her composure snapped back into place. ‘I work for you, for the time being. Is it really so strange for me to take an interest, considering I have an affiliation with Montegova? Or have you forgotten that my mother is half-Montegovan?’

He hadn’t forgotten, neither had he missed how effectively the Barringhalls used that fact when it suited them financially. ‘And how many times have you visited the homeland you have a quarter claim to?’

She flushed, even though her gaze stayed defiantly on his. ‘Not as often as I would’ve liked—’

‘By that you mean never, am I right?’

‘We both know I’ve never visited Montegova.’

Perhaps it was time to root her out, turn the tables on this scheme by the Barringhalls and be done with this woman who tempted him like no other.

‘According to your résumé, you’ve been to the other side of the world. The life you choose to live on social media is fond of screaming that fact but you’ve never bothered to visit the homeland of your non-British ancestors on the other side of Europe? I’m sure you’ll excuse me if I find your concern for the state of affairs in my kingdom somewhat...lacking.’

‘My travels were funded by charitable donations painstakingly gathered over four years because I was determined to make a difference. And if by life on social media, you mean my job, then yes. It’s called raising awareness.’

His lips twisted. ‘There is a fine line between raising awareness and raising one’s own profile.’

‘Is there? How would you know? Isn’t your royal webpage managed by a team of social media experts? Or are you one of those royals who can’t resist having a secret profile so you can play the voyeur on other people’s lives?’

He allowed himself a riling smile. ‘If I do possess such a page, rest assured, I won’t divulge it to you.’

Hot emotion flashed through her eyes. But again it was swiftly swept under the cloak of utter composure. And why did that normally laudable ability suddenly grate on his nerves?

‘Because you, like everyone else, believe every single thing you hear about my family?’ she demanded, her tone holding a chilled note of censure. As if she was the one disappointed in him, not the other way around.

‘The evidence is hard to refute but I invite you to try.’

Her lips pursed again and, like a fool, he latched onto the motion, recalling far too vividly the taste and suppleness of her lower lip. The eagerness of her response. Did she still make those insane little sounds when aroused?

‘No, thank you. Far be it from me to waste my time on a futile task. Besides, we’ve arrived,’ she announced with more than a little relief in her voice.

Zak flicked a glance out his window, his ire increasing. He’d been so absorbed in her he’d lost all sense of time and place. He ignored his driver’s presence beside the back door and concentrated on Violet. On the answer she’d given him. Had she truly just refused a silver-plated invitation to interact with him?

Zak could honestly say he didn’t recall the last time the words no, thanks had fallen from a woman’s lips in his company.

And again he was...intrigued. He stared into the blue eyes regarding him with a touch of wariness and...reproof.

‘Your Highness—’

