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“What’s the matter?” Andrea followed his gaze and instantly landed on what had caught his attention.

“What is that?” Dutch knelt and studied the rust-colored smudges near the door. “Is that blood?” His head came up, jaw set. “Did somebody hurt you?” He stood and squared off as though prepared to protect her from giant robots.

“I’m fine.” She forced nonchalance into her voice. “If you want to know the truth, I drew that blood.”

Dutch took a step back. “What did you do? I’m not ’bout to be in here mopping up evidence, am I?”

Laughter bubbled up at the suspicion in his stance. “I didn’t kill one of my patients, if that’s what you’re thinking. And the police have come and gone, so you can do whatever you’d like.”

“Well, if it’s not your blood, then whose is it?” He didn’t quite believe her.

“I wish I knew. A man came in here and tried to take one of my files.” And me, if he could. She dared not say that aloud. She might find herself with a homeless man as a permanent bodyguard. “I kicked him in the face and he left.”

“One of your patient files? Which one?”

“You know I can’t tell you who my clients are.”

For a moment, it seemed he was going to ask again, then he changed course. “You kicked a man in the teeth? Was he a big guy?”


“Always knew you had scrap in you, Doc.” Dutch chuckled and headed for the supply room, shaking his head. “You can take care of yourself, can’t you?”

Yes, she could. But that was something she didn’t want to have to prove again soon.

The door opened, scraping adrenaline against her raw nerves. That had to stop, or she’d fall to pieces.

A short, balding man stepped in, his purple uniform polo tucked into too-tight khaki pants. “Miss Andrea.” He extended a disposable cup of coffee to her.

She took the cup and smiled, the warmth of fresh-brewed coffee seeping into her fingers, up her arm and into her soul. Every morning, Mr. Miller stepped in right behind her with a cup of coffee and a dose of cheer. Just when she thought she was alone in this, God reminded her she had people looking out for her. “Mr. Miller. Always faithful with the coffee.”

“Always.” His grin nearly split his round face in two before it faded and he jerked his thumb over his shoulder toward his gas station next door. “My evening shift guy says he saw the police over here last night. You okay?”

“She kicked a man in the teeth,” Dutch called from the supply room.

Mr. Miller took a step back and nearly fell out the door as it opened again.

Josh slipped in behind the smaller man, nodding at her as he did.

This time, when her fingers tingled, it had nothing to do with fear. That needed to stop, too.

Glancing at Josh, Mr. Miller recovered his footing and stepped sideways from the man who was his physical opposite. Then he looked back at Andrea. “You kicked a man in the teeth?”

Josh chuckled, but that only made Mr. Miller glance back and forth between the two of them.

Dutch reappeared and started when he saw Josh. “Who are you?” The way he gripped the broom handle, it looked like he might just charge.

Andrea held up her hands, hoping to head off any misplaced protection. “Okay, everybody. I’m not used to three handsome men in my lobby at once.” Especially one in particular.

As if he knew what she was thinking, Josh winked at her.

Please, Lord, now is not the time to blush. She cleared her throat, made introductions then took charge of her small band of defenders. “Mr. Miller, I’m okay. Someone tried to rob me, but it’s fine now. The police are looking into it. Hopefully, it was an isolated incident.” Hopefully. But she doubted it. So did Josh, based on the set of his jaw.

Mr. Miller studied her as Dutch went back to sweeping in the corner. “Maybe I should aim a few of my security cameras your way. Make sure there’s always eyes on the place.” He nodded. “I’ll have all of my shifts keep an eye out for anything suspicious.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I do.” He laid a hand on her arm, which made Josh straighten slightly. Like he should be jealous of someone old enough to be her father. “I want to. Having you next door is so much nicer than having that check-cashing place here gouging soldiers.” He patted her arm, aimed a slight smile at Josh, then stepped for the door. “I should go. It’s payroll day.” He nodded at Dutch. “You coming to my place next?”

Dutch tossed a slight wave from where he leaned on his broom handle. “An hour or so?”

With an answering wave, Mr. Miller tripped on the threshold as he stepped out. “See you on Monday, Ms. Andrea.”

Josh arched an eyebrow.

Yes, Mr. Miller was awkward, but nobody treated her better. Except maybe Dutch. Her forehead wrinkled. She certainly had eclectic neighbors. “What brings you by so early?” she asked Josh. “Don’t you have to work?”

“Command gave us a four-day weekend now because we were doing an extended training exercise over the Fourth of July holiday.”

“Convenient.” Andrea let herself meet his eyes and wished she hadn’t. Something about him blurred the straight edges of her life until she wasn’t quite sure if she was fifteen or thirty-two.

“Still don’t know who you are.” Dutch’s broom ceased its swishing as he drew closer.

Josh extended his hand. “Josh Walker.”


The men sized each other up as they shook, seemed to come to some agreement and parted.

Dutch drifted back to the closet and reappeared seconds later, sans broom. “Think I’ll go see what Mr. Miller needs. You two look like you need to talk.” Without further explanation, he slipped out the door.

“What was that?” Andrea asked as she led Josh into her office and watched as he took in the room.


“That. Between you and Dutch.”

“Guy conversation.”

“So you’re friends now?”

“For life.” Josh grinned and leaned against her desk, his smile fading. “How long have you known him?”

Andrea sucked her upper lip between her teeth and studied the popcorn ceiling. Odd time to think of it, but she should have removed that before she moved in. “A couple of months. He does odd jobs for several businesses on Victory. For Mr. Miller, too.”

“And how long have you known Miller?”

“Since I moved in. Six months or so.” She tipped her coffee cup toward Josh. “Every day, like clockwork, he brings me coffee from his gas station next door. Why?” But even as she said it, she knew. “You suspect them?”

“I think everybody’s up to something right now. Don’t you?”

She hadn’t thought about it. “No. And especially not them.” Rounding her desk, she dropped into her chair and waited for him to sit in one across from her. “Have you stopped to think you’re the most likely suspect?” She unlocked the desk drawer and grabbed Wade’s file, slipping it onto the desk like it was explosive. And who knew? It might be.

“I have.” He nodded toward the folder. “You left that here last night? Unguarded?”

“Safest place for it. The police were here and, for all anyone knew, they were watching.” She flipped open the folder and stared down at the first page. It was easier than looking at Josh.

“You took the pictures to the police?”

She nodded, flipping through the folder to find Wade’s release of information form. Last night she’d realized that talking to the person he trusted the most—the one to whom he’d given permission to access his patient information—might yield a clue. It was a sheet she rarely glanced at, because it only supplied clerical details.

Her finger stilled when she located the form, then tapped the name penned there in Wade’s precise handwriting. What exactly was going on here?

* * *

“What is it?”

Andrea’s face paled and her eyebrows drew together so tightly they had to make her forehead ache.

Closing the file, she tapped the corner against her desk blotter. “You brought Wade here because he wanted help. But you also said Wade told you to come here if anything ever happened to him. Don’t you find that odd?”

“Guys coming and going from deployment say a lot of things like that.”

She shook her head, then held the folder out to him.

It was a fight to keep his face neutral as he grasped the thick packet, careful not to get his fingers anywhere near hers. The last thing he needed was to touch her and set crazy thoughts to racing again.

The manila folder lay heavy in his hands, the name Cameron, Wade typed neatly on a tab above what he assumed was a reference number. “Why give this to me?”

“Open it.”

“I can’t look at this, and you know it.” Heat flushed Josh’s face. He wasn’t a therapist or a lawyer, but everyone knew about confidentiality between a counselor and a patient. The idea that Andrea would breach that for any reason plummeted his respect for her about seven pegs, and with that drop came a sense of disappointment deeper than any he should feel. He stood and dropped the folder on her desk, ignoring her confusion. “You could have your license yanked for violating confidentiality.” Which presented a whole other dilemma for him. Did he tell someone? Or did he protect her?

“Sit down, Josh.” Her tone held authority and maybe even anger. “I should hope you’d know me better than that.” With a flick of her wrist, she flipped open the file, paged through, and jammed her finger onto a printed sheet. “Wade cleared you as the only other person who could put eyes on his file.”

Everything froze. Even the small clock on a low cherry bookshelf seemed to tick slower. “Why would Cameron choose me? I’m nobody to the kid, other than his first sergeant. There’s every reason not to want his chain of command to be given access to his records. In certain instances, what’s in here could wreck his career. It doesn’t make sense.” Josh sank into the chair and slid the file closer, scanning the release of records form and noting the slash through a previous name and his name etched in its place with precise print. “You’re sure he did this?”

“I’m no handwriting analyst, but he’s the one who filled out all of the other paperwork, and the handwriting all seems to be the same.”


“Couldn’t tell you. He never once mentioned you in any of his sessions. I’d have remembered hearing your name if he had.”

She’d have recognized his name, just like he’d have known hers anywhere. Did that mean she’d given him more than a passing thought over the years? Josh shook his head. That would be way too much to hope.

Andrea blushed a deep red and straightened a few pens on her desk into a neat row before she cleared her throat. “I never give the administrative pages more than a cursory glance, because that’s more up Grace’s alley. My receptionist. It’s the stuff she enters into the computer, and unless there’s a reason, I prefer not to go digging there. It can color my judgments, make me jump to conclusions.”

“So you just now noticed?”

She looked startled at the straightforward question, like it wasn’t the direction she’d expected him to go. “This is the first time I’ve opened the file in a couple of months. For some reason, he gave you permission to look into it. That makes you the only other eyes I have, because unless he’s threatened to hurt himself or someone else or the authorities bring me a court order, nobody else can see it.” She tapped a finger on the edge of her desk. “It’s just me and you on this.”

The folder nearly slipped from his fingers. It almost sounded as if the words meant more than they sounded like on the surface.

Great. Now his mind was playing tricks on him. He couldn’t get lost in the subtext of every word she said—not if he had any chance of protecting her. He hoped there wouldn’t be more danger, but something in his gut wouldn’t quiet down. It was a sixth sense developed over four tours overseas, and it had never done him wrong before.

What he needed was distance, to get out of her presence, to put his head on straight before he did something stupid like lean across that desk and kiss her.

Because that wouldn’t help matters at all.

“I’m guessing I can’t take this home with me.” Josh tried to keep the hope out of his voice.

“’Fraid not. I’m not so all-fire sure this is about anything in there, not after getting those pictures, but our visitor last night was a little too hot to get his hands on that file, which makes it the only hope I have of finding out what’s going on here. It’s not leaving my sight.”

“You’re planning to keep it with you?” His fight response marched double-time. Didn’t she know how stupid that was? “All it takes is someone to track you down—”

“And what? If anybody wants it that badly, they’ll break in here first. Since they didn’t try last night, it adds credence to my doubts about what they’re really after.” She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back in the burgundy leather chair. “Like I already said, that file’s a cover for something else. Something to do with me.” Her voice wavered on that last sentence. Andrea might be all bravado up front, but the memory of what had happened—and probably of what could happen—frightened her. It was clear she didn’t want him to know that, though.

“Let me keep it.” Josh gripped the folder so tightly the cardstock popped in protest. “They’ll never suspect—”

Andrea rocketed out of her chair like she intended to come across the desk and snatch the file from his hands. “You’re not listening to me. Is this the typical ‘hero’ tactic? Do you play movies in your head while women speak so you don’t have to hear what we say? It’s clear from those pictures they will come after me regardless. You putting yourself in the middle of this any more than you already are only puts you in danger, too.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” There was no way Andrea would ever understand what drove him. And he sure wasn’t about to tell her now. She’d break even the tenuous tie that bound them and never speak to him again.

“I don’t doubt that. But I also don’t intend to let you get caught in the crossfire.”

He gripped the file and stood, looking down at her, his throat tight with emotions he couldn’t define, though exasperation was probably highest on the list. “Too late.” Without looking back, he stalked to the door and vanished into the lobby.

* * *

Andrea glanced at her cell phone and winced. Nearly lunchtime. With Grace on vacation, she’d made the calls to her Friday appointments and canceled them last night, unsure if anyone would even be allowed in the building today. With no sessions, the day dragged on without mercy. It had been a vain hope that patient-free time would let her catch up on paperwork, but yesterday’s stress had scattered her thinking and twisted her mind to such an extent that even the smallest task took an eternity to complete.

It didn’t help that Josh had stormed out of her office over two hours ago, carried by emotions she couldn’t begin to puzzle out.

Okay, maybe he hadn’t exactly stormed out, but the rigid line of his spine and the complete silence of his exit spoke more than shouts ever would. As much as she’d replayed their conversation, she couldn’t figure out exactly what would cause that kind of reaction. Yes, she’d been stubborn, but that didn’t warrant his response.

She knew the only reason he was still in the lobby was because he’d never leave with that file, no matter how hot his anger simmered. He might disagree with her, but something told her he had the same integrity as always. She’d expected him to duck back in with something. A comment on Wade’s file, an apology for his strange behavior, a question about lunch... But nothing. Two hours and nothing.

Analyzing that man was half of the reason her paperwork had dragged on so long. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t ignore the pull of his presence just a few feet away, on the other side of a door that might as well be made of lead.

A familiar low hum pulsed into the room. It took a moment for Andrea to place the sound, and when it processed, she whirled as a sheet slipped into the wireless printer. The wheels on her chair squeaked as she rolled backward. Josh couldn’t have logged into Grace’s computer without a password, so who was printing on her machine?

Slowly, an image formed. Andrea and Dutch, standing by her car. This morning. The photo was taken this time through a car windshield from one of the parking lots to the west of the center.

Again, red words were scrawled across the photo. We’re still watching.

She drew in a sharp breath and willed her fingers not to shake as she pulled the paper from the machine.

Andrea shoved her chair back and stood, every cell focused on that photo. “Josh?”

No answer.

Spider steps of fear ran up her arms. Not knowing what was happening on the other side of the door made her body tense. She swallowed hard and shook off the irrational thought that someone had slipped in and murdered Josh while she worked only feet away. Things like that didn’t happen outside of horror movies. Or war zones. Even though her life felt like both right now, that couldn’t possibly happen. “Josh? They sent another picture.” That should get his attention.

Still nothing. No rustle of movement. No answering call. It was as still as if she were alone in the world.

Something was definitely wrong. Andrea edged toward the door and gathered her last ounce of courage, ignoring the pounding of her heart as it throbbed in her ears. As softly as possible, she eased the door open, keeping out of sight from the windows in the lobby, trying to catch a glimpse of Josh.

The midday sun, nearly straight overhead, bounced off the windshield of her car in the parking lot, reflecting on the glass in the lobby and casting shadows that wavered in the heat. Josh sat at Grace’s desk with his arms crossed, just out of reach of the brightest streaks, his forehead resting on his palms, seemingly absorbed in the file in front of him. From this angle, though, she could see that his eyes weren’t on the pages but focused on the front windows.

Josh glanced to the side when she appeared in the doorway. “Stay there,” he hissed.

Andrea blinked against the adrenaline that shot through her from her scalp to her toes. “What’s wrong?”

“Hopefully nothing.” Josh shifted, raised his head and stretched, rubbing the back of his neck. He ran his hand down his face to block his mouth. “Truck pulled up in the parking lot about three minutes ago.”

“Did you call the police?”

“Not yet. I don’t want to tip them off that I—” His entire body tensed, his fingers tightening on his face. “Go in your office. Lock the door. Now.”


“Someone’s coming. Now!”

The whispered shout galvanized her. Without waiting to see what came next, Andrea slammed the door and pushed the lock, then looked around the room and lunged for the phone on her desk.

There were no windows to see what was happening. No portal through which to escape. Her adrenaline-numbed fingers fumbled the handset of her desk phone.

No way out. She had no way out.

And she’d left Josh at the mercy of a potential killer.

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