Scary tales of adult life (Валентина Басан)

Scary tales of adult life (Валентина Басан)
Автор: Валентина Басан
Жанр: ужасы / мистикадетективытриллерыужасыпсихологические триллерыблогосфераостросюжетная современная прозаблогеры
Язык: Русский
Размер: 385662 Кб
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Описание книги:
Each of us has our fears: someone is afraid of the dark, someone in terrible nightmares dreams of balls of poisonous snakes, and some shudders at the very thought of a cemetery or grave. A collection of short stories called "Scary tales of adult life" consists of three creepy stories that take place in real life near us. In each of these stories, there is no mysticism, ghosts, or severed hands, but there are stupid, greedy, hungry for fame and profit, people who are ready to sacrifice everything, including the health and life of their loved ones. Содержит нецензурную брань.