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Work Makes Me Nervous. Overcome Anxiety and Build the Confidence to Succeed – Jonathan Berent

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A proven therapeutic method that channels workplace anxiety into powerful, confident performance Millions of people are afraid of work. The situations they fear may be different-public speaking (e.g., presentations and speeches), meetings, conference calls, new assignments, performance reviews, promotions or praise, client consultations, team projects, and so on. But the feeling is often the same: some combination of obsessive worry, fear of being noticeably nervous, clammy hands, racing thoughts, sweating, blushing, heart palpitations, trouble breathing, and more. That feeling is called «workplace anxiety.» And Work Makes Me Nervous is the cure. An effective self-empowerment training program, Work Makes Me Nervous lays out a proven therapeutic method for dismantling the wall between you and your ability to excel at work. The program trains you to: Channel workplace anxiety into powerful performance Identify anxiety symptoms and pinpoint where fears originate Achieve a High Performance Mind through a technique called Mind States Balance Abandon fear and ride the wave of adrenaline through every work situation Filled with real stories of real people and a 21-day developmental program of practical exercises and effective stress-management techniques, Work Makes Me Nervous will enable you to finally say, «I can handle whatever situations come my way.»

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470882160

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