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Option Strategies for Directionless Markets. Trading with Butterflies, Iron Butterflies, and Condors –

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Making great trades in a directionless market can be a challenge, and directionless markets occur more frequently than bull and bear markets combined. Options pioneer Anthony J. Saliba provides the tools and tactics needed to take advantage of a sideways market. Saliba focuses on strategies in the butterfly family of options: butterflies, condors, and iron butterflies, showing how to the use these sophisticated tools in directionless markets. This hands-on guide illustrates numerous market scenarios to show you step-by-step how and when to apply these butterfly strategies. You’ll find out how to identify, enter, manage, and exit a trade. Exercises and quizzes test your comprehension to make sure you have the knowledge to tackle directionless markets.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470883211

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