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Cardiac Care – David Barrett

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Written by experienced clinicians, Cardiac Care: An Introduction for Nurses takes readers step by step through the patient journey, from initial prevention through the critical period to rehabilitation or palliative care. A fundamental resource for all those new to cardiac care, the book provides a basic grounding in the underlying pathophysiology of the disease as well as an understanding of available treatments and provides an accessible update on the latest research and trends in the cardiac specialty. The editors and contributors have years of experience caring for patients with cardiac disorders. Accessible and interesting update on the latest research and trends in the fast-moving specialty of cardiac care. The book has been designed so that the reader can ‘dip in’ at any point, to find out about a particular aspect of cardiac care.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470029183

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