Adventures of Michael the Cat and Aleksandra the Kitten. Happy birthday, Teo! (Валентина Басан)

Adventures of Michael the Cat and Aleksandra the Kitten. Happy birthday, Teo! (Валентина Басан)
Автор: Валентина Басан
Жанр: детская прозасказкидетские приключениядетские игрушкиприключения для детейдетская фантазияволшебные сказки
Язык: Русский
Размер: 385662 Кб
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Описание книги:
The adventures of Michael the Cat and Aleksandra the Kitten continue. This time they are going to their cousin Teo's birthday party. But not everything is so simple. They get into various funny situations, but in the final everything ends well.