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The manager's must-have guide to excelling in all aspects of the job Mind Tools for Managers helps new and experienced leaders develop the skills they need to be more effective in...
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Recent Events -from September 11, to the anti-globalization protests to the collapse of the high-tech boom have accentuated the sense that the global economy is moving into unchart...
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"Leadership the Sven-Göran Eriksson Way examines the leadership style of the Egnland football manager Sven-Göran Eriksson. Our argument is that Eriksson's aproach is important beca...
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The recent economic crisis was not just caused by a failure of regulation or economic policy; it was a story of the failure of management in a fundamental sense—a deeply flawed app...
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An employee's-eye view of what makes a great boss—and how you can become one Whereas most books on managing people approach the subject from the perspective of a manager of an idea...
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The economic crisis was not just caused by a failure of regulation or economic policy; it was a story of the failure of management in a fundamental sense—a deeply flawed approach t...
В этот день...
23 июня 1889 года родилась Анна Ахматова (настоящая фамилия Горенко) (ум. 1966), русская поэтесса.
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