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The Vibe. The Marketing Handbook for Every Product, Service and Industry – Gary Bertwistle

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While most companies claim to have a brand, only a few make an authentic connection with customers or clients. The rest simply have a logo that gets slapped onto the side of a truck or onto a shirt. Today it's brands that will thrive and survive, and to build a brand, you need to create the right vibe around your business. In The Vibe Gary Bertwistle shares his secrets, stripping away the jargon and highlighting the essential thinking required before you spend time, money and energy on promotion and advertising. Whether you're a commercial, industrial, retail or service company, this book gives you the tools to create a powerful brand in the minds of your customers. Easy to understand, practical and relevant for businesses of all sizes, with real examples of Australian businesses – The Vibe is what every brand needs!

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781742468358

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