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Forests and Woodlands – Nick Baker

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A practical guide for kids aged 7-11, by popular Really Wild Show presenter Nick Baker, full of exciting things to see and do pretty much everywhere.The habitat explorers are a series of four books containing numerous step-by-step projects to lead the curious young naturalist off down a path of exploration. These guides are not simply a tick list of things you can see (though they teach all those basic identification skills): rather they encourage kids to see what's around them by getting their hands dirty. And because they're so straightforward and safe to use, parents can feel confident in helping their kids to explore the wildlife around.Perfect for half terms and long summer holidays, whether you're in the back garden or on a family day out.In Forests and Woodlands Nick shows you how to grow your own mistletoe, how to age and measure trees, how to collect seeds and grow your own trees, and how to make a forest log.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780007563449
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